2021-05-31 18:59:24 +00:00
import asyncio
import logging
import re
from itertools import count
import aiohttp
import aioitertools
import requests
import streamlit as st
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
def get_resolved_questions(uid, platform_url, headers, cookies):
f"[ ] get_resolved_questions for uid={uid}, platform_url={platform_url}"
questions = [] # [question_id]
for page_num in count(1):
url = f"{platform_url}/memberships/{uid}/scores/?page={page_num}"
page = requests.get(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies).text
extracted_qs = re.findall("/questions/(\d+)", page)
if not extracted_qs:
f"[X] get_resolved_questions for uid={uid}, platform_url={platform_url}"
return questions
async def get_question_resolution(qid, platform_url, session):
2021-05-31 19:45:21 +00:00
f"[ ] get_question_resolution for qid={qid}, platform_url={platform_url}"
2021-05-31 18:59:24 +00:00
url = f"{platform_url}/questions/{qid}"
async with session.get(url) as resp:
if resp.status != 200:
f"get_question_resolution for uid={uid}, platform_url={platform_url} | "
f"resp.status == {resp.status} → {resp.reason}"
page = await resp.text()
soup = BeautifulSoup(page, "html.parser")
soup = soup.find_all("div", {"id": "prediction-interface-container"})[0]
binary = soup.find_all("div", {"class": "binary-probability-value"})
if binary:
y_true = (0, 1) if re.search("Yes", binary[1].text) is None else (1, 0)
tables = soup.find_all("table")
y_true = tuple(len(tr.findAll("i")) for tr in tables[0].findAll("tr")[1:])
2021-05-31 19:48:44 +00:00
f"[X] get_question_resolution for qid={qid}, platform_url={platform_url}"
2021-05-31 18:59:24 +00:00
return {"y_true": y_true}
def _extract_forecasts_from_page(page):
soup = BeautifulSoup(page, "html.parser")
soup_predictions = soup.find_all("div", {"class": "prediction-values"})
predictions = [re.findall("\n\s*(\d+)%", p_tag.text) for p_tag in soup_predictions]
predictions = [tuple(int(prob) / 100 for prob in pred) for pred in predictions]
predictions = [
(pred[0], 1 - pred[0]) if len(pred) == 1 else pred for pred in predictions
# I search for a line containing "made a forecast"
# I search for the next line containig <span data-localizable-timestamp="[^"]*">
# And graab a timestamp from it
timestamps = []
looking_for_a_forecast = True
for line in page.split("\n"):
if looking_for_a_forecast:
hit = re.findall("made a forecast", line)
if hit:
looking_for_a_forecast = False
hit = re.findall('<span data-localizable-timestamp="([^"]+)">', line)
if hit:
looking_for_a_forecast = True
if len(timestamps) != len(predictions):
f"In _extract_forecasts_from_page with uid={uid}, qid={qid}, page_num={page_num} "
f"got different number of predictions ({len(timestamps)}) and timestamps ({len(predictions)})."
return [
{"y_pred": pred, "timestamp": timestamp}
for pred, timestamp in zip(predictions, timestamps)
async def get_forecasts_on_the_question(uid, qid, platform_url, session):
f"[ ] get_forecasts_on_the_question for uid={uid}, qid={qid}, platform_url={platform_url}"
forecasts = [] # [{"y_pred": (probs, ...), "timestamp": timestamp}, ...]
for page_num in count(1):
url = f"{platform_url}/questions/{qid}/prediction_sets?membership_id={uid}&page={page_num}"
async with session.get(url) as resp:
if resp.status != 200:
f"get_forecasts_on_the_question for uid={uid}, qid={qid}, platform_url={platform_url} | "
f"resp.status == {resp.status} → {resp.reason}"
page = await resp.text()
extracted_forecasts = _extract_forecasts_from_page(page)
if not extracted_forecasts:
f"[X] get_forecasts_on_the_question for uid={uid}, qid={qid}, platform_url={platform_url}"
return forecasts
# ---
async def async_get_forecasts(uid, questions, platform_url, headers, cookies):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=headers, cookies=cookies) as session:
forecasts_list = await aioitertools.asyncio.gather(
get_forecasts_on_the_question(uid, q, platform_url, session)
for q in questions
return {q: forecasts_list[i] for i, q in enumerate(questions)}
async def async_get_resolutions(questions, platform_url, headers, cookies):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=headers, cookies=cookies) as session:
resolutions_list = await aioitertools.asyncio.gather(
*[get_question_resolution(q, platform_url, session) for q in questions],
return {q: resolutions_list[i] for i, q in enumerate(questions)}
def request_forecasts(uid, missing_forecasts_qs, platform_url, headers, cookies):
return asyncio.run(
async_get_forecasts(uid, missing_forecasts_qs, platform_url, headers, cookies)
def request_resolutions(missing_resolutions_qs, platform_url, headers, cookies):
return asyncio.run(
async_get_resolutions(missing_resolutions_qs, platform_url, headers, cookies)