497 lines
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497 lines
16 KiB
* This file is part of esp name: (), var_type: (), params: ()anso.
* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Federico Terzi
* espanso is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* espanso is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with espanso. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use crate::{
CasingStyle, Context, Extension, ExtensionOutput, ExtensionResult, RenderOptions, RenderResult,
Renderer, Scope, Template, Value, Variable
use log::{error, warn};
use regex::{Captures, Regex};
use thiserror::Error;
use util::get_body_variable_names;
mod util;
lazy_static! {
pub(crate) static ref VAR_REGEX: Regex =
static ref WORD_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"(\w+)").unwrap();
pub(crate) struct DefaultRenderer {
extensions: HashMap<String, Box<dyn Extension>>,
impl DefaultRenderer {
pub fn new(extensions: Vec<Box<dyn Extension>>) -> Self {
let extensions = extensions
.map(|ext| (ext.name().to_string(), ext))
Self { extensions }
impl Renderer for DefaultRenderer {
fn render(
template: &Template,
context: &Context,
options: &RenderOptions,
) -> RenderResult {
let body = if VAR_REGEX.is_match(&template.body) {
// In order to define a variable evaluation order, we first need to find
// the global variables that are being used but for which an explicit order
// is not defined.
let body_variable_names = get_body_variable_names(&template.body);
let local_variable_names: HashSet<&str> =
template.vars.iter().map(|var| var.name.as_str()).collect();
let missing_global_variable_names: HashSet<&str> = body_variable_names
let missing_global_variables: Vec<&Variable> = context
.filter(|global_var| missing_global_variable_names.contains(&*global_var.name))
// Convert "global" variable type aliases when needed
let local_variables: Vec<&Variable> =
if template.vars.iter().any(|var| var.var_type == "global") {
let global_vars: HashMap<&str, &Variable> = context
.map(|var| (&*var.name, *var))
.filter_map(|var| {
if var.var_type == "global" {
} else {
} else {
template.vars.iter().map(|var| var).collect()
// The implicit global variables will be evaluated first, followed by the local vars
let mut variables: Vec<&Variable> = Vec::new();
// Compute the variable outputs
let mut scope = Scope::new();
for variable in variables {
if variable.var_type == "match" {
// Recursive call
// Call render recursively
if let Some(sub_template) = get_matching_template(variable, context.templates.as_slice())
match self.render(sub_template, context, options) {
RenderResult::Success(output) => {
scope.insert(&variable.name, ExtensionOutput::Single(output));
result => return result,
} else {
error!("unable to find sub-match: {}", variable.name);
return RenderResult::Error(RendererError::MissingSubMatch.into());
} else if let Some(extension) = self.extensions.get(&variable.var_type) {
match extension.calculate(context, &scope, &variable.params) {
ExtensionResult::Success(output) => {
scope.insert(&variable.name, output);
ExtensionResult::Aborted => {
"rendering was aborted by extension: {}, on var: {}",
variable.var_type, variable.name
return RenderResult::Aborted;
ExtensionResult::Error(err) => {
"extension '{}' on var: '{}' reported an error: {}",
variable.var_type, variable.name, err
return RenderResult::Error(err);
} else {
"no extension found for variable type: {}",
// Replace the variables
let mut replacing_error = None;
let output = VAR_REGEX
.replace_all(&template.body, |caps: &Captures| {
let var_name = caps.name("name").unwrap().as_str();
let var_subname = caps.name("subname");
match scope.get(var_name) {
Some(output) => match output {
ExtensionOutput::Single(output) => output,
ExtensionOutput::Multiple(results) => match var_subname {
Some(var_subname) => {
let var_subname = var_subname.as_str();
results.get(var_subname).map_or("", |value| &*value)
None => {
"nested name missing from multi-value variable: {}",
replacing_error = Some(RendererError::MissingVariable(format!("nested name missing from multi-value variable: {}", var_name)));
None => {
replacing_error = Some(RendererError::MissingVariable(format!("variable {} is missing", var_name)));
if let Some(error) = replacing_error {
return RenderResult::Error(error.into());
} else {
// Process the casing style
let body_with_casing = match options.casing_style {
CasingStyle::None => body,
CasingStyle::Uppercase => body.to_uppercase(),
CasingStyle::Capitalize => {
// Capitalize the first letter
let mut v: Vec<char> = body.chars().collect();
v[0] = v[0].to_uppercase().next().unwrap();
CasingStyle::CapitalizeWords => {
// Capitalize the first letter of each word
WORD_REGEX.replace_all(&body, |caps: &Captures| {
if let Some(word_match) = caps.get(0) {
let mut v: Vec<char> = word_match.as_str().chars().collect();
v[0] = v[0].to_uppercase().next().unwrap();
let capitalized_word: String = v.into_iter().collect();
} else {
fn get_matching_template<'a>(
variable: &Variable,
templates: &'a [&Template],
) -> Option<&'a Template> {
// Find matching template
let id = variable.params.get("trigger")?;
if let Value::String(id) = id {
.find(|template| template.ids.contains(id))
} else {
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum RendererError {
#[error("missing variable: `{0}`")]
#[error("missing sub match")]
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::Params;
use std::iter::FromIterator;
struct MockExtension {}
impl Extension for MockExtension {
fn name(&self) -> &str {
fn calculate(
_context: &Context,
scope: &Scope,
params: &crate::Params,
) -> ExtensionResult {
if let Some(value) = params.get("echo") {
if let Value::String(string) = value {
return ExtensionResult::Success(ExtensionOutput::Single(string.clone()));
// If the "read" param is present, echo the value of the corresponding result in the scope
if let Some(value) = params.get("read") {
if let Value::String(string) = value {
if let Some(ExtensionOutput::Single(value)) = scope.get(string.as_str()) {
return ExtensionResult::Success(ExtensionOutput::Single(value.to_string()));
if params.get("abort").is_some() {
return ExtensionResult::Aborted;
if params.get("error").is_some() {
return ExtensionResult::Error(RendererError::MissingVariable("missing".to_string()).into())
pub fn get_renderer() -> impl Renderer {
DefaultRenderer::new(vec![Box::new(MockExtension {})])
pub fn template_for_str(str: &str) -> Template {
Template {
ids: vec!["id".to_string()],
body: str.to_string(),
vars: Vec::new(),
pub fn template(body: &str, vars: &[(&str, &str)]) -> Template {
let vars = vars.iter().map(|(name, value)| {
Variable {
name: (*name).to_string(),
var_type: "mock".to_string(),
params: Params::from_iter(vec![("echo".to_string(), Value::String((*value).to_string()))].into_iter())
Template {
ids: vec!["id".to_string()],
body: body.to_string(),
fn no_variable_no_styling() {
let renderer = get_renderer();
let res = renderer.render(&template_for_str("plain body"), &Default::default(), &Default::default());
assert!(matches!(res, RenderResult::Success(str) if str == "plain body"));
fn no_variable_capitalize() {
let renderer = get_renderer();
let res = renderer.render(&template_for_str("plain body"), &Default::default(), &RenderOptions {
casing_style: CasingStyle::Capitalize,
assert!(matches!(res, RenderResult::Success(str) if str == "Plain body"));
fn no_variable_capitalize_words() {
let renderer = get_renderer();
let res = renderer.render(&template_for_str("ordinary least squares, with other.punctuation !Marks"), &Default::default(), &RenderOptions {
casing_style: CasingStyle::CapitalizeWords,
assert!(matches!(res, RenderResult::Success(str) if str == "Ordinary Least Squares, With Other.Punctuation !Marks"));
fn no_variable_uppercase() {
let renderer = get_renderer();
let res = renderer.render(&template_for_str("plain body"), &Default::default(), &RenderOptions {
casing_style: CasingStyle::Uppercase,
assert!(matches!(res, RenderResult::Success(str) if str == "PLAIN BODY"));
fn basic_variable() {
let renderer = get_renderer();
let template = template("hello {{var}}", &[("var", "world")]);
let res = renderer.render(&template, &Default::default(), &Default::default());
assert!(matches!(res, RenderResult::Success(str) if str == "hello world"));
fn missing_variable() {
let renderer = get_renderer();
let template = template_for_str("hello {{var}}");
let res = renderer.render(&template, &Default::default(), &Default::default());
assert!(matches!(res, RenderResult::Error(_)));
fn global_variable() {
let renderer = get_renderer();
let template = template("hello {{var}}", &[]);
let res = renderer.render(&template, &Context {
global_vars: vec![
&Variable {
name: "var".to_string(),
var_type: "mock".to_string(),
params: Params::from_iter(vec![("echo".to_string(), Value::String("world".to_string()))])
}, &Default::default());
assert!(matches!(res, RenderResult::Success(str) if str == "hello world"));
fn global_variable_explicit_ordering() {
let renderer = get_renderer();
let template = Template {
body: "hello {{var}} {{local}}".to_string(),
vars: vec![
Variable {
name: "local".to_string(),
var_type: "mock".to_string(),
params: Params::from_iter(vec![("echo".to_string(), Value::String("Bob".to_string()))].into_iter())
Variable {
name: "var".to_string(),
var_type: "global".to_string(),
let res = renderer.render(&template, &Context {
global_vars: vec![
&Variable {
name: "var".to_string(),
var_type: "mock".to_string(),
params: Params::from_iter(vec![("read".to_string(), Value::String("local".to_string()))])
}, &Default::default());
assert!(matches!(res, RenderResult::Success(str) if str == "hello Bob Bob"));
fn nested_match() {
let renderer = get_renderer();
let template = Template {
body: "hello {{var}}".to_string(),
vars: vec![
Variable {
name: "var".to_string(),
var_type: "match".to_string(),
params: Params::from_iter(vec![("trigger".to_string(), Value::String("nested".to_string()))].into_iter())
let nested_template = Template {
ids: vec!["nested".to_string()],
body: "world".to_string(),
let res = renderer.render(&template, &Context {
templates: vec![&nested_template],
}, &Default::default());
assert!(matches!(res, RenderResult::Success(str) if str == "hello world"));
fn missing_nested_match() {
let renderer = get_renderer();
let template = Template {
body: "hello {{var}}".to_string(),
vars: vec![
Variable {
name: "var".to_string(),
var_type: "match".to_string(),
params: Params::from_iter(vec![("trigger".to_string(), Value::String("nested".to_string()))].into_iter())
let res = renderer.render(&template, &Context {
}, &Default::default());
assert!(matches!(res, RenderResult::Error(_)));
fn extension_aborting_propagates() {
let renderer = get_renderer();
let template = Template {
body: "hello {{var}}".to_string(),
vars: vec![
Variable {
name: "var".to_string(),
var_type: "mock".to_string(),
params: Params::from_iter(vec![("abort".to_string(), Value::Null)].into_iter()),
let res = renderer.render(&template, &Default::default(), &Default::default());
assert!(matches!(res, RenderResult::Aborted));
fn extension_error_propagates() {
let renderer = get_renderer();
let template = Template {
body: "hello {{var}}".to_string(),
vars: vec![
Variable {
name: "var".to_string(),
var_type: "mock".to_string(),
params: Params::from_iter(vec![("error".to_string(), Value::Null)].into_iter()),
let res = renderer.render(&template, &Default::default(), &Default::default());
assert!(matches!(res, RenderResult::Error(_)));