
109 lines
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//! ```cargo
//! [dependencies]
//! cc = "1.0.66"
//! glob = "0.3.0"
//! envmnt = "*"
//! ```
use std::process::Command;
use std::path::PathBuf;
const TARGET_DIR: &str = "target/windows/portable";
fn main() {
// Clean the target directory
// Create the target directory
std::fs::create_dir_all(TARGET_DIR).expect("unable to create target directory");
let target_dir = PathBuf::from(TARGET_DIR);
if !target_dir.is_dir() {
panic!("expected target directory, found none");
// We first need to find all the DLLs to redistribute with the binary
// These are found inside the MSVC compiler directory, usually in a place like:
// C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Redist\MSVC\14.28.29910\x64\Microsoft.VC142.CRT
// and they include files like vcruntime140.dll and msvcp140.dll
// First, we try to find the directory containing the various versions:
// C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Redist\MSVC\
let tool = cc::windows_registry::find_tool("msvc", "msbuild")
.expect("unable to locate MSVC compiler, did you install Visual Studio?");
let mut versions_dir = None;
let mut current_root = tool.path();
while let Some(parent) = current_root.parent() {
let target = parent.join("VC").join("Redist").join("MSVC");
if target.exists() {
versions_dir = Some(target);
current_root = parent;
let versions_dir = versions_dir.expect(
r"unable to find path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Redist\MSVC",
// Then we try to find a suitable directory containing the required DLLs
// C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Redist\MSVC\14.28.29910\x64\Microsoft.VC142.CRT
let glob_pattern = format!(
println!("glob_pattern: {}", glob_pattern);
let mut target_file = glob::glob(&glob_pattern)
.expect("failed to read glob pattern")
.expect("unable to find vcruntime140_1.dll file")
.expect("unable to extract path of vcruntime140_1.dll file");
// Copy the DLLs in the target directory
let parent_dir = target_file.parent().expect("unable to obtain directory containing DLLs");
for entry in glob::glob(&format!(r"{}\*.dll", parent_dir.to_string_lossy().to_string())).expect("unable to glob over DLLs") {
let entry = entry.expect("unable to unwrap DLL entry");
let filename = entry.file_name().expect("unable to obtain filename");
std::fs::copy(&entry, target_dir.join(filename));
// Copy the executable
let exec_path = envmnt::get_or_panic("EXEC_PATH");
let exec_file = PathBuf::from(&format!("{}.exe", exec_path));
if !exec_file.is_file() {
panic!("expected espanso binary, found none in {:?}", exec_file);
std::fs::copy(exec_file, target_dir.join("espansod.exe"));
// Create the CLI wrapper
std::fs::write(target_dir.join("espanso.cmd"), r#"@"%~dp0espansod.exe" %*"#).unwrap();
// Create the launcher
std::fs::write(target_dir.join("START_ESPANSO.bat"), r#"start espansod.exe launcher"#).unwrap();
// Create the necessary folders
std::fs::create_dir_all(target_dir.join(".espanso")).expect("unable to create data directory");
std::fs::create_dir_all(target_dir.join(".espanso-runtime")).expect("unable to create runtime directory");
std::fs::write(target_dir.join("README.txt"), r##"Welcome to Espanso (Portable edition)!
To start espanso, you can double click on "START_ESPANSO.bat"
After the first run, you will see some files in the ".espanso" directory.
This is where your snippets and configurations should be defined.
For more information, please visit the official documentation:
IMPORTANT: Don't delete any file or directory, otherwise espanso won't work.
Espanso also offers a rich CLI interface. To start it from the terminal, cd into the
current directory and run "espanso start". You can also run "espanso --help" for more information.
You might have noticed that the directory contains both an "espansod.exe" and an "espanso.cmd" file.
You should generally avoid running "espansod.exe" directly, and instead use the "espanso.cmd"
wrapper (which can simply be run as "espanso" in the terminal). This is needed to correctly manage
STD console handles on Windows.