import axios from "axios"; let data = [ { source: "Thinking Fast and Slow", target: "The Mathematical Theory of Communication", distance: 99999.99999999999, reasoning: "TFS: Not original work. 1 million buyers, 0.3m readers, 0.03m did anything with it long-term. Debiasing doesn't work that much. But maybe some general sanity effects.\nMTC: foundational to half of good fields. Direct applications key to telecoms and internet, AI. Is very natural and probably invented anyway, but let's ignore replaceability. ", }, { source: "The Global Priorities Institute's Research Agenda", target: "Superintelligence", distance: 100, reasoning: "GPI: good stuff but v v hard questions read by ~200.\nSuperintelligence: Maybe 50,000 copies? associated interview tour transformed the field.", }, { source: "Thinking Fast and Slow", target: "The Global Priorities Institute's Research Agenda", distance: "100", reasoning: "", }, { source: "The Global Priorities Institute's Research Agenda", target: "The Mathematical Theory of Communication", distance: 1000, reasoning: "", }, { source: "Superintelligence", target: "The Mathematical Theory of Communication", distance: 10, reasoning: "", }, { source: "Categorizing Variants of Goodhart's Law", target: "The Vulnerable World Hypothesis", distance: 10, reasoning: "", }, { source: "Shallow evaluations of longtermist organizations", target: "The motivated reasoning critique of effective altruism", distance: 10, reasoning: "", }, { source: "Shallow evaluations of longtermist organizations", target: "Categorizing Variants of Goodhart's Law", distance: 100, reasoning: "", }, { source: "The motivated reasoning critique of effective altruism", target: "Categorizing Variants of Goodhart's Law", distance: 10, reasoning: "", }, { source: "Shallow evaluations of longtermist organizations", target: "Thinking Fast and Slow", distance: 10, reasoning: "", }, { source: "Thinking Fast and Slow", target: "The motivated reasoning critique of effective altruism", distance: 1, reasoning: "", }, { source: "The motivated reasoning critique of effective altruism", target: "The Global Priorities Institute's Research Agenda", distance: 1000, reasoning: "", }, { source: "Categorizing Variants of Goodhart's Law", target: "The Global Priorities Institute's Research Agenda", distance: 100, reasoning: "", }, { source: "The Vulnerable World Hypothesis", target: "The Global Priorities Institute's Research Agenda", distance: 10, reasoning: "", }, { source: "Reversals in Psychology", target: "A Model of Patient Spending and Movement Building", distance: 10, reasoning: "RiP: Cleaning up 10,000 people's brains a bit.\nMPS: far more important topic", }, { source: "Database of orgs relevant to longtermist/x-risk work", target: "What are some low-information priors that you find practically useful for thinking about the world?", distance: "5", reasoning: "\nDatabase just saves a bit of time, maybe 100 counterfactual applications", }, { source: "Reversals in Psychology", target: "Database of orgs relevant to longtermist/x-risk work", distance: 1, reasoning: "", }, { source: "Database of orgs relevant to longtermist/x-risk work", target: "A Model of Patient Spending and Movement Building", distance: 10, reasoning: "", }, { source: "What are some low-information priors that you find practically useful for thinking about the world?", target: "A Model of Patient Spending and Movement Building", distance: 2, reasoning: "", }, { source: "Center for Election Science EA Wiki stub", target: "Extinguishing or preventing coal seam fires is a potential cause area", distance: 1000, reasoning: "", }, { source: "A comment on setting up a charity", target: "Center for Election Science EA Wiki stub", distance: 10, reasoning: "", }, { source: "A comment on setting up a charity", target: "Reversals in Psychology", distance: 200, reasoning: "", }, { source: "Center for Election Science EA Wiki stub", target: "Reversals in Psychology", distance: 20, reasoning: "", }, { source: "Reversals in Psychology", target: "Extinguishing or preventing coal seam fires is a potential cause area", distance: "50", reasoning: "", }, { source: "Database of orgs relevant to longtermist/x-risk work", target: "Extinguishing or preventing coal seam fires is a potential cause area", distance: "50", reasoning: "", }, { source: "What are some low-information priors that you find practically useful for thinking about the world?", target: "Extinguishing or preventing coal seam fires is a potential cause area", distance: "10", reasoning: "", }, { source: "A Model of Patient Spending and Movement Building", target: "Extinguishing or preventing coal seam fires is a potential cause area", distance: 1, reasoning: "", }, { source: "A comment on setting up a charity", target: "Shallow evaluations of longtermist organizations", distance: 1000, reasoning: "", }, { source: "Center for Election Science EA Wiki stub", target: "Shallow evaluations of longtermist organizations", distance: 100, reasoning: "", }, { source: "Reversals in Psychology", target: "Shallow evaluations of longtermist organizations", distance: 100, reasoning: "", }, { source: "Database of orgs relevant to longtermist/x-risk work", target: "Shallow evaluations of longtermist organizations", distance: 100, reasoning: "", }, ]; async function pushToMongoManually() { let response = await "", { data: data, } ); console.log(response); } pushToMongoManually();