400 lines
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400 lines
12 KiB
open DistTypes;
module T = {
type t = xyShape;
type ts = array(xyShape);
let toJs = (t: t) => {
{"xs": t.xs, "ys": t.ys};
let xs = (t: t) => t.xs;
let ys = (t: t) => t.ys;
let minX = (t: t) => t |> xs |> E.A.first;
let maxX = (t: t) => t |> xs |> E.A.last;
let minY = (t: t) => t |> ys |> E.A.first;
let maxY = (t: t) => t |> ys |> E.A.last;
let xTotalRange = (t: t) =>
switch (minX(t), maxX(t)) {
| (Some(min), Some(max)) => Some(max -. min)
| _ => None
let first = ({xs, ys}: t) =>
switch (xs |> E.A.first, ys |> E.A.first) {
| (Some(x), Some(y)) => Some((x, y))
| _ => None
let last = ({xs, ys}: t) =>
switch (xs |> E.A.last, ys |> E.A.last) {
| (Some(x), Some(y)) => Some((x, y))
| _ => None
let unsafeFirst = (t: t) => first(t) |> E.O.toExn("Unsafe operation");
let unsafeLast = (t: t) => last(t) |> E.O.toExn("Unsafe operation");
let zip = ({xs, ys}: t) => Belt.Array.zip(xs, ys);
let getBy = (t: t, fn) => t |> zip |> Belt.Array.getBy(_, fn);
let firstPairAtOrBeforeValue = (xValue, t: t) => {
let zipped = zip(t);
let firstIndex =
zipped |> Belt.Array.getIndexBy(_, ((x, y)) => x > xValue);
let previousIndex =
switch (firstIndex) {
| None => Some(Array.length(zipped) - 1)
| Some(0) => None
| Some(n) => Some(n - 1)
previousIndex |> Belt.Option.flatMap(_, Belt.Array.get(zipped));
let findY = (x: float, t: t): float => {
let firstHigherIndex =
E.A.Sorted.binarySearchFirstElementGreaterIndex(xs(t), x);
let n =
switch (firstHigherIndex) {
| `overMax => maxY(t) |> E.O.default(0.0)
| `underMin => minY(t) |> E.O.default(0.0)
| `firstHigher(firstHigherIndex) =>
let lowerOrEqualIndex =
firstHigherIndex - 1 < 0 ? 0 : firstHigherIndex - 1;
let needsInterpolation = xs(t)[lowerOrEqualIndex] != x;
if (needsInterpolation) {
} else {
let findX = (y: float, t: t): float => {
let firstHigherIndex =
E.A.Sorted.binarySearchFirstElementGreaterIndex(ys(t), y);
let foundX =
switch (firstHigherIndex) {
| `overMax => maxX(t) |> E.O.default(0.0)
| `underMin => minX(t) |> E.O.default(0.0)
| `firstHigher(firstHigherIndex) =>
let lowerOrEqualIndex =
firstHigherIndex - 1 < 0 ? 0 : firstHigherIndex - 1;
let needsInterpolation = ys(t)[lowerOrEqualIndex] != y;
if (needsInterpolation) {
} else {
let convertWithAlternativeXs = (newXs: array(float), t: t): t => {
let newYs = Belt.Array.map(newXs, f => findY(f, t));
{xs: newXs, ys: newYs};
let convertToNewLength = (newLength: int, t: t): DistTypes.xyShape => {
range(min(xs(t)), max(xs(t)), newLength)
|> convertWithAlternativeXs(_, t)
let convertToNewLengthByProbabilityMass =
(newLength: int, integral: t, t: t): DistTypes.xyShape => {
Functions.range(0.0, 1.0, newLength)
|> E.A.fmap(findX(_, integral))
|> convertWithAlternativeXs(_, t);
module XtoY = {
let stepwiseIncremental = (f, t: t) =>
firstPairAtOrBeforeValue(f, t) |> E.O.fmap(((_, y)) => y);
let stepwiseIfAtX = (f: float, t: t) => {
getBy(t, ((x: float, _)) => {x == f}) |> E.O.fmap(((_, y)) => y);
// TODO: When Roman's PR comes in, fix this bit. This depends on interpolation, obviously.
let linear = (f, t: t) => t |> findY(f);
let pointwiseMap = (fn, t: t): t => {xs: t.xs, ys: t.ys |> E.A.fmap(fn)};
let xMap = (fn, t: t): t => {xs: E.A.fmap(fn, t.xs), ys: t.ys};
let fromArray = ((xs, ys)): t => {xs, ys};
let fromArrays = (xs, ys): t => {xs, ys};
let fromZippedArray = (is: array((float, float))): t =>
is |> Belt.Array.unzip |> fromArray;
module Zipped = {
type zipped = array((float, float));
let sortByY = (t: zipped) =>
t |> E.A.stableSortBy(_, ((_, y1), (_, y2)) => y1 > y2 ? 1 : 0);
let sortByX = (t: zipped) =>
t |> E.A.stableSortBy(_, ((x1, _), (x2, _)) => x1 > x2 ? 1 : 0);
// TODO: Use faster sort at least, geese.
module Combine = {
let combineLinear = (t1: t, t2: t, fn: (float, float) => float) => {
let allXs = Belt.Array.concat(xs(t1), xs(t2));
allXs |> Array.fast_sort(compare);
let allYs =
|> E.A.fmap(x => {
let y1 = XtoY.linear(x, t1);
let y2 = XtoY.linear(x, t2);
fn(y1, y2);
fromArrays(allXs, allYs);
let combineStepwise =
(t1: t, t2: t, fn: (option(float), option(float)) => float) => {
let allXs = Belt.Array.concat(xs(t1), xs(t2));
allXs |> Array.fast_sort(compare);
let allYs =
|> E.A.fmap(x => {
let y1 = XtoY.stepwiseIncremental(x, t1);
let y2 = XtoY.stepwiseIncremental(x, t2);
fn(y1, y2);
fromArrays(allXs, allYs);
let combineIfAtX =
(t1: t, t2: t, fn: (option(float), option(float)) => float) => {
let allXs = Belt.Array.concat(xs(t1), xs(t2));
allXs |> Array.fast_sort(compare);
let allYs =
|> E.A.fmap(x => {
let y1 = XtoY.stepwiseIfAtX(x, t1);
let y2 = XtoY.stepwiseIfAtX(x, t2);
fn(y1, y2);
fromArrays(allXs, allYs);
// todo: maybe not needed?
// let comparePoint = (a: float, b: float) => a > b ? 1 : (-1);
let comparePoints = ((x1: float, y1: float), (x2: float, y2: float)) =>
switch (x1 == x2, y1 == y2) {
| (false, _) => compare(x1, x2)
| (true, false) => compare(y1, y2)
| (true, true) => (-1)
// TODO: I'd bet this is pretty slow
let intersperce = (t1: t, t2: t) => {
let items: ref(array((float, float))) = ref([||]);
let t1 = zip(t1);
let t2 = zip(t2);
Belt.Array.forEachWithIndex(t1, (i, item) => {
switch (Belt.Array.get(t2, i)) {
| Some(r) => items := E.A.append(items^, [|item, r|])
| None => items := E.A.append(items^, [|item|])
items^ |> Belt.Array.unzip |> fromArray;
let yFold = (fn, t: t) => {
E.A.fold_left(fn, 0., t.ys);
let ySum = yFold((a, b) => a +. b);
let _transverseSimple = fn =>
Belt.Array.reduce(_, [||], (items, y) =>
switch (E.A.last(items)) {
| Some(yLast) => Belt.Array.concat(items, [|fn(y, yLast)|])
| None => [|y|]
let _transverse2 = (fn, items) => {
let length = items |> E.A.length;
let empty = Belt.Array.make(length, items |> E.A.unsafe_get(_, 0));
(index, element) => {
let item =
switch (index) {
| 0 => element
| index => fn(element, E.A.unsafe_get(empty, index - 1))
let _ = Belt.Array.set(empty, index, item);
let _transverseB = (fn, items) => {
let (xs, ys) = items |> Belt.Array.unzip;
let newYs = _transverse2(fn, ys);
Belt.Array.zip(xs, newYs);
let _transverse = fn =>
Belt.Array.reduce(_, [||], (items, (x, y)) =>
switch (E.A.last(items)) {
| Some((_, yLast)) =>
Belt.Array.concat(items, [|(x, fn(y, yLast))|])
| None => [|(x, y)|]
let _transverseShape2 = (fn, p: t) => {
Belt.Array.zip(p.xs, p.ys)
|> _transverseB(fn)
|> Belt.Array.unzip
|> fromArray;
let _transverseShape = (fn, p: t) => {
fromArray((p.xs, _transverse2(fn, p.ys)));
let filter = (fn, t: t) =>
t |> zip |> E.A.filter(fn) |> Belt.Array.unzip |> fromArray;
let accumulateYs = _transverseShape((aCurrent, aLast) => aCurrent +. aLast);
let subtractYs = _transverseShape((aCurrent, aLast) => aCurrent -. aLast);
// I'm really not sure this part is actually what we want at this point.
module Range = {
// ((lastX, lastY), (nextX, nextY))
type zippedRange = ((float, float), (float, float));
let floatSum = Belt.Array.reduce(_, 0., (a, b) => a +. b);
let toT = r => r |> Belt.Array.unzip |> T.fromArray;
let nextX = ((_, (nextX, _)): zippedRange) => nextX;
let rangePointAssumingSteps =
(((lastX, lastY), (nextX, nextY)): zippedRange) => (
let rangeAreaAssumingTriangles =
(((lastX, lastY), (nextX, nextY)): zippedRange) =>
(nextX -. lastX) *. (lastY +. nextY) /. 2.;
//Todo: figure out how to without making new array.
let rangeAreaAssumingTrapezoids =
(((lastX, lastY), (nextX, nextY)): zippedRange) =>
(nextX -. lastX)
*. (Js.Math.min_float(lastY, nextY) +. (lastY +. nextY) /. 2.);
let delta_y_over_delta_x =
(((lastX, lastY), (nextX, nextY)): zippedRange) =>
(nextY -. lastY) /. (nextX -. lastX);
let mapYsBasedOnRanges = (fn, t) =>
Belt.Array.zip(t.xs, t.ys)
|> E.A.toRanges
|> E.R.toOption
|> E.O.fmap(r => r |> Belt.Array.map(_, r => (nextX(r), fn(r))));
// This code is messy, in part because I'm trying to make things easy on garbage collection here.
// It's using triangles instead of trapezoids right now.
let integrateWithTriangles = ({xs, ys}) => {
let length = E.A.length(xs);
let cumulativeY = Belt.Array.make(length, 0.0);
let _ = Belt.Array.set(cumulativeY, 0, 0.0);
for (x in 0 to E.A.length(xs) - 2) {
x + 1,
(xs[x + 1] -. xs[x]) *. ((ys[x] +. ys[x + 1]) /. 2.) +. cumulativeY[x],
Some({xs, ys: cumulativeY});
let derivative = mapYsBasedOnRanges(delta_y_over_delta_x);
// TODO: It would be nicer if this the diff didn't change the first element, and also maybe if there were a more elegant way of doing this.
let stepsToContinuous = t => {
let diff = T.xTotalRange(t) |> E.O.fmap(r => r *. 0.00001);
let items =
switch (diff, E.A.toRanges(Belt.Array.zip(t.xs, t.ys))) {
| (Some(diff), Ok(items)) =>
|> Belt.Array.map(_, rangePointAssumingSteps)
|> Belt.Array.unzip
|> T.fromArray
|> T.intersperce(t |> T.xMap(e => e +. diff)),
| _ => Some(t)
let bar = items |> E.O.fmap(T.zip) |> E.O.bind(_, E.A.get(_, 0));
let items =
switch (items, bar) {
| (Some(items), Some((0.0, _))) => Some(items)
| (Some(items), Some((firstX, _))) =>
let all = E.A.append([|(firstX, 0.0)|], items |> T.zip);
let foo = all |> Belt.Array.unzip |> T.fromArray;
| _ => None
module Ts = {
type t = T.ts;
let minX = (t: t) =>
t |> E.A.fmap(T.minX) |> E.A.O.concatSomes |> Functions.min;
let maxX = (t: t) =>
t |> E.A.fmap(T.maxX) |> E.A.O.concatSomes |> Functions.max;
// TODO/Warning: This will break if the shapes are empty.
let equallyDividedXs = (t: t, newLength) => {
Functions.range(minX(t), maxX(t), newLength);
let combinePointwise = (fn, sampleCount, t1: xyShape, t2: xyShape) => {
let xs = Ts.equallyDividedXs([|t1, t2|], sampleCount);
let ys =
xs |> E.A.fmap(x => fn(T.XtoY.linear(x, t1), T.XtoY.linear(x, t2)));
T.fromArrays(xs, ys);
let logScoreDist =
combinePointwise((prediction, answer) =>
switch (answer) {
| 0. => 0.0
| answer =>
answer *. Js.Math.log2(Js.Math.abs_float(prediction /. answer))
let logScorePoint = (sampleCount, t1, t2) =>
logScoreDist(sampleCount, t1, t2)
|> Range.integrateWithTriangles
|> E.O.fmap(T.accumulateYs)
|> E.O.bind(_, T.last)
|> E.O.fmap(((_, y)) => y); |