test remove setResult parse end of outerblock test end of outer block compiles testing bindings tested todo chain bindings topological sort
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163 lines
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open Jest
let testSkip: (bool, string, unit => assertion) => unit = (skip: bool) =>
if skip {
} else {
let testEval = (~skip=false, str, result) =>
testSkip(skip)(str, () => Reducer_TestHelpers.expectEvalToBe(str, result))
let testParse = (~skip=false, str, result) =>
testSkip(skip)(str, () => Reducer_TestHelpers.expectParseToBe(str, result))
describe("eval on distribution functions", () => {
describe("normal distribution", () => {
testEval("normal(5,2)", "Ok(Normal(5,2))")
describe("lognormal distribution", () => {
testEval("lognormal(5,2)", "Ok(Lognormal(5,2))")
describe("unaryMinus", () => {
testEval("mean(-normal(5,2))", "Ok(-5)")
testEval("-normal(5,2)", "Ok(Normal(-5,2))")
describe("to", () => {
testEval("5 to 2", "Error(TODO: Low value must be less than high value.)")
testEval("to(2,5)", "Ok(Lognormal(1.1512925464970227,0.27853260523016377))")
testEval("to(-2,2)", "Ok(Normal(0,1.2159136638235384))")
describe("mean", () => {
testEval("mean(normal(5,2))", "Ok(5)")
testEval("mean(lognormal(1,2))", "Ok(20.085536923187668)")
testEval("mean(gamma(5,5))", "Ok(25)")
testEval("mean(bernoulli(0.2))", "Ok(0.2)")
testEval("mean(bernoulli(0.8))", "Ok(0.8)")
testEval("mean(logistic(5,1))", "Ok(5)")
describe("toString", () => {
testEval("toString(normal(5,2))", "Ok('Normal(5,2)')")
describe("normalize", () => {
testEval("normalize(normal(5,2))", "Ok(Normal(5,2))")
describe("add", () => {
testEval("add(normal(5,2), normal(10,2))", "Ok(Normal(15,2.8284271247461903))")
testEval("add(normal(5,2), lognormal(10,2))", "Ok(Sample Set Distribution)")
testEval("add(normal(5,2), 3)", "Ok(Normal(8,2))")
testEval("add(3, normal(5,2))", "Ok(Normal(8,2))")
testEval("3+normal(5,2)", "Ok(Normal(8,2))")
testEval("normal(5,2)+3", "Ok(Normal(8,2))")
describe("subtract", () => {
testEval("10 - normal(5, 1)", "Ok(Normal(5,1))")
testEval("normal(5, 1) - 10", "Ok(Normal(-5,1))")
testEval("mean(1 - toPointSet(normal(5, 2)))", "Ok(-4.002309896304692)")
describe("multiply", () => {
testEval("normal(10, 2) * 2", "Ok(Normal(20,4))")
testEval("2 * normal(10, 2)", "Ok(Normal(20,4))")
testEval("lognormal(5,2) * lognormal(10,2)", "Ok(Lognormal(15,2.8284271247461903))")
testEval("lognormal(10, 2) * lognormal(5, 2)", "Ok(Lognormal(15,2.8284271247461903))")
testEval("2 * lognormal(5, 2)", "Ok(Lognormal(5.693147180559945,2))")
testEval("lognormal(5, 2) * 2", "Ok(Lognormal(5.693147180559945,2))")
describe("division", () => {
testEval("lognormal(5,2) / lognormal(10,2)", "Ok(Lognormal(-5,2.8284271247461903))")
testEval("lognormal(10,2) / lognormal(5,2)", "Ok(Lognormal(5,2.8284271247461903))")
testEval("lognormal(5, 2) / 2", "Ok(Lognormal(4.306852819440055,2))")
testEval("2 / lognormal(5, 2)", "Ok(Lognormal(-4.306852819440055,2))")
testEval("2 / normal(10, 2)", "Ok(Sample Set Distribution)")
testEval("normal(10, 2) / 2", "Ok(Normal(5,1))")
describe("truncate", () => {
testEval("truncateLeft(normal(5,2), 3)", "Ok(Point Set Distribution)")
testEval("truncateRight(normal(5,2), 3)", "Ok(Point Set Distribution)")
testEval("truncate(normal(5,2), 3, 8)", "Ok(Point Set Distribution)")
testEval("isNormalized(truncate(normal(5,2), 3, 8))", "Ok(true)")
describe("exp", () => {
testEval("exp(normal(5,2))", "Ok(Sample Set Distribution)")
describe("pow", () => {
testEval("pow(3, uniform(5,8))", "Ok(Sample Set Distribution)")
testEval("pow(uniform(5,8), 3)", "Ok(Sample Set Distribution)")
testEval("pow(uniform(5,8), uniform(9, 10))", "Ok(Sample Set Distribution)")
describe("log", () => {
testEval("log(2, uniform(5,8))", "Ok(Sample Set Distribution)")
"log(normal(5,2), 3)",
"Error(Distribution Math Error: Logarithm of input error: First input must be completely greater than 0)",
"log(normal(5,2), normal(10,1))",
"Error(Distribution Math Error: Logarithm of input error: First input must be completely greater than 0)",
testEval("log(uniform(5,8))", "Ok(Sample Set Distribution)")
testEval("log10(uniform(5,8))", "Ok(Sample Set Distribution)")
describe("dotAdd", () => {
testEval("dotAdd(normal(5,2), lognormal(10,2))", "Ok(Point Set Distribution)")
testEval("dotAdd(normal(5,2), 3)", "Ok(Point Set Distribution)")
describe("equality", () => {
testEval(~skip=true, "normal(5,2) == normal(5,2)", "Ok(true)")
describe("mixture", () => {
testEval("mx(normal(5,2), normal(10,1), normal(15, 1))", "Ok(Point Set Distribution)")
testEval("mixture(normal(5,2), normal(10,1), [0.2, 0.4])", "Ok(Point Set Distribution)")
describe("parse on distribution functions", () => {
describe("power", () => {
"normal(5,2) ^ normal(5,1)",
"Ok({(:$_endOfOuterBlock_$ () (:pow (:normal 5 2) (:normal 5 1)))})",
testParse("3 ^ normal(5,1)", "Ok({(:$_endOfOuterBlock_$ () (:pow 3 (:normal 5 1)))})")
testParse("normal(5,2) ^ 3", "Ok({(:$_endOfOuterBlock_$ () (:pow (:normal 5 2) 3))})")
describe("subtraction", () => {
testParse("10 - normal(5,1)", "Ok({(:$_endOfOuterBlock_$ () (:subtract 10 (:normal 5 1)))})")
testParse("normal(5,1) - 10", "Ok({(:$_endOfOuterBlock_$ () (:subtract (:normal 5 1) 10))})")
describe("pointwise arithmetic expressions", () => {
testParse(~skip=true, "normal(5,2) .+ normal(5,1)", "Ok((:dotAdd (:normal 5 2) (:normal 5 1)))")
"normal(5,2) .- normal(5,1)",
"Ok((:$_endOfOuterBlock_$ () (:$$_block_$$ (:dotSubtract (:normal 5 2) (:normal 5 1)))))",
// TODO: !!! returns "Ok({(:dotPow (:normal 5 2) (:normal 5 1))})"
"normal(5,2) .* normal(5,1)",
"Ok({(:$_endOfOuterBlock_$ () (:dotMultiply (:normal 5 2) (:normal 5 1)))})",
"normal(5,2) ./ normal(5,1)",
"Ok({(:$_endOfOuterBlock_$ () (:dotDivide (:normal 5 2) (:normal 5 1)))})",
"normal(5,2) .^ normal(5,1)",
"Ok({(:$_endOfOuterBlock_$ () (:dotPow (:normal 5 2) (:normal 5 1)))})",
describe("equality", () => {
testParse("5 == normal(5,2)", "Ok({(:$_endOfOuterBlock_$ () (:equal 5 (:normal 5 2)))})")
describe("pointwise adding two normals", () => {
testParse(~skip=true, "normal(5,2) .+ normal(5,1)", "Ok((:dotAdd (:normal 5 2) (:normal 5 1)))")
describe("exponential of one distribution", () => {
testParse(~skip=true, "exp(normal(5,2)", "Ok((:pow (:normal 5 2) 3))")