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308 lines
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open Distributions
type t = PointSetTypes.mixedShape
let make = (~integralSumCache=None, ~integralCache=None, ~continuous, ~discrete): t => {
continuous: continuous,
discrete: discrete,
integralSumCache: integralSumCache,
integralCache: integralCache,
let totalLength = (t: t): int => {
let continuousLength = t.continuous |> Continuous.getShape |> XYShape.T.length
let discreteLength = t.discrete |> Discrete.getShape |> XYShape.T.length
continuousLength + discreteLength
let scaleBy = (~scale=1.0, t: t): t => {
let scaledDiscrete = Discrete.scaleBy(~scale, t.discrete)
let scaledContinuous = Continuous.scaleBy(~scale, t.continuous)
let scaledIntegralCache = E.O.bind(t.integralCache, v => Some(Continuous.scaleBy(~scale, v)))
let scaledIntegralSumCache = E.O.bind(t.integralSumCache, s => Some(s *. scale))
let toContinuous = ({continuous}: t) => Some(continuous)
let toDiscrete = ({discrete}: t) => Some(discrete)
let updateIntegralCache = (integralCache, t: t): t => {
integralCache: integralCache,
module T = Dist({
type t = PointSetTypes.mixedShape
type integral = PointSetTypes.continuousShape
let minX = ({continuous, discrete}: t) =>
min(Continuous.T.minX(continuous), Discrete.T.minX(discrete))
let maxX = ({continuous, discrete}: t) =>
max(Continuous.T.maxX(continuous), Discrete.T.maxX(discrete))
let toShape = (t: t): PointSetTypes.shape => Mixed(t)
let updateIntegralCache = updateIntegralCache
let toContinuous = toContinuous
let toDiscrete = toDiscrete
let truncate = (
leftCutoff: option<float>,
rightCutoff: option<float>,
{discrete, continuous}: t,
) => {
let truncatedContinuous = Continuous.T.truncate(leftCutoff, rightCutoff, continuous)
let truncatedDiscrete = Discrete.T.truncate(leftCutoff, rightCutoff, discrete)
let normalize = (t: t): t => {
let continuousIntegral = Continuous.T.Integral.get(t.continuous)
let discreteIntegral = Discrete.T.Integral.get(t.discrete)
let continuous = t.continuous |> Continuous.updateIntegralCache(Some(continuousIntegral))
let discrete = t.discrete |> Discrete.updateIntegralCache(Some(discreteIntegral))
let continuousIntegralSum = Continuous.T.Integral.sum(continuous)
let discreteIntegralSum = Discrete.T.Integral.sum(discrete)
let totalIntegralSum = continuousIntegralSum +. discreteIntegralSum
let newContinuousSum = continuousIntegralSum /. totalIntegralSum
let newDiscreteSum = discreteIntegralSum /. totalIntegralSum
let normalizedContinuous =
|> Continuous.scaleBy(~scale=newContinuousSum /. continuousIntegralSum)
|> Continuous.updateIntegralSumCache(Some(newContinuousSum))
let normalizedDiscrete =
|> Discrete.scaleBy(~scale=newDiscreteSum /. discreteIntegralSum)
|> Discrete.updateIntegralSumCache(Some(newDiscreteSum))
let xToY = (x, t: t) => {
// This evaluates the mixedShape at x, interpolating if necessary.
// Note that we normalize entire mixedShape first.
let {continuous, discrete}: t = normalize(t)
let c = Continuous.T.xToY(x, continuous)
let d = Discrete.T.xToY(x, discrete)
PointSetTypes.MixedPoint.add(c, d) // "add" here just combines the two values into a single MixedPoint.
let toDiscreteProbabilityMassFraction = ({discrete, continuous}: t) => {
let discreteIntegralSum = Discrete.T.Integral.sum(discrete)
let continuousIntegralSum = Continuous.T.Integral.sum(continuous)
let totalIntegralSum = discreteIntegralSum +. continuousIntegralSum
discreteIntegralSum /. totalIntegralSum
let downsample = (count, t: t): t => {
// We will need to distribute the new xs fairly between the discrete and continuous shapes.
// The easiest way to do this is to simply go by the previous probability masses.
let discreteIntegralSum = Discrete.T.Integral.sum(t.discrete)
let continuousIntegralSum = Continuous.T.Integral.sum(t.continuous)
let totalIntegralSum = discreteIntegralSum +. continuousIntegralSum
// TODO: figure out what to do when the totalIntegralSum is zero.
let downsampledDiscrete = Discrete.T.downsample(
int_of_float(float_of_int(count) *. (discreteIntegralSum /. totalIntegralSum)),
let downsampledContinuous = Continuous.T.downsample(
int_of_float(float_of_int(count) *. (continuousIntegralSum /. totalIntegralSum)),
{...t, discrete: downsampledDiscrete, continuous: downsampledContinuous}
let integral = (t: t) =>
switch t.integralCache {
| Some(cache) => cache
| None =>
// note: if the underlying shapes aren't normalized, then these integrals won't be either -- but that's the way it should be.
let continuousIntegral = Continuous.T.Integral.get(t.continuous)
let discreteIntegral = Continuous.stepwiseToLinear(Discrete.T.Integral.get(t.discrete))
XYShape.XtoY.continuousInterpolator(#Linear, #UseOutermostPoints),
let integralEndY = (t: t) => t |> integral |> Continuous.lastY
let integralXtoY = (f, t) => t |> integral |> Continuous.getShape |> XYShape.XtoY.linear(f)
let integralYtoX = (f, t) => t |> integral |> Continuous.getShape |> XYShape.YtoX.linear(f)
// This pipes all ys (continuous and discrete) through fn.
// If mapY is a linear operation, we might be able to update the integralSumCaches as well;
// if not, they'll be set to None.
let mapY = (
~integralSumCacheFn=previousIntegralSum => None,
~integralCacheFn=previousIntegral => None,
t: t,
): t => {
let yMappedDiscrete: PointSetTypes.discreteShape =
|> Discrete.T.mapY(~fn)
|> Discrete.updateIntegralSumCache(E.O.bind(t.discrete.integralSumCache, integralSumCacheFn))
|> Discrete.updateIntegralCache(E.O.bind(t.discrete.integralCache, integralCacheFn))
let yMappedContinuous: PointSetTypes.continuousShape =
|> Continuous.T.mapY(~fn)
|> Continuous.updateIntegralSumCache(
E.O.bind(t.continuous.integralSumCache, integralSumCacheFn),
|> Continuous.updateIntegralCache(E.O.bind(t.continuous.integralCache, integralCacheFn))
discrete: yMappedDiscrete,
continuous: yMappedContinuous,
integralSumCache: E.O.bind(t.integralSumCache, integralSumCacheFn),
integralCache: E.O.bind(t.integralCache, integralCacheFn),
let mean = ({discrete, continuous}: t): float => {
let discreteMean = Discrete.T.mean(discrete)
let continuousMean = Continuous.T.mean(continuous)
// the combined mean is the weighted sum of the two:
let discreteIntegralSum = Discrete.T.Integral.sum(discrete)
let continuousIntegralSum = Continuous.T.Integral.sum(continuous)
let totalIntegralSum = discreteIntegralSum +. continuousIntegralSum
(discreteMean *. discreteIntegralSum +. continuousMean *. continuousIntegralSum) /.
let variance = ({discrete, continuous} as t: t): float => {
// the combined mean is the weighted sum of the two:
let discreteIntegralSum = Discrete.T.Integral.sum(discrete)
let continuousIntegralSum = Continuous.T.Integral.sum(continuous)
let totalIntegralSum = discreteIntegralSum +. continuousIntegralSum
let getMeanOfSquares = ({discrete, continuous}: t) => {
let discreteMean =
discrete |> Discrete.shapeMap(XYShape.Analysis.squareXYShape) |> Discrete.T.mean
let continuousMean = continuous |> XYShape.Analysis.getMeanOfSquaresContinuousShape
(discreteMean *. discreteIntegralSum +. continuousMean *. continuousIntegralSum) /.
switch discreteIntegralSum /. totalIntegralSum {
| 1.0 => Discrete.T.variance(discrete)
| 0.0 => Continuous.T.variance(continuous)
| _ => XYShape.Analysis.getVarianceDangerously(t, mean, getMeanOfSquares)
let combineAlgebraically = (op: ExpressionTypes.algebraicOperation, t1: t, t2: t): t => {
// Discrete convolution can cause a huge increase in the number of samples,
// so we'll first downsample.
// An alternative (to be explored in the future) may be to first perform the full convolution and then to downsample the result;
// to use non-uniform fast Fourier transforms (for addition only), add web workers or gpu.js, etc. ...
// we have to figure out where to downsample, and how to effectively
//let downsampleIfTooLarge = (t: t) => {
// let sqtl = sqrt(float_of_int(totalLength(t)));
// sqtl > 10 ? T.downsample(int_of_float(sqtl), t) : t;
let t1d = t1
let t2d = t2
// continuous (*) continuous => continuous, but also
// discrete (*) continuous => continuous (and vice versa). We have to take care of all combos and then combine them:
let ccConvResult = Continuous.combineAlgebraically(op, t1.continuous, t2.continuous)
let dcConvResult = Continuous.combineAlgebraicallyWithDiscrete(op, t2.continuous, t1.discrete)
let cdConvResult = Continuous.combineAlgebraicallyWithDiscrete(op, t1.continuous, t2.discrete)
let continuousConvResult = Continuous.reduce(\"+.", [ccConvResult, dcConvResult, cdConvResult])
// ... finally, discrete (*) discrete => discrete, obviously:
let discreteConvResult = Discrete.combineAlgebraically(op, t1.discrete, t2.discrete)
let combinedIntegralSum = Common.combineIntegralSums(
(a, b) => Some(a *. b),
discrete: discreteConvResult,
continuous: continuousConvResult,
integralSumCache: combinedIntegralSum,
integralCache: None,
let combinePointwise = (
~integralSumCachesFn=(_, _) => None,
~integralCachesFn=(_, _) => None,
t1: t,
t2: t,
): t => {
let reducedDiscrete =
[t1, t2]
|> E.A.fmap(toDiscrete)
|> E.A.O.concatSomes
|> Discrete.reduce(~integralSumCachesFn, ~integralCachesFn, fn)
let reducedContinuous =
[t1, t2]
|> E.A.fmap(toContinuous)
|> E.A.O.concatSomes
|> Continuous.reduce(~integralSumCachesFn, ~integralCachesFn, fn)
let combinedIntegralSum = Common.combineIntegralSums(
let combinedIntegral = Common.combineIntegrals(