Nuno Sempere ff5b26d865 Adds a distribution drawer to widedomain.
Things to note:
- The code has comments. I feel protective of these comments, and feel that they help structure the code and will help me out when I come I come back to this code a couple of weeks or months from now.
- Originally based on code by Evan Ward (probability.dev). See also: observablehq.com/@nunosempere/distribution-drawer

To do, in order of importance:
- Add the ability to change the upper and lower boundaries.
- Make the drawings relative to the canvas, not to the screen.
- Add other features from probability.dev

Cool things yet to be done:
- Make it so that one can input a guesstimate function, and then draw on it. To do this, use the Convert.xyShapeToCanvasShape and modify the Draw.initial distribution function slightly.
- Maybe reach out to Metaculus to see if they want to use this somewhere?
2020-05-05 12:52:50 +02:00

73 lines
2.2 KiB

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