removed some extra array references rename Builder to ExpressionBuilder Expression Builder Trash Warning remove parsePartial/Outer, add context to lambda format module Bindings simplify types module Macro reduceValueList do macro call result map bindings stop replacing on macro calls Macro Test doBindStatement bind a statement bindings tested. TODO bind shadowing in lambda block tests defined block tests defined blocks tested macro lambda test defined
103 lines
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103 lines
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open Jest
open Reducer_TestHelpers
describe("reducer using mathjs parse", () => {
// Test the MathJs parser compatibility
// Those tests toString that there is a semantic mapping from MathJs to Expression
// Reducer.parse is called by Reducer.eval
// See
// See
// Those tests toString that we are converting mathjs parse tree to what we need
describe("expressions", () => {
testParseToBe("1", "Ok((:$$block 1))")
testParseToBe("(1)", "Ok((:$$block 1))")
testParseToBe("1+2", "Ok((:$$block (:add 1 2)))")
testParseToBe("1+2*3", "Ok((:$$block (:add 1 (:multiply 2 3))))")
describe("arrays", () => {
//Note. () is a empty list in Lisp
// The only builtin structure in Lisp is list. There are no arrays
// [1,2,3] becomes (1 2 3)
testDescriptionParseToBe("empty", "[]", "Ok((:$$block ()))")
testParseToBe("[1, 2, 3]", "Ok((:$$block (1 2 3)))")
testParseToBe("['hello', 'world']", "Ok((:$$block ('hello' 'world')))")
testDescriptionParseToBe("index", "([0,1,2])[1]", "Ok((:$$block (:$atIndex (0 1 2) (1))))")
describe("records", () => {
"{a: 1, b: 2}",
"Ok((:$$block (:$constructRecord (('a' 1) ('b' 2)))))",
"{a: 1, b: 2}.a",
"Ok((:$$block (:$atIndex (:$constructRecord (('a' 1) ('b' 2))) ('a'))))",
describe("multi-line", () => {
testParseToBe("1; 2", "Ok((:$$block (:$$block 1 2)))")
testParseToBe("1+1; 2+1", "Ok((:$$block (:$$block (:add 1 1) (:add 2 1))))")
describe("assignment", () => {
testParseToBe("x=1; x", "Ok((:$$block (:$$block (:$let :x 1) :x)))")
testParseToBe("x=1+1; x+1", "Ok((:$$block (:$$block (:$let :x (:add 1 1)) (:add :x 1))))")
describe("eval", () => {
// All MathJs operators and functions are builtin for string, float and boolean
// .e.g + - / * > >= < <= == /= not and or
// See
// See
describe("expressions", () => {
testEvalToBe("1", "Ok(1)")
testEvalToBe("1+2", "Ok(3)")
testEvalToBe("(1+2)*3", "Ok(9)")
testEvalToBe("2>1", "Ok(true)")
testEvalToBe("concat('a ', 'b')", "Ok('a b')")
testEvalToBe("log(10)", "Ok(2.302585092994046)")
testEvalToBe("cos(10)", "Ok(-0.8390715290764524)")
// TODO more built ins
describe("arrays", () => {
test("empty array", () => expectEvalToBe("[]", "Ok([])"))
testEvalToBe("[1, 2, 3]", "Ok([1,2,3])")
testEvalToBe("['hello', 'world']", "Ok(['hello','world'])")
testEvalToBe("([0,1,2])[1]", "Ok(1)")
testDescriptionEvalToBe("index not found", "([0,1,2])[10]", "Error(Array index not found: 10)")
describe("records", () => {
test("define", () => expectEvalToBe("{a: 1, b: 2}", "Ok({a: 1,b: 2})"))
test("index", () => expectEvalToBe("{a: 1}.a", "Ok(1)"))
test("index not found", () => expectEvalToBe("{a: 1}.b", "Error(Record property not found: b)"))
describe("multi-line", () => {
testEvalToBe("1; 2", "Error(Assignment expected)")
testEvalToBe("1+1; 2+1", "Error(Assignment expected)")
describe("assignment", () => {
testEvalToBe("x=1; x", "Ok(1)")
testEvalToBe("x=1+1; x+1", "Ok(3)")
testEvalToBe("x=1; y=x+1; y+1", "Ok(3)")
testEvalToBe("1; x=1", "Error(Assignment expected)")
testEvalToBe("1; 1", "Error(Assignment expected)")
testEvalToBe("x=1; x=1", "Ok({x: 1})")
describe("test exceptions", () => {
"javascript exception",
"javascriptraise('div by 0')",
"Error(JS Exception: Error: 'div by 0')",
"rescript exception",
"Error(TODO: unhandled rescript exception)",