2020-07-02 23:52:58 +01:00

72 lines
2.0 KiB

let setup = dist =>
RenderTypes.DistPlusRenderer.make(~distPlusIngredients=dist, ())
|> DistPlusRenderer.run
|> RenderTypes.DistPlusRenderer.Outputs.distplus
|> R.O.fmapOrNull(distPlus => <DistPlusPlot distPlus />);
let simpleExample = (guesstimatorString, ~problem="", ()) =>
<p> {guesstimatorString |> ReasonReact.string} </p>
<p> {problem |> (e => "problem: " ++ e) |> ReasonReact.string} </p>
RenderTypes.DistPlusRenderer.Ingredients.make(~guesstimatorString, ()),
let distributions = () =>
<h2 className="text-gray-800 text-xl font-bold">
{"Initial Section" |> ReasonReact.string}
"normal(-1, 1) + normal(5, 2)",
~problem="Tails look too flat",
"mm(normal(4,2), normal(10,1))",
~problem="Tails look too flat",
"normal(-1, 1) * normal(5, 2)",
~problem="This looks really weird",
"normal(1,2) * normal(2,2) * normal(3,1)",
~problem="Seems like important parts are cut off",
"mm(uniform(0, 1) , normal(3,2))",
~problem="Uniform distribution seems to break multimodal",
"truncate(mm(1 to 10, 10 to 30), 10, 20)",
~problem="Truncate seems to have no effect",
~problem="Multiplied items should be evaluated.",
~problem="At least simple operations in the distributions should be evaluated.",
~problem="Exponentiation not yet supported",
let entry =
EntryTypes.(entry(~title="ExpressionTree", ~render=distributions));