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type functionCallInfo = DistributionTypes.DistributionOperation.genericFunctionCallInfo
type genericDist = DistributionTypes.genericDist
type error = DistributionTypes.error
// TODO: It could be great to use a cache for some calculations (basically, do memoization). Also, better analytics/tracking could go a long way.
type env = {
sampleCount: int,
xyPointLength: int,
type outputType =
| Dist(genericDist)
| Float(float)
| String(string)
| Bool(bool)
| GenDistError(error)
We're going to add another function to this module later, so first define a
local version, which is not exported.
module OutputLocal = {
type t = outputType
let toError = (t: outputType) =>
switch t {
| GenDistError(d) => Some(d)
| _ => None
let toErrorOrUnreachable = (t: t): error => t->toError->E.O2.default((Unreachable: error))
let toDistR = (t: t): result<genericDist, error> =>
switch t {
| Dist(r) => Ok(r)
| e => Error(toErrorOrUnreachable(e))
let toDist = (t: t) =>
switch t {
| Dist(d) => Some(d)
| _ => None
let toFloat = (t: t) =>
switch t {
| Float(d) => Some(d)
| _ => None
let toFloatR = (t: t): result<float, error> =>
switch t {
| Float(r) => Ok(r)
| e => Error(toErrorOrUnreachable(e))
let toString = (t: t) =>
switch t {
| String(d) => Some(d)
| _ => None
let toStringR = (t: t): result<string, error> =>
switch t {
| String(r) => Ok(r)
| e => Error(toErrorOrUnreachable(e))
let toBool = (t: t) =>
switch t {
| Bool(d) => Some(d)
| _ => None
let toBoolR = (t: t): result<bool, error> =>
switch t {
| Bool(r) => Ok(r)
| e => Error(toErrorOrUnreachable(e))
//This is used to catch errors in other switch statements.
let fromResult = (r: result<t, error>): outputType =>
switch r {
| Ok(t) => t
| Error(e) => GenDistError(e)
let rec run = (~env, functionCallInfo: functionCallInfo): outputType => {
let {sampleCount, xyPointLength} = env
let reCall = (~env=env, ~functionCallInfo=functionCallInfo, ()) => {
run(~env, functionCallInfo)
let toPointSetFn = r => {
switch reCall(~functionCallInfo=FromDist(ToDist(ToPointSet), r), ()) {
| Dist(PointSet(p)) => Ok(p)
| e => Error(OutputLocal.toErrorOrUnreachable(e))
let toSampleSetFn = r => {
switch reCall(~functionCallInfo=FromDist(ToDist(ToSampleSet(sampleCount)), r), ()) {
| Dist(SampleSet(p)) => Ok(p)
| e => Error(OutputLocal.toErrorOrUnreachable(e))
let scaleMultiply = (r, weight) =>
~functionCallInfo=FromDist(ToDistCombination(Pointwise, #Multiply, #Float(weight)), r),
let pointwiseAdd = (r1, r2) =>
~functionCallInfo=FromDist(ToDistCombination(Pointwise, #Add, #Dist(r2)), r1),
let fromDistFn = (
subFnName: DistributionTypes.DistributionOperation.fromDist,
dist: genericDist,
) => {
let response = switch subFnName {
| ToFloat(distToFloatOperation) =>
GenericDist.toFloatOperation(dist, ~toPointSetFn, ~distToFloatOperation)
->E.R2.fmap(r => Float(r))
| ToString(ToString) => dist->GenericDist.toString->String
| ToString(ToSparkline(bucketCount)) =>
GenericDist.toSparkline(dist, ~sampleCount, ~bucketCount, ())
->E.R2.fmap(r => String(r))
| ToDist(Inspect) => {
Js.log2("Console log requested: ", dist)
| ToDist(Normalize) => dist->GenericDist.normalize->Dist
| ToBool(IsNormalized) => dist->GenericDist.isNormalized->Bool
| ToDist(Truncate(leftCutoff, rightCutoff)) =>
GenericDist.truncate(~toPointSetFn, ~leftCutoff, ~rightCutoff, dist, ())
->E.R2.fmap(r => Dist(r))
| ToDist(ToSampleSet(n)) =>
->E.R2.fmap(r => Dist(SampleSet(r)))
| ToDist(ToPointSet) =>
->GenericDist.toPointSet(~xyPointLength, ~sampleCount, ())
->E.R2.fmap(r => Dist(PointSet(r)))
| ToDistCombination(Algebraic, _, #Float(_)) => GenDistError(NotYetImplemented)
| ToDistCombination(Algebraic, arithmeticOperation, #Dist(t2)) =>
->GenericDist.algebraicCombination(~toPointSetFn, ~toSampleSetFn, ~arithmeticOperation, ~t2)
->E.R2.fmap(r => Dist(r))
| ToDistCombination(Pointwise, algebraicCombination, #Dist(t2)) =>
->GenericDist.pointwiseCombination(~toPointSetFn, ~algebraicCombination, ~t2)
->E.R2.fmap(r => Dist(r))
| ToDistCombination(Pointwise, algebraicCombination, #Float(f)) =>
->GenericDist.pointwiseCombinationFloat(~toPointSetFn, ~algebraicCombination, ~f)
->E.R2.fmap(r => Dist(r))
switch functionCallInfo {
| FromDist(subFnName, dist) => fromDistFn(subFnName, dist)
| FromFloat(subFnName, float) =>
reCall(~functionCallInfo=FromDist(subFnName, GenericDist.fromFloat(float)), ())
| Mixture(dists) =>
->GenericDist.mixture(~scaleMultiplyFn=scaleMultiply, ~pointwiseAddFn=pointwiseAdd)
->E.R2.fmap(r => Dist(r))
let runFromDist = (~env, ~functionCallInfo, dist) => run(~env, FromDist(functionCallInfo, dist))
let runFromFloat = (~env, ~functionCallInfo, float) => run(~env, FromFloat(functionCallInfo, float))
module Output = {
include OutputLocal
let fmap = (
input: outputType,
functionCallInfo: DistributionTypes.DistributionOperation.singleParamaterFunction,
): outputType => {
let newFnCall: result<functionCallInfo, error> = switch (functionCallInfo, input) {
| (FromDist(fromDist), Dist(o)) => Ok(FromDist(fromDist, o))
| (FromFloat(fromDist), Float(o)) => Ok(FromFloat(fromDist, o))
| (_, GenDistError(r)) => Error(r)
| (FromDist(_), _) => Error(OtherError("Expected dist, got something else"))
| (FromFloat(_), _) => Error(OtherError("Expected float, got something else"))
// See comment above DistributionTypes.Constructors to explain the purpose of this module.
// I tried having another internal module called UsingDists, similar to how its done in
// DistributionTypes.Constructors. However, this broke GenType for me, so beware.
module Constructors = {
module C = DistributionTypes.Constructors.UsingDists
open OutputLocal
let mean = (~env, dist) => C.mean(dist)->run(~env)->toFloatR
let sample = (~env, dist) => C.sample(dist)->run(~env)->toFloatR
let cdf = (~env, dist, f) => C.cdf(dist, f)->run(~env)->toFloatR
let inv = (~env, dist, f) => C.inv(dist, f)->run(~env)->toFloatR
let pdf = (~env, dist, f) => C.pdf(dist, f)->run(~env)->toFloatR
let normalize = (~env, dist) => C.normalize(dist)->run(~env)->toDistR
let isNormalized = (~env, dist) => C.isNormalized(dist)->run(~env)->toBoolR
let toPointSet = (~env, dist) => C.toPointSet(dist)->run(~env)->toDistR
let toSampleSet = (~env, dist, n) => C.toSampleSet(dist, n)->run(~env)->toDistR
let truncate = (~env, dist, leftCutoff, rightCutoff) =>
C.truncate(dist, leftCutoff, rightCutoff)->run(~env)->toDistR
let inspect = (~env, dist) => C.inspect(dist)->run(~env)->toDistR
let toString = (~env, dist) => C.toString(dist)->run(~env)->toStringR
let toSparkline = (~env, dist, bucketCount) =>
C.toSparkline(dist, bucketCount)->run(~env)->toStringR
let algebraicAdd = (~env, dist1, dist2) => C.algebraicAdd(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let algebraicMultiply = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.algebraicMultiply(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let algebraicDivide = (~env, dist1, dist2) => C.algebraicDivide(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let algebraicSubtract = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.algebraicSubtract(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let algebraicLogarithm = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.algebraicLogarithm(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let algebraicPower = (~env, dist1, dist2) => C.algebraicPower(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let pointwiseAdd = (~env, dist1, dist2) => C.pointwiseAdd(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let pointwiseMultiply = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.pointwiseMultiply(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let pointwiseDivide = (~env, dist1, dist2) => C.pointwiseDivide(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let pointwiseSubtract = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.pointwiseSubtract(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let pointwiseLogarithm = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.pointwiseLogarithm(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let pointwisePower = (~env, dist1, dist2) => C.pointwisePower(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR