2022-10-05 04:51:23 +04:00

158 lines
5.5 KiB

type location = Reducer_Peggy_Parse.location
// Messages don't contain any stack trace information.
// FunctionRegistry functions are allowed to throw MessageExceptions, though, because they will be caught and rewrapped by Reducer_Lambda code
module Message = {
type t =
| REArityError(option<string>, int, int)
| REArrayIndexNotFound(string, int)
| REAssignmentExpected
| REDistributionError(DistributionTypes.error)
| REExpectedType(string, string)
| REExpressionExpected
| REFunctionExpected(string)
| REFunctionNotFound(string)
| REJavaScriptExn(option<string>, option<string>) // Javascript Exception
| REMacroNotFound(string)
| RENotAFunction(string)
| REOperationError(Operation.operationError)
| RERecordPropertyNotFound(string, string)
| RESymbolNotFound(string)
| RESyntaxError(string, option<location>)
| RETodo(string) // To do
| REUnitNotFound(string)
| RENeedToRun
| REOther(string)
exception MessageException(t)
let fromParseError = (
SyntaxError(message, location): Reducer_Peggy_Parse.parseError,
) => RESyntaxError(message, location->Some)
let toString = (err: t) =>
switch err {
| REArityError(_oFnName, arity, usedArity) =>
`${Js.String.make(arity)} arguments expected. Instead ${Js.String.make(
)} argument(s) were passed.`
| REArrayIndexNotFound(msg, index) => `${msg}: ${Js.String.make(index)}`
| REAssignmentExpected => "Assignment expected"
| REExpressionExpected => "Expression expected"
| REFunctionExpected(msg) => `Function expected: ${msg}`
| REFunctionNotFound(msg) => `Function not found: ${msg}`
| REDistributionError(err) =>
`Distribution Math Error: ${DistributionTypes.Error.toString(err)}`
| REOperationError(err) => `Math Error: ${Operation.Error.toString(err)}`
| REJavaScriptExn(omsg, oname) => {
let answer = "JS Exception:"
let answer = switch oname {
| Some(name) => `${answer} ${name}`
| _ => answer
let answer = switch omsg {
| Some(msg) => `${answer}: ${msg}`
| _ => answer
| REMacroNotFound(macro) => `Macro not found: ${macro}`
| RENotAFunction(valueString) => `${valueString} is not a function`
| RERecordPropertyNotFound(msg, index) => `${msg}: ${index}`
| RESymbolNotFound(symbolName) => `${symbolName} is not defined`
| RESyntaxError(desc, _) => `Syntax Error: ${desc}`
| RETodo(msg) => `TODO: ${msg}`
| REExpectedType(typeName, valueString) => `Expected type: ${typeName} but got: ${valueString}`
| REUnitNotFound(unitName) => `Unit not found: ${unitName}`
| RENeedToRun => "Need to run"
| REOther(msg) => `Error: ${msg}`
let fromException = exn =>
switch exn {
| MessageException(e) => e
| Js.Exn.Error(e) =>
switch Js.Exn.message(e) {
| Some(message) => REOther(message)
| None =>
switch Js.Exn.name(e) {
| Some(name) => REOther(name)
| None => REOther("Unknown error")
| _e => REOther("Unknown error")
let throw = (errorValue: t) => errorValue->MessageException->raise
type t = {
message: Message.t,
frameStack: Reducer_FrameStack.t,
exception SqException(t)
let fromMessageWithFrameStack = (message: Message.t, frameStack: Reducer_FrameStack.t): t => {
message: message,
frameStack: frameStack,
// this shouldn't be used much, since frame stack will be empty
// but it's useful for global errors, e.g. in ReducerProject or somethere in the frontend
let fromMessage = (message: Message.t) =>
fromMessageWithFrameStack(message, Reducer_FrameStack.make())
let getTopFrame = (t: t): option<Reducer_T.frame> => t.frameStack->Reducer_FrameStack.getTopFrame
let getFrameStack = (t: t): Reducer_FrameStack.t => t.frameStack
let toString = (t: t): string => t.message->Message.toString
let createOtherError = (v: string): t => Message.REOther(v)->fromMessage
let getFrameArray = (t: t): array<Reducer_T.frame> => t.frameStack->Reducer_FrameStack.toFrameArray
let toStringWithStackTrace = (t: t) =>
t->toString ++ if t.frameStack->Reducer_FrameStack.isEmpty {
"\nTraceback:\n" ++ t.frameStack->Reducer_FrameStack.toString
} else {
let throw = (t: t) => t->SqException->raise
let throwMessageWithFrameStack = (message: Message.t, frameStack: Reducer_FrameStack.t) =>
fromMessageWithFrameStack(message, frameStack)->throw
// this shouldn't be used for most runtime errors - the resulting error would have an empty stacktrace
let fromException = exn =>
switch exn {
| SqException(e) => e
| Message.MessageException(e) => e->fromMessage
| Js.Exn.Error(obj) => REJavaScriptExn(obj->Js.Exn.message, obj->Js.Exn.name)->fromMessage
| _ => REOther("Unknown exception")->fromMessage
// converts raw exceptions into exceptions with stacktrace attached
// already converted exceptions won't be affected
let rethrowWithStacktrace = (fn: unit => 'a, frameStack: Reducer_FrameStack.t) => {
try {
} catch {
| SqException(e) => e->throw // exception already has a stacktrace
| Message.MessageException(e) => e->throwMessageWithFrameStack(frameStack) // probably comes from FunctionRegistry, adding stacktrace
| Js.Exn.Error(obj) =>
REJavaScriptExn(obj->Js.Exn.message, obj->Js.Exn.name)->throwMessageWithFrameStack(frameStack)
| _ => REOther("Unknown exception")->throwMessageWithFrameStack(frameStack)