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258 lines
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open ASTTypes
type tResult = node => result<node, string>
/* Given two random variables A and B, this returns the distribution
of a new variable that is the result of the operation on A and B.
For instance, normal(0, 1) + normal(1, 1) -> normal(1, 2).
In general, this is implemented via convolution. */
module AlgebraicCombination = {
let tryAnalyticalSimplification = (operation, t1: node, t2: node) =>
switch (operation, t1, t2) {
| (operation, #SymbolicDist(d1), #SymbolicDist(d2)) =>
switch SymbolicDist.T.tryAnalyticalSimplification(d1, d2, operation) {
| #AnalyticalSolution(symbolicDist) => Ok(#SymbolicDist(symbolicDist))
| #Error(er) => Error(er)
| #NoSolution => Ok(#AlgebraicCombination(operation, t1, t2))
| _ => Ok(#AlgebraicCombination(operation, t1, t2))
let combinationByRendering = (evaluationParams, algebraicOp, t1: node, t2: node): result<
> =>
Node.ensureIsRenderedAndGetShape(evaluationParams, t1),
Node.ensureIsRenderedAndGetShape(evaluationParams, t2),
) |> E.R.fmap(((a, b)) => #RenderedDist(PointSetDist.combineAlgebraically(algebraicOp, a, b)))
let nodeScore: node => int = x =>
switch x {
| #SymbolicDist(#Float(_)) => 1
| #SymbolicDist(_) => 1000
| #RenderedDist(Discrete(m)) => m.xyShape |> XYShape.T.length
| #RenderedDist(Mixed(_)) => 1000
| #RenderedDist(Continuous(_)) => 1000
| _ => 1000
let choose = (t1: node, t2: node) =>
nodeScore(t1) * nodeScore(t2) > 10000 ? #Sampling : #Analytical
let combine = (evaluationParams, algebraicOp, t1: node, t2: node): result<node, string> =>
ASTTypes.SamplingDistribution.renderIfIsNotSamplingDistribution(evaluationParams, t1),
ASTTypes.SamplingDistribution.renderIfIsNotSamplingDistribution(evaluationParams, t2),
) |> E.R.bind(_, ((a, b)) =>
switch choose(a, b) {
| #Sampling =>
| #Analytical => combinationByRendering(evaluationParams, algebraicOp, a, b)
let operationToLeaf = (
evaluationParams: evaluationParams,
algebraicOp: Operation.algebraicOperation,
t1: node,
t2: node,
): result<node, string> =>
|> tryAnalyticalSimplification(_, t1, t2)
|> E.R.bind(_, x =>
switch x {
| #SymbolicDist(_) as t => Ok(t)
| _ => combine(evaluationParams, algebraicOp, t1, t2)
module PointwiseCombination = {
//TODO: This is crude and slow. It forces everything to be pointSetDist, even though much
//of the process could happen on symbolic distributions without a conversion to be a pointSetDist.
let pointwiseAdd = (evaluationParams: evaluationParams, t1: node, t2: node) =>
switch (Node.render(evaluationParams, t1), Node.render(evaluationParams, t2)) {
| (Ok(#RenderedDist(rs1)), Ok(#RenderedDist(rs2))) =>
~integralSumCachesFn=(a, b) => Some(a +. b),
~integralCachesFn=(a, b) => Some(
Continuous.combinePointwise(~distributionType=#CDF, \"+.", a, b),
| (Error(e1), _) => Error(e1)
| (_, Error(e2)) => Error(e2)
| _ => Error("Pointwise combination: rendering failed.")
let pointwiseCombine = (fn, evaluationParams: evaluationParams, t1: node, t2: node) =>
switch // TODO: construct a function that we can easily sample from, to construct
// a RenderedDist. Use the xMin and xMax of the rendered pointSetDists to tell the sampling function where to look.
// TODO: This should work for symbolic distributions too!
(Node.render(evaluationParams, t1), Node.render(evaluationParams, t2)) {
| (Ok(#RenderedDist(rs1)), Ok(#RenderedDist(rs2))) =>
Ok(#RenderedDist(PointSetDist.combinePointwise(fn, rs1, rs2)))
| (Error(e1), _) => Error(e1)
| (_, Error(e2)) => Error(e2)
| _ => Error("Pointwise combination: rendering failed.")
let operationToLeaf = (
evaluationParams: evaluationParams,
pointwiseOp: Operation.pointwiseOperation,
t1: node,
t2: node,
) =>
switch pointwiseOp {
| #Add => pointwiseAdd(evaluationParams, t1, t2)
| #Multiply => pointwiseCombine(\"*.", evaluationParams, t1, t2)
| #Power => pointwiseCombine(\"**", evaluationParams, t1, t2)
module Truncate = {
type simplificationResult = [
| #Solution(ASTTypes.node)
| #Error(string)
| #NoSolution
let trySimplification = (leftCutoff, rightCutoff, t): simplificationResult =>
switch (leftCutoff, rightCutoff, t) {
| (None, None, t) => #Solution(t)
| (Some(lc), Some(rc), _) if lc > rc =>
#Error("Left truncation bound must be smaller than right truncation bound.")
| (lc, rc, #SymbolicDist(#Uniform(u))) =>
#Solution(#SymbolicDist(#Uniform(SymbolicDist.Uniform.truncate(lc, rc, u))))
| _ => #NoSolution
let truncateAsShape = (evaluationParams: evaluationParams, leftCutoff, rightCutoff, t) =>
switch // TODO: use named args for xMin/xMax in renderToShape; if we're lucky we can at least get the tail
// of a distribution we otherwise wouldn't get at all
Node.ensureIsRendered(evaluationParams, t) {
| Ok(#RenderedDist(rs)) =>
Ok(#RenderedDist(PointSetDist.T.truncate(leftCutoff, rightCutoff, rs)))
| Error(e) => Error(e)
| _ => Error("Could not truncate distribution.")
let operationToLeaf = (
leftCutoff: option<float>,
rightCutoff: option<float>,
t: node,
): result<node, string> =>
|> trySimplification(leftCutoff, rightCutoff)
|> (
x =>
switch x {
| #Solution(t) => Ok(t)
| #Error(e) => Error(e)
| #NoSolution => truncateAsShape(evaluationParams, leftCutoff, rightCutoff, t)
module Normalize = {
let rec operationToLeaf = (evaluationParams, t: node): result<node, string> =>
switch t {
| #RenderedDist(s) => Ok(#RenderedDist(PointSetDist.T.normalize(s)))
| #SymbolicDist(_) => Ok(t)
| _ => ASTTypes.Node.evaluateAndRetry(evaluationParams, operationToLeaf, t)
module FunctionCall = {
let _runHardcodedFunction = (name, evaluationParams, args) =>
TypeSystem.Function.Ts.findByNameAndRun(HardcodedFunctions.all, name, evaluationParams, args)
let _runLocalFunction = (name, evaluationParams: evaluationParams, args) =>
Environment.getFunction(evaluationParams.environment, name) |> E.R.bind(_, ((argNames, fn)) =>
ASTTypes.Function.run(evaluationParams, args, (argNames, fn))
let _runWithEvaluatedInputs = (
evaluationParams: ASTTypes.evaluationParams,
args: array<ASTTypes.node>,
) =>
_runHardcodedFunction(name, evaluationParams, args) |> E.O.default(
_runLocalFunction(name, evaluationParams, args),
// TODO: This forces things to be floats
let run = (evaluationParams, name, args) =>
|> E.A.fmap(a => evaluationParams.evaluateNode(evaluationParams, a))
|> E.A.R.firstErrorOrOpen
|> E.R.bind(_, _runWithEvaluatedInputs(evaluationParams, name))
module Render = {
let rec operationToLeaf = (evaluationParams: evaluationParams, t: node): result<node, string> =>
switch t {
| #Function(_) => Error("Cannot render a function")
| #SymbolicDist(d) =>
SymbolicDist.T.toPointSetDist(evaluationParams.samplingInputs.pointSetDistLength, d),
| #RenderedDist(_) as t => Ok(t) // already a rendered pointSetDist, we're done here
| _ => ASTTypes.Node.evaluateAndRetry(evaluationParams, operationToLeaf, t)
/* This function recursively goes through the nodes of the parse tree,
replacing each Operation node and its subtree with a Data node.
Whenever possible, the replacement produces a new Symbolic Data node,
but most often it will produce a RenderedDist.
This function is used mainly to turn a parse tree into a single RenderedDist
that can then be displayed to the user. */
let rec toLeaf = (evaluationParams: ASTTypes.evaluationParams, node: node): result<node, string> =>
switch node {
// Leaf nodes just stay leaf nodes
| #SymbolicDist(_)
| #Function(_)
| #RenderedDist(_) =>
| #Array(args) =>
args |> E.A.fmap(toLeaf(evaluationParams)) |> E.A.R.firstErrorOrOpen |> E.R.fmap(r => #Array(r))
// Operations nevaluationParamsd to be turned into leaves
| #AlgebraicCombination(algebraicOp, t1, t2) =>
AlgebraicCombination.operationToLeaf(evaluationParams, algebraicOp, t1, t2)
| #PointwiseCombination(pointwiseOp, t1, t2) =>
PointwiseCombination.operationToLeaf(evaluationParams, pointwiseOp, t1, t2)
| #Truncate(leftCutoff, rightCutoff, t) =>
Truncate.operationToLeaf(evaluationParams, leftCutoff, rightCutoff, t)
| #Normalize(t) => Normalize.operationToLeaf(evaluationParams, t)
| #Render(t) => Render.operationToLeaf(evaluationParams, t)
| #Hash(t) =>
|> E.A.fmap(((name: string, node: node)) =>
toLeaf(evaluationParams, node) |> E.R.fmap(r => (name, r))
|> E.A.R.firstErrorOrOpen
|> E.R.fmap(r => #Hash(r))
| #Symbol(r) =>
ASTTypes.Environment.get(evaluationParams.environment, r)
|> E.O.toResult("Undeclared variable " ++ r)
|> E.R.bind(_, toLeaf(evaluationParams))
| #FunctionCall(name, args) =>
FunctionCall.run(evaluationParams, name, args) |> E.R.bind(_, toLeaf(evaluationParams))