# ReasonReact Template & Examples This is: - A template for your new ReasonReact project. - A collection of thin examples illustrating ReasonReact usage. - Extra helper documentation for ReasonReact (full ReasonReact docs [here](https://reasonml.github.io/reason-react/)). `src` contains 4 sub-folders, each an independent, self-contained ReasonReact example. Feel free to delete any of them and shape this into your project! This template's more malleable than you might be used to =). The point of this template and examples is to let you understand and personally tweak the entirely of it. We **don't** give you an opaque, elaborate mega build setup just to put some boxes on the screen. It strikes to stay transparent, learnable, and simple. You're encouraged to read every file; it's a great feeling, having the full picture of what you're using and being able to touch any part. ## Run ```sh npm install npm run server # in a new tab npm start ``` Open a new web page to `http://localhost:8000/`. Change any `.re` file in `src` to see the page auto-reload. **You don't need any bundler when you're developing**! **How come we don't need any bundler during development**? We highly encourage you to open up `index.html` to check for yourself! # Features Used | | Blinking Greeting | Reducer from ReactJS Docs | Fetch Dog Pictures | Reason Using JS Using Reason | |---------------------------|-------------------|---------------------------|--------------------|------------------------------| | No props | | ✓ | | | | Has props | | | | ✓ | | Children props | ✓ | | | | | No state | | | | ✓ | | Has state | ✓ | | ✓ | | | Has state with useReducer | | ✓ | | | | ReasonReact using ReactJS | | | | ✓ | | ReactJS using ReasonReact | | | | ✓ | | useEffect | ✓ | | ✓ | | | Dom attribute | ✓ | ✓ | | ✓ | | Styling | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | | React.array | | | ✓ | | # Bundle for Production We've included a convenience `UNUSED_webpack.config.js`, in case you want to ship your project to production. You can rename and/or remove that in favor of other bundlers, e.g. Rollup. We've also provided a barebone `indexProduction.html`, to serve your bundle. ```sh npm install webpack webpack-cli # rename file mv UNUSED_webpack.config.js webpack.config.js # call webpack to bundle for production ./node_modules/.bin/webpack open indexProduction.html ``` # Handle Routing Yourself To serve the files, this template uses a minimal dependency called `moduleserve`. A URL such as `localhost:8000/scores/john` resolves to the file `scores/john.html`. If you'd like to override this and handle URL resolution yourself, change the `server` command in `package.json` from `moduleserve ./ --port 8000` to `moduleserve ./ --port 8000 --spa` (for "single page application"). This will make `moduleserve` serve the default `index.html` for any URL. Since `index.html` loads `Index.bs.js`, you can grab hold of the URL in the corresponding `Index.re` and do whatever you want. By the way, ReasonReact comes with a small [router](https://reasonml.github.io/reason-react/docs/en/router) you might be interested in.