open Distributions; type t = DistTypes.continuousShape; let getShape = (t: t) => t.xyShape; let interpolation = (t: t) => t.interpolation; let make = (interpolation, xyShape, knownIntegralSum): t => { xyShape, interpolation, knownIntegralSum, }; let shapeMap = (fn, {xyShape, interpolation, knownIntegralSum}: t): t => { xyShape: fn(xyShape), interpolation, knownIntegralSum, }; let lastY = (t: t) => t |> getShape |> XYShape.T.lastY; let oShapeMap = (fn, {xyShape, interpolation, knownIntegralSum}: t) : option(DistTypes.continuousShape) => fn(xyShape) |> E.O.fmap(make(interpolation, _, knownIntegralSum)); let empty: DistTypes.continuousShape = { xyShape: XYShape.T.empty, interpolation: `Linear, knownIntegralSum: Some(0.0), }; let combinePointwise = ( ~knownIntegralSumsFn, fn: (float, float) => float, t1: DistTypes.continuousShape, t2: DistTypes.continuousShape, ) : DistTypes.continuousShape => { // If we're adding the distributions, and we know the total of each, then we // can just sum them up. Otherwise, all bets are off. let combinedIntegralSum = Common.combineIntegralSums( knownIntegralSumsFn, t1.knownIntegralSum, t2.knownIntegralSum, ); make( `Linear, XYShape.PointwiseCombination.combineLinear( ~fn=(+.), t1.xyShape, t2.xyShape, ), combinedIntegralSum, ); }; let toLinear = (t: t): option(t) => { switch (t) { | {interpolation: `Stepwise, xyShape, knownIntegralSum} => xyShape |> XYShape.Range.stepsToContinuous |> E.O.fmap(make(`Linear, _, knownIntegralSum)) | {interpolation: `Linear} => Some(t) }; }; let shapeFn = (fn, t: t) => t |> getShape |> fn; let updateKnownIntegralSum = (knownIntegralSum, t: t): t => { ...t, knownIntegralSum, }; let reduce = ( ~knownIntegralSumsFn: (float, float) => option(float)=(_, _) => None, fn, continuousShapes, ) => continuousShapes |> E.A.fold_left(combinePointwise(~knownIntegralSumsFn, fn), empty); let mapY = (~knownIntegralSumFn=_ => None, fn, t: t) => { let u = E.O.bind(_, knownIntegralSumFn); let yMapFn = shapeMap(XYShape.T.mapY(fn)); t |> yMapFn |> updateKnownIntegralSum(u(t.knownIntegralSum)); }; let scaleBy = (~scale=1.0, t: t): t => { t |> mapY((r: float) => r *. scale) |> updateKnownIntegralSum( E.O.bind(t.knownIntegralSum, v => Some(scale *. v)), ); }; module T = Dist({ type t = DistTypes.continuousShape; type integral = DistTypes.continuousShape; let minX = shapeFn(XYShape.T.minX); let maxX = shapeFn(XYShape.T.maxX); let mapY = mapY; let toDiscreteProbabilityMassFraction = _ => 0.0; let toShape = (t: t): DistTypes.shape => Continuous(t); let xToY = (f, {interpolation, xyShape}: t) => { ( switch (interpolation) { | `Stepwise => xyShape |> XYShape.XtoY.stepwiseIncremental(f) |> E.O.default(0.0) | `Linear => xyShape |> XYShape.XtoY.linear(f) } ) |> DistTypes.MixedPoint.makeContinuous; }; let truncate = (leftCutoff: option(float), rightCutoff: option(float), t: t) => { let lc = E.O.default(neg_infinity, leftCutoff); let rc = E.O.default(infinity, rightCutoff); let truncatedZippedPairs = t |> getShape |> |> XYShape.Zipped.filterByX(x => x >= lc && x <= rc); let eps = (t |> getShape |> XYShape.T.xTotalRange) *. 0.0001; let leftNewPoint = leftCutoff |> E.O.dimap(lc => [|(lc -. eps, 0.)|], _ => [||]); let rightNewPoint = rightCutoff |> E.O.dimap(rc => [|(rc +. eps, 0.)|], _ => [||]); let truncatedZippedPairsWithNewPoints = E.A.concatMany([|leftNewPoint, truncatedZippedPairs, rightNewPoint|]); let truncatedShape = XYShape.T.fromZippedArray(truncatedZippedPairsWithNewPoints); make(`Linear, truncatedShape, None); }; // TODO: This should work with stepwise plots. let integral = (~cache, t) => if (t |> getShape |> XYShape.T.length > 0) { switch (cache) { | Some(cache) => cache | None => t |> getShape |> XYShape.Range.integrateWithTriangles |> E.O.toExt("This should not have happened") |> make(`Linear, _, None) }; } else { make(`Linear, {xs: [|neg_infinity|], ys: [|0.0|]}, None); }; let downsample = (~cache=None, length, t): t => t |> shapeMap( XYShape.XsConversion.proportionByProbabilityMass( length, integral(~cache, t).xyShape, ), ); let integralEndY = (~cache, t: t) => t.knownIntegralSum |> E.O.default(t |> integral(~cache) |> lastY); let integralXtoY = (~cache, f, t: t) => t |> integral(~cache) |> shapeFn(XYShape.XtoY.linear(f)); let integralYtoX = (~cache, f, t: t) => t |> integral(~cache) |> shapeFn(XYShape.YtoX.linear(f)); let toContinuous = t => Some(t); let toDiscrete = _ => None; let normalize = (t: t): t => { t |> scaleBy(~scale=1. /. integralEndY(~cache=None, t)) |> updateKnownIntegralSum(Some(1.0)); }; let normalizedToContinuous = t => Some(t |> normalize); let normalizedToDiscrete = _ => None; let mean = (t: t) => { let indefiniteIntegralStepwise = (p, h1) => h1 *. p ** 2.0 /. 2.0; let indefiniteIntegralLinear = (p, a, b) => a *. p ** 2.0 /. 2.0 +. b *. p ** 3.0 /. 3.0; XYShape.Analysis.integrateContinuousShape( ~indefiniteIntegralStepwise, ~indefiniteIntegralLinear, t, ); }; let variance = (t: t): float => XYShape.Analysis.getVarianceDangerously( t, mean, XYShape.Analysis.getMeanOfSquaresContinuousShape, ); }); /* This simply creates multiple copies of the continuous distribution, scaled and shifted according to each discrete data point, and then adds them all together. */ let combineAlgebraicallyWithDiscrete = ( op: ExpressionTypes.algebraicOperation, t1: t, t2: DistTypes.discreteShape, ) => { let s1 = t1 |> getShape; let s2 = t2.xyShape; let t1n = s1 |> XYShape.T.length; let t2n = s2 |> XYShape.T.length; if (t1n == 0 || t2n == 0) { empty; } else { let combinedShape = AlgebraicShapeCombination.combineShapesContinuousDiscrete(op, s1, s2); let combinedIntegralSum = Common.combineIntegralSums( (a, b) => Some(a *. b), t1.knownIntegralSum, t2.knownIntegralSum, ); // return a new Continuous distribution make(`Linear, combinedShape, combinedIntegralSum); }; }; let combineAlgebraically = (op: ExpressionTypes.algebraicOperation, t1: t, t2: t) => { let s1 = t1 |> getShape; let s2 = t2 |> getShape; let t1n = s1 |> XYShape.T.length; let t2n = s2 |> XYShape.T.length; if (t1n == 0 || t2n == 0) { empty; } else { let combinedShape = AlgebraicShapeCombination.combineShapesContinuousContinuous(op, s1, s2); let combinedIntegralSum = Common.combineIntegralSums( (a, b) => Some(a *. b), t1.knownIntegralSum, t2.knownIntegralSum, ); // return a new Continuous distribution make(`Linear, combinedShape, combinedIntegralSum); }; };