--- sidebar_position: 2 --- import { SquiggleEditor } from '../src/components/SquiggleEditor' # Squiggle Language The squiggle language has a very simple syntax. The best way to get to understand it is by simply looking at examples. ## Basic Language As an example: <SquiggleEditor initialSquiggleString={`value_of_work = 10 to 70 value_of_work`} /> Squiggle can declare variables (`value_of_work = 10 to 70`) and declare exports (the lone `value_of_work` line). Variables can be used later in a squiggle program and even in other notebooks! An export is rendered to the output view so you can see your result. the exports can be expressions, such as: <SquiggleEditor initialSquiggleString="normal(0,1)" /> ## Functions Squiggle supports functions, including the rendering of functions: <SquiggleEditor initialSquiggleString={`ozzie_estimate(t) = lognormal({mean: 3 + (t+.1)^2.5, stdev: 8}) ozzie_estimate `} />