open Jest open Expect let pdfImage = (thePdf, inps) =>, inps) let env: DistributionOperation.env = { sampleCount: 100, xyPointLength: 100, } let mkNormal = (mean, stdev) => GenericDist_Types.Symbolic(#Normal({mean: mean, stdev: stdev})) let {toFloat, toDist, toString, toError, fmap} = module(DistributionOperation.Output) let {run} = module(DistributionOperation) let run = run(~env) let outputMap = fmap(~env) let toExtFloat: option => float = E.O.toExt( "Should be impossible to reach (This error is in test file)", ) let toExtDist: option => GenericDist_Types.genericDist = E.O.toExt( "Should be impossible to reach (This error is in a test file)", ) let unpackFloat = x => x -> toFloat -> toExtFloat let unpackDist = y => y -> toDist -> toExtDist describe("normalize", () => { testAll("has no impact on normal distributions", list{-1e8, -16.0, -1e-2, 0.0, 1e-4, 32.0, 1e16}, mean => { let theNormal = mkNormal(mean, 2.0) let theNormalized = run(FromDist(ToDist(Normalize), theNormal)) theNormalized -> unpackDist -> expect -> toEqual(theNormal) }) }) describe("mean", () => { testAll("of normal distributions", list{-1e8, -16.0, -1e-2, 0.0, 1e-4, 32.0, 1e16}, mean => { run(FromDist(ToFloat(#Mean), mkNormal(mean, 4.0))) -> unpackFloat -> expect -> toBeCloseTo(mean) }) testAll("of exponential distributions", list{1e-7, 2.0, 10.0, 100.0}, rate => { let theMean = run(FromDist(ToFloat(#Mean), GenericDist_Types.Symbolic(#Exponential({rate: rate})))) theMean -> unpackFloat -> expect -> toBeCloseTo(1.0 /. rate) //,_variance,_moments,_and_median }) // test("of a cauchy distribution", () => { // let result = run(FromDist(ToFloat(#Mean), GenericDist_Types.Symbolic(#Cauchy({local: 1.0, scale: 1.0})))) // expect(result) -> toEqual(Error("Cauchy distributions may have no mean value.")) // }) test("of a triangular distribution", () => { // should be property let theMean = run(FromDist( ToFloat(#Mean), GenericDist_Types.Symbolic(#Triangular({low: - 5.0, medium: 1e-3, high: 10.0})) )) theMean -> unpackFloat -> expect -> toBeCloseTo((-5.0 +. 1e-3 +. 10.0) /. 3.0) // }) test("of a beta distribution with alpha much smaller than beta", () => { // should be property let theMean = run(FromDist( ToFloat(#Mean), GenericDist_Types.Symbolic(#Beta({alpha: 2e-4, beta: 64.0})) )) theMean -> unpackFloat -> expect -> toBeCloseTo(1.0 /. (1.0 +. (64.0 /. 2e-4))) // }) test("of a beta distribution with alpha much larger than beta", () => { // should be property let theMean = run(FromDist( ToFloat(#Mean), GenericDist_Types.Symbolic(#Beta({alpha: 128.0, beta: 1.0})) )) theMean -> unpackFloat -> expect -> toBeCloseTo(1.0 /. (1.0 +. (1.0 /. 128.0))) // }) test("of a lognormal", () => { // should be property let theMean = run(FromDist( ToFloat(#Mean), GenericDist_Types.Symbolic(#Lognormal({mu: 2.0, sigma: 4.0})) )) theMean -> unpackFloat -> expect -> toBeCloseTo(Js.Math.exp(2.0 +. 4.0 ** 2.0 /. 2.0 )) // }) test("of a uniform", () => { let theMean = run(FromDist( ToFloat(#Mean), GenericDist_Types.Symbolic(#Uniform({low: 1e-5, high: 12.345})) )) theMean -> unpackFloat -> expect -> toBeCloseTo((1e-5 +. 12.345) /. 2.0) // }) test("of a float", () => { let theMean = run(FromDist( ToFloat(#Mean), GenericDist_Types.Symbolic(#Float(7.7)) )) theMean -> unpackFloat -> expect -> toBeCloseTo(7.7) }) }) describe("Normal distribution with sparklines", () => { let parameterWiseAdditionHelper = (n1: SymbolicDistTypes.normal, n2: SymbolicDistTypes.normal) => { let normalDistAtSumMeanConstr = SymbolicDist.Normal.add(n1, n2) let normalDistAtSumMean: SymbolicDistTypes.normal = switch normalDistAtSumMeanConstr { | #Normal(params) => params } x => SymbolicDist.Normal.pdf(x, normalDistAtSumMean) } let normalDistAtMean5: SymbolicDistTypes.normal = {mean: 5.0, stdev: 2.0} let normalDistAtMean10: SymbolicDistTypes.normal = {mean: 10.0, stdev: 2.0} let range20Float = E.A.rangeFloat(0, 20) // [0.0,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,...19.0,] let pdfNormalDistAtMean5 = x => SymbolicDist.Normal.pdf(x, normalDistAtMean5) let sparklineMean5 = pdfImage(pdfNormalDistAtMean5, range20Float) test("mean=5", () => { Sparklines.create(sparklineMean5, ()) -> expect -> toEqual(`▁▂▃▅███▅▃▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁`) }) let sparklineMean15 = normalDistAtMean5 -> parameterWiseAdditionHelper(normalDistAtMean10) -> pdfImage(range20Float) test("parameter-wise addition of two normal distributions", () => { Sparklines.create(sparklineMean15, ()) -> expect -> toEqual(`▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▅▇███▇▅▃▂`) }) })