import { testRun } from "./TestHelpers"; import * as fc from "fast-check"; describe("Squiggle's parser is whitespace insensitive", () => { test("when assigning a distribution to a name and calling that name", () => { // intersperse varying amounts of whitespace in a squiggle string let squiggleString = ( a: string, b: string, c: string, d: string, e: string, f: string, g: string, h: string ): string => { return `theDist${a}=${b}beta(${c}4${d},${e}5e1)${f};${g}theDist${h}`; }; let squiggleOutput = testRun( squiggleString("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "") ); // Add "\n" to this when multiline is introduced. let whitespaceGen = () => { return fc.constantFrom("", " ", "\t", " ", " ", " ", " "); }; fc.assert( whitespaceGen(), whitespaceGen(), whitespaceGen(), whitespaceGen(), whitespaceGen(), whitespaceGen(), whitespaceGen(), whitespaceGen(), (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) => { expect(testRun(squiggleString(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h))).toEqual( squiggleOutput ); } ) ); }); });