import { run, GenericDist, resultMap } from "../src/js/index"; let testRun = (x: string) => { let result = run(x); if (result.tag == "Ok") { return { tag: "Ok", value: result.value.exports }; } else { return result; } }; describe("Simple calculations and results", () => { test("mean(normal(5,2))", () => { expect(testRun("mean(normal(5,2))")).toEqual({ tag: "Ok", value: [{ NAME: "Float", VAL: 5 }], }); }); test("10+10", () => { let foo = testRun("10 + 10"); expect(foo).toEqual({ tag: "Ok", value: [{ NAME: "Float", VAL: 20 }] }); }); }); describe("Log function", () => { test("log(1) = 0", () => { let foo = testRun("log(1)"); expect(foo).toEqual({ tag: "Ok", value: [{ NAME: "Float", VAL: 0 }] }); }); }); describe("Multimodal too many weights error", () => { test("mm(0,0,[0,0,0])", () => { let foo = testRun("mm(0,0,[0,0,0])"); expect(foo).toEqual({ tag: "Error", value: "Function multimodal error: Too many weights provided", }); }); }); describe("GenericDist", () => { //It's important that sampleCount is less than 9. If it's more, than that will create randomness let env = { sampleCount: 8, xyPointLength: 100 }; let dist = new GenericDist( { tag: "SampleSet", value: [3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 10, 15, 30] }, env ); let dist2 = new GenericDist( { tag: "SampleSet", value: [20, 22, 24, 29, 30, 35, 38, 44, 52] }, env ); test("mean", () => { expect(dist.mean().value).toBeCloseTo(3.737); }); test("pdf", () => { expect(dist.pdf(5.0).value).toBeCloseTo(0.0431); }); test("cdf", () => { expect(dist.cdf(5.0).value).toBeCloseTo(0.155); }); test("inv", () => { expect(dist.inv(0.5).value).toBeCloseTo(9.458); }); test("toPointSet", () => { expect( resultMap(dist.toPointSet(), (r: GenericDist) => r.toString()).value.value ).toBe("Point Set Distribution"); }); test("toSparkline", () => { expect(dist.toSparkline(20).value).toBe("▁▁▃▅███▆▄▃▂▁▁▂▂▃▂▁▁▁"); }); test("algebraicAdd", () => { expect( resultMap(dist.algebraicAdd(dist2), (r: GenericDist) => r.toSparkline(20)) .value.value ).toBe("▁▁▂▄▆████▇▆▄▄▃▃▃▂▁▁▁"); }); test("pointwiseAdd", () => { expect( resultMap(dist.pointwiseAdd(dist2), (r: GenericDist) => r.toSparkline(20)) .value.value ).toBe("▁▂▅██▅▅▅▆▇█▆▅▃▃▂▂▁▁▁"); }); });