{ pkgs, commonFn, gentypeOutputFn }: rec { common = commonFn pkgs; langPackageJson = let raw = pkgs.lib.importJSON ../packages/squiggle-lang/package.json; modified = pkgs.lib.recursiveUpdate raw { devDependencies."@types/lodash" = "^4.14.167"; }; packageJsonString = builtins.toJSON modified; in pkgs.writeText "packages/squiggle-lang/patched-package.json" packageJsonString; yarn-source = pkgs.mkYarnPackage { name = "squiggle-lang_yarnsource"; src = ../packages/squiggle-lang; packageJSON = langPackageJson; yarnLock = ../yarn.lock; pkgConfig = { rescript = { buildInputs = common.which ++ (if pkgs.system != "i686-linux" then [ pkgs.gcc_multi ] else [ ]); postInstall = '' echo "PATCHELF'ING RESCRIPT EXECUTABLES (INCL NINJA)" # Patching interpreter for linux/*.exe's THE_LD=$(patchelf --print-interpreter $(which mkdir)) patchelf --set-interpreter $THE_LD linux/*.exe && echo "- patched interpreter for linux/*.exe's" # Replacing needed shared library for linux/ninja.exe THE_SO=$(find /nix/store/*/lib64 -name libstdc++.so.6 | head -n 1) patchelf --replace-needed libstdc++.so.6 $THE_SO linux/ninja.exe && echo "- replaced needed for linux/ninja.exe" ''; }; bisect_ppx = { buildInputs = common.which; postInstall = '' echo "PATCHELF'ING BISECT_PPX EXECUTABLE" THE_LD=$(patchelf --print-interpreter $(which mkdir)) patchelf --set-interpreter $THE_LD bin/linux/ppx patchelf --set-interpreter $THE_LD bin/linux/bisect-ppx-report cp bin/linux/ppx ppx ''; }; gentype = { postInstall = '' mv gentype.exe ELFLESS-gentype.exe cp ${gentypeOutputFn pkgs}/src/GenType.exe gentype.exe ''; }; }; }; lint = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "squiggle-lang-lint"; src = yarn-source + "/libexec/@quri/squiggle-lang/deps/@quri/squiggle-lang"; buildInputs = common.buildInputs ++ common.prettier; buildPhase = '' yarn lint:prettier yarn lint:rescript ''; installPhase = "mkdir -p $out"; }; build = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "squiggle-lang-build"; # `peggy` is in the `node_modules` that's adjacent to `deps`. src = yarn-source + "/libexec/@quri/squiggle-lang"; buildInputs = common.buildInputs; buildPhase = '' # so that the path to ppx doesn't need to be patched. mv node_modules deps pushd deps/@quri/squiggle-lang yarn --offline build:peggy yarn --offline build:rescript yarn --offline build:typescript # custom gitignore so that the flake keeps build artefacts mv .gitignore GITIGNORE sed -i /Reducer_Peggy_GeneratedParser.js/d GITIGNORE sed -i /ReducerProject_IncludeParser.js/d GITIGNORE sed -i /\*.bs.js/d GITIGNORE sed -i /\*.gen.ts/d GITIGNORE sed -i /\*.gen.tsx/d GITIGNORE sed -i /\*.gen.js/d GITIGNORE sed -i /helpers.js/d GITIGNORE popd ''; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out # mkdir -p $out/node_modules mv deps/@quri/squiggle-lang/GITIGNORE deps/@quri/squiggle-lang/.gitignore # annoying hack because permissions on transitive dependencies later on mv deps/@quri/squiggle-lang/node_modules deps/@quri/squiggle-lang/NODE_MODULES mv deps/node_modules deps/@quri/squiggle-lang # the proper install phase cp -r deps/@quri/squiggle-lang/. $out ''; }; test = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "squiggle-lang-test"; src = build; buildInputs = common.buildInputs; buildPhase = '' yarn --offline test ''; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out cp -r . $out ''; }; bundle = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "squiggle-lang-bundle"; src = test; buildInputs = common.buildInputs; buildPhase = '' yarn --offline bundle ''; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out cp -r dist $out cp *.json $out/dist ''; }; }