open Jest open Reducer_TestHelpers describe("eval", () => { describe("expressions", () => { testEvalToBe("1", "Ok(1)") testEvalToBe("-1", "Ok(-1)") testEvalToBe("1-1", "Ok(0)") testEvalToBe("1+2", "Ok(3)") testEvalToBe("(1+2)*3", "Ok(9)") testEvalToBe("2>1", "Ok(true)") testEvalToBe("concat('a ', 'b')", "Ok('a b')") testEvalToBe("concat([3,4], [5,6,7])", "Ok([3,4,5,6,7])") testEvalToBe("log(10)", "Ok(2.302585092994046)") testEvalToBe("Math.cos(10)", "Ok(-0.8390715290764524)") // TODO more built ins }) describe("missing function", () => { testEvalToBe("testZadanga(1)", "Error(testZadanga is not defined)") testEvalToBe( "arr = [normal(3,2)]; map(arr, zarathsuzaWasHere)", "Error(zarathsuzaWasHere is not defined)", ) }) describe("arrays", () => { test("empty array", () => expectEvalToBe("[]", "Ok([])")) testEvalToBe("[1, 2, 3]", "Ok([1,2,3])") testEvalToBe("['hello', 'world']", "Ok(['hello','world'])") testEvalToBe("([0,1,2])[1]", "Ok(1)") testDescriptionEvalToBe("index not found", "([0,1,2])[10]", "Error(Array index not found: 10)") }) describe("records", () => { test("define", () => expectEvalToBe("{a: 1, b: 2}", "Ok({a: 1,b: 2})")) test("index", () => expectEvalToBe("r = {a: 1}; r.a", "Ok(1)")) test("index", () => expectEvalToBe("r = {a: 1}; r.b", "Error(Record property not found: b)")) testEvalError("{a: 1}.b") // invalid syntax test("always the same property ending", () => expectEvalToBe( `{ a: 1, b: 2, }`, "Ok({a: 1,b: 2})", ) ) }) describe("multi-line", () => { testEvalError("1; 2") testEvalError("1+1; 2+1") }) describe("assignment", () => { testEvalToBe("x=1; x", "Ok(1)") testEvalToBe("x=1+1; x+1", "Ok(3)") testEvalToBe("x=1; y=x+1; y+1", "Ok(3)") testEvalError("1; x=1") testEvalError("1; 1") testEvalToBe("x=1; x=1; x", "Ok(1)") }) describe("blocks", () => { testEvalToBe("x = { y = { z = 5; z * 2 }; y + 3 }; x", "Ok(13)") }) }) describe("test exceptions", () => { testDescriptionEvalToBe( "javascript exception", "javascriptraise('div by 0')", "Error(JS Exception: Error: 'div by 0')", ) // testDescriptionEvalToBe( // "rescript exception", // "rescriptraise()", // "Error(TODO: unhandled rescript exception)", // ) }) describe("stacktraces", () => { test("nested calls", () => { open Expect let error = Expression.BackCompatible.evaluateString(` f(x) = { y = "a" x + y } g = {|x| f(x)} h(x) = g(x) h(5) `) ->E.R.getError ->E.O2.toExn("oops") ->SqError.toStringWithStackTrace expect( error, )->toBe(`Error: There are function matches for add(), but with different arguments: [add(number, number)]; [add(date, duration)]; [add(duration, duration)]; [add(distribution, number)]; [add(number, distribution)]; [add(distribution, distribution)] Stack trace: f at line 4, column 5 g at line 6, column 12 h at line 7, column 10 at line 8, column 3 `) }) })