sidebar_position: 6
title: Duration

Duration works with the [Date](/docs/Api/Date) type. Similar to the Date implementation, the Duration functions are early and experimental. There is no support yet for date or duration probability distributions.

Durations are stored in Unix milliseconds.

import TOCInline from "@theme/TOCInline";

<TOCInline toc={toc} />

### toString

toString: (duration) => string

## Units

### minutes

minutes: (number) => duration

### hours

hours: (number) => duration

### days

days: (number) => duration

### years

years: (number) => duration

### toHours

toHours: (duration) => number

### toMinutes

toMinutes: (duration) => number

### toDays

toDays: (duration) => number

### toYears

toYears: (duration) => number

## Algebra

### add

add: (duration, duration) => duration

### subtract

subtract: (duration, duration) => duration

### multiply

multiply: (duration, number) => duration

### divide

divide: (duration, number) => duration