/* This file was going to be too big and it will be factored into smaller files. */ open Jest open Expect open TestHelpers let { normalDist5, // mean=5, stdev=2 normalDist10, // mean=10, stdev=2 normalDist20, // mean=20, stdev=2 normalDist, // mean=5; stdev=2 uniformDist, // low=9; high=10 betaDist, // alpha=2; beta=5 lognormalDist, // mu=0; sigma=1 cauchyDist, // local=1; scale=1 triangularDist, // low=1; medium=2; high=3; exponentialDist, // rate=2 } = module(GenericDist_Fixtures) let { algebraicAdd, algebraicMultiply, algebraicDivide, algebraicSubtract, algebraicLogarithm, algebraicPower } = module(DistributionOperation.Constructors) let algebraicAdd = algebraicAdd(~env) let algebraicMultiply = algebraicMultiply(~env) let algebraicDivide = algebraicDivide(~env) let algebraicSubtract = algebraicSubtract(~env) let algebraicLogarithm = algebraicLogarithm(~env) let algebraicPower = algebraicPower(~env) describe("(Algebraic) addition of distributions", () => { describe("mean", () => { test("normal(mean=5) + normal(mean=20)", () => { normalDist5 -> algebraicAdd(normalDist20) -> E.R2.fmap(GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.mean) -> E.R2.fmap(run) -> E.R2.fmap(toFloat) -> E.R.toExn -> expect -> toBe(Some(2.5e1)) }) test("uniform(low=9, high=10) + beta(alpha=2, beta=5)", () => { // let uniformMean = (9.0 +. 10.0) /. 2.0 // let betaMean = 1.0 /. (1.0 +. 5.0 /. 2.0) let received = uniformDist -> algebraicAdd(betaDist) -> E.R2.fmap(GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.mean) -> E.R2.fmap(run) -> E.R2.fmap(toFloat) -> E.R.toExn switch received { | None => "algebraicAdd has" -> expect -> toBe("failed") // This is nondeterministic, we could be in a situation where ci fails but you click rerun and it passes, which is bad. // sometimes it works with ~digits=2. | Some(x) => x -> expect -> toBeSoCloseTo(0.01927225696028752, ~digits=1) // (uniformMean +. betaMean) } }) test("beta(alpha=2, beta=5) + uniform(low=9, high=10)", () => { // let uniformMean = (9.0 +. 10.0) /. 2.0 // let betaMean = 1.0 /. (1.0 +. 5.0 /. 2.0) let received = betaDist -> algebraicAdd(uniformDist) -> E.R2.fmap(GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.mean) -> E.R2.fmap(run) -> E.R2.fmap(toFloat) -> E.R.toExn switch received { | None => "algebraicAdd has" -> expect -> toBe("failed") // This is nondeterministic, we could be in a situation where ci fails but you click rerun and it passes, which is bad. // sometimes it works with ~digits=2. | Some(x) => x -> expect -> toBeSoCloseTo(0.019275414920485248, ~digits=1) // (uniformMean +. betaMean) } }) }) describe("pdf", () => { // TEST IS WRONG. SEE STDEV ADDITION EXPRESSION. testAll("(normal(mean=5) + normal(mean=5)).pdf (imprecise)", list{8e0, 1e1, 1.2e1, 1.4e1}, x => { let received = normalDist10 // this should be normal(10, sqrt(8)) -> Ok -> E.R2.fmap(d => GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.pdf(d, x)) -> E.R2.fmap(run) -> E.R2.fmap(toFloat) -> E.R.toOption -> E.O.flatten let calculated = normalDist5 -> algebraicAdd(normalDist5) -> E.R2.fmap(d => GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.pdf(d, x)) -> E.R2.fmap(run) -> E.R2.fmap(toFloat) -> E.R.toOption -> E.O.flatten switch received { | None => "this branch occurs when the dispatch to Jstat on trusted input fails." -> expect -> toBe("never") | Some(x) => switch calculated { | None => "algebraicAdd has" -> expect -> toBe("failed") | Some(y) => x -> expect -> toBeSoCloseTo(y, ~digits=0) } } }) test("(normal(mean=10) + normal(mean=10)).pdf(1.9e1)", () => { let received = normalDist20 -> Ok -> E.R2.fmap(d => GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.pdf(d, 1.9e1)) -> E.R2.fmap(run) -> E.R2.fmap(toFloat) -> E.R.toOption -> E.O.flatten let calculated = normalDist10 -> algebraicAdd(normalDist10) -> E.R2.fmap(d => GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.pdf(d, 1.9e1)) -> E.R2.fmap(run) -> E.R2.fmap(toFloat) -> E.R.toOption -> E.O.flatten switch received { | None => "this branch occurs when the dispatch to Jstat on trusted input fails." -> expect -> toBe("never") | Some(x) => switch calculated { | None => "algebraicAdd has" -> expect -> toBe("failed") | Some(y) => x -> expect -> toBeSoCloseTo(y, ~digits=1) } } }) test("(uniform(low=9, high=10) + beta(alpha=2, beta=5)).pdf(10)", () => { let received = uniformDist -> algebraicAdd(betaDist) -> E.R2.fmap(d => GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.pdf(d, 1e1)) -> E.R2.fmap(run) -> E.R2.fmap(toFloat) -> E.R.toExn switch received { | None => "algebraicAdd has" -> expect -> toBe("failed") // This is nondeterministic, we could be in a situation where ci fails but you click rerun and it passes, which is bad. // sometimes it works with ~digits=4. | Some(x) => x -> expect -> toBeSoCloseTo(0.001978994877226945, ~digits=3) } }) test("(beta(alpha=2, beta=5) + uniform(low=9, high=10)).pdf(10)", () => { let received = betaDist -> algebraicAdd(uniformDist) -> E.R2.fmap(d => GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.pdf(d, 1e1)) -> E.R2.fmap(run) -> E.R2.fmap(toFloat) -> E.R.toExn switch received { | None => "algebraicAdd has" -> expect -> toBe("failed") // This is nondeterministic, we could be in a situation where ci fails but you click rerun and it passes, which is bad. // sometimes it works with ~digits=4. | Some(x) => x -> expect -> toBeSoCloseTo(0.001978994877226945, ~digits=3) } }) }) describe("cdf", () => { testAll("(normal(mean=5) + normal(mean=5)).cdf (imprecise)", list{6e0, 8e0, 1e1, 1.2e1}, x => { let received = normalDist10 -> Ok -> E.R2.fmap(d => GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.cdf(d, x)) -> E.R2.fmap(run) -> E.R2.fmap(toFloat) -> E.R.toOption -> E.O.flatten let calculated = normalDist5 -> algebraicAdd(normalDist5) -> E.R2.fmap(d => GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.cdf(d, x)) -> E.R2.fmap(run) -> E.R2.fmap(toFloat) -> E.R.toOption -> E.O.flatten switch received { | None => "this branch occurs when the dispatch to Jstat on trusted input fails." -> expect -> toBe("never") | Some(x) => switch calculated { | None => "algebraicAdd has" -> expect -> toBe("failed") | Some(y) => x -> expect -> toBeSoCloseTo(y, ~digits=0) } } }) test("(normal(mean=10) + normal(mean=10)).cdf(1.25e1)", () => { let received = normalDist20 -> Ok -> E.R2.fmap(d => GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.cdf(d, 1.25e1)) -> E.R2.fmap(run) -> E.R2.fmap(toFloat) -> E.R.toOption -> E.O.flatten let calculated = normalDist10 -> algebraicAdd(normalDist10) -> E.R2.fmap(d => GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.cdf(d, 1.25e1)) -> E.R2.fmap(run) -> E.R2.fmap(toFloat) -> E.R.toOption -> E.O.flatten switch received { | None => "this branch occurs when the dispatch to Jstat on trusted input fails." -> expect -> toBe("never") | Some(x) => switch calculated { | None => "algebraicAdd has" -> expect -> toBe("failed") | Some(y) => x -> expect -> toBeSoCloseTo(y, ~digits=2) } } }) test("(uniform(low=9, high=10) + beta(alpha=2, beta=5)).cdf(10)", () => { let received = uniformDist -> algebraicAdd(betaDist) -> E.R2.fmap(d => GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.cdf(d, 1e1)) -> E.R2.fmap(run) -> E.R2.fmap(toFloat) -> E.R.toExn switch received { | None => "algebraicAdd has" -> expect -> toBe("failed") // This is nondeterministic, we could be in a situation where ci fails but you click rerun and it passes, which is bad. // sometimes it works with ~digits=4. | Some(x) => x -> expect -> toBeSoCloseTo(0.0013961779932477507, ~digits=4) } }) test("(beta(alpha=2, beta=5) + uniform(low=9, high=10)).cdf(10)", () => { let received = betaDist -> algebraicAdd(uniformDist) -> E.R2.fmap(d => GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.cdf(d, 1e1)) -> E.R2.fmap(run) -> E.R2.fmap(toFloat) -> E.R.toExn switch received { | None => "algebraicAdd has" -> expect -> toBe("failed") // This is nondeterministic, we could be in a situation where ci fails but you click rerun and it passes, which is bad. // sometimes it works with ~digits=4. | Some(x) => x -> expect -> toBeSoCloseTo(0.001388898111625753, ~digits=3) } }) }) describe("inv", () => { testAll("(normal(mean=5) + normal(mean=5)).inv (imprecise)", list{5e-2, 4.2e-3, 9e-3}, x => { let received = normalDist10 -> Ok -> E.R2.fmap(d => GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.inv(d, x)) -> E.R2.fmap(run) -> E.R2.fmap(toFloat) -> E.R.toOption -> E.O.flatten let calculated = normalDist5 -> algebraicAdd(normalDist5) -> E.R2.fmap(d => GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.inv(d, x)) -> E.R2.fmap(run) -> E.R2.fmap(toFloat) -> E.R.toOption -> E.O.flatten switch received { | None => "this branch occurs when the dispatch to Jstat on trusted input fails." -> expect -> toBe("never") | Some(x) => switch calculated { | None => "algebraicAdd has" -> expect -> toBe("failed") | Some(y) => x -> expect -> toBeSoCloseTo(y, ~digits=-1) } } }) test("(normal(mean=10) + normal(mean=10)).inv(1e-1)", () => { let received = normalDist20 -> Ok -> E.R2.fmap(d => GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.inv(d, 1e-1)) -> E.R2.fmap(run) -> E.R2.fmap(toFloat) -> E.R.toOption -> E.O.flatten let calculated = normalDist10 -> algebraicAdd(normalDist10) -> E.R2.fmap(d => GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.inv(d, 1e-1)) -> E.R2.fmap(run) -> E.R2.fmap(toFloat) -> E.R.toOption -> E.O.flatten switch received { | None => "this branch occurs when the dispatch to Jstat on trusted input fails." -> expect -> toBe("never") | Some(x) => switch calculated { | None => "algebraicAdd has" -> expect -> toBe("failed") | Some(y) => x -> expect -> toBeSoCloseTo(y, ~digits=-1) } } }) test("(uniform(low=9, high=10) + beta(alpha=2, beta=5)).inv(2e-2)", () => { let received = uniformDist -> algebraicAdd(betaDist) -> E.R2.fmap(d => GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.inv(d, 2e-2)) -> E.R2.fmap(run) -> E.R2.fmap(toFloat) -> E.R.toExn switch received { | None => "algebraicAdd has" -> expect -> toBe("failed") // This is nondeterministic, we could be in a situation where ci fails but you click rerun and it passes, which is bad. // sometimes it works with ~digits=2. | Some(x) => x -> expect -> toBeSoCloseTo(10.927078217530806, ~digits=1) } }) test("(beta(alpha=2, beta=5) + uniform(low=9, high=10)).inv(2e-2)", () => { let received = betaDist -> algebraicAdd(uniformDist) -> E.R2.fmap(d => GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.inv(d, 2e-2)) -> E.R2.fmap(run) -> E.R2.fmap(toFloat) -> E.R.toExn switch received { | None => "algebraicAdd has" -> expect -> toBe("failed") // This is nondeterministic, we could be in a situation where ci fails but you click rerun and it passes, which is bad. // sometimes it works with ~digits=2. | Some(x) => x -> expect -> toBeSoCloseTo(10.915396627014363, ~digits=0) } }) }) })