module Data = { type fund = | ANIMAL_WELFARE | GLOBAL_HEALTH | LONG_TERM_FUTURE | META; type group = | Fund(fund) | All; type output = | DONATIONS | PAYOUTS; type fundWithInfo = { group, name: string, existingDonations: option(float), existingPayouts: option(float), }; let makeFundWithInfo = (name, group, existingDonations, existingPayouts) => { group, name, existingDonations, existingPayouts, }; let funds = [| makeFundWithInfo( "Animal Welfare Fund", Fund(ANIMAL_WELFARE), Some(4000.0), Some(10.0), ), makeFundWithInfo( "Global Health Fund", Fund(GLOBAL_HEALTH), Some(4000.0), Some(10.0), ), makeFundWithInfo( "Long Term Future Fund", Fund(LONG_TERM_FUTURE), Some(4000.0), Some(10.0), ), makeFundWithInfo( "Meta Fund", Fund(ANIMAL_WELFARE), Some(4000.0), Some(10.0), ), makeFundWithInfo("All", All, None, None), |]; }; module Model = { open Data; let currentYear = 2020.; let firstYearStdDev = 0.2; type yearlyNumericDiff = { meanDiff: float, stdDiff: float, }; let yearlyMeanGrowthRateIfNotClosed = (group: group): yearlyNumericDiff => { {meanDiff: 1.1, stdDiff: 1.1}; }; let calculateDifference = (currentValue, dateTime, currentDateTime, y: yearlyNumericDiff) => { let yearDiff = MomentRe.diff(dateTime, currentDateTime, `days) /. 365.; let meanDiff = Js.Math.pow_float(~base=y.meanDiff, ~exp=yearDiff); let stdDevDiff = Js.Math.pow_float(~base=y.meanDiff, ~exp=yearDiff); FloatCdf.normal(currentValue *. meanDiff, firstYearStdDev *. stdDevDiff); }; let rec currentValue = (group: group, output) => { let sum = (): float => currentValue(Fund(ANIMAL_WELFARE), output) +. currentValue(Fund(GLOBAL_HEALTH), output) +. currentValue(Fund(LONG_TERM_FUTURE), output) +. currentValue(Fund(META), output); switch (group, output) { | (Fund(ANIMAL_WELFARE), DONATIONS) => 300000.0 | (Fund(ANIMAL_WELFARE), PAYOUTS) => 2300000.0 | (Fund(GLOBAL_HEALTH), DONATIONS) => 1000000.0 | (Fund(GLOBAL_HEALTH), PAYOUTS) => 500000.0 | (Fund(LONG_TERM_FUTURE), DONATIONS) => 600000.0 | (Fund(LONG_TERM_FUTURE), PAYOUTS) => 120000.0 | (Fund(META), DONATIONS) => 9300000.0 | (Fund(META), PAYOUTS) => 830000.0 | (All, _) => sum() }; }; let make = ( group: group, dateTime: MomentRe.Moment.t, currentDateTime: MomentRe.Moment.t, output: output, ) => { Prop.Value.FloatCdf( calculateDifference( currentValue(group, output), dateTime, currentDateTime, yearlyMeanGrowthRateIfNotClosed(group), ), ); }; }; module Interface = { open Data; let convertChoice = (s: string) => switch (s) { | "animal" => Fund(ANIMAL_WELFARE) | "globalHealth" => Fund(GLOBAL_HEALTH) | "longTerm" => Fund(LONG_TERM_FUTURE) | "meta" => Fund(META) | _ => All }; let convertOutput = (s: string) => switch (s) { | "donations" => DONATIONS | _ => PAYOUTS }; let run = (p: Prop.Combo.t) => { let get = Prop.ValueMap.get(p.inputValues); switch ( get("Fund"), get("Day"), get(, get("Output"), ) { | ( Some(SelectSingle(fund)), Some(DateTime(intendedYear)), Some(DateTime(currentYear)), Some(SelectSingle(output)), ) => Some( Model.make( convertChoice(fund), intendedYear, currentYear, convertOutput(output), ), ) | _ => None }; }; let model: Prop.Model.t = Prop.{ name: "EA Funds: Donations & Payouts", description: "Calculate the payments and payouts of EA Funds based on existing data.", version: "1.0.0", author: "Ozzie Gooen", inputTypes: [| TypeWithMetadata.make( ~name="Fund", ~type_= SelectSingle({ default: Some("total"), options: [ {name: "Animal Welfare Fund", id: "animal"}, {name: "Global Health Fund", id: "globalHealth"}, {name: "Long Term Future Fund", id: "longTerm"}, {name: "Meta Fund", id: "longterm"}, {name: "All", id: "all"}, ], }), (), ), TypeWithMetadata.make( ~name="Day", ~type_= DateTime({ default: Some( MomentRe.Moment.add( ~duration=MomentRe.duration(5., `years), MomentRe.momentNow(), ), ), min: Some( MomentRe.Moment.subtract( ~duration=MomentRe.duration(20., `years), MomentRe.momentNow(), ), ), max: Some( MomentRe.Moment.add( ~duration=MomentRe.duration(20., `years), MomentRe.momentNow(), ), ), }), (), ), TypeWithMetadata.currentYear, TypeWithMetadata.make( ~name="Output", ~type_= SelectSingle({ default: Some("Output"), options: [ {name: "Donations", id: "donations"}, {name: "Funding", id: "funding"}, ], }), (), ), |], outputTypes: [||], run, }; };