// TODO: Auto clean project based on topology module Bindings = Reducer_Bindings module Continuation = ReducerInterface_Value_Continuation module ErrorValue = Reducer_ErrorValue module InternalExpressionValue = ReducerInterface_InternalExpressionValue module ProjectItem = ReducerProject_ProjectItem module T = ReducerProject_T module Topology = ReducerProject_Topology type t = T.t let getItem = T.getItem let getSourceIds = T.getSourceIds let getDependents = Topology.getDependents let getDependencies = Topology.getDependencies let getRunOrder = Topology.getRunOrder let getRunOrderFor = Topology.getRunOrderFor let createProject = () => { let project: t = { items: Belt.MutableMap.String.make(), stdLib: ReducerInterface_StdLib.internalStdLib, environment: InternalExpressionValue.defaultEnvironment, previousRunOrder: [], } project } // will not be necessary when ProjectItem becomes mutable let setItem = (project: t, sourceId: string, item: ProjectItem.t): unit => { let _ = Belt.MutableMap.String.set(project.items, sourceId, item) } let rec touchSource_ = (project: t, sourceId: string): unit => { let item = project->getItem(sourceId) let newItem = ProjectItem.touchSource(item) project->setItem(sourceId, newItem) } and touchDependents = (project: t, sourceId: string): unit => { let _ = getDependents(project, sourceId)->Belt.Array.forEach(_, touchSource_(project, _)) } let touchSource = (project: t, sourceId: string): unit => { touchSource_(project, sourceId) touchDependents(project, sourceId) } let handleNewTopology = (project: t): unit => { let previousRunOrder = project.previousRunOrder let currentRunOrder = Topology.getRunOrder(project) let diff = Topology.runOrderDiff(currentRunOrder, previousRunOrder) Belt.Array.forEach(diff, touchSource(project, _)) project.previousRunOrder = currentRunOrder } let getSource = (project: t, sourceId: string): option => Belt.MutableMap.String.get(project.items, sourceId)->Belt.Option.map(ProjectItem.getSource) let setSource = (project: t, sourceId: string, value: string): unit => { let newItem = project->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.setSource(value) project->setItem(sourceId, newItem) touchDependents(project, sourceId) } let clean = (project: t, sourceId: string): unit => { let newItem = project->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.clean project->setItem(sourceId, newItem) } let cleanAll = (project: t): unit => project->getSourceIds->Belt.Array.forEach(sourceId => clean(project, sourceId)) let cleanResults = (project: t, sourceId: string): unit => { let newItem = project->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.cleanResults project->setItem(sourceId, newItem) } let cleanAllResults = (project: t): unit => project->getSourceIds->Belt.Array.forEach(sourceId => project->cleanResults(sourceId)) let getIncludes = (project: t, sourceId: string): ProjectItem.T.includesType => project->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.getIncludes let getPastChain = (project: t, sourceId: string): array => project->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.getPastChain let getIncludesAsVariables = (project: t, sourceId: string): ProjectItem.T.importAsVariablesType => project->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.getIncludesAsVariables let getDirectIncludes = (project: t, sourceId: string): array => project->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.getDirectIncludes let setContinues = (project: t, sourceId: string, continues: array): unit => { let newItem = project->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.setContinues(continues) project->setItem(sourceId, newItem) handleNewTopology(project) } let getContinues = (project: t, sourceId: string): array => ProjectItem.getContinues(project->getItem(sourceId)) let removeContinues = (project: t, sourceId: string): unit => { let newItem = project->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.removeContinues project->setItem(sourceId, newItem) handleNewTopology(project) } let getContinuation = (project: t, sourceId: string): ProjectItem.T.continuationArgumentType => project->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.getContinuation let setContinuation = ( project: t, sourceId: string, continuation: ProjectItem.T.continuationArgumentType, ): unit => { let newItem = project->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.setContinuation(continuation) project->setItem(sourceId, newItem) } let getResultOption = (project: t, sourceId: string): ProjectItem.T.resultType => project->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.getResult let getResult = (project: t, sourceId: string): ProjectItem.T.resultArgumentType => switch getResultOption(project, sourceId) { | None => RENeedToRun->Error | Some(result) => result } let setResult = (project: t, sourceId: string, value: ProjectItem.T.resultArgumentType): unit => { let newItem = project->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.setResult(value) project->setItem(sourceId, newItem) } let parseIncludes = (project: t, sourceId: string): unit => { let newItem = project->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.parseIncludes project->setItem(sourceId, newItem) handleNewTopology(project) } let rawParse = (project: t, sourceId): unit => { let newItem = project->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.rawParse project->setItem(sourceId, newItem) } let getStdLib = (project: t): Reducer_Bindings.t => project.stdLib let setStdLib = (project: t, value: Reducer_Bindings.t): unit => { project.stdLib = value } let getEnvironment = (project: t): InternalExpressionValue.environment => project.environment let setEnvironment = (project: t, value: InternalExpressionValue.environment): unit => { project.environment = value } let getBindings = (project: t, sourceId: string): ProjectItem.T.bindingsArgumentType => { project->getContinuation(sourceId)->Reducer_Bindings.locals } let getContinuationsBefore = (project: t, sourceId: string): array => { let pastNameSpaces = project->getPastChain(sourceId)->Js.Array2.map(getBindings(project, _)) let theLength = pastNameSpaces->Js.Array2.length if theLength == 0 { // `getContinuationBefore ${sourceId}: stdLib`->Js.log [project->getStdLib] } else { // `getContinuationBefore ${sourceId}: ${lastOne} = ${InternalExpressionValue.toStringBindings( // project->getBindings(lastOne), // )}`->Js.log pastNameSpaces } } let linkDependencies = (project: t, sourceId: string): ProjectItem.T.continuation => { let continuationsBefore = project->getContinuationsBefore(sourceId) let nameSpace = Reducer_Bindings.makeEmptyBindings()->Reducer_Bindings.chainTo(continuationsBefore) let includesAsVariables = project->getIncludesAsVariables(sourceId) Belt.Array.reduce(includesAsVariables, nameSpace, (currentNameSpace, (variable, includeFile)) => Bindings.set( currentNameSpace, variable, getBindings(project, includeFile)->Reducer_T.IEvBindings, ) ) } let doLinkAndRun = (project: t, sourceId: string): unit => { let context = Reducer_Context.createContext(project->getStdLib, project->getEnvironment) // FIXME: fill context with dependencies // let continuation = linkDependencies(project, sourceId) let newItem = project->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.run(context) // Js.log("after run " ++ newItem.continuation->Reducer_Bindings.toString) project->setItem(sourceId, newItem) } type runState = ProjectItem.T.resultArgumentType let tryRunWithResult = ( project: t, sourceId: string, rPrevResult: ProjectItem.T.resultArgumentType, ): ProjectItem.T.resultArgumentType => { switch getResultOption(project, sourceId) { | Some(result) => result // already ran | None => switch rPrevResult { | Error(error) => { setResult(project, sourceId, Error(error)) Error(error) } | Ok(_prevResult) => { doLinkAndRun(project, sourceId) getResultOption(project, sourceId)->Belt.Option.getWithDefault(rPrevResult) } } } } let runAll = (project: t): unit => { let runOrder = Topology.getRunOrder(project) let initialState = Ok(Reducer_T.IEvVoid) let _finalState = Belt.Array.reduce(runOrder, initialState, (currState, currId) => tryRunWithResult(project, currId, currState) ) } let run = (project: t, sourceId: string): unit => { let runOrder = Topology.getRunOrderFor(project, sourceId) let initialState = Ok(Reducer_T.IEvVoid) let _finalState = Belt.Array.reduce(runOrder, initialState, (currState, currId) => tryRunWithResult(project, currId, currState) ) } let evaluate = (sourceCode: string) => { let project = createProject() setSource(project, "main", sourceCode) runAll(project) ( getResultOption(project, "main")->Belt.Option.getWithDefault(Reducer_T.IEvVoid->Ok), project->getBindings("main"), ) }