## Squiggle CLI This package can be used to incorporate a very simple `import` system into Squiggle. To use, write special files with a `.squiggleU` file type. In these files, you can write lines like, ``` @import(models/gdp_over_time.squiggle, gdpOverTime) gdpOverTime(2.5) ``` The imports will be replaced with the contents of the file in `models/gdp_over_time.squiggle` upon compilation. The `.squiggleU` file will be converted into a `.squiggle` file with the `import` statement having this replacement. ## Running ### `npx squiggle-cli-experimental compile` Runs compilation in the current directory and all of its subdirectories. ### `npx squiggle-cli-experimental watch` Watches `.squiggleU` files in the current directory (and subdirectories) and rebuilds them when they are saved. Note that this will _not_ rebuild files when their dependencies are changed, just when they are changed directly. ## Further instructions The above requires having node, npm and npx. To install the first two, see [here](https://nodejs.org/en/), to install npx, run: ``` npm install -g npx ``` Alternatively, you can run the following without the need for npx: ``` npm install squiggle-cli-experimental node node_modules/squiggle-cli-experimental/index.js compile ``` or you can add a script to your `package.json`, like: ```` ... scripts: { "compile": "squiggle-cli-experimental compile" } ... ```` This can be run with `npm run compile`. `npm` knows how to reach into the node_modules directly, so it's not necessary to specify that.