// Examples: // mm(floor(uniform(30,35)), normal(50,20), [.25,.5]) // mm(floor(normal(28,4)), normal(32,2), uniform(20,24), [.5,.2,.1]) // mm(5 to 20, floor(normal(20,2)), [.5, .5])" // floor(3 to 4) // uniform(0,1) > 0.3 ? lognormal(6.652, -0.41): 0 let timeDist ={ let ingredients = RenderTypes.DistPlusRenderer.Ingredients.make( ~guesstimatorString="(floor(10 to 15))", ~domain=RightLimited({xPoint: 50.0, excludingProbabilityMass: 0.3}), ~unit= DistTypes.TimeDistribution({zero: MomentRe.momentNow(), unit: `years}), ()); let inputs = RenderTypes.DistPlusRenderer.make(~distPlusIngredients=ingredients,()) inputs |> DistPlusRenderer.run } let setup = dist => RenderTypes.DistPlusRenderer.make(~distPlusIngredients=dist,()) |> DistPlusRenderer.run |> RenderTypes.DistPlusRenderer.Outputs.distplus |> R.O.fmapOrNull(distPlus => ); let simpleExample = (name, guesstimatorString) => <>

{name |> ReasonReact.string}

{setup(RenderTypes.DistPlusRenderer.Ingredients.make(~guesstimatorString, ()))} ; let timeExample = (name, guesstimatorString) => <>

{name |> ReasonReact.string}

{setup( RenderTypes.DistPlusRenderer.Ingredients.make( ~guesstimatorString, ~unit=TimeDistribution({zero: MomentRe.momentNow(), unit: `years}), (), ), )} ; let distributions = () =>

{"Initial Section" |> ReasonReact.string}

{simpleExample("Continuous", "5 to 20")} {simpleExample("Continuous, wide range", "1 to 1000000")} {simpleExample("Continuous, tiny values", "0.000000001 to 0.00000001")} {simpleExample( "Continuous large values", "50000000000000 to 200000000000000000", )} {simpleExample("Discrete", "floor(10 to 20)")} {simpleExample( "Discrete and below 0, normal(10,30)", "floor(normal(10,30))", )} {simpleExample("Discrete, wide range", "floor(10 to 200000)")} {simpleExample("Mixed", "mm(5 to 20, floor(20 to 30), [.5,.5])")} {simpleExample("Mixed, Early-Discrete Point", "mm(1, 5 to 20, [.5,.5])")} {simpleExample( "Mixed, Two-Discrete Points", "mm(0,10, 5 to 20, [.5,.5,.5])", )}

{"Over Time" |> ReasonReact.string}

{timeExample("Continuous", "5 to 20")} {timeExample("Continuous Over Long Period", "500 to 200000")} {timeExample("Continuous Over Short Period", "0.0001 to 0.001")} {timeExample( "Continuous Over Very Long Period", "500 to 20000000000000", )} {timeExample("Discrete", "floor(5 to 20)")} {timeExample("Mixed", "mm(5 to 20, floor(5 to 20), [.5,.5])")}
; let entry = EntryTypes.(entry(~title="Mixed Distributions", ~render=distributions));