open BsReform; module FormConfig = [%lenses type state = { guesstimatorString: string, // domainType: string, // Complete, LeftLimited(...), RightLimited(...), LeftAndRightLimited(..., ...) xPoint: string, xPoint2: string, excludingProbabilityMass: string, excludingProbabilityMass2: string, // unitType: string, // UnspecifiedDistribution, TimeDistribution(zero, unit) zero: MomentRe.Moment.t, unit: string, } ]; module Form = ReForm.Make(FormConfig); let schema = Form.Validation.Schema([||]); module FieldString = { [@react.component] let make = (~field, ~label) => { E.ste}> validate()} /> } />; }; }; module Styles = { open Css; let row = style([display(`flex), selector("div > div", [flex(`num(1.))])]); let form = style([backgroundColor(hex("eee")), padding(em(1.))]); let spacer = style([marginTop(em(3.))]); }; module FieldFloat = { [@react.component] let make = (~field, ~label) => { E.ste}> validate()} /> } />; }; }; [@react.component] let make = () => { let reform = Form.use( ~validationStrategy=OnDemand, ~schema, ~onSubmit=({state}) => {None}, ~initialState={ guesstimatorString: "mm(5 to 20, floor(normal(20,2)), [.5, .5])", domainType: "Complete", xPoint: "50.0", xPoint2: "60.0", excludingProbabilityMass2: "0.5", excludingProbabilityMass: "0.3", unitType: "UnspecifiedDistribution", zero: MomentRe.momentNow(), unit: "days", }, (), ); let onSubmit = e => { e->ReactEvent.Synthetic.preventDefault; reform.submit(); }; let domain = switch (reform.state.values.domainType) { | "Complete" => DistTypes.Complete | "LeftLimited" => LeftLimited({ xPoint: reform.state.values.xPoint |> float_of_string, excludingProbabilityMass: reform.state.values.excludingProbabilityMass |> float_of_string, }) | "RightLimited" => RightLimited({ xPoint: reform.state.values.xPoint |> float_of_string, excludingProbabilityMass: reform.state.values.excludingProbabilityMass |> float_of_string, }) | "LeftAndRightLimited" => LeftAndRightLimited( { xPoint: reform.state.values.xPoint |> float_of_string, excludingProbabilityMass: reform.state.values.excludingProbabilityMass |> float_of_string, }, { xPoint: reform.state.values.xPoint2 |> float_of_string, excludingProbabilityMass: reform.state.values.excludingProbabilityMass2 |> float_of_string, }, ) | _ => Js.Exn.raiseError("domain is unknown") }; let unit = switch (reform.state.values.unitType) { | "UnspecifiedDistribution" => DistTypes.UnspecifiedDistribution | "TimeDistribution" => TimeDistribution({ zero:, unit: reform.state.values.unit |> TimeTypes.TimeUnit.ofString, }) | _ => Js.Exn.raiseError("unit is unknown") }; let guesstimatorString = reform.state.values.guesstimatorString;
{DistPlusIngredients.make(~guesstimatorString, ~domain, ~unit, ()) |> DistPlusIngredients.toDistPlus( ~sampleCount=10000, ~outputXYPoints=2000, ~truncateTo=Some(1000), ) |> E.O.React.fmapOrNull(distPlus => )}
E.ste}> e |> handleChange}> {"Complete" |> E.ste} {"Left Limited" |> E.ste} {"Right Limited" |> E.ste} {"Left And Right Limited" |> E.ste} } />
E.ste}> e |> handleChange}> {"Unspecified Distribution" |> E.ste} {"Time Distribution" |> E.ste} } />
E.ste}> { e |> handleChange; _ => (); }} /> } />
E.ste}> e |> handleChange}> {"days" |> E.ste} {"hours" |> E.ste} {"milliseconds" |> E.ste} {"minutes" |> E.ste} {"months" |> E.ste} {"quarters" |> E.ste} {"seconds" |> E.ste} {"weeks" |> E.ste} {"years" |> E.ste} } />
; };