/* Some functions from modules `L`, `O`, and `R` below were copied directly from running `rescript convert -all` on Rationale https://github.com/jonlaing/rationale */ let equals = (a, b) => a === b module FloatFloatMap = { module Id = Belt.Id.MakeComparable({ type t = float let cmp: (float, float) => int = Pervasives.compare }) type t = Belt.MutableMap.t let fromArray = (ar: array<(float, float)>) => Belt.MutableMap.fromArray(ar, ~id=module(Id)) let toArray = (t: t): array<(float, float)> => Belt.MutableMap.toArray(t) let empty = () => Belt.MutableMap.make(~id=module(Id)) let increment = (el, t: t) => Belt.MutableMap.update(t, el, x => switch x { | Some(n) => Some(n +. 1.0) | None => Some(1.0) } ) let get = (el, t: t) => Belt.MutableMap.get(t, el) let fmap = (fn, t: t) => Belt.MutableMap.map(t, fn) let partition = (fn, t: t) => { let (match, noMatch) = Belt.Array.partition(toArray(t), fn) (fromArray(match), fromArray(noMatch)) } } module Int = { let max = (i1: int, i2: int) => i1 > i2 ? i1 : i2 let random = (~min, ~max) => Js.Math.random_int(min, max) } /* Utils */ module U = { let isEqual = \"==" let toA = a => [a] let id = e => e } module Tuple2 = { let first = (v: ('a, 'b)) => { let (a, _) = v a } let second = (v: ('a, 'b)) => { let (_, b) = v b } let toFnCall = (fn, (a1, a2)) => fn(a1, a2) } module Tuple3 = { let toFnCall = (fn, (a1, a2, a3)) => fn(a1, a2, a3) } module O = { let dimap = (sFn, rFn, e) => switch e { | Some(r) => sFn(r) | None => rFn() } () let fmap = (f: 'a => 'b, x: option<'a>): option<'b> => { switch x { | None => None | Some(x') => Some(f(x')) } } let bind = (o, f) => switch o { | None => None | Some(a) => f(a) } let default = (d, o) => switch o { | None => d | Some(a) => a } let defaultFn = (d, o) => switch o { | None => d() | Some(a) => a } let isSome = o => switch o { | Some(_) => true | _ => false } let isNone = o => switch o { | None => true | _ => false } let toExn = (err, o) => switch o { | None => raise(Failure(err)) | Some(a) => a } let some = a => Some(a) let firstSome = (a, b) => switch a { | None => b | _ => a } let toExt = toExn let flatten = o => switch o { | None => None | Some(x) => x } let apply = (o, a) => switch o { | Some(f) => bind(a, b => some(f(b))) | _ => None } let flatApply = (fn, b) => apply(fn, Some(b)) |> flatten let toBool = opt => switch opt { | Some(_) => true | _ => false } let ffmap = (fn, r) => switch r { | Some(sm) => fn(sm) | _ => None } let toString = opt => switch opt { | Some(s) => s | _ => "" } let toResult = (error, e) => switch e { | Some(r) => Belt.Result.Ok(r) | None => Error(error) } let compare = (compare, f1: option, f2: option) => switch (f1, f2) { | (Some(f1), Some(f2)) => Some(compare(f1, f2) ? f1 : f2) | (Some(f1), None) => Some(f1) | (None, Some(f2)) => Some(f2) | (None, None) => None } let min = compare(\"<") let max = compare(\">") } module O2 = { let default = (a, b) => O.default(b, a) let defaultFn = (a, b) => O.defaultFn(b, a) let toExn = (a, b) => O.toExn(b, a) let fmap = (a, b) => O.fmap(b, a) let toResult = (a, b) => O.toResult(b, a) let bind = (a, b) => O.bind(b, a) } /* Functions */ module F = { let pipe = (f, g, x) => g(f(x)) let compose = (f, g, x) => f(g(x)) let flip = (f, a, b) => f(b, a) let always = (x, _y) => x let apply = (a, e) => a |> e let flatten2Callbacks = (fn1, fn2, fnlast) => fn1(response1 => fn2(response2 => fnlast(response1, response2))) let flatten3Callbacks = (fn1, fn2, fn3, fnlast) => fn1(response1 => fn2(response2 => fn3(response3 => fnlast(response1, response2, response3)))) let flatten4Callbacks = (fn1, fn2, fn3, fn4, fnlast) => fn1(response1 => fn2(response2 => fn3(response3 => fn4(response4 => fnlast(response1, response2, response3, response4))) ) ) } module Bool = { type t = bool let toString = (t: t) => t ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" let fromString = str => str == "TRUE" ? true : false module O = { let toBool = opt => switch opt { | Some(true) => true | _ => false } } } module Float = { let with2DigitsPrecision = Js.Float.toPrecisionWithPrecision(_, ~digits=2) let with3DigitsPrecision = Js.Float.toPrecisionWithPrecision(_, ~digits=3) let toFixed = Js.Float.toFixed let toString = Js.Float.toString let isFinite = Js.Float.isFinite let toInt = Belt.Float.toInt } module I = { let increment = n => n + 1 let decrement = n => n - 1 let toString = Js.Int.toString } exception Assertion(string) /* R for Result */ module R = { open Belt.Result let result = (okF, errF, r) => switch r { | Ok(a) => okF(a) | Error(err) => errF(err) } let id = e => e |> result(U.id, U.id) let isOk = Belt.Result.isOk let getError = (r: result<'a, 'b>) => switch r { | Ok(_) => None | Error(e) => Some(e) } let fmap = (f: 'a => 'b, r: result<'a, 'c>): result<'b, 'c> => { switch r { | Ok(r') => Ok(f(r')) | Error(err) => Error(err) } } let bind = (r, f) => switch r { | Ok(a) => f(a) | Error(err) => Error(err) } let toExn = (msg: string, x: result<'a, 'b>): 'a => switch x { | Ok(r) => r | Error(_) => raise(Assertion(msg)) } let toExnFnString = (errorToStringFn, o) => switch o { | Ok(r) => r | Error(r) => raise(Assertion(errorToStringFn(r))) } let default = (default, res: Belt.Result.t<'a, 'b>) => switch res { | Ok(r) => r | Error(_) => default } let merge = (a, b) => switch (a, b) { | (Error(e), _) => Error(e) | (_, Error(e)) => Error(e) | (Ok(a), Ok(b)) => Ok((a, b)) } let toOption = (e: Belt.Result.t<'a, 'b>) => switch e { | Ok(r) => Some(r) | Error(_) => None } let errorIfCondition = (errorCondition, errorMessage, r) => errorCondition(r) ? Error(errorMessage) : Ok(r) let ap = (r, a) => switch r { | Ok(f) => Ok(f(a)) | Error(err) => Error(err) } let ap' = (r, a) => switch r { | Ok(f) => fmap(f, a) | Error(err) => Error(err) } let liftM2: (('a, 'b) => 'c, result<'a, 'd>, result<'b, 'd>) => result<'c, 'd> = (op, xR, yR) => { ap'(fmap(op, xR), yR) } let liftJoin2: (('a, 'b) => result<'c, 'd>, result<'a, 'd>, result<'b, 'd>) => result<'c, 'd> = ( op, xR, yR, ) => { bind(liftM2(op, xR, yR), x => x) } let fmap2 = (f, r) => switch r { | Ok(r) => r->Ok | Error(x) => x->f->Error } //I'm not sure what to call this. let unify = (a: result<'a, 'b>, c: 'b => 'a): 'a => switch a { | Ok(x) => x | Error(x) => c(x) } } module R2 = { let fmap = (a, b) => R.fmap(b, a) let bind = (a, b) => R.bind(b, a) //Converts result type to change error type only let errMap = (a: result<'a, 'b>, map: 'b => 'c): result<'a, 'c> => switch a { | Ok(r) => Ok(r) | Error(e) => Error(map(e)) } let fmap2 = (xR, f) => switch xR { | Ok(x) => x->Ok | Error(x) => x->f->Error } let toExn = (a, b) => R.toExn(b, a) } let safe_fn_of_string = (fn, s: string): option<'a> => try Some(fn(s)) catch { | _ => None } module S = { let safe_float = float_of_string->safe_fn_of_string let safe_int = int_of_string->safe_fn_of_string let default = (defaultStr, str) => str == "" ? defaultStr : str } module J = { let toString = F.pipe(Js.Json.decodeString, O.default("")) let fromString = Js.Json.string let fromNumber = Js.Json.number module O = { let fromString = (str: string) => switch str { | "" => None | _ => Some(Js.Json.string(str)) } let toString = (str: option<'a>) => switch str { | Some(str) => Some(str |> F.pipe(Js.Json.decodeString, O.default(""))) | _ => None } } } module JsDate = { let fromString = Js.Date.fromString let now = Js.Date.now let make = Js.Date.make let valueOf = Js.Date.valueOf } /* List */ module L = { module Util = { let eq = \"==" } let fmap = List.map let get = Belt.List.get let toArray = Array.of_list let fmapi = List.mapi let concat = List.concat let concat' = (xs, ys) => List.append(ys, xs) let rec drop = (i, xs) => switch (i, xs) { | (_, list{}) => list{} | (i, _) if i <= 0 => xs | (i, list{_, ...b}) => drop(i - 1, b) } let append = (a, xs) => List.append(xs, list{a}) let take = { let rec loop = (i, xs, acc) => switch (i, xs) { | (i, _) if i <= 0 => acc | (_, list{}) => acc | (i, list{a, ...b}) => loop(i - 1, b, append(a, acc)) } (i, xs) => loop(i, xs, list{}) } let takeLast = (i, xs) => List.rev(xs) |> take(i) |> List.rev let splitAt = (i, xs) => (take(i, xs), takeLast(List.length(xs) - i, xs)) let remove = (i, n, xs) => { let (a, b) = splitAt(i, xs) \"@"(a, drop(n, b)) } let find = List.find let filter = List.filter let for_all = List.for_all let exists = List.exists let sort = List.sort let length = List.length let filter_opt = xs => { let rec loop = (l, acc) => switch l { | list{} => acc | list{hd, ...tl} => switch hd { | None => loop(tl, acc) | Some(x) => loop(tl, list{x, ...acc}) } } List.rev(loop(xs, list{})) } let containsWith = f => List.exists(f) let uniqWithBy = (eq, f, xs) => List.fold_left( ((acc, tacc), v) => containsWith(eq(f(v)), tacc) ? (acc, tacc) : (append(v, acc), append(f(v), tacc)), (list{}, list{}), xs, ) |> fst let uniqBy = (f, xs) => uniqWithBy(Util.eq, f, xs) let join = j => List.fold_left((acc, v) => String.length(acc) == 0 ? v : acc ++ (j ++ v), "") let head = xs => switch List.hd(xs) { | exception _ => None | a => Some(a) } let uniq = xs => uniqBy(x => x, xs) let flatten = List.flatten let last = xs => xs |> List.rev |> head let append = List.append let getBy = Belt.List.getBy let dropLast = (i, xs) => take(List.length(xs) - i, xs) let containsWith = f => List.exists(f) let contains = x => containsWith(Util.eq(x)) let reject = pred => List.filter(x => !pred(x)) let tail = xs => switch List.tl(xs) { | exception _ => None | a => Some(a) } let init = xs => { O.fmap(List.rev, xs |> List.rev |> tail) } let singleton = (x: 'a): list<'a> => list{x} let adjust = (f, i, xs) => { let (a, b) = splitAt(i + 1, xs) switch a { | _ if i < 0 => xs | _ if i >= List.length(xs) => xs | list{} => b | list{a} => list{f(a), ...b} | a => O.fmap( concat'(b), O.bind(init(a), x => O.fmap(F.flip(append, x), O.fmap(fmap(f), O.fmap(singleton, last(a)))) ), ) |> O.default(xs) } } let without = (exclude, xs) => reject(x => contains(x, exclude), xs) let update = (x, i, xs) => adjust(F.always(x), i, xs) let iter = List.iter let findIndex = { let rec loop = (pred, xs, i) => switch xs { | list{} => None | list{a, ...b} => pred(a) ? Some(i) : loop(pred, b, i + 1) } (pred, xs) => loop(pred, xs, 0) } let headSafe = Belt.List.head let tailSafe = Belt.List.tail let headExn = Belt.List.headExn let tailExn = Belt.List.tailExn let zip = Belt.List.zip let combinations2: list<'a> => list<('a, 'a)> = xs => { let rec loop: ('a, list<'a>) => list<('a, 'a)> = (x', xs') => { let n = length(xs') if n == 0 { list{} } else { let combs = fmap(y => (x', y), xs') let hd = headExn(xs') let tl = tailExn(xs') concat(list{combs, loop(hd, tl)}) } } switch (headSafe(xs), tailSafe(xs)) { | (Some(x'), Some(xs')) => loop(x', xs') | (_, _) => list{} } } } /* A for Array */ module A = { let fmap = Array.map let fmapi = Array.mapi let to_list = Array.to_list let of_list = Array.of_list let length = Array.length let append = Array.append // let empty = [||]; let unsafe_get = Array.unsafe_get let get = Belt.Array.get let getBy = Belt.Array.getBy let getIndexBy = Belt.Array.getIndexBy let last = a => get(a, length(a) - 1) let first = get(_, 0) let hasBy = (r, fn) => Belt.Array.getBy(r, fn) |> O.isSome let fold_left = Array.fold_left let fold_right = Array.fold_right let concat = Belt.Array.concat let concatMany = Belt.Array.concatMany let keepMap = Belt.Array.keepMap let slice = Belt.Array.slice let init = Array.init let reduce = Belt.Array.reduce let reduceReverse = Belt.Array.reduceReverse let reducei = Belt.Array.reduceWithIndex let some = Belt.Array.some let isEmpty = r => length(r) < 1 let stableSortBy = Belt.SortArray.stableSortBy let toNoneIfEmpty = r => isEmpty(r) ? None : Some(r) let toRanges = (a: array<'a>) => switch a |> Belt.Array.length { | 0 | 1 => Belt.Result.Error("Must be at least 2 elements") | n => Belt.Array.makeBy(n - 1, r => r) |> Belt.Array.map(_, index => ( Belt.Array.getUnsafe(a, index), Belt.Array.getUnsafe(a, index + 1), )) |> (x => Ok(x)) } let getByOpen = (a, op, bin) => switch getBy(a, r => bin(op(r))) { | Some(r) => Some(op(r)) | None => None } let tail = Belt.Array.sliceToEnd(_, 1) let zip = Belt.Array.zip let unzip = Belt.Array.unzip let zip3 = (a, b, c) => Belt.Array.zip(a, b)->Belt.Array.zip(c)->Belt.Array.map((((v1, v2), v3)) => (v1, v2, v3)) // This zips while taking the longest elements of each array. let zipMaxLength = (array1, array2) => { let maxLength = Int.max(length(array1), length(array2)) let result = maxLength |> Belt.Array.makeUninitializedUnsafe for i in 0 to maxLength - 1 { Belt.Array.set(result, i, (get(array1, i), get(array2, i))) |> ignore } result } let asList = (f: list<'a> => list<'a>, r: array<'a>) => r |> to_list |> f |> of_list /* TODO: Is there a better way of doing this? */ let uniq = r => asList(L.uniq, r) //intersperse([1,2,3], [10,11,12]) => [1,10,2,11,3,12] let intersperse = (a: array<'a>, b: array<'a>) => { let items: ref> = ref([]) Belt.Array.forEachWithIndex(a, (i, item) => switch Belt.Array.get(b, i) { | Some(r) => items := append(items.contents, [item, r]) | None => items := append(items.contents, [item]) } ) items.contents } // This is like map, but //accumulate((a,b) => a + b, [1,2,3]) => [1, 3, 5] let accumulate = (fn: ('a, 'a) => 'a, items: array<'a>) => { let length = items |> length let empty = Belt.Array.make(length, items |> unsafe_get(_, 0)) Belt.Array.forEachWithIndex(items, (index, element) => { let item = switch index { | 0 => element | index => fn(element, unsafe_get(empty, index - 1)) } let _ = Belt.Array.set(empty, index, item) }) empty } // @todo: Is -1 still the indicator that this is false (as is true with // @todo: js findIndex)? Wasn't sure. let findIndex = (e, i) => Js.Array.findIndex(e, i) |> ( r => switch r { | -1 => None | r => Some(r) } ) let filter = Js.Array.filter let joinWith = Js.Array.joinWith let transpose = (xs: array>): array> => { let arr: array> = [] for i in 0 to length(xs) - 1 { for j in 0 to length(xs[i]) - 1 { if Js.Array.length(arr) <= j { ignore(Js.Array.push([xs[i][j]], arr)) } else { ignore(Js.Array.push(xs[i][j], arr[j])) } } } arr } let all = (p: 'a => bool, xs: array<'a>): bool => length(filter(p, xs)) == length(xs) let any = (p: 'a => bool, xs: array<'a>): bool => length(filter(p, xs)) > 0 module O = { let concatSomes = (optionals: array>): array<'a> => optionals |> Js.Array.filter(O.isSome) |> Js.Array.map(O.toExn("Warning: This should not have happened")) let defaultEmpty = (o: option>): array<'a> => switch o { | Some(o) => o | None => [] } // REturns `None` there are no non-`None` elements let rec arrSomeToSomeArr = (optionals: array>): option> => { let optionals' = optionals->Belt.List.fromArray switch optionals' { | list{} => []->Some | list{x, ...xs} => switch x { | Some(_) => xs->Belt.List.toArray->arrSomeToSomeArr | None => None } } } let firstSome = x => Belt.Array.getBy(x, O.isSome) let firstSomeFn = (r: array option<'a>>): option<'a> => O.flatten(getByOpen(r, l => l(), O.isSome)) let firstSomeFnWithDefault = (r, default) => firstSomeFn(r)->O2.default(default) let openIfAllSome = (optionals: array>): option> => { if all(O.isSome, optionals) { Some(optionals |> fmap(O.toExn("Warning: This should not have happened"))) } else { None } } } module R = { let firstErrorOrOpen = (results: array>): Belt.Result.t< array<'a>, 'b, > => { let bringErrorUp = switch results |> Belt.Array.getBy(_, Belt.Result.isError) { | Some(Belt.Result.Error(err)) => Belt.Result.Error(err) | Some(Belt.Result.Ok(_)) => Belt.Result.Ok(results) | None => Belt.Result.Ok(results) } let forceOpen = (r: array>): array<'a> => r |> Belt.Array.map(_, r => Belt.Result.getExn(r)) bringErrorUp |> Belt.Result.map(_, forceOpen) } let filterOk = (x: array>): array<'a> => fmap(R.toOption, x)->O.concatSomes let forM = (x: array<'a>, fn: 'a => result<'b, 'c>): result, 'c> => firstErrorOrOpen(fmap(fn, x)) let foldM = (fn: ('c, 'a) => result<'b, 'e>, init: 'c, x: array<'a>): result<'c, 'e> => { let acc = ref(init) let final = ref(Ok()) let break = ref(false) let i = ref(0) while break.contents != true && i.contents < length(x) { switch fn(acc.contents, x[i.contents]) { | Ok(r) => acc := r | Error(err) => { final := Error(err) break := true } } i := i.contents + 1 } switch final.contents { | Ok(_) => Ok(acc.contents) | Error(err) => Error(err) } } } module Floats = { type t = array let mean = Jstat.mean let geomean = Jstat.geomean let mode = Jstat.mode let variance = Jstat.variance let stdev = Jstat.stdev let sum = Jstat.sum let product = Jstat.product let random = Js.Math.random_int let floatCompare: (float, float) => int = compare let sort = t => { let r = t r |> Array.fast_sort(floatCompare) r } let getNonFinite = (t: t) => Belt.Array.getBy(t, r => !Js.Float.isFinite(r)) let getBelowZero = (t: t) => Belt.Array.getBy(t, r => r < 0.0) let isSorted = (t: t): bool => if Array.length(t) < 1 { true } else { reduce(zip(t, tail(t)), true, (acc, (first, second)) => acc && first < second) } //Passing true for the exclusive parameter excludes both endpoints of the range. //https://jstat.github.io/all.html let percentile = (a, b) => Jstat.percentile(a, b, false) // Gives an array with all the differences between values // diff([1,5,3,7]) = [4,-2,4] let diff = (t: t): array => Belt.Array.zipBy(t, Belt.Array.sliceToEnd(t, 1), (left, right) => right -. left) let cumSum = (t: t): array => accumulate((a, b) => a +. b, t) let cumProd = (t: t): array => accumulate((a, b) => a *. b, t) exception RangeError(string) let range = (min: float, max: float, n: int): array => switch n { | 0 => [] | 1 => [min] | 2 => [min, max] | _ if min == max => Belt.Array.make(n, min) | _ if n < 0 => raise(RangeError("n must be greater than 0")) | _ if min > max => raise(RangeError("Min value is less then max value")) | _ => let diff = (max -. min) /. Belt.Float.fromInt(n - 1) Belt.Array.makeBy(n, i => min +. Belt.Float.fromInt(i) *. diff) } let min = Js.Math.minMany_float let max = Js.Math.maxMany_float module Sorted = { let min = first let max = last let range = (~min=min, ~max=max, a) => switch (min(a), max(a)) { | (Some(min), Some(max)) => Some(max -. min) | _ => None } let binarySearchFirstElementGreaterIndex = (ar: array<'a>, el: 'a) => { let el = Belt.SortArray.binarySearchBy(ar, el, floatCompare) let el = el < 0 ? el * -1 - 1 : el switch el { | e if e >= length(ar) => #overMax | e if e == 0 => #underMin | e => #firstHigher(e) } } let concat = (t1: array<'a>, t2: array<'a>) => Belt.Array.concat(t1, t2)->sort let concatMany = (t1: array>) => Belt.Array.concatMany(t1)->sort let makeIncrementalUp = (a, b) => Array.make(b - a + 1, a) |> Array.mapi((i, c) => c + i) |> Belt.Array.map(_, float_of_int) let makeIncrementalDown = (a, b) => Array.make(a - b + 1, a) |> Array.mapi((i, c) => c - i) |> Belt.Array.map(_, float_of_int) /* This function goes through a sorted array and divides it into two different clusters: continuous samples and discrete samples. The discrete samples are stored in a mutable map. Samples are thought to be discrete if they have any duplicates. */ let _splitContinuousAndDiscreteForDuplicates = (sortedArray: array) => { let continuous: array = [] let discrete = FloatFloatMap.empty() Belt.Array.forEachWithIndex(sortedArray, (index, element) => { let maxIndex = (sortedArray |> Array.length) - 1 let possiblySimilarElements = switch index { | 0 => [index + 1] | n if n == maxIndex => [index - 1] | _ => [index - 1, index + 1] } |> Belt.Array.map(_, r => sortedArray[r]) let hasSimilarElement = Belt.Array.some(possiblySimilarElements, r => r == element) hasSimilarElement ? FloatFloatMap.increment(element, discrete) : { let _ = Js.Array.push(element, continuous) } () }) (continuous, discrete) } /* This function works very similarly to splitContinuousAndDiscreteForDuplicates. The one major difference is that you can specify a minDiscreteWeight. If the min discreet weight is 4, that would mean that at least four elements needed from a specific value for that to be kept as discrete. This is important because in some cases, we can expect that some common elements will be generated by regular operations. The final continous array will be sorted. */ let splitContinuousAndDiscreteForMinWeight = ( sortedArray: array, ~minDiscreteWeight: int, ) => { let (continuous, discrete) = _splitContinuousAndDiscreteForDuplicates(sortedArray) let keepFn = v => Belt.Float.toInt(v) >= minDiscreteWeight let (discreteToKeep, discreteToIntegrate) = FloatFloatMap.partition( ((_, v)) => keepFn(v), discrete, ) let newContinousSamples = discreteToIntegrate->FloatFloatMap.toArray |> fmap(((k, v)) => Belt.Array.makeBy(Belt.Float.toInt(v), _ => k)) |> Belt.Array.concatMany let newContinuous = concat(continuous, newContinousSamples) newContinuous |> Array.fast_sort(floatCompare) (newContinuous, discreteToKeep) } } } module Sorted = Floats.Sorted } module A2 = { let fmap = (a, b) => A.fmap(b, a) let fmapi = (a, b) => A.fmapi(b, a) let joinWith = (a, b) => A.joinWith(b, a) let filter = (a, b) => A.filter(b, a) } module JsArray = { let concatSomes = (optionals: Js.Array.t>): Js.Array.t<'a> => optionals |> Js.Array.filter(O.isSome) |> Js.Array.map(O.toExn("Warning: This should not have happened")) let filter = Js.Array.filter } module Dict = { type t<'a> = Js.Dict.t<'a> let get = Js.Dict.get let keys = Js.Dict.keys let fromArray = Js.Dict.fromArray let toArray = Js.Dict.entries let concat = (a, b) => A.concat(toArray(a), toArray(b))->fromArray let concatMany = ts => ts->A2.fmap(toArray)->A.concatMany->fromArray }