module type dist = { type t; type integral; let minX: t => float; let maxX: t => float; let mapY: (float => float, t) => t; let xToY: (float, t) => DistTypes.mixedPoint; let toShape: t => DistTypes.shape; let toContinuous: t => option(DistTypes.continuousShape); let toDiscrete: t => option(DistTypes.discreteShape); let toScaledContinuous: t => option(DistTypes.continuousShape); let toScaledDiscrete: t => option(DistTypes.discreteShape); let toDiscreteProbabilityMass: t => float; let truncate: (~cache: option(integral)=?, int, t) => t; let integral: (~cache: option(integral), t) => integral; let integralEndY: (~cache: option(integral), t) => float; let integralXtoY: (~cache: option(integral), float, t) => float; let integralYtoX: (~cache: option(integral), float, t) => float; }; module Dist = (T: dist) => { type t = T.t; type integral = T.integral; let minX = T.minX; let maxX = T.maxX; let xTotalRange = (t: t) => maxX(t) -. minX(t); let mapY = T.mapY; let xToY = T.xToY; let truncate = T.truncate; let toShape = T.toShape; let toDiscreteProbabilityMass = T.toDiscreteProbabilityMass; let toContinuous = T.toContinuous; let toDiscrete = T.toDiscrete; let toScaledContinuous = T.toScaledContinuous; let toScaledDiscrete = T.toScaledDiscrete; // TODO: Move this to each class, have use integral to produce integral in DistPlus class. let scaleBy = (~scale=1.0, t: t) => t |> mapY((r: float) => r *. scale); module Integral = { type t = T.integral; let get = T.integral; let xToY = T.integralXtoY; let yToX = T.integralYtoX; let sum = T.integralEndY; }; // This is suboptimal because it could get the cache but doesn't here. let scaleToIntegralSum = (~cache: option(integral)=None, ~intendedSum=1.0, t: t) => { let scale = intendedSum /. Integral.sum(~cache, t); scaleBy(~scale, t); }; }; module Continuous = { type t = DistTypes.continuousShape; let getShape = (t: t) => t.xyShape; let interpolation = (t: t) => t.interpolation; let make = (interpolation, xyShape): t => {xyShape, interpolation}; let shapeMap = (fn, {xyShape, interpolation}: t): t => { xyShape: fn(xyShape), interpolation, }; let lastY = (t: t) => t |> getShape |> XYShape.T.lastY; let oShapeMap = (fn, {xyShape, interpolation}: t): option(DistTypes.continuousShape) => fn(xyShape) |> E.O.fmap(make(interpolation)); let toLinear = (t: t): option(t) => { switch (t) { | {interpolation: `Stepwise, xyShape} => xyShape |> XYShape.Range.stepsToContinuous |> E.O.fmap(make(`Linear)) | {interpolation: `Linear, _} => Some(t) }; }; let shapeFn = (fn, t: t) => t |> getShape |> fn; module T = Dist({ type t = DistTypes.continuousShape; type integral = DistTypes.continuousShape; let minX = shapeFn(XYShape.T.minX); let maxX = shapeFn(XYShape.T.maxX); let toDiscreteProbabilityMass = _ => 0.0; let mapY = fn => shapeMap(XYShape.T.mapY(fn)); let toShape = (t: t): DistTypes.shape => Continuous(t); let xToY = (f, {interpolation, xyShape}: t) => { ( switch (interpolation) { | `Stepwise => xyShape |> XYShape.XtoY.stepwiseIncremental(f) |> E.O.default(0.0) | `Linear => xyShape |> XYShape.XtoY.linear(f) } ) |> DistTypes.MixedPoint.makeContinuous; }; // let combineWithFn = (t1: t, t2: t, fn: (float, float) => float) => { // switch(t1, t2){ // | ({interpolation: `Stepwise}, {interpolation: `Stepwise}) => 3.0 // | ({interpolation: `Linear}, {interpolation: `Linear}) => 3.0 // } // }; // TODO: This should work with stepwise plots. let integral = (~cache, t) => switch (cache) { | Some(cache) => cache | None => t |> getShape |> XYShape.Range.integrateWithTriangles |> E.O.toExt("This should not have happened") |> make(`Linear) }; let truncate = (~cache=None, length, t) => t |> shapeMap( XYShape.XsConversion.proportionByProbabilityMass( length, integral(~cache, t).xyShape, ), ); let integralEndY = (~cache, t) => t |> integral(~cache) |> lastY; let integralXtoY = (~cache, f, t) => t |> integral(~cache) |> shapeFn(XYShape.XtoY.linear(f)); let integralYtoX = (~cache, f, t) => t |> integral(~cache) |> shapeFn(XYShape.YtoX.linear(f)); let toContinuous = t => Some(t); let toDiscrete = _ => None; let toScaledContinuous = t => Some(t); let toScaledDiscrete = _ => None; }); }; module Discrete = { let sortedByY = (t: DistTypes.discreteShape) => t |> |> E.A.stableSortBy(_, ((_, y1), (_, y2)) => y1 > y2 ? 1 : 0); let sortedByX = (t: DistTypes.discreteShape) => t |> |> E.A.stableSortBy(_, ((x1, _), (x2, _)) => x1 > x2 ? 1 : 0); module T = Dist({ type t = DistTypes.discreteShape; type integral = DistTypes.continuousShape; let integral = (~cache, t) => switch (cache) { | Some(c) => c | None => Continuous.make(`Stepwise, XYShape.T.accumulateYs((+.), t)) }; let integralEndY = (~cache, t) => t |> integral(~cache) |> Continuous.lastY; let minX = XYShape.T.minX; let maxX = XYShape.T.maxX; let toDiscreteProbabilityMass = t => 1.0; let mapY = XYShape.T.mapY; let toShape = (t: t): DistTypes.shape => Discrete(t); let toContinuous = _ => None; let toDiscrete = t => Some(t); let toScaledContinuous = _ => None; let toScaledDiscrete = t => Some(t); let truncate = (~cache=None, i, t: t): DistTypes.discreteShape => t |> |> XYShape.Zipped.sortByY |> Belt.Array.reverse |> Belt.Array.slice(_, ~offset=0, ~len=i) |> XYShape.Zipped.sortByX |> XYShape.T.fromZippedArray; let xToY = (f, t) => { XYShape.XtoY.stepwiseIfAtX(f, t) |> E.O.default(0.0) |> DistTypes.MixedPoint.makeDiscrete; }; let integralXtoY = (~cache, f, t) => t |> integral(~cache) |> Continuous.getShape |> XYShape.XtoY.linear(f); let integralYtoX = (~cache, f, t) => t |> integral(~cache) |> Continuous.getShape |> XYShape.YtoX.linear(f); }); }; module Mixed = { type t = DistTypes.mixedShape; let make = (~continuous, ~discrete, ~discreteProbabilityMassFraction) : DistTypes.mixedShape => { continuous, discrete, discreteProbabilityMassFraction, }; // todo: Put into scaling module let scaleDiscreteFn = ({discreteProbabilityMassFraction}: DistTypes.mixedShape, f) => f *. discreteProbabilityMassFraction; //TODO: Warning: This currently computes the integral, which is expensive. let scaleContinuousFn = ({discreteProbabilityMassFraction}: DistTypes.mixedShape, f) => f *. (1.0 -. discreteProbabilityMassFraction); //TODO: Warning: This currently computes the integral, which is expensive. let scaleContinuous = ({discreteProbabilityMassFraction}: t, continuous) => continuous |> Continuous.T.scaleToIntegralSum( ~intendedSum=1.0 -. discreteProbabilityMassFraction, ); let scaleDiscrete = ({discreteProbabilityMassFraction}: t, disrete) => disrete |> Discrete.T.scaleToIntegralSum( ~intendedSum=discreteProbabilityMassFraction, ); module T = Dist({ type t = DistTypes.mixedShape; type integral = DistTypes.continuousShape; let minX = ({continuous, discrete}: t) => { min(Continuous.T.minX(continuous), Discrete.T.minX(discrete)); }; let maxX = ({continuous, discrete}: t) => max(Continuous.T.maxX(continuous), Discrete.T.maxX(discrete)); let toShape = (t: t): DistTypes.shape => Mixed(t); let toContinuous = ({continuous}: t) => Some(continuous); let toDiscrete = ({discrete}: t) => Some(discrete); let toDiscreteProbabilityMass = ({discreteProbabilityMassFraction}: t) => discreteProbabilityMassFraction; let xToY = (f, {discrete, continuous} as t: t) => { let c = continuous |> Continuous.T.xToY(f) |> DistTypes.MixedPoint.fmap(scaleContinuousFn(t)); let d = discrete |> Discrete.T.xToY(f) |> DistTypes.MixedPoint.fmap(scaleDiscreteFn(t)); DistTypes.MixedPoint.add(c, d); }; let truncate = ( ~cache=None, count, {discrete, continuous, discreteProbabilityMassFraction} as t: t, ) : t => { { discrete: Discrete.T.truncate( int_of_float( float_of_int(count) *. discreteProbabilityMassFraction, ), discrete, ), continuous: Continuous.T.truncate( int_of_float( float_of_int(count) *. (1.0 -. discreteProbabilityMassFraction), ), continuous, ), discreteProbabilityMassFraction, }; }; let toScaledContinuous = ({continuous} as t: t) => Some(scaleContinuous(t, continuous)); let toScaledDiscrete = ({discrete} as t: t) => Some(scaleDiscrete(t, discrete)); let integral = ( ~cache, {continuous, discrete, discreteProbabilityMassFraction}: t, ) => { switch (cache) { | Some(cache) => cache | None => let scaleContinuousBy = (1.0 -. discreteProbabilityMassFraction) /. (continuous |> Continuous.T.Integral.sum(~cache=None)); let scaleDiscreteBy = discreteProbabilityMassFraction /. ( discrete |> Discrete.T.Integral.get(~cache=None) |> Continuous.toLinear |> E.O.fmap(Continuous.lastY) |> E.O.toExn("") ); let cont = continuous |> Continuous.T.Integral.get(~cache=None) |> Continuous.T.scaleBy(~scale=scaleContinuousBy); let dist = discrete |> Discrete.T.Integral.get(~cache=None) |> Continuous.toLinear |> E.O.toExn("") |> Continuous.T.scaleBy(~scale=scaleDiscreteBy); let result = Continuous.make( `Linear, XYShape.Combine.combineLinear( ~fn=(a, b) => a +. b, Continuous.getShape(cont), Continuous.getShape(dist), ), ); result; }; }; let integralEndY = (~cache, t: t) => { integral(~cache, t) |> Continuous.lastY; }; let integralXtoY = (~cache, f, t) => { t |> integral(~cache) |> Continuous.getShape |> XYShape.XtoY.linear(f); }; let integralYtoX = (~cache, f, t) => { t |> integral(~cache) |> Continuous.getShape |> XYShape.YtoX.linear(f); }; // TODO: This functionality is kinda weird, because it seems to assume the cdf adds to 1.0 elsewhere, which wouldn't happen here. let mapY = (fn, {discrete, continuous, discreteProbabilityMassFraction}: t): t => { { discrete: Discrete.T.mapY(fn, discrete), continuous: Continuous.T.mapY(fn, continuous), discreteProbabilityMassFraction, }; }; }); }; module Shape = { module T = Dist({ type t = DistTypes.shape; type integral = DistTypes.continuousShape; // todo: change order of arguments so t goes last. // todo: Think of other name here? let mapToAll = (t: t, (fn1, fn2, fn3)) => switch (t) { | Mixed(m) => fn1(m) | Discrete(m) => fn2(m) | Continuous(m) => fn3(m) }; let fmap = (t: t, (fn1, fn2, fn3)): t => switch (t) { | Mixed(m) => Mixed(fn1(m)) | Discrete(m) => Discrete(fn2(m)) | Continuous(m) => Continuous(fn3(m)) }; let xToY = (f, t) => mapToAll( t, (Mixed.T.xToY(f), Discrete.T.xToY(f), Continuous.T.xToY(f)), ); let toShape = (t: t) => t; let toContinuous = (t: t) => mapToAll( t, ( Mixed.T.toContinuous, Discrete.T.toContinuous, Continuous.T.toContinuous, ), ); let toDiscrete = (t: t) => mapToAll( t, ( Mixed.T.toDiscrete, Discrete.T.toDiscrete, Continuous.T.toDiscrete, ), ); let truncate = (~cache=None, i, t: t) => fmap( t, ( Mixed.T.truncate(i), Discrete.T.truncate(i), Continuous.T.truncate(i), ), ); let toDiscreteProbabilityMass = (t: t) => mapToAll( t, ( Mixed.T.toDiscreteProbabilityMass, Discrete.T.toDiscreteProbabilityMass, Continuous.T.toDiscreteProbabilityMass, ), ); let toScaledDiscrete = (t: t) => mapToAll( t, ( Mixed.T.toScaledDiscrete, Discrete.T.toScaledDiscrete, Continuous.T.toScaledDiscrete, ), ); let toScaledContinuous = (t: t) => mapToAll( t, ( Mixed.T.toScaledContinuous, Discrete.T.toScaledContinuous, Continuous.T.toScaledContinuous, ), ); let minX = (t: t) => mapToAll(t, (Mixed.T.minX, Discrete.T.minX, Continuous.T.minX)); let integral = (~cache, t: t) => { mapToAll( t, ( Mixed.T.Integral.get(~cache), Discrete.T.Integral.get(~cache), Continuous.T.Integral.get(~cache), ), ); }; let integralEndY = (~cache, t: t) => mapToAll( t, ( Mixed.T.Integral.sum(~cache), Discrete.T.Integral.sum(~cache), Continuous.T.Integral.sum(~cache), ), ); let integralXtoY = (~cache, f, t) => { mapToAll( t, ( Mixed.T.Integral.xToY(~cache, f), Discrete.T.Integral.xToY(~cache, f), Continuous.T.Integral.xToY(~cache, f), ), ); }; let integralYtoX = (~cache, f, t) => { mapToAll( t, ( Mixed.T.Integral.yToX(~cache, f), Discrete.T.Integral.yToX(~cache, f), Continuous.T.Integral.yToX(~cache, f), ), ); }; let maxX = (t: t) => mapToAll(t, (Mixed.T.maxX, Discrete.T.maxX, Continuous.T.maxX)); let mapY = (fn, t: t) => fmap( t, (Mixed.T.mapY(fn), Discrete.T.mapY(fn), Continuous.T.mapY(fn)), ); }); }; module DistPlus = { open DistTypes; type t = DistTypes.distPlus; let shapeIntegral = shape => Shape.T.Integral.get(~cache=None, shape); let make = ( ~shape, ~guesstimatorString, ~domain=Complete, ~unit=UnspecifiedDistribution, (), ) : t => { let integral = shapeIntegral(shape); {shape, domain, integralCache: integral, unit, guesstimatorString}; }; let update = ( ~shape=?, ~integralCache=?, ~domain=?, ~unit=?, ~guesstimatorString=?, t: t, ) => { shape: E.O.default(t.shape, shape), integralCache: E.O.default(t.integralCache, integralCache), domain: E.O.default(t.domain, domain), unit: E.O.default(t.unit, unit), guesstimatorString: E.O.default(t.guesstimatorString, guesstimatorString), }; let updateShape = (shape, t) => { let integralCache = shapeIntegral(shape); update(~shape, ~integralCache, t); }; let domainIncludedProbabilityMass = (t: t) => Domain.includedProbabilityMass(t.domain); let domainIncludedProbabilityMassAdjustment = (t: t, f) => f *. Domain.includedProbabilityMass(t.domain); let toShape = ({shape, _}: t) => shape; let shapeFn = (fn, {shape}: t) => fn(shape); module T = Dist({ type t = DistTypes.distPlus; type integral = DistTypes.distPlus; let toShape = toShape; let toContinuous = shapeFn(Shape.T.toContinuous); let toDiscrete = shapeFn(Shape.T.toDiscrete); // todo: Adjust for total mass. let toScaledContinuous = (t: t) => { t |> toShape |> Shape.T.toScaledContinuous |> E.O.fmap( Continuous.T.mapY(domainIncludedProbabilityMassAdjustment(t)), ); }; let toScaledDiscrete = (t: t) => { t |> toShape |> Shape.T.toScaledDiscrete |> E.O.fmap( Discrete.T.mapY(domainIncludedProbabilityMassAdjustment(t)), ); }; let xToY = (f, t: t) => t |> toShape |> Shape.T.xToY(f) |> MixedPoint.fmap(domainIncludedProbabilityMassAdjustment(t)); let minX = shapeFn(Shape.T.minX); let maxX = shapeFn(Shape.T.maxX); let toDiscreteProbabilityMass = shapeFn(Shape.T.toDiscreteProbabilityMass); // This bit is kind of awkward, could probably use rethinking. let integral = (~cache, t: t) => updateShape(Continuous(t.integralCache), t); let truncate = (~cache=None, i, t) => updateShape(t |> toShape |> Shape.T.truncate(i), t); // todo: adjust for limit, maybe? let mapY = (fn, {shape, _} as t: t): t => Shape.T.mapY(fn, shape) |> updateShape(_, t); let integralEndY = (~cache as _, t: t) => Shape.T.Integral.sum(~cache=Some(t.integralCache), toShape(t)); // TODO: Fix this below, obviously. Adjust for limits let integralXtoY = (~cache as _, f, t: t) => { Shape.T.Integral.xToY(~cache=Some(t.integralCache), f, toShape(t)) |> domainIncludedProbabilityMassAdjustment(t); }; // TODO: This part is broken when there is a limit, if this is supposed to be taken into account. let integralYtoX = (~cache as _, f, t: t) => { Shape.T.Integral.yToX(~cache=Some(t.integralCache), f, toShape(t)); }; }); }; module DistPlusTime = { open DistTypes; type t = DistTypes.distPlus; let unitToJson = ({unit}: t) => unit |> DistTypes.DistributionUnit.toJson; let timeVector = ({unit}: t) => switch (unit) { | TimeDistribution(timeVector) => Some(timeVector) | UnspecifiedDistribution => None }; let timeInVectorToX = (f: TimeTypes.timeInVector, t: t) => { let timeVector = t |> timeVector; timeVector |> E.O.fmap(TimeTypes.RelativeTimePoint.toXValue(_, f)); }; let xToY = (f: TimeTypes.timeInVector, t: t) => { timeInVectorToX(f, t) |> E.O.fmap(DistPlus.T.xToY(_, t)); }; module Integral = { include DistPlus.T.Integral; let xToY = (f: TimeTypes.timeInVector, t: t) => { timeInVectorToX(f, t) |> E.O.fmap(x => DistPlus.T.Integral.xToY(~cache=None, x, t)); }; }; };