import { run, Distribution, resultMap, squiggleExpression, errorValueToString, errorValue, result, } from "../../src/js/index"; import * as fc from "fast-check"; let testRun = (x: string): result => { return run(x, { sampleCount: 100, xyPointLength: 100 }); }; describe("Scalar manipulation is well-modeled by javascript math", () => { test("in the case of logarithms (with assignment)", () => { fc.assert(, (x) => { let squiggleString = `x = log(${x}); x`; let squiggleResult = testRun(squiggleString); if (x == 0) { expect(squiggleResult.value).toEqual({ tag: "number", value: -Infinity, }); } else if (x < 0) { expect(squiggleResult.value).toEqual({ tag: "RETodo", value: "somemessage (confused why a test case hasn't pointed out to me that this message is bogus)", }); } else { expect(squiggleResult.value).toEqual({ tag: "number", value: Math.log(x), }); } }) ); }); test("in the case of addition (with assignment)", () => { fc.assert(, fc.float(), fc.float(), (x, y, z) => { let squiggleString = `x = ${x}; y = ${y}; z = ${z}; x + y + z`; let squiggleResult = testRun(squiggleString); switch (squiggleResult.tag) { case "Error": expect(errorValueToString(squiggleResult.value)).toEqual( "some message (hopefully a test case points it out to me)" ); case "Ok": expect(squiggleResult.value).toEqual({ tag: "number", value: x + y + z, }); } }) ); }); });