module Model = { let make = (currentDateTime: MomentRe.Moment.t) => { let yearsFromNow = "normal(50,30)"; let dist = CdfLibrary.Distribution.fromString(yearsFromNow, 1000); let timeLimitedDomain = TimeLimitedDomainCdf.make( ~timeVector={zero: currentDateTime, unit: `years}, ~distribution=dist, ~probabilityAtMaxX=0.7, ~maxX=`x(200.), ); Prop.Value.TimeLimitedDomainCdf(timeLimitedDomain); }; }; module Interface = { let dayKey = "Day"; let run = (p: Prop.Combo.t) => { switch (Prop.Combo.InputValues.toValueArray(p)) { | [|Some(DateTime(currentYear))|] => Some(Model.make(currentYear)) | _ => None }; }; let model: Prop.Model.t = Prop.{ name: "Global Catastrophe", description: "The chances of having at least one catastrophe per year in the future, assuming no other catastrophe until then.", version: "1.0.0", author: "Ozzie Gooen", inputTypes: [|TypeWithMetadata.currentYear|], outputTypes: [||], run, }; };