# Squiggle Squiggle is a DSL for making probabilistic estimations. It is meant to be a programming analogue of the [Guesstimate](https://www.getguesstimate.com/) application. There are several use cases for a language that represent uncertainty. Some include writing cost effectiveness analysis, as well as doing accurate forecasting. Squiggle is written in [Rescript](https://rescript-lang.org/) and is presented as a website. If you wish to try squiggle out, you can visit our [main page](https://squiggle-language.com/). ## Syntax We use the [Math.js expression language](https://mathjs.org/index.html) for Squiggle. So any expression that's available on Math.js is supported on Squiggle. To represent uncertainty, we use a custom DSL called [DistML](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xlEC8KjchP4PL-KdSxfBJr0UZ9nVMSAlz-rjAQEinyA/edit#). ## Contributing To contribute to this project, we recommend visiting our [Contributing Guide](contributing.md).