diff --git a/__tests__/Distributions__Test.re b/__tests__/Distributions__Test.re
index aed93c8c..d83c1ac2 100644
--- a/__tests__/Distributions__Test.re
+++ b/__tests__/Distributions__Test.re
@@ -194,10 +194,10 @@ describe("Shape", () => {
makeTest("integralEndY", T.Integral.sum(~cache=None, discrete), 1.0);
- makeTest("mean", T.getMean(discrete), 3.9);
+ makeTest("mean", T.mean(discrete), 3.9);
- T.getVariance(discrete),
+ T.variance(discrete),
@@ -393,25 +393,25 @@ describe("Shape", () => {
"Mean of a normal",
- T.getMean(normalShape),
+ T.mean(normalShape),
"Variance of a normal",
- T.getVariance(normalShape),
+ T.variance(normalShape),
"Mean of a lognormal",
- T.getMean(lognormalShape),
+ T.mean(lognormalShape),
"Variance of a lognormal",
- T.getVariance(lognormalShape),
+ T.variance(lognormalShape),
diff --git a/src/components/charts/DistPlusPlot.re b/src/components/charts/DistPlusPlot.re
index b828eeb6..bfa40434 100644
--- a/src/components/charts/DistPlusPlot.re
+++ b/src/components/charts/DistPlusPlot.re
@@ -124,73 +124,87 @@ let table = (distPlus, x) => {
let percentiles = distPlus => {
- {"1" |> ReasonReact.string} |
- {"5" |> ReasonReact.string} |
- {"25" |> ReasonReact.string} |
- {"50" |> ReasonReact.string} |
- {"75" |> ReasonReact.string} |
- {"95" |> ReasonReact.string} |
- {"99" |> ReasonReact.string} |
- {distPlus
- |> Distributions.DistPlus.T.Integral.yToX(~cache=None, 0.01)
- |> showFloat}
- |
- {distPlus
- |> Distributions.DistPlus.T.Integral.yToX(~cache=None, 0.05)
- |> showFloat}
- |
- {distPlus
- |> Distributions.DistPlus.T.Integral.yToX(~cache=None, 0.25)
- |> showFloat}
- |
- {distPlus
- |> Distributions.DistPlus.T.Integral.yToX(~cache=None, 0.5)
- |> showFloat}
- |
- {distPlus
- |> Distributions.DistPlus.T.Integral.yToX(~cache=None, 0.75)
- |> showFloat}
- |
- {distPlus
- |> Distributions.DistPlus.T.Integral.yToX(~cache=None, 0.95)
- |> showFloat}
- |
- {distPlus
- |> Distributions.DistPlus.T.Integral.yToX(~cache=None, 0.99)
- |> showFloat}
- |
- {distPlus
- |> Distributions.DistPlus.T.Integral.yToX(~cache=None, 0.999)
- |> showFloat}
- |
- {distPlus
- |> Distributions.DistPlus.T.Integral.yToX(~cache=None, 0.9999)
- |> showFloat}
- |
- {distPlus
- |> Distributions.DistPlus.T.Integral.yToX(~cache=None, 0.99999)
- |> showFloat}
- |
+ {"1" |> ReasonReact.string} |
+ {"5" |> ReasonReact.string} |
+ {"25" |> ReasonReact.string} |
+ {"50" |> ReasonReact.string} |
+ {"75" |> ReasonReact.string} |
+ {"95" |> ReasonReact.string} |
+ {"99" |> ReasonReact.string} |
+ {"99.999" |> ReasonReact.string} |
+ {distPlus
+ |> Distributions.DistPlus.T.Integral.yToX(~cache=None, 0.01)
+ |> showFloat}
+ |
+ {distPlus
+ |> Distributions.DistPlus.T.Integral.yToX(~cache=None, 0.05)
+ |> showFloat}
+ |
+ {distPlus
+ |> Distributions.DistPlus.T.Integral.yToX(~cache=None, 0.25)
+ |> showFloat}
+ |
+ {distPlus
+ |> Distributions.DistPlus.T.Integral.yToX(~cache=None, 0.5)
+ |> showFloat}
+ |
+ {distPlus
+ |> Distributions.DistPlus.T.Integral.yToX(~cache=None, 0.75)
+ |> showFloat}
+ |
+ {distPlus
+ |> Distributions.DistPlus.T.Integral.yToX(~cache=None, 0.95)
+ |> showFloat}
+ |
+ {distPlus
+ |> Distributions.DistPlus.T.Integral.yToX(~cache=None, 0.99)
+ |> showFloat}
+ |
+ {distPlus
+ |> Distributions.DistPlus.T.Integral.yToX(~cache=None, 0.99999)
+ |> showFloat}
+ |
+ {"mean" |> ReasonReact.string} |
+ {"standard deviation" |> ReasonReact.string}
+ |
+ {"variance" |> ReasonReact.string} |
+ {distPlus |> Distributions.DistPlus.T.mean |> showFloat}
+ |
+ {distPlus |> Distributions.DistPlus.T.variance |> showFloat}
+ |
let adjustBoth = discreteProbabilityMass => {
diff --git a/src/distPlus/distribution/Distributions.re b/src/distPlus/distribution/Distributions.re
index a97132d7..2472f2ab 100644
--- a/src/distPlus/distribution/Distributions.re
+++ b/src/distPlus/distribution/Distributions.re
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ module type dist = {
let integralXtoY: (~cache: option(integral), float, t) => float;
let integralYtoX: (~cache: option(integral), float, t) => float;
- let getMean: t => float;
- let getVariance: t => float;
+ let mean: t => float;
+ let variance: t => float;
module Dist = (T: dist) => {
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ module Dist = (T: dist) => {
let toDiscrete = T.toDiscrete;
let toScaledContinuous = T.toScaledContinuous;
let toScaledDiscrete = T.toScaledDiscrete;
- let getMean = T.getMean;
- let getVariance = T.getVariance;
+ let mean = T.mean;
+ let variance = T.variance;
// TODO: Move this to each class, have use integral to produce integral in DistPlus class.
let scaleBy = (~scale=1.0, t: t) => t |> mapY((r: float) => r *. scale);
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ module Continuous = {
let toScaledContinuous = t => Some(t);
let toScaledDiscrete = _ => None;
- let getMean = (t: t) => {
+ let mean = (t: t) => {
let indefiniteIntegralStepwise = (p, h1) => h1 *. p ** 2.0 /. 2.0;
let indefiniteIntegralLinear = (p, a, b) =>
a *. p ** 2.0 /. 2.0 +. b *. p ** 3.0 /. 3.0;
@@ -151,10 +151,10 @@ module Continuous = {
- let getVariance = (t: t): float =>
+ let variance = (t: t): float =>
- getMean,
+ mean,
@@ -229,12 +229,12 @@ module Discrete = {
|> Continuous.getShape
|> XYShape.YtoX.linear(f);
- let getMean = (t: t): float =>
+ let mean = (t: t): float =>
E.A.reducei(t.xs, 0.0, (acc, x, i) => acc +. x *. t.ys[i]);
- let getVariance = (t: t): float => {
+ let variance = (t: t): float => {
let getMeanOfSquares = t =>
- getMean(XYShape.Analysis.squareXYShape(t));
- XYShape.Analysis.getVarianceDangerously(t, getMean, getMeanOfSquares);
+ mean(XYShape.Analysis.squareXYShape(t));
+ XYShape.Analysis.getVarianceDangerously(t, mean, getMeanOfSquares);
@@ -408,36 +408,36 @@ module Mixed = {
- let getMean = (t: t): float => {
+ let mean = (t: t): float => {
let discreteProbabilityMassFraction =
switch (discreteProbabilityMassFraction) {
- | 1.0 => Discrete.T.getMean(t.discrete)
- | 0.0 => Continuous.T.getMean(t.continuous)
+ | 1.0 => Discrete.T.mean(t.discrete)
+ | 0.0 => Continuous.T.mean(t.continuous)
| _ =>
- Discrete.T.getMean(t.discrete)
+ Discrete.T.mean(t.discrete)
*. discreteProbabilityMassFraction
- +. Continuous.T.getMean(t.continuous)
+ +. Continuous.T.mean(t.continuous)
*. (1.0 -. discreteProbabilityMassFraction)
- let getVariance = (t: t): float => {
+ let variance = (t: t): float => {
let discreteProbabilityMassFraction =
let getMeanOfSquares = (t: t) => {
- Discrete.T.getMean(XYShape.Analysis.squareXYShape(t.discrete))
+ Discrete.T.mean(XYShape.Analysis.squareXYShape(t.discrete))
*. t.discreteProbabilityMassFraction
+. XYShape.Analysis.getMeanOfSquaresContinuousShape(t.continuous)
*. (1.0 -. t.discreteProbabilityMassFraction);
switch (discreteProbabilityMassFraction) {
- | 1.0 => Discrete.T.getVariance(t.discrete)
- | 0.0 => Continuous.T.getVariance(t.continuous)
+ | 1.0 => Discrete.T.variance(t.discrete)
+ | 0.0 => Continuous.T.variance(t.continuous)
| _ =>
- getMean,
+ mean,
@@ -547,18 +547,18 @@ module Shape = {
- let getMean = (t: t): float =>
+ let mean = (t: t): float =>
switch (t) {
- | Mixed(m) => Mixed.T.getMean(m)
- | Discrete(m) => Discrete.T.getMean(m)
- | Continuous(m) => Continuous.T.getMean(m)
+ | Mixed(m) => Mixed.T.mean(m)
+ | Discrete(m) => Discrete.T.mean(m)
+ | Continuous(m) => Continuous.T.mean(m)
- let getVariance = (t: t): float =>
+ let variance = (t: t): float =>
switch (t) {
- | Mixed(m) => Mixed.T.getVariance(m)
- | Discrete(m) => Discrete.T.getVariance(m)
- | Continuous(m) => Continuous.T.getVariance(m)
+ | Mixed(m) => Mixed.T.variance(m)
+ | Discrete(m) => Discrete.T.variance(m)
+ | Continuous(m) => Continuous.T.variance(m)
@@ -674,8 +674,8 @@ module DistPlus = {
let integralYtoX = (~cache as _, f, t: t) => {
Shape.T.Integral.yToX(~cache=Some(t.integralCache), f, toShape(t));
- let getMean = (t: t) => Shape.T.getMean(t.shape);
- let getVariance = (t: t) => Shape.T.getVariance(t.shape);
+ let mean = (t: t) => Shape.T.mean(t.shape);
+ let variance = (t: t) => Shape.T.variance(t.shape);
diff --git a/src/distPlus/distribution/XYShape.re b/src/distPlus/distribution/XYShape.re
index 9ec5a2b2..aeed1bae 100644
--- a/src/distPlus/distribution/XYShape.re
+++ b/src/distPlus/distribution/XYShape.re
@@ -347,14 +347,11 @@ module Analysis = {
let getVarianceDangerously =
- (t: 't, getMean: 't => float, getMeanOfSquares: 't => float): float => {
- let meanSquared = getMean(t) ** 2.0;
+ (t: 't, mean: 't => float, getMeanOfSquares: 't => float): float => {
+ let meanSquared = mean(t) ** 2.0;
let meanOfSquares = getMeanOfSquares(t);
meanOfSquares -. meanSquared;
- let squareXYShape = (t): DistTypes.xyShape => {
- ...t,
- xs: E.A.fmap(x => x ** 2.0, t.xs),
- };
+ let squareXYShape = T.mapX(x => x ** 2.0)
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