Restructuring of E Sorted

This commit is contained in:
Ozzie Gooen 2022-04-28 10:17:29 -04:00
parent 20685ea8cb
commit dde28e54f0
3 changed files with 63 additions and 67 deletions

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@ -263,4 +263,4 @@ let combineShapesContinuousDiscrete = (
let isOrdered = (a: XYShape.T.t): bool => E.A.Sorted.Floats.isSorted(a.xs)
let isOrdered = (a: XYShape.T.t): bool => E.A.Floats.isSorted(a.xs)

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@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ let toPointSetDist = (
): Internals.Types.outputs => {
Array.fast_sort(compare, samples)
let (continuousPart, discretePart) = E.A.Sorted.Floats.split(samples)
let (continuousPart, discretePart) = E.A.Sorted.split(samples)
let length = samples |> E.A.length |> float_of_int
let discrete: PointSetTypes.discreteShape =

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@ -475,42 +475,73 @@ module A = {
module Sorted = {
let min = first
let max = last
let range = (~min=min, ~max=max, a) =>
switch (min(a), max(a)) {
| (Some(min), Some(max)) => Some(max -. min)
| _ => None
module Floats = {
let mean = Jstat.mean
let geomean = Jstat.geomean
let mode = Jstat.mode
let variance = Jstat.variance
let stdev = Jstat.stdev
let sum = Jstat.sum
let random = Js.Math.random_int
let floatCompare: (float, float) => int = compare
let sort = t => {
let r = t
r |> Array.fast_sort(floatCompare)
let binarySearchFirstElementGreaterIndex = (ar: array<'a>, el: 'a) => {
let el = Belt.SortArray.binarySearchBy(ar, el, floatCompare)
let el = el < 0 ? el * -1 - 1 : el
switch el {
| e if e >= length(ar) => #overMax
| e if e == 0 => #underMin
| e => #firstHigher(e)
let isSorted = (ar: array<float>): bool =>
reduce(zip(ar, tail(ar)), true, (acc, (first, second)) => acc && first < second)
//Passing true for the exclusive parameter excludes both endpoints of the range.
let percentile = (a, b) => Jstat.percentile(a, b, false)
// Gives an array with all the differences between values
// diff([1,5,3,7]) = [4,-2,4]
let diff = (arr: array<float>): array<float> =>
Belt.Array.zipBy(arr, Belt.Array.sliceToEnd(arr, 1), (left, right) => right -. left)
exception RangeError(string)
let range = (min: float, max: float, n: int): array<float> =>
switch n {
| 0 => []
| 1 => [min]
| 2 => [min, max]
| _ if min == max => Belt.Array.make(n, min)
| _ if n < 0 => raise(RangeError("n must be greater than 0"))
| _ if min > max => raise(RangeError("Min value is less then max value"))
| _ =>
let diff = (max -. min) /. Belt.Float.fromInt(n - 1)
Belt.Array.makeBy(n, i => min +. Belt.Float.fromInt(i) *. diff)
let concat = (t1: array<'a>, t2: array<'a>) => {
let ts = Belt.Array.concat(t1, t2)
ts |> Array.fast_sort(floatCompare)
let min = Js.Math.minMany_float
let max = Js.Math.maxMany_float
let concatMany = (t1: array<array<'a>>) => {
let ts = Belt.Array.concatMany(t1)
ts |> Array.fast_sort(floatCompare)
module Sorted = {
let min = first
let max = last
let range = (~min=min, ~max=max, a) =>
switch (min(a), max(a)) {
| (Some(min), Some(max)) => Some(max -. min)
| _ => None
module Floats = {
let isSorted = (ar: array<float>): bool =>
reduce(zip(ar, tail(ar)), true, (acc, (first, second)) => acc && first < second)
let binarySearchFirstElementGreaterIndex = (ar: array<'a>, el: 'a) => {
let el = Belt.SortArray.binarySearchBy(ar, el, floatCompare)
let el = el < 0 ? el * -1 - 1 : el
switch el {
| e if e >= length(ar) => #overMax
| e if e == 0 => #underMin
| e => #firstHigher(e)
let concat = (t1: array<'a>, t2: array<'a>) => Belt.Array.concat(t1, t2)->sort
let concatMany = (t1: array<array<'a>>) => Belt.Array.concatMany(t1)->sort
let makeIncrementalUp = (a, b) =>
Array.make(b - a + 1, a) |> Array.mapi((i, c) => c + i) |>, float_of_int)
@ -543,42 +574,7 @@ module A = {
module Floats = {
let mean = Jstat.mean
let geomean = Jstat.geomean
let mode = Jstat.mode
let variance = Jstat.variance
let stdev = Jstat.stdev
let sum = Jstat.sum
let random = Js.Math.random_int
//Passing true for the exclusive parameter excludes both endpoints of the range.
let percentile = (a, b) => Jstat.percentile(a, b, false)
// Gives an array with all the differences between values
// diff([1,5,3,7]) = [4,-2,4]
let diff = (arr: array<float>): array<float> =>
Belt.Array.zipBy(arr, Belt.Array.sliceToEnd(arr, 1), (left, right) => right -. left)
exception RangeError(string)
let range = (min: float, max: float, n: int): array<float> =>
switch n {
| 0 => []
| 1 => [min]
| 2 => [min, max]
| _ if min == max => Belt.Array.make(n, min)
| _ if n < 0 => raise(RangeError("n must be greater than 0"))
| _ if min > max => raise(RangeError("Min value is less then max value"))
| _ =>
let diff = (max -. min) /. Belt.Float.fromInt(n - 1)
Belt.Array.makeBy(n, i => min +. Belt.Float.fromInt(i) *. diff)
let min = Js.Math.minMany_float
let max = Js.Math.maxMany_float
module Sorted = Floats.Sorted;
module A2 = {