Merge branch 'staging' into Components-improvement-april-2
* staging: (41 commits) Fixed tests Samples_test -> SampleSetDist_test Bandwidth -> SampleSetDist_Bandwidth Added genType to SampleSetDist to make pass tests, other minor fixes Power should be ** to be consistent Cleaned up resultStringToResultError Cleanup from previous refactor Start of refactor for toPointSetDist Gave SampleSetDist a private type Namechange: Exponential -> Power Cleanup and commenting for PR Added more tests to JS__Test.ts, and added SampleN functionality to SampleSetDist Added tests for index.js and fixed some corresponding functionality Minor refactor of DistributionOperation Constructors Fix from CR Added to index.ts Added a bunch of manual functions for DistributionOperation Update Cleanup from merge Added sparkline and toString to ReducerInterface ...
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# Squiggle

This is an experiment DSL/language for making probabilistic estimates. The full story can be found [here](
@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ Other:
yarn start # listens to files and recompiles at every mutation
yarn test
yarn test:watch # keeps an active session and runs all tests at every mutation
# where o := open in osx and o := xdg-open in linux,
yarn coverage; o _coverage/index.html # produces coverage report and opens it in browser
# TODO: clean up this
@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ open Expect
describe("Bandwidth", () => {
test("nrd0()", () => {
let data = [1., 4., 3., 2.]
expect(Bandwidth.nrd0(data)) -> toEqual(0.7625801874014622)
expect(SampleSetDist_Bandwidth.nrd0(data)) -> toEqual(0.7625801874014622)
test("nrd()", () => {
let data = [1., 4., 3., 2.]
expect(Bandwidth.nrd(data)) -> toEqual(0.8981499984950554)
expect(SampleSetDist_Bandwidth.nrd(data)) -> toEqual(0.8981499984950554)
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
open Jest
open Expect
let env: DistributionOperation.env = {
sampleCount: 100,
xyPointLength: 100,
let {
} = module(GenericDist_Fixtures)
let mkNormal = (mean, stdev) => GenericDist_Types.Symbolic(#Normal({mean: mean, stdev: stdev}))
let {toFloat, toDist, toString, toError} = module(DistributionOperation.Output)
let {run} = module(DistributionOperation)
let {fmap} = module(DistributionOperation.Output)
let run = run(~env)
let outputMap = fmap(~env)
let toExt: option<'a> => 'a = E.O.toExt(
"Should be impossible to reach (This error is in test file)",
describe("sparkline", () => {
let runTest = (
name: string,
dist: GenericDist_Types.genericDist,
expected: DistributionOperation.outputType,
) => {
test(name, () => {
let result =, FromDist(ToString(ToSparkline(20)), dist))
runTest("beta", betaDist, String(`▁▄▇████▇▆▅▄▃▃▂▁▁▁▁▁▁`))
describe("toPointSet", () => {
test("on symbolic normal distribution", () => {
let result =
run(FromDist(ToDist(ToPointSet), normalDist5))
expect(result)->toBeSoCloseTo(5.0, ~digits=0)
test("on sample set", () => {
let result =
run(FromDist(ToDist(ToPointSet), normalDist5))
expect(result)->toBeSoCloseTo(5.0, ~digits=-1)
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
let normalDist5: GenericDist_Types.genericDist = Symbolic(#Normal({mean: 5.0, stdev: 2.0}))
let normalDist10: GenericDist_Types.genericDist = Symbolic(#Normal({mean: 10.0, stdev: 2.0}))
let normalDist20: GenericDist_Types.genericDist = Symbolic(#Normal({mean: 20.0, stdev: 2.0}))
let normalDist: GenericDist_Types.genericDist = normalDist5
let betaDist: GenericDist_Types.genericDist = Symbolic(#Beta({alpha: 2.0, beta: 5.0}))
let lognormalDist: GenericDist_Types.genericDist = Symbolic(#Lognormal({mu: 0.0, sigma: 1.0}))
let cauchyDist: GenericDist_Types.genericDist = Symbolic(#Cauchy({local: 1.0, scale: 1.0}))
let triangularDist: GenericDist_Types.genericDist = Symbolic(#Triangular({low: 1.0, medium: 2.0, high: 3.0}))
let exponentialDist: GenericDist_Types.genericDist = Symbolic(#Exponential({rate: 2.0}))
let uniformDist: GenericDist_Types.genericDist = Symbolic(#Uniform({low: 9.0, high: 10.0}))
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
open Jest
open Expect
open TestHelpers
// TODO: use Normal.make (etc.), but preferably after the new validation dispatch is in.
let mkNormal = (mean, stdev) => GenericDist_Types.Symbolic(#Normal({mean: mean, stdev: stdev}))
let mkBeta = (alpha, beta) => GenericDist_Types.Symbolic(#Beta({alpha: alpha, beta: beta}))
let mkExponential = rate => GenericDist_Types.Symbolic(#Exponential({rate: rate}))
let mkUniform = (low, high) => GenericDist_Types.Symbolic(#Uniform({low: low, high: high}))
let mkCauchy = (local, scale) => GenericDist_Types.Symbolic(#Cauchy({local: local, scale: scale}))
let mkLognormal = (mu, sigma) => GenericDist_Types.Symbolic(#Lognormal({mu: mu, sigma: sigma}))
describe("mixture", () => {
testAll("fair mean of two normal distributions", list{(0.0, 1e2), (-1e1, -1e-4), (-1e1, 1e2), (-1e1, 1e1)}, tup => { // should be property
let (mean1, mean2) = tup
let meanValue = {
run(Mixture([(mkNormal(mean1, 9e-1), 0.5), (mkNormal(mean2, 9e-1), 0.5)]))
-> outputMap(FromDist(ToFloat(#Mean)))
meanValue -> unpackFloat -> expect -> toBeSoCloseTo((mean1 +. mean2) /. 2.0, ~digits=-1)
"weighted mean of a beta and an exponential",
// This would not survive property testing, it was easy for me to find cases that NaN'd out.
list{((128.0, 1.0), 2.0), ((2e-1, 64.0), 16.0), ((1e0, 1e0), 64.0)},
tup => {
let ((alpha, beta), rate) = tup
let betaWeight = 0.25
let exponentialWeight = 0.75
let meanValue = {
(mkBeta(alpha, beta), betaWeight),
(mkExponential(rate), exponentialWeight)
)) -> outputMap(FromDist(ToFloat(#Mean)))
let betaMean = 1.0 /. (1.0 +. beta /. alpha)
let exponentialMean = 1.0 /. rate
-> unpackFloat
-> expect
-> toBeSoCloseTo(
betaWeight *. betaMean +. exponentialWeight *. exponentialMean,
"weighted mean of lognormal and uniform",
// Would not survive property tests: very easy to find cases that NaN out.
list{((-1e2,1e1), (2e0,1e0)), ((-1e-16,1e-16), (1e-8,1e0)), ((0.0,1e0), (1e0,1e-2))},
tup => {
let ((low, high), (mu, sigma)) = tup
let uniformWeight = 0.6
let lognormalWeight = 0.4
let meanValue = {
run(Mixture([(mkUniform(low, high), uniformWeight), (mkLognormal(mu, sigma), lognormalWeight)]))
-> outputMap(FromDist(ToFloat(#Mean)))
let uniformMean = (low +. high) /. 2.0
let lognormalMean = mu +. sigma ** 2.0 /. 2.0
-> unpackFloat
-> expect
-> toBeSoCloseTo(uniformWeight *. uniformMean +. lognormalWeight *. lognormalMean, ~digits=-1)
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
open Jest
open TestHelpers
describe("Continuous and discrete splits", () => {
"splits (1)",
SampleSetDist_ToPointSet.Internals.T.splitContinuousAndDiscrete([1.432, 1.33455, 2.0]),
([1.432, 1.33455, 2.0], E.FloatFloatMap.empty()),
"splits (2)",
]) |> (((c, disc)) => (c, disc |> E.FloatFloatMap.toArray)),
([1.432, 1.33455], [(2.0, 4.0)]),
let makeDuplicatedArray = count => {
let arr = Belt.Array.range(1, count) |> E.A.fmap(float_of_int)
let sorted = arr |> Belt.SortArray.stableSortBy(_, compare)
E.A.concatMany([sorted, sorted, sorted, sorted]) |> Belt.SortArray.stableSortBy(_, compare)
let (_, discrete1) = SampleSetDist_ToPointSet.Internals.T.splitContinuousAndDiscrete(
let toArr1 = discrete1 |> E.FloatFloatMap.toArray
makeTest("splitMedium at count=10", toArr1 |> Belt.Array.length, 10)
let (_c, discrete2) = SampleSetDist_ToPointSet.Internals.T.splitContinuousAndDiscrete(
let toArr2 = discrete2 |> E.FloatFloatMap.toArray
makeTest("splitMedium at count=500", toArr2 |> Belt.Array.length, 500)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
open Jest
open Expect
open TestHelpers
// TODO: use Normal.make (but preferably after teh new validation dispatch is in)
let mkNormal = (mean, stdev) => GenericDist_Types.Symbolic(#Normal({mean: mean, stdev: stdev}))
describe("(Symbolic) normalize", () => {
testAll("has no impact on normal distributions", list{-1e8, -1e-2, 0.0, 1e-4, 1e16}, mean => {
let normalValue = mkNormal(mean, 2.0)
let normalizedValue = run(FromDist(ToDist(Normalize), normalValue))
-> unpackDist
-> expect
-> toEqual(normalValue)
describe("(Symbolic) mean", () => {
testAll("of normal distributions", list{-1e8, -16.0, -1e-2, 0.0, 1e-4, 32.0, 1e16}, mean => {
run(FromDist(ToFloat(#Mean), mkNormal(mean, 4.0)))
-> unpackFloat
-> expect
-> toBeCloseTo(mean)
Skip.test("of normal(0, -1) (it NaNs out)", () => {
run(FromDist(ToFloat(#Mean), mkNormal(1e1, -1e0)))
-> unpackFloat
-> expect
-> ExpectJs.toBeFalsy
test("of normal(0, 1e-8) (it doesn't freak out at tiny stdev)", () => {
run(FromDist(ToFloat(#Mean), mkNormal(0.0, 1e-8)))
-> unpackFloat
-> expect
-> toBeCloseTo(0.0)
testAll("of exponential distributions", list{1e-7, 2.0, 10.0, 100.0}, rate => {
let meanValue = run(FromDist(ToFloat(#Mean), GenericDist_Types.Symbolic(#Exponential({rate: rate}))))
meanValue -> unpackFloat -> expect -> toBeCloseTo(1.0 /. rate) //,_variance,_moments,_and_median
test("of a cauchy distribution", () => {
let meanValue = run(FromDist(ToFloat(#Mean), GenericDist_Types.Symbolic(#Cauchy({local: 1.0, scale: 1.0}))))
-> unpackFloat
-> expect
-> toBeCloseTo(2.01868297874546)
//-> toBe(GenDistError(Other("Cauchy distributions may have no mean value.")))
testAll("of triangular distributions", list{(1.0,2.0,3.0), (-1e7,-1e-7,1e-7), (-1e-7,1e0,1e7), (-1e-16,0.0,1e-16)}, tup => {
let (low, medium, high) = tup
let meanValue = run(FromDist(
GenericDist_Types.Symbolic(#Triangular({low: low, medium: medium, high: high}))
-> unpackFloat
-> expect
-> toBeCloseTo((low +. medium +. high) /. 3.0) //
// TODO: nonpositive inputs are SUPPOSED to crash.
testAll("of beta distributions", list{(1e-4, 6.4e1), (1.28e2, 1e0), (1e-16, 1e-16), (1e16, 1e16), (-1e4, 1e1), (1e1, -1e4)}, tup => {
let (alpha, beta) = tup
let meanValue = run(FromDist(
GenericDist_Types.Symbolic(#Beta({alpha: alpha, beta: beta}))
-> unpackFloat
-> expect
-> toBeCloseTo(1.0 /. (1.0 +. (beta /. alpha))) //
// TODO: When we have our theory of validators we won't want this to be NaN but to be an error.
test("of beta(0, 0)", () => {
let meanValue = run(FromDist(
GenericDist_Types.Symbolic(#Beta({alpha: 0.0, beta: 0.0}))
-> unpackFloat
-> expect
-> ExpectJs.toBeFalsy
testAll("of lognormal distributions", list{(2.0, 4.0), (1e-7, 1e-2), (-1e6, 10.0), (1e3, -1e2), (-1e8, -1e4), (1e2, 1e-5)}, tup => {
let (mu, sigma) = tup
let meanValue = run(FromDist(
GenericDist_Types.Symbolic(#Lognormal({mu: mu, sigma: sigma}))
-> unpackFloat
-> expect
-> toBeCloseTo(Js.Math.exp(mu +. sigma ** 2.0 /. 2.0 )) //
testAll("of uniform distributions", list{(1e-5, 12.345), (-1e4, 1e4), (-1e16, -1e2), (5.3e3, 9e9)}, tup => {
let (low, high) = tup
let meanValue = run(FromDist(
GenericDist_Types.Symbolic(#Uniform({low: low, high: high}))
-> unpackFloat
-> expect
-> toBeCloseTo((low +. high) /. 2.0) //
test("of a float", () => {
let meanValue = run(FromDist(
meanValue -> unpackFloat -> expect -> toBeCloseTo(7.7)
describe("Normal distribution with sparklines", () => {
let parameterWiseAdditionPdf = (n1: SymbolicDistTypes.normal, n2: SymbolicDistTypes.normal) => {
let normalDistAtSumMeanConstr = SymbolicDist.Normal.add(n1, n2)
let normalDistAtSumMean: SymbolicDistTypes.normal = switch normalDistAtSumMeanConstr {
| #Normal(params) => params
x => SymbolicDist.Normal.pdf(x, normalDistAtSumMean)
let normalDistAtMean5: SymbolicDistTypes.normal = {mean: 5.0, stdev: 2.0}
let normalDistAtMean10: SymbolicDistTypes.normal = {mean: 10.0, stdev: 2.0}
let range20Float = E.A.Floats.range(0.0, 20.0, 20) // [0.0,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,...19.0,]
test("mean=5 pdf", () => {
let pdfNormalDistAtMean5 = x => SymbolicDist.Normal.pdf(x, normalDistAtMean5)
let sparklineMean5 = fnImage(pdfNormalDistAtMean5, range20Float)
Sparklines.create(sparklineMean5, ())
-> expect
-> toEqual(`▁▂▃▆██▇▅▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁`)
test("parameter-wise addition of two normal distributions", () => {
let sparklineMean15 = normalDistAtMean5 -> parameterWiseAdditionPdf(normalDistAtMean10) -> fnImage(range20Float)
Sparklines.create(sparklineMean15, ())
-> expect
-> toEqual(`▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▄▆███▇▅▄▂`)
test("mean=10 cdf", () => {
let cdfNormalDistAtMean10 = x => SymbolicDist.Normal.cdf(x, normalDistAtMean10)
let sparklineMean10 = fnImage(cdfNormalDistAtMean10, range20Float)
Sparklines.create(sparklineMean10, ())
-> expect
-> toEqual(`▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▄▅▇████████`)
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
open Jest
open Expect
let env: DistributionOperation.env = {
sampleCount: 100,
xyPointLength: 100,
let normalDist5: GenericDist_Types.genericDist = Symbolic(#Normal({mean: 5.0, stdev: 2.0}))
let normalDist10: GenericDist_Types.genericDist = Symbolic(#Normal({mean: 10.0, stdev: 2.0}))
let normalDist20: GenericDist_Types.genericDist = Symbolic(#Normal({mean: 20.0, stdev: 2.0}))
let uniformDist: GenericDist_Types.genericDist = Symbolic(#Uniform({low: 9.0, high: 10.0}))
let {toFloat, toDist, toString, toError} = module(DistributionOperation.Output)
let {run} = module(DistributionOperation)
let {fmap} = module(DistributionOperation.Output)
let run = run(~env)
let outputMap = fmap(~env)
let toExt: option<'a> => 'a = E.O.toExt(
"Should be impossible to reach (This error is in test file)",
describe("normalize", () => {
test("has no impact on normal dist", () => {
let result = run(FromDist(ToDist(Normalize), normalDist5))
describe("mean", () => {
test("for a normal distribution", () => {
let result =, FromDist(ToFloat(#Mean), normalDist5))
describe("mixture", () => {
test("on two normal distributions", () => {
let result =
run(Mixture([(normalDist10, 0.5), (normalDist20, 0.5)]))
describe("toPointSet", () => {
test("on symbolic normal distribution", () => {
let result =
run(FromDist(ToDist(ToPointSet), normalDist5))
test("on sample set distribution with under 4 points", () => {
let result =
run(FromDist(ToDist(ToPointSet), SampleSet([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0])))->outputMap(
expect(result)->toEqual(GenDistError(Other("Converting sampleSet to pointSet failed")))
Skip.test("on sample set", () => {
let result =
run(FromDist(ToDist(ToPointSet), normalDist5))
@ -1,34 +1,87 @@
import { run } from '../src/js/index';
import { run, GenericDist, resultMap, makeSampleSetDist } from "../src/js/index";
let testRun = (x: string) => {
let result = run(x)
if(result.tag == 'Ok'){
return { tag: 'Ok', value: result.value.exports }
let result = run(x);
if (result.tag == "Ok") {
return { tag: "Ok", value: result.value.exports };
} else {
return result;
else {
return result
describe("Simple calculations and results", () => {
test("mean(normal(5,2))", () => {
expect(testRun("mean(normal(5,2))")).toEqual({ tag: 'Ok', value: [ { NAME: 'Float', VAL: 5 } ] })
test("10+10", () => {
let foo = testRun("10 + 10")
expect(foo).toEqual({ tag: 'Ok', value: [ { NAME: 'Float', VAL: 20 } ] })
test("mean(normal(5,2))", () => {
tag: "Ok",
value: [{ NAME: "Float", VAL: 5 }],
test("10+10", () => {
let foo = testRun("10 + 10");
expect(foo).toEqual({ tag: "Ok", value: [{ NAME: "Float", VAL: 20 }] });
describe("Log function", () => {
test("log(1) = 0", () => {
let foo = testRun("log(1)")
expect(foo).toEqual({ tag: 'Ok', value: [ { NAME: 'Float', VAL: 0} ]})
test("log(1) = 0", () => {
let foo = testRun("log(1)");
expect(foo).toEqual({ tag: "Ok", value: [{ NAME: "Float", VAL: 0 }] });
describe("Multimodal too many weights error", () => {
test("mm(0,0,[0,0,0])", () => {
let foo = testRun("mm(0,0,[0,0,0])")
expect(foo).toEqual({ "tag": "Error", "value": "Function multimodal error: Too many weights provided" })
test("mm(0,0,[0,0,0])", () => {
let foo = testRun("mm(0,0,[0,0,0])");
tag: "Error",
value: "Function multimodal error: Too many weights provided",
describe("GenericDist", () => {
//It's important that sampleCount is less than 9. If it's more, than that will create randomness
//Also, note, the value should be created using makeSampleSetDist() later on.
let env = { sampleCount: 8, xyPointLength: 100 };
let dist = new GenericDist(
{ tag: "SampleSet", value: [3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 10, 15, 30] },
let dist2 = new GenericDist(
{ tag: "SampleSet", value: [20, 22, 24, 29, 30, 35, 38, 44, 52] },
test("mean", () => {
test("pdf", () => {
test("cdf", () => {
test("inv", () => {
test("toPointSet", () => {
resultMap(dist.toPointSet(), (r: GenericDist) => r.toString()).value.value
).toBe("Point Set Distribution");
test("toSparkline", () => {
test("algebraicAdd", () => {
resultMap(dist.algebraicAdd(dist2), (r: GenericDist) => r.toSparkline(20))
test("pointwiseAdd", () => {
resultMap(dist.pointwiseAdd(dist2), (r: GenericDist) => r.toSparkline(20))
@ -9,6 +9,3 @@ let expectParseToBe = (expr: string, answer: string) =>
let expectEvalToBe = (expr: string, answer: string) =>
// Current configuration does not ignore this file so we have to have a test
test("test helpers", () => expect(1)->toBe(1))
@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ describe("eval on distribution functions", () => {
testEval("mean(normal(5,2))", "Ok(5)")
testEval("mean(lognormal(1,2))", "Ok(20.085536923187668)")
describe("toString", () => {
testEval("toString(normal(5,2))", "Ok('Normal(5,2)')")
describe("normalize", () => {
testEval("normalize(normal(5,2))", "Ok(Normal(5,2))")
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
open Jest
open Expect
let makeTest = (~only=false, str, item1, item2) =>
? Only.test(str, () => expect(item1) -> toEqual(item2))
: test(str, () => expect(item1) -> toEqual(item2))
describe("Lodash", () =>
describe("Lodash", () => {
SampleSet.Internals.T.splitContinuousAndDiscrete([1.432, 1.33455, 2.0]),
([1.432, 1.33455, 2.0], E.FloatFloatMap.empty()),
]) |> (((c, disc)) => (c, disc |> E.FloatFloatMap.toArray)),
([1.432, 1.33455], [(2.0, 4.0)]),
let makeDuplicatedArray = count => {
let arr = Belt.Array.range(1, count) |> E.A.fmap(float_of_int)
let sorted = arr |> Belt.SortArray.stableSortBy(_, compare)
E.A.concatMany([sorted, sorted, sorted, sorted]) |> Belt.SortArray.stableSortBy(_, compare)
let (_, discrete) = SampleSet.Internals.T.splitContinuousAndDiscrete(
let toArr = discrete |> E.FloatFloatMap.toArray
makeTest("splitMedium", toArr |> Belt.Array.length, 10)
let (_c, discrete) = SampleSet.Internals.T.splitContinuousAndDiscrete(
let toArr = discrete |> E.FloatFloatMap.toArray
makeTest("splitMedium", toArr |> Belt.Array.length, 500)
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
open Jest
open Expect
open Js.Array
open SymbolicDist
let makeTest = (~only=false, str, item1, item2) =>
? Only.test(str, () => expect(item1) -> toEqual(item2))
: test(str, () => expect(item1) -> toEqual(item2))
let pdfImage = (thePdf, inps) => map(thePdf, inps)
let parameterWiseAdditionHelper = (n1: SymbolicDistTypes.normal, n2: SymbolicDistTypes.normal) => {
let normalDistAtSumMeanConstr = Normal.add(n1, n2)
let normalDistAtSumMean: SymbolicDistTypes.normal = switch normalDistAtSumMeanConstr {
| #Normal(params) => params
x => Normal.pdf(x, normalDistAtSumMean)
describe("Normal distribution with sparklines", () => {
let normalDistAtMean5: SymbolicDistTypes.normal = {mean: 5.0, stdev: 2.0}
let normalDistAtMean10: SymbolicDistTypes.normal = {mean: 10.0, stdev: 2.0}
let range20Float = E.A.rangeFloat(0, 20) // [0.0,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,...19.0,]
let pdfNormalDistAtMean5 = x => Normal.pdf(x, normalDistAtMean5)
let sparklineMean5 = pdfImage(pdfNormalDistAtMean5, range20Float)
makeTest("mean=5", Sparklines.create(sparklineMean5, ()), `▁▂▃▅███▅▃▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁`)
let sparklineMean15 = normalDistAtMean5 -> parameterWiseAdditionHelper(normalDistAtMean10) -> pdfImage(range20Float)
makeTest("parameter-wise addition of two normal distributions", Sparklines.create(sparklineMean15, ()), `▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▅▇███▇▅▃▂`)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
open Jest
open Expect
let makeTest = (~only=false, str, item1, item2) =>
? Only.test(str, () => expect(item1) -> toEqual(item2))
: test(str, () => expect(item1) -> toEqual(item2))
let {toFloat, toDist, toString, toError, fmap} = module(DistributionOperation.Output)
let fnImage = (theFn, inps) =>, inps)
let env: DistributionOperation.env = {
sampleCount: 100,
xyPointLength: 100,
let run =
let outputMap = fmap(~env)
let unreachableInTestFileMessage = "Should be impossible to reach (This error is in test file)"
let toExtFloat: option<float> => float = E.O.toExt(unreachableInTestFileMessage)
let toExtDist: option<GenericDist_Types.genericDist> => GenericDist_Types.genericDist = E.O.toExt(unreachableInTestFileMessage)
// let toExt: option<'a> => 'a = E.O.toExt(unreachableInTestFileMessage)
let unpackFloat = x => x -> toFloat -> toExtFloat
let unpackDist = y => y -> toDist -> toExtDist
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
"gentypeconfig": {
"language": "typescript",
"module": "commonjs",
"shims": {},
"shims": {"Js": "Js"},
"debug": {
"all": false,
"basic": false
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
/** @type {import('ts-jest/dist/types').InitialOptionsTsJest} */
module.exports = {
preset: 'ts-jest',
testEnvironment: 'node',
preset: "ts-jest",
testEnvironment: "node",
setupFilesAfterEnv: [
testPathIgnorePatterns: [
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"test:reducer": "jest --testPathPattern '.*__tests__/Reducer.*'",
"test": "jest",
"test:watch": "jest --watchAll",
"coverage": "rm -f *.coverage; yarn clean; BISECT_ENABLE=yes yarn build; yarn test; ./node_modules/.bin/bisect-ppx-report html",
"coverage": "rm -f *.coverage; yarn clean; BISECT_ENABLE=yes yarn build; yarn test; bisect-ppx-report html",
"all": "yarn build && yarn bundle && yarn test"
"keywords": [
@ -1,17 +1,228 @@
import {runAll} from '../rescript/ProgramEvaluator.gen';
import type { Inputs_SamplingInputs_t as SamplingInputs, exportEnv, exportType, exportDistribution} from '../rescript/ProgramEvaluator.gen';
export type { SamplingInputs, exportEnv, exportDistribution }
export type {t as DistPlus} from '../rescript/OldInterpreter/DistPlus.gen';
import { runAll } from "../rescript/ProgramEvaluator.gen";
import type {
Inputs_SamplingInputs_t as SamplingInputs,
} from "../rescript/ProgramEvaluator.gen";
export type { SamplingInputs, exportEnv, exportDistribution };
export type { t as DistPlus } from "../rescript/OldInterpreter/DistPlus.gen";
import {
} from "../rescript/TypescriptInterface.gen";
export {makeSampleSetDist} from "../rescript/TypescriptInterface.gen";
import {
} from "../rescript/Distributions/DistributionOperation/DistributionOperation.gen";
export let defaultSamplingInputs : SamplingInputs = {
sampleCount : 10000,
outputXYPoints : 10000,
pointDistLength : 1000
export let defaultSamplingInputs: SamplingInputs = {
sampleCount: 10000,
outputXYPoints: 10000,
pointDistLength: 1000,
export function run(
squiggleString: string,
samplingInputs?: SamplingInputs,
environment?: exportEnv
): { tag: "Ok"; value: exportType } | { tag: "Error"; value: string } {
let si: SamplingInputs = samplingInputs
? samplingInputs
: defaultSamplingInputs;
let env: exportEnv = environment ? environment : [];
return runAll(squiggleString, si, env);
export function run(squiggleString : string, samplingInputs? : SamplingInputs, environment?: exportEnv) : { tag: "Ok"; value: exportType }
| { tag: "Error"; value: string } {
let si : SamplingInputs = samplingInputs ? samplingInputs : defaultSamplingInputs
let env : exportEnv = environment ? environment : []
return runAll(squiggleString, si, env)
//This is clearly not fully typed. I think later we should use a functional library to
// provide a better Either type and corresponding functions.
type result =
| {
tag: "Ok";
value: any;
| {
tag: "Error";
value: any;
export function resultMap(r: result, mapFn: any): result {
if (r.tag === "Ok") {
return { tag: "Ok", value: mapFn(r.value) };
} else {
return r;
export function resultExn(r: result): any {
export class GenericDist {
t: genericDist;
env: env;
constructor(t: genericDist, env: env) {
this.t = t;
this.env = env;
return this;
mapResultDist(r: resultDist) {
return resultMap(r, (v: genericDist) => new GenericDist(v, this.env));
mean() {
return Constructors_mean({ env: this.env }, this.t);
sample(): resultFloat {
return Constructors_sample({ env: this.env }, this.t);
pdf(n: number): resultFloat {
return Constructors_pdf({ env: this.env }, this.t, n);
cdf(n: number): resultFloat {
return Constructors_cdf({ env: this.env }, this.t, n);
inv(n: number): resultFloat {
return Constructors_inv({ env: this.env }, this.t, n);
normalize() {
return this.mapResultDist(
Constructors_normalize({ env: this.env }, this.t)
toPointSet() {
return this.mapResultDist(
Constructors_toPointSet({ env: this.env }, this.t)
toSampleSet(n: number) {
return this.mapResultDist(
Constructors_toSampleSet({ env: this.env }, this.t, n)
truncate(left: number, right: number) {
return this.mapResultDist(
Constructors_truncate({ env: this.env }, this.t, left, right)
inspect() {
return this.mapResultDist(Constructors_inspect({ env: this.env }, this.t));
toString(): resultString {
return Constructors_toString({ env: this.env }, this.t);
toSparkline(n: number): resultString {
return Constructors_toSparkline({ env: this.env }, this.t, n);
algebraicAdd(d2: GenericDist) {
return this.mapResultDist(
Constructors_algebraicAdd({ env: this.env }, this.t, d2.t)
algebraicMultiply(d2: GenericDist) {
return this.mapResultDist(
Constructors_algebraicMultiply({ env: this.env }, this.t, d2.t)
algebraicDivide(d2: GenericDist) {
return this.mapResultDist(
Constructors_algebraicDivide({ env: this.env }, this.t, d2.t)
algebraicSubtract(d2: GenericDist) {
return this.mapResultDist(
Constructors_algebraicSubtract({ env: this.env }, this.t, d2.t)
algebraicLogarithm(d2: GenericDist) {
return this.mapResultDist(
Constructors_algebraicLogarithm({ env: this.env }, this.t, d2.t)
algebraicPower(d2: GenericDist) {
return this.mapResultDist(
Constructors_algebraicPower({ env: this.env }, this.t, d2.t)
pointwiseAdd(d2: GenericDist) {
return this.mapResultDist(
Constructors_pointwiseAdd({ env: this.env }, this.t, d2.t)
pointwiseMultiply(d2: GenericDist) {
return this.mapResultDist(
Constructors_pointwiseMultiply({ env: this.env }, this.t, d2.t)
pointwiseDivide(d2: GenericDist) {
return this.mapResultDist(
Constructors_pointwiseDivide({ env: this.env }, this.t, d2.t)
pointwiseSubtract(d2: GenericDist) {
return this.mapResultDist(
Constructors_pointwiseSubtract({ env: this.env }, this.t, d2.t)
pointwiseLogarithm(d2: GenericDist) {
return this.mapResultDist(
Constructors_pointwiseLogarithm({ env: this.env }, this.t, d2.t)
pointwisePower(d2: GenericDist) {
return this.mapResultDist(
Constructors_pointwisePower({ env: this.env }, this.t, d2.t)
@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ type env = {
type outputType =
| Dist(GenericDist_Types.genericDist)
| Dist(genericDist)
| Float(float)
| String(string)
| GenDistError(GenericDist_Types.error)
| GenDistError(error)
We're going to add another function to this module later, so first define a
@ -113,7 +113,11 @@ let rec run = (~env, functionCallInfo: functionCallInfo): outputType => {
GenericDist.toFloatOperation(dist, ~toPointSetFn, ~distToFloatOperation)
->E.R2.fmap(r => Float(r))
| ToString => dist->GenericDist.toString->String
| ToString(ToString) => dist->GenericDist.toString->String
| ToString(ToSparkline(bucketCount)) =>
GenericDist.toSparkline(dist, ~sampleCount, ~bucketCount, ())
->E.R2.fmap(r => String(r))
| ToDist(Inspect) => {
Js.log2("Console log requested: ", dist)
@ -124,10 +128,13 @@ let rec run = (~env, functionCallInfo: functionCallInfo): outputType => {
->E.R2.fmap(r => Dist(r))
| ToDist(ToSampleSet(n)) =>
dist->GenericDist.sampleN(n)->E.R2.fmap(r => Dist(SampleSet(r)))->OutputLocal.fromResult
->E.R2.fmap(r => Dist(SampleSet(r)))
| ToDist(ToPointSet) =>
->GenericDist.toPointSet(~xyPointLength, ~sampleCount)
->GenericDist.toPointSet(~xyPointLength, ~sampleCount, ())
->E.R2.fmap(r => Dist(PointSet(r)))
| ToDistCombination(Algebraic, _, #Float(_)) => GenDistError(NotYetImplemented)
@ -181,3 +188,43 @@ module Output = {
// See comment above GenericDist_Types.Constructors to explain the purpose of this module.
// I tried having another internal module called UsingDists, similar to how its done in
// GenericDist_Types.Constructors. However, this broke GenType for me, so beware.
module Constructors = {
module C = GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists
open OutputLocal
let mean = (~env, dist) => C.mean(dist)->run(~env)->toFloatR
let sample = (~env, dist) => C.sample(dist)->run(~env)->toFloatR
let cdf = (~env, dist, f) => C.cdf(dist, f)->run(~env)->toFloatR
let inv = (~env, dist, f) => C.inv(dist, f)->run(~env)->toFloatR
let pdf = (~env, dist, f) => C.pdf(dist, f)->run(~env)->toFloatR
let normalize = (~env, dist) => C.normalize(dist)->run(~env)->toDistR
let toPointSet = (~env, dist) => C.toPointSet(dist)->run(~env)->toDistR
let toSampleSet = (~env, dist, n) => C.toSampleSet(dist, n)->run(~env)->toDistR
let truncate = (~env, dist, leftCutoff, rightCutoff) =>
C.truncate(dist, leftCutoff, rightCutoff)->run(~env)->toDistR
let inspect = (~env, dist) => C.inspect(dist)->run(~env)->toDistR
let toString = (~env, dist) => C.toString(dist)->run(~env)->toStringR
let toSparkline = (~env, dist, bucketCount) =>
C.toSparkline(dist, bucketCount)->run(~env)->toStringR
let algebraicAdd = (~env, dist1, dist2) => C.algebraicAdd(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let algebraicMultiply = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.algebraicMultiply(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let algebraicDivide = (~env, dist1, dist2) => C.algebraicDivide(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let algebraicSubtract = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.algebraicSubtract(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let algebraicLogarithm = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.algebraicLogarithm(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let algebraicPower = (~env, dist1, dist2) => C.algebraicPower(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let pointwiseAdd = (~env, dist1, dist2) => C.pointwiseAdd(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let pointwiseMultiply = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.pointwiseMultiply(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let pointwiseDivide = (~env, dist1, dist2) => C.pointwiseDivide(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let pointwiseSubtract = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.pointwiseSubtract(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let pointwiseLogarithm = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.pointwiseLogarithm(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let pointwisePower = (~env, dist1, dist2) => C.pointwisePower(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
@ -1,19 +1,24 @@
type env = {
sampleCount: int,
xyPointLength: int,
open GenericDist_Types
type outputType =
| Dist(GenericDist_Types.genericDist)
| Dist(genericDist)
| Float(float)
| String(string)
| GenDistError(GenericDist_Types.error)
| GenDistError(error)
let run: (~env: env, GenericDist_Types.Operation.genericFunctionCallInfo) => outputType
let runFromDist: (
~env: env,
~functionCallInfo: GenericDist_Types.Operation.fromDist,
) => outputType
let runFromFloat: (
~env: env,
@ -23,12 +28,68 @@ let runFromFloat: (
module Output: {
type t = outputType
let toDist: t => option<GenericDist_Types.genericDist>
let toDistR: t => result<GenericDist_Types.genericDist, GenericDist_Types.error>
let toDist: t => option<genericDist>
let toDistR: t => result<genericDist, error>
let toFloat: t => option<float>
let toFloatR: t => result<float, GenericDist_Types.error>
let toFloatR: t => result<float, error>
let toString: t => option<string>
let toStringR: t => result<string, GenericDist_Types.error>
let toError: t => option<GenericDist_Types.error>
let toStringR: t => result<string, error>
let toError: t => option<error>
let fmap: (~env: env, t, GenericDist_Types.Operation.singleParamaterFunction) => t
module Constructors: {
let mean: (~env: env, genericDist) => result<float, error>
let sample: (~env: env, genericDist) => result<float, error>
let cdf: (~env: env, genericDist, float) => result<float, error>
let inv: (~env: env, genericDist, float) => result<float, error>
let pdf: (~env: env, genericDist, float) => result<float, error>
let normalize: (~env: env, genericDist) => result<genericDist, error>
let toPointSet: (~env: env, genericDist) => result<genericDist, error>
let toSampleSet: (~env: env, genericDist, int) => result<genericDist, error>
let truncate: (
~env: env,
) => result<genericDist, error>
let inspect: (~env: env, genericDist) => result<genericDist, error>
let toString: (~env: env, genericDist) => result<string, error>
let toSparkline: (~env: env, genericDist, int) => result<string, error>
let algebraicAdd: (~env: env, genericDist, genericDist) => result<genericDist, error>
let algebraicMultiply: (~env: env, genericDist, genericDist) => result<genericDist, error>
let algebraicDivide: (~env: env, genericDist, genericDist) => result<genericDist, error>
let algebraicSubtract: (~env: env, genericDist, genericDist) => result<genericDist, error>
let algebraicLogarithm: (~env: env, genericDist, genericDist) => result<genericDist, error>
let algebraicPower: (~env: env, genericDist, genericDist) => result<genericDist, error>
let pointwiseAdd: (~env: env, genericDist, genericDist) => result<genericDist, error>
let pointwiseMultiply: (~env: env, genericDist, genericDist) => result<genericDist, error>
let pointwiseDivide: (~env: env, genericDist, genericDist) => result<genericDist, error>
let pointwiseSubtract: (~env: env, genericDist, genericDist) => result<genericDist, error>
let pointwiseLogarithm: (~env: env, genericDist, genericDist) => result<genericDist, error>
let pointwisePower: (~env: env, genericDist, genericDist) => result<genericDist, error>
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module Operation = {
| #Multiply
| #Subtract
| #Divide
| #Exponentiate
| #Power
| #Logarithm
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ module Operation = {
| #Add => \"+."
| #Multiply => \"*."
| #Subtract => \"-."
| #Exponentiate => \"**"
| #Power => \"**"
| #Divide => \"/."
| #Logarithm => (a, b) => log(a) /. log(b)
@ -2,17 +2,20 @@
type t = GenericDist_Types.genericDist
type error = GenericDist_Types.error
type toPointSetFn = t => result<PointSetTypes.pointSetDist, error>
type toSampleSetFn = t => result<array<float>, error>
type toSampleSetFn = t => result<SampleSetDist.t, error>
type scaleMultiplyFn = (t, float) => result<t, error>
type pointwiseAddFn = (t, t) => result<t, error>
let sampleN = (t: t, n) =>
switch t {
| PointSet(r) => Ok(PointSetDist.sampleNRendered(n, r))
| Symbolic(r) => Ok(SymbolicDist.T.sampleN(n, r))
| SampleSet(_) => Error(GenericDist_Types.NotYetImplemented)
| PointSet(r) => PointSetDist.sampleNRendered(n, r)
| Symbolic(r) => SymbolicDist.T.sampleN(n, r)
| SampleSet(r) => SampleSetDist.sampleN(r, n)
let toSampleSetDist = (t: t, n) =>
SampleSetDist.make(sampleN(t, n))->GenericDist_Types.Error.resultStringToResultError
let fromFloat = (f: float): t => Symbolic(SymbolicDist.Float.make(f))
let toString = (t: t) =>
@ -49,32 +52,45 @@ let toFloatOperation = (
//Todo: If it's a pointSet, but the xyPointLenght is different from what it has, it should change.
//Todo: If it's a pointSet, but the xyPointLength is different from what it has, it should change.
// This is tricky because the case of discrete distributions.
// Also, change the outputXYPoints/pointSetDistLength details
let toPointSet = (~xyPointLength, ~sampleCount, t): result<PointSetTypes.pointSetDist, error> => {
let toPointSet = (
~xSelection: GenericDist_Types.Operation.pointsetXSelection=#ByWeight,
): result<PointSetTypes.pointSetDist, error> => {
switch (t: t) {
| PointSet(pointSet) => Ok(pointSet)
| Symbolic(r) => Ok(SymbolicDist.T.toPointSetDist(xyPointLength, r))
| SampleSet(r) => {
let response = SampleSet.toPointSetDist(
sampleCount: sampleCount,
outputXYPoints: xyPointLength,
pointSetDistLength: xyPointLength,
kernelWidth: None,
switch response {
| Some(r) => Ok(r)
| None => Error(Other("Converting sampleSet to pointSet failed"))
| Symbolic(r) => Ok(SymbolicDist.T.toPointSetDist(~xSelection, xyPointLength, r))
| SampleSet(r) =>
sampleCount: sampleCount,
outputXYPoints: xyPointLength,
pointSetDistLength: xyPointLength,
kernelWidth: None,
PointSetDist.toSparkline calls "downsampleEquallyOverX", which downsamples it to n=bucketCount.
It first needs a pointSetDist, so we convert to a pointSetDist. In this process we want the
xyPointLength to be a bit longer than the eventual toSparkline downsampling. I chose 3
fairly arbitrarily.
let toSparkline = (t: t, ~sampleCount: int, ~bucketCount: int=20, unit): result<string, error> =>
->toPointSet(~xSelection=#Linear, ~xyPointLength=bucketCount * 3, ~sampleCount, ())
->E.R.bind(r =>
module Truncate = {
let trySymbolicSimplification = (leftCutoff, rightCutoff, t: t): option<t> =>
switch (leftCutoff, rightCutoff, t) {
@ -147,10 +163,12 @@ module AlgebraicCombination = {
t1: t,
t2: t,
) => {
let arithmeticOperation = Operation.Algebraic.toFn(arithmeticOperation)
E.R.merge(toSampleSet(t1), toSampleSet(t2))->E.R2.fmap(((a, b)) => {
||||, b)->E.A2.fmap(((a, b)) => arithmeticOperation(a, b))
let fn = Operation.Algebraic.toFn(arithmeticOperation)
E.R.merge(toSampleSet(t1), toSampleSet(t2))
->E.R.bind(((t1, t2)) => {
SampleSetDist.map2(~fn, ~t1, ~t2)->GenericDist_Types.Error.resultStringToResultError
->E.R2.fmap(r => GenericDist_Types.SampleSet(r))
//I'm (Ozzie) really just guessing here, very little idea what's best
@ -181,13 +199,7 @@ module AlgebraicCombination = {
| Some(Error(e)) => Error(Other(e))
| None =>
switch chooseConvolutionOrMonteCarlo(t1, t2) {
| #CalculateWithMonteCarlo =>
)->E.R2.fmap(r => GenericDist_Types.SampleSet(r))
| #CalculateWithMonteCarlo => runMonteCarlo(toSampleSetFn, arithmeticOperation, t1, t2)
| #CalculateWithConvolution =>
@ -228,7 +240,7 @@ let pointwiseCombinationFloat = (
): result<t, error> => {
let m = switch arithmeticOperation {
| #Add | #Subtract => Error(GenericDist_Types.DistributionVerticalShiftIsInvalid)
| (#Multiply | #Divide | #Exponentiate | #Logarithm) as arithmeticOperation =>
| (#Multiply | #Divide | #Power | #Logarithm) as arithmeticOperation =>
toPointSetFn(t)->E.R2.fmap(t => {
//TODO: Move to PointSet codebase
let fn = (secondary, main) => Operation.Scale.toFn(arithmeticOperation, main, secondary)
@ -253,7 +265,7 @@ let mixture = (
~pointwiseAddFn: pointwiseAddFn,
) => {
if E.A.length(values) == 0 {
Error(GenericDist_Types.Other("mixture must have at least 1 element"))
Error(GenericDist_Types.Other("Mixture error: mixture must have at least 1 element"))
} else {
let totalWeight = values->E.A2.fmap(E.Tuple2.second)->E.A.Floats.sum
let properlyWeightedValues =
@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
type t = GenericDist_Types.genericDist
type error = GenericDist_Types.error
type toPointSetFn = t => result<PointSetTypes.pointSetDist, error>
type toSampleSetFn = t => result<array<float>, error>
type toSampleSetFn = t => result<SampleSetDist.t, error>
type scaleMultiplyFn = (t, float) => result<t, error>
type pointwiseAddFn = (t, t) => result<t, error>
let sampleN: (t, int) => result<array<float>, error>
let sampleN: (t, int) => array<float>
let toSampleSetDist: (t, int) => Belt.Result.t<QuriSquiggleLang.SampleSetDist.t, error>
let fromFloat: float => t
@ -20,17 +22,20 @@ let toFloatOperation: (
) => result<float, error>
let toPointSet: (
~xyPointLength: int,
~sampleCount: int,
~xSelection: GenericDist_Types.Operation.pointsetXSelection=?,
) => result<PointSetTypes.pointSetDist, error>
let toSparkline: (t, ~sampleCount: int, ~bucketCount: int=?, unit) => result<string, error>
let truncate: (
~toPointSetFn: toPointSetFn,
~leftCutoff: option<float>=?,
~rightCutoff: option<float>=?,
) => result<t, error>
let algebraicCombination: (
@ -59,4 +64,4 @@ let mixture: (
array<(t, float)>,
~scaleMultiplyFn: scaleMultiplyFn,
~pointwiseAddFn: pointwiseAddFn,
) => result<t, error>
) => result<t, error>
@ -1,14 +1,24 @@
type genericDist =
| PointSet(PointSetTypes.pointSetDist)
| SampleSet(array<float>)
| SampleSet(SampleSetDist.t)
| Symbolic(SymbolicDistTypes.symbolicDist)
type error =
| NotYetImplemented
| Unreachable
| DistributionVerticalShiftIsInvalid
| Other(string)
module Error = {
type t = error
let fromString = (s: string): t => Other(s)
let resultStringToResultError: result<'a, string> => result<'a, error> = n =>
n->E.R2.errMap(r => r->fromString->Error)
module Operation = {
type direction =
| Algebraic
@ -19,7 +29,7 @@ module Operation = {
| #Multiply
| #Subtract
| #Divide
| #Exponentiate
| #Power
| #Logarithm
@ -28,7 +38,7 @@ module Operation = {
| #Add => \"+."
| #Multiply => \"*."
| #Subtract => \"-."
| #Exponentiate => \"**"
| #Power => \"**"
| #Divide => \"/."
| #Logarithm => (a, b) => log(a) /. log(b)
@ -41,6 +51,8 @@ module Operation = {
| #Sample
type pointsetXSelection = [#Linear | #ByWeight]
type toDist =
| Normalize
| ToPointSet
@ -50,16 +62,21 @@ module Operation = {
type toFloatArray = Sample(int)
type toString =
| ToString
| ToSparkline(int)
type fromDist =
| ToFloat(toFloat)
| ToDist(toDist)
| ToDistCombination(direction, arithmeticOperation, [#Dist(genericDist) | #Float(float)])
| ToString
| ToString(toString)
type singleParamaterFunction =
| FromDist(fromDist)
| FromFloat(fromDist)
type genericFunctionCallInfo =
| FromDist(fromDist, genericDist)
| FromFloat(fromDist, float)
@ -77,7 +94,8 @@ module Operation = {
| ToDist(ToSampleSet(r)) => `toSampleSet(${E.I.toString(r)})`
| ToDist(Truncate(_, _)) => `truncate`
| ToDist(Inspect) => `inspect`
| ToString => `toString`
| ToString(ToString) => `toString`
| ToString(ToSparkline(n)) => `toSparkline(${E.I.toString(n)})`
| ToDistCombination(Algebraic, _, _) => `algebraic`
| ToDistCombination(Pointwise, _, _) => `pointwise`
@ -88,3 +106,79 @@ module Operation = {
| Mixture(_) => `mixture`
It can be a pain to write out the genericFunctionCallInfo. The constructors help with this.
This code only covers some of genericFunctionCallInfo: many arguments could be called with either a
float or a distribution. The "UsingDists" module assumes that everything is a distribution.
This is a tradeoff of some generality in order to get a bit more simplicity.
I could see having a longer interface in the future, but it could be messy.
Like, algebraicAddDistFloat vs. algebraicAddDistDist
module Constructors = {
type t = Operation.genericFunctionCallInfo
module UsingDists = {
let mean = (dist): t => FromDist(ToFloat(#Mean), dist)
let sample = (dist): t => FromDist(ToFloat(#Sample), dist)
let cdf = (dist, x): t => FromDist(ToFloat(#Cdf(x)), dist)
let inv = (dist, x): t => FromDist(ToFloat(#Inv(x)), dist)
let pdf = (dist, x): t => FromDist(ToFloat(#Pdf(x)), dist)
let normalize = (dist): t => FromDist(ToDist(Normalize), dist)
let toPointSet = (dist): t => FromDist(ToDist(ToPointSet), dist)
let toSampleSet = (dist, r): t => FromDist(ToDist(ToSampleSet(r)), dist)
let truncate = (dist, left, right): t => FromDist(ToDist(Truncate(left, right)), dist)
let inspect = (dist): t => FromDist(ToDist(Inspect), dist)
let toString = (dist): t => FromDist(ToString(ToString), dist)
let toSparkline = (dist, n): t => FromDist(ToString(ToSparkline(n)), dist)
let algebraicAdd = (dist1, dist2: genericDist): t => FromDist(
ToDistCombination(Algebraic, #Add, #Dist(dist2)),
let algebraicMultiply = (dist1, dist2): t => FromDist(
ToDistCombination(Algebraic, #Multiply, #Dist(dist2)),
let algebraicDivide = (dist1, dist2): t => FromDist(
ToDistCombination(Algebraic, #Divide, #Dist(dist2)),
let algebraicSubtract = (dist1, dist2): t => FromDist(
ToDistCombination(Algebraic, #Subtract, #Dist(dist2)),
let algebraicLogarithm = (dist1, dist2): t => FromDist(
ToDistCombination(Algebraic, #Logarithm, #Dist(dist2)),
let algebraicPower = (dist1, dist2): t => FromDist(
ToDistCombination(Algebraic, #Power, #Dist(dist2)),
let pointwiseAdd = (dist1, dist2): t => FromDist(
ToDistCombination(Pointwise, #Add, #Dist(dist2)),
let pointwiseMultiply = (dist1, dist2): t => FromDist(
ToDistCombination(Pointwise, #Multiply, #Dist(dist2)),
let pointwiseDivide = (dist1, dist2): t => FromDist(
ToDistCombination(Pointwise, #Divide, #Dist(dist2)),
let pointwiseSubtract = (dist1, dist2): t => FromDist(
ToDistCombination(Pointwise, #Subtract, #Dist(dist2)),
let pointwiseLogarithm = (dist1, dist2): t => FromDist(
ToDistCombination(Pointwise, #Logarithm, #Dist(dist2)),
let pointwisePower = (dist1, dist2): t => FromDist(
ToDistCombination(Pointwise, #Power, #Dist(dist2)),
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ let combineShapesContinuousContinuous = (
| #Subtract => (m1, m2) => m1 -. m2
| #Multiply => (m1, m2) => m1 *. m2
| #Divide => (m1, mInv2) => m1 *. mInv2
| #Exponentiate => (m1, mInv2) => m1 ** mInv2
| #Power => (m1, mInv2) => m1 ** mInv2
| #Logarithm => (m1, m2) => log(m1) /. log(m2)
} // note: here, mInv2 = mean(1 / t2) ~= 1 / mean(t2)
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ let combineShapesContinuousContinuous = (
| #Add => (v1, v2, _, _) => v1 +. v2
| #Subtract => (v1, v2, _, _) => v1 +. v2
| #Multiply => (v1, v2, m1, m2) => v1 *. v2 +. v1 *. m2 ** 2. +. v2 *. m1 ** 2.
| #Exponentiate => (v1, v2, m1, m2) => v1 *. v2 +. v1 *. m2 ** 2. +. v2 *. m1 ** 2.
| #Power => (v1, v2, m1, m2) => v1 *. v2 +. v1 *. m2 ** 2. +. v2 *. m1 ** 2.
| #Logarithm => (v1, v2, m1, m2) => v1 *. v2 +. v1 *. m2 ** 2. +. v2 *. m1 ** 2.
| #Divide => (v1, vInv2, m1, mInv2) => v1 *. vInv2 +. v1 *. mInv2 ** 2. +. vInv2 *. m1 ** 2.
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ let combineShapesContinuousDiscrete = (
| #Multiply
| #Exponentiate
| #Power
| #Logarithm
| #Divide =>
for j in 0 to t2n - 1 {
@ -249,6 +249,9 @@ module T = Dist({
let downsampleEquallyOverX = (length, t): t =>
t |> shapeMap(XYShape.XsConversion.proportionEquallyOverX(length))
/* This simply creates multiple copies of the continuous distribution, scaled and shifted according to
each discrete data point, and then adds them all together. */
let combineAlgebraicallyWithDiscrete = (
@ -191,7 +191,6 @@ let isFloat = (t: t) =>
let sampleNRendered = (n, dist) => {
let integralCache = T.Integral.get(dist)
let distWithUpdatedIntegralCache = T.updateIntegralCache(Some(integralCache), dist)
doN(n, () => sample(distWithUpdatedIntegralCache))
@ -203,3 +202,9 @@ let operate = (distToFloatOp: Operation.distToFloatOperation, s): float =>
| #Sample => sample(s)
| #Mean => T.mean(s)
let toSparkline = (t: t, bucketCount) =>
->E.O2.toResult("toContinous Error: Could not convert into continuous distribution")
->E.R2.fmap(r => Continuous.getShape(r).ys->Sparklines.create())
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
This is used as a smart constructor. The only way to create a SampleSetDist.t is to call
this constructor.
module T: {
//This really should be hidden (remove the array<float>). The reason it isn't is to act as an escape hatch in JS__Test.ts.
//When we get a good functional library in TS, we could refactor that out.
type t = array<float>
let make: array<float> => result<t, string>
let get: t => array<float>
} = {
type t = array<float>
let make = (a: array<float>) =>
if E.A.length(a) > 5 {
} else {
Error("too small")
let get = (a: t) => a
include T
let length = (t: t) => get(t)->E.A.length
TODO: Refactor to get a more precise estimate. Also, this code is just fairly messy, could use
some refactoring.
let toPointSetDist = (~samples: t, ~samplingInputs: SamplingInputs.samplingInputs): result<
> =>
).pointSetDist->E.O2.toResult("Failed to convert to PointSetDist")
//Randomly get one sample from the distribution
let sample = (t: t): float => {
let i = E.Int.random(~min=0, ~max=E.A.length(get(t)) - 1)
E.A.unsafe_get(get(t), i)
If asked for a length of samples shorter or equal the length of the distribution,
return this first n samples of this distribution.
Else, return n random samples of the distribution.
The former helps in cases where multiple distributions are correlated.
However, if n > length(t), then there's no clear right answer, so we just randomly
sample everything.
let sampleN = (t: t, n) => {
if n <= E.A.length(get(t)) {
E.A.slice(get(t), ~offset=0, ~len=n)
} else {
Belt.Array.makeBy(n, _ => sample(t))
//TODO: Figure out what to do if distributions are different lengths. ``zip`` is kind of inelegant for this.
let map2 = (~fn: (float, float) => float, ~t1: t, ~t2: t) => {
let samples =, get(t2))->E.A2.fmap(((a, b)) => fn(a, b))
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
//The math here was taken from
//The math here was taken from
let len = x => E.A.length(x) |> float_of_int
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
// TODO: Refactor to raise correct error when not enough samples
module Internals = {
module Types = {
type samplingStats = {
@ -57,6 +55,7 @@ module Internals = {
: {
let _ = Js.Array.push(element, continuous)
(continuous, discrete)
@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ module Internals = {
let formatUnitWidth = w => Jstat.max([w, 1.0]) |> int_of_float
let suggestedUnitWidth = (samples, outputXYPoints) => {
let suggestedXWidth = Bandwidth.nrd0(samples)
let suggestedXWidth = SampleSetDist_Bandwidth.nrd0(samples)
xWidthToUnitWidth(samples, outputXYPoints, suggestedXWidth)
@ -98,7 +97,7 @@ let toPointSetDist = (
let pdf =
continuousPart |> E.A.length > 5
? {
let _suggestedXWidth = Bandwidth.nrd0(continuousPart)
let _suggestedXWidth = SampleSetDist_Bandwidth.nrd0(continuousPart)
// todo: This does some recalculating from the last step.
let _suggestedUnitWidth = Internals.T.suggestedUnitWidth(
@ -140,4 +139,4 @@ let toPointSetDist = (
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ module Exponential = {
rate: rate,
: Error("Exponential distributions mean must be larger than 0")
: Error("Exponential distributions rate must be larger than 0.")
let pdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.Exponential.pdf(x, t.rate)
let cdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.Exponential.cdf(x, t.rate)
let inv = (p, t: t) => Jstat.Exponential.inv(p, t.rate)
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ module Cauchy = {
let cdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.Cauchy.cdf(x, t.local, t.scale)
let inv = (p, t: t) => Jstat.Cauchy.inv(p, t.local, t.scale)
let sample = (t: t) => Jstat.Cauchy.sample(t.local, t.scale)
let mean = (_: t) => Error("Cauchy distributions have no mean value.")
let mean = (_: t) => Error("Cauchy distributions may have no mean value.")
let toString = ({local, scale}: t) => j`Cauchy($local, $scale)`
@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ module Triangular = {
let make = (low, medium, high): result<symbolicDist, string> =>
low < medium && medium < high
? Ok(#Triangular({low: low, medium: medium, high: high}))
: Error("Triangular values must be increasing order")
let pdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.Triangular.pdf(x, t.low, t.high, t.medium)
: Error("Triangular values must be increasing order.")
let pdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.Triangular.pdf(x, t.low, t.high, t.medium) // not obvious in jstat docs that high comes before medium?
let cdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.Triangular.cdf(x, t.low, t.high, t.medium)
let inv = (p, t: t) => Jstat.Triangular.inv(p, t.low, t.high, t.medium)
let sample = (t: t) => Jstat.Triangular.sample(t.low, t.high, t.medium)
@ -346,11 +346,11 @@ module T = {
| _ => #NoSolution
let toPointSetDist = (sampleCount, d: symbolicDist): PointSetTypes.pointSetDist =>
let toPointSetDist = (~xSelection=#ByWeight, sampleCount, d: symbolicDist): PointSetTypes.pointSetDist =>
switch d {
| #Float(v) => Discrete(Discrete.make(~integralSumCache=Some(1.0), {xs: [v], ys: [1.0]}))
| _ =>
let xs = interpolateXs(~xSelection=#ByWeight, d, sampleCount)
let xs = interpolateXs(~xSelection, d, sampleCount)
let ys = xs |> E.A.fmap(x => pdf(x, d))
Continuous(Continuous.make(~integralSumCache=Some(1.0), {xs: xs, ys: ys}))
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ module PointwiseCombination = {
switch pointwiseOp {
| #Add => pointwiseAdd(evaluationParams, t1, t2)
| #Multiply => pointwiseCombine(\"*.", evaluationParams, t1, t2)
| #Exponentiate => pointwiseCombine(\"**", evaluationParams, t1, t2)
| #Power => pointwiseCombine(\"**", evaluationParams, t1, t2)
@ -218,15 +218,14 @@ module SamplingDistribution = {
) |> E.O.toResult("Could not get samples")
let pointSetDist =
|> E.O.fmap(r =>
SampleSet.toPointSetDist(~samplingInputs=evaluationParams.samplingInputs, ~samples=r, ())
|> E.O.bind(_, r => r.pointSetDist)
|> E.O.toResult("No response")
let sampleSetDist = samples -> E.R.bind(SampleSetDist.make)
let pointSetDist =
-> E.R.bind(r =>
SampleSetDist.toPointSetDist(~samplingInputs=evaluationParams.samplingInputs, ~samples=r));
pointSetDist |> E.R.fmap(r => #Normalize(#RenderedDist(r)))
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ let all = [
makeRenderedDistFloat("scaleExp", (dist, float) => verticalScaling(#Exponentiate, dist, float)),
makeRenderedDistFloat("scaleExp", (dist, float) => verticalScaling(#Power, dist, float)),
makeRenderedDistFloat("scaleMultiply", (dist, float) => verticalScaling(#Multiply, dist, float)),
makeRenderedDistFloat("scaleLog", (dist, float) => verticalScaling(#Logarithm, dist, float)),
@ -144,11 +144,11 @@ module MathAdtToDistDst = {
| ("subtract", _) => Error("Subtraction needs two operands")
| ("multiply", [l, r]) => toOkAlgebraic((#Multiply, l, r))
| ("multiply", _) => Error("Multiplication needs two operands")
| ("pow", [l, r]) => toOkAlgebraic((#Exponentiate, l, r))
| ("pow", [l, r]) => toOkAlgebraic((#Power, l, r))
| ("pow", _) => Error("Exponentiation needs two operands")
| ("dotMultiply", [l, r]) => toOkPointwise((#Multiply, l, r))
| ("dotMultiply", _) => Error("Dotwise multiplication needs two operands")
| ("dotPow", [l, r]) => toOkPointwise((#Exponentiate, l, r))
| ("dotPow", [l, r]) => toOkPointwise((#Power, l, r))
| ("dotPow", _) => Error("Dotwise exponentiation needs two operands")
| ("rightLogShift", [l, r]) => toOkPointwise((#Add, l, r))
| ("rightLogShift", _) => Error("Dotwise addition needs two operands")
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ module Helpers = {
| "divide" => #Divide
| "log" => #Logarithm
| "dotDivide" => #Divide
| "pow" => #Exponentiate
| "dotPow" => #Exponentiate
| "pow" => #Power
| "dotPow" => #Power
| "multiply" => #Multiply
| "dotMultiply" => #Multiply
| "dotLog" => #Logarithm
@ -45,6 +45,13 @@ module Helpers = {
FromDist(GenericDist_Types.Operation.ToFloat(fnCall), dist)->runGenericOperation->Some
let toStringFn = (
fnCall: GenericDist_Types.Operation.toString,
dist: GenericDist_Types.genericDist,
) => {
FromDist(GenericDist_Types.Operation.ToString(fnCall), dist)->runGenericOperation->Some
let toDistFn = (fnCall: GenericDist_Types.Operation.toDist, dist) => {
FromDist(GenericDist_Types.Operation.ToDist(fnCall), dist)->runGenericOperation->Some
@ -119,6 +126,9 @@ let dispatchToGenericOutput = (call: ExpressionValue.functionCall): option<
| ("sample", [EvDistribution(dist)]) => Helpers.toFloatFn(#Sample, dist)
| ("mean", [EvDistribution(dist)]) => Helpers.toFloatFn(#Mean, dist)
| ("toString", [EvDistribution(dist)]) => Helpers.toStringFn(ToString, dist)
| ("toSparkline", [EvDistribution(dist)]) => Helpers.toStringFn(ToSparkline(20), dist)
| ("toSparkline", [EvDistribution(dist), EvNumber(n)]) => Helpers.toStringFn(ToSparkline(Belt.Float.toInt(n)), dist)
| ("exp", [EvDistribution(a)]) =>
Helpers.twoDiststoDistFn(Algebraic, "pow", GenericDist.fromFloat(Math.e), a)->Some
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
This is meant as a file to contain @genType declarations as needed for Typescript.
I would ultimately want to have all @genType declarations here, vs. other files, but
@genType doesn't play as nicely with renaming Modules and functions as
would be preferable.
The below few seem to work fine. In the future there's definitely more work to do here.
type env = DistributionOperation.env
type genericDist = GenericDist_Types.genericDist
type error = GenericDist_Types.error
type resultDist = result<genericDist, error>
type resultFloat = result<float, error>
type resultString = result<string, error>
let makeSampleSetDist = SampleSetDist.make
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ module FloatFloatMap = {
module Int = {
let max = (i1: int, i2: int) => i1 > i2 ? i1 : i2
let random = (~min, ~max) => Js.Math.random_int(min, max)
/* Utils */
module U = {
@ -101,6 +102,7 @@ module O2 = {
let default = (a, b) => O.default(b, a)
let toExn = (a, b) => O.toExn(b, a)
let fmap = (a, b) => O.fmap(b, a)
let toResult = (a, b) => O.toResult(b, a)
/* Functions */
@ -178,6 +180,13 @@ module R = {
module R2 = {
let fmap = (a,b) => R.fmap(b,a)
let bind = (a, b) => R.bind(b, a)
//Converts result type to change error type only
let errMap = (a, map) => switch(a){
| Ok(r) => Ok(r)
| Error(e) => map(e)
let safe_fn_of_string = (fn, s: string): option<'a> =>
@ -269,6 +278,7 @@ module A = {
let fold_right = Array.fold_right
let concatMany = Belt.Array.concatMany
let keepMap = Belt.Array.keepMap
let slice = Belt.Array.slice
let init = Array.init
let reduce = Belt.Array.reduce
let reducei = Belt.Array.reduceWithIndex
@ -289,8 +299,7 @@ module A = {
|> Rationale.Result.return
let rangeFloat = (~step=1, start, stop) =>
Belt.Array.rangeBy(start, stop, ~step) |> fmap(Belt.Int.toFloat)
// This zips while taking the longest elements of each array.
let zipMaxLength = (array1, array2) => {
@ -442,6 +451,12 @@ module A = {
let mean = a => sum(a) /. (Array.length(a) |> float_of_int)
let random = Js.Math.random_int
// Gives an array with all the differences between values
// diff([1,5,3,7]) = [4,-2,4]
let diff = (arr: array<float>): array<float> =>
Belt.Array.zipBy(arr, Belt.Array.sliceToEnd(arr, 1), (left, right) => right -. left)
exception RangeError(string)
let range = (min: float, max: float, n: int): array<float> =>
switch n {
@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ type algebraicOperation = [
| #Multiply
| #Subtract
| #Divide
| #Exponentiate
| #Power
| #Logarithm
type pointwiseOperation = [#Add | #Multiply | #Exponentiate]
type scaleOperation = [#Multiply | #Exponentiate | #Logarithm | #Divide]
type pointwiseOperation = [#Add | #Multiply | #Power]
type scaleOperation = [#Multiply | #Power | #Logarithm | #Divide]
type distToFloatOperation = [
| #Pdf(float)
| #Cdf(float)
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ module Algebraic = {
| #Add => \"+."
| #Subtract => \"-."
| #Multiply => \"*."
| #Exponentiate => \"**"
| #Power => \"**"
| #Divide => \"/."
| #Logarithm => (a, b) => log(a) /. log(b)
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ module Algebraic = {
| #Add => "+"
| #Subtract => "-"
| #Multiply => "*"
| #Exponentiate => "**"
| #Power => "**"
| #Divide => "/"
| #Logarithm => "log"
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ module Pointwise = {
let toString = x =>
switch x {
| #Add => "+"
| #Exponentiate => "^"
| #Power => "**"
| #Multiply => "*"
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ module Scale = {
switch x {
| #Multiply => \"*."
| #Divide => \"/."
| #Exponentiate => \"**"
| #Power => \"**"
| #Logarithm => (a, b) => log(a) /. log(b)
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ module Scale = {
switch operation {
| #Multiply => j`verticalMultiply($value, $scaleBy) `
| #Divide => j`verticalDivide($value, $scaleBy) `
| #Exponentiate => j`verticalExponentiate($value, $scaleBy) `
| #Power => j`verticalPower($value, $scaleBy) `
| #Logarithm => j`verticalLog($value, $scaleBy) `
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ module Scale = {
switch x {
| #Multiply => (a, b) => Some(a *. b)
| #Divide => (a, b) => Some(a /. b)
| #Exponentiate => (_, _) => None
| #Power => (_, _) => None
| #Logarithm => (_, _) => None
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ module Scale = {
switch x {
| #Multiply => (_, _) => None // TODO: this could probably just be multiplied out (using Continuous.scaleBy)
| #Divide => (_, _) => None
| #Exponentiate => (_, _) => None
| #Power => (_, _) => None
| #Logarithm => (_, _) => None
Reference in New Issue
Block a user