Moved DateTime functionality into separate file

This commit is contained in:
Ozzie Gooen 2022-05-23 13:44:41 -04:00
parent 70574329fc
commit bb5af13ddc
4 changed files with 106 additions and 107 deletions

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@ -5,22 +5,22 @@ let dateDispatch = (call: ExpressionValue.functionCall, env: DistributionOperati
result<expressionValue, QuriSquiggleLang.Reducer_ErrorValue.errorValue>,
> => {
switch call {
| ("toString", [EvDate(t)]) => EvString(E.Date.toString(t))->Ok->Some
| ("toString", [EvDate(t)]) => EvString(DateTime.Date.toString(t))->Ok->Some
| ("makeDateFromYear", [EvNumber(year)]) =>
switch E.Date.makeFromYear(year) {
switch DateTime.Date.makeFromYear(year) {
| Ok(t) => EvDate(t)->Ok->Some
| Error(e) => RETodo(e)->Error->Some
| ("dateFromNumber", [EvNumber(f)]) => EvDate(E.Date.fromFloat(f))->Ok->Some
| ("toNumber", [EvDate(f)]) => EvNumber(E.Date.toFloat(f))->Ok->Some
| ("dateFromNumber", [EvNumber(f)]) => EvDate(DateTime.Date.fromFloat(f))->Ok->Some
| ("toNumber", [EvDate(f)]) => EvNumber(DateTime.Date.toFloat(f))->Ok->Some
| ("subtract", [EvDate(d1), EvDate(d2)]) =>
switch E.Date.subtract(d1, d2) {
switch DateTime.Date.subtract(d1, d2) {
| Ok(d) => EvTimeDuration(d)->Ok
| Error(e) => Error(RETodo(e))
| ("subtract", [EvDate(d1), EvTimeDuration(d2)]) =>
EvDate(E.Date.subtractDuration(d1, d2))->Ok->Some
| ("add", [EvDate(d1), EvTimeDuration(d2)]) => EvDate(E.Date.addDuration(d1, d2))->Ok->Some
EvDate(DateTime.Date.subtractDuration(d1, d2))->Ok->Some
| ("add", [EvDate(d1), EvTimeDuration(d2)]) => EvDate(DateTime.Date.addDuration(d1, d2))->Ok->Some
| _ => None
@ -29,23 +29,23 @@ let durationDispatch = (call: ExpressionValue.functionCall, _: DistributionOpera
result<expressionValue, QuriSquiggleLang.Reducer_ErrorValue.errorValue>,
> => {
switch call {
| ("toString", [EvTimeDuration(t)]) => EvString(E.Duration.toString(t))->Ok->Some
| ("hours", [EvNumber(f)]) => EvTimeDuration(E.Duration.fromHours(f))->Ok->Some
| ("minutes", [EvNumber(f)]) => EvTimeDuration(E.Duration.fromMinutes(f))->Ok->Some
| ("days", [EvNumber(f)]) => EvTimeDuration(E.Duration.fromDays(f))->Ok->Some
| ("years", [EvNumber(f)]) => EvTimeDuration(E.Duration.fromYears(f))->Ok->Some
| ("toHours", [EvTimeDuration(f)]) => EvNumber(E.Duration.toHours(f))->Ok->Some
| ("toMinutes", [EvTimeDuration(f)]) => EvNumber(E.Duration.toMinutes(f))->Ok->Some
| ("toDays", [EvTimeDuration(f)]) => EvNumber(E.Duration.toDays(f))->Ok->Some
| ("toYears", [EvTimeDuration(f)]) => EvNumber(E.Duration.toYears(f))->Ok->Some
| ("add", [EvTimeDuration(d1), EvTimeDuration(d2)]) =>
EvTimeDuration(E.Duration.add(d1, d2))->Ok->Some
| ("subtract", [EvTimeDuration(d1), EvTimeDuration(d2)]) =>
EvTimeDuration(E.Duration.subtract(d1, d2))->Ok->Some
| ("multiply", [EvTimeDuration(d1), EvNumber(d2)]) =>
EvTimeDuration(E.Duration.multiply(d1, d2))->Ok->Some
| ("divide", [EvTimeDuration(d1), EvNumber(d2)]) =>
EvTimeDuration(E.Duration.divide(d1, d2))->Ok->Some
| ("toString", [EvTimeDuration(t)]) => EvString(DateTime.Duration.toString(t))->Ok->Some
| ("hours", [EvNumber(f)]) => EvTimeDuration(DateTime.Duration.fromHours(f))->Ok->Some
| ("minutes", [EvNumber(f)]) => EvTimeDuration(DateTime.Duration.fromMinutes(f))->Ok->Some
| ("days", [EvNumber(f)]) => EvTimeDuration(DateTime.Duration.fromDays(f))->Ok->Some
| ("years", [EvNumber(f)]) => EvTimeDuration(DateTime.Duration.fromYears(f))->Ok->Some
| ("toHours", [EvTimeDuration(f)]) => EvNumber(DateTime.Duration.toHours(f))->Ok->Some
| ("toMinutes", [EvTimeDuration(f)]) => EvNumber(DateTime.Duration.toMinutes(f))->Ok->Some
| ("toDays", [EvTimeDuration(f)]) => EvNumber(DateTime.Duration.toDays(f))->Ok->Some
| ("toYears", [EvTimeDuration(f)]) => EvNumber(DateTime.Duration.toYears(f))->Ok->Some
| ("add", [EvTimeDuration(d1), EvTimeDuration(d2)]) =>
EvTimeDuration(DateTime.Duration.add(d1, d2))->Ok->Some
| ("subtract", [EvTimeDuration(d1), EvTimeDuration(d2)]) =>
EvTimeDuration(DateTime.Duration.subtract(d1, d2))->Ok->Some
| ("multiply", [EvTimeDuration(d1), EvNumber(d2)]) =>
EvTimeDuration(DateTime.Duration.multiply(d1, d2))->Ok->Some
| ("divide", [EvTimeDuration(d1), EvNumber(d2)]) =>
EvTimeDuration(DateTime.Duration.divide(d1, d2))->Ok->Some
| _ => None

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@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ let rec toString = aValue =>
| EvSymbol(aString) => `:${aString}`
| EvRecord(aRecord) => aRecord->toStringRecord
| EvDistribution(dist) => GenericDist.toString(dist)
| EvDate(date) => E.Date.toString(date)
| EvTimeDuration(t) => E.Duration.toString(t)
| EvDate(date) => DateTime.Date.toString(date)
| EvTimeDuration(t) => DateTime.Duration.toString(t)
and toStringRecord = aRecord => {
let pairs =

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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
module Duration = {
//Stores in Unix milliseconds
type t = float
let minute = Belt.Float.fromInt(60 * 1000)
let hour = Belt.Float.fromInt(60 * 60 * 1000)
let day = Belt.Float.fromInt(24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
let year = Belt.Float.fromInt(24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) *. 365.25
let fromFloat = (f: float): t => f
let toFloat = (d: t): float => d
let fromMinutes = (h: float): t => h *. minute
let fromHours = (h: float): t => h *. hour
let fromDays = (d: float): t => d *. day
let fromYears = (y: float): t => y *. year
let toMinutes = (t: t): float => t /. minute
let toHours = (t: t): float => t /. hour
let toDays = (t: t): float => t /. day
let toYears = (t: t): float => t /. year
let toString = (t: t): string => {
let shouldPluralize = f => f != 1.0
let display = (f: float, s: string) =>
`${E.Float.with3DigitsPrecision(f)} ${s}${shouldPluralize(f) ? "s" : ""}`
let abs = Js.Math.abs_float(t)
if abs >= year {
display(t /. year, "year")
} else if abs >= day {
display(t /. day, "day")
} else if abs >= hour {
display(t /. hour, "hour")
} else if abs >= minute {
display(t /. minute, "minute")
} else {
E.Float.toFixed(t) ++ "ms"
let add = (t1: t, t2: t): t => t1 +. t2
let subtract = (t1: t, t2: t): t => t1 -. t2
let multiply = (t1: t, t2: float): t => t1 *. t2
let divide = (t1: t, t2: float): t => t1 /. t2
module Date = {
//The Rescript/JS implementation of Date is pretty mediocre. It would be good to improve upon later.
type t = Js.Date.t
let toFloat = Js.Date.getTime
let getFullYear = Js.Date.getFullYear
let toString = Js.Date.toDateString
let fromFloat = Js.Date.fromFloat
let fmap = (t: t, fn: float => float) => t->toFloat->fn->fromFloat
let subtract = (t1: t, t2: t) => {
let (f1, f2) = (toFloat(t1), toFloat(t2))
let diff = f1 -. f2
if diff < 0.0 {
Error("Cannot subtract a date by one that is in its future")
} else {
let addDuration = (t: t, duration: Duration.t) => fmap(t, t => t +. duration)
let subtractDuration = (t: t, duration: Duration.t) => fmap(t, t => t -. duration)
//The Js.Date.makeWithYM function accepts a float, but only treats it as a whole number.
//Our version takes an integer to make this distinction clearer.
let makeWithYearInt = (y: int): result<t, string> => {
if y < 100 {
Error("Year must be over 100")
} else if y > 200000 {
Error("Year must be less than 200000")
} else {
Ok(Js.Date.makeWithYM(~year=Belt.Float.fromInt(y), ~month=0.0, ()))
let makeFromYear = (year: float): result<t, string> => {
let floor = year->Js.Math.floor_float
makeWithYearInt(Belt.Float.toInt(floor))->E.R2.fmap(earlyDate => {
let diff = year -. floor
earlyDate->addDuration(diff *. Duration.year)

View File

@ -832,84 +832,4 @@ module JsArray = {
|> Js.Array.filter(O.isSome)
|>"Warning: This should not have happened"))
let filter = Js.Array.filter
module Duration = {
//Stores in Unix milliseconds
type t = float
let minute = Belt.Float.fromInt(60 * 1000)
let hour = Belt.Float.fromInt(60 * 60 * 1000)
let day = Belt.Float.fromInt(24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
let year = Belt.Float.fromInt(24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) *. 365.25
let fromFloat = (f: float): t => f
let toFloat = (d: t): float => d
let fromMinutes = (h: float): t => h *. minute
let fromHours = (h: float): t => h *. hour
let fromDays = (d: float): t => d *. day
let fromYears = (y: float): t => y *. year
let toMinutes = (t: t): float => t /. minute
let toHours = (t: t): float => t /. hour
let toDays = (t: t): float => t /. day
let toYears = (t: t): float => t /. year
let toString = (t: t): string => {
let shouldPluralize = f => f != 1.0
let display = (f: float, s: string) =>
`${Float.with3DigitsPrecision(f)} ${s}${shouldPluralize(f) ? "s" : ""}`
let abs = Js.Math.abs_float(t)
if abs >= year {
display(t /. year, "year")
} else if abs >= day {
display(t /. day, "day")
} else if abs >= hour {
display(t /. hour, "hour")
} else if abs >= minute {
display(t /. minute, "minute")
} else {
Float.toFixed(t) ++ "ms"
let add = (t1: t, t2: t): t => t1 +. t2
let subtract = (t1: t, t2: t): t => t1 -. t2
let multiply = (t1: t, t2: float): t => t1 *. t2
let divide = (t1: t, t2: float): t => t1 /. t2
module Date = {
//The Rescript/JS implementation of Date is pretty mediocre. It would be good to improve upon later.
type t = Js.Date.t
let toFloat = Js.Date.getTime
let getFullYear = Js.Date.getFullYear
let toString = Js.Date.toDateString
let fromFloat = Js.Date.fromFloat
let fmap = (t: t, fn: float => float) => t->toFloat->fn->fromFloat
let subtract = (t1: t, t2: t) => {
let (f1, f2) = (toFloat(t1), toFloat(t2))
let diff = f1 -. f2
if diff < 0.0 {
Error("Cannot subtract a date by one that is in its future")
} else {
let addDuration = (t: t, duration: Duration.t) => fmap(t, t => t +. duration)
let subtractDuration = (t: t, duration: Duration.t) => fmap(t, t => t -. duration)
//The Js.Date.makeWithYM function accepts a float, but only treats it as a whole number.
//Our version takes an integer to make this distinction clearer.
let makeWithYearInt = (y: int): result<t, string> => {
if y < 100 {
Error("Year must be over 100")
} else if y > 200000 {
Error("Year must be less than 200000")
} else {
Ok(Js.Date.makeWithYM(~year=Belt.Float.fromInt(y), ~month=0.0, ()))
let makeFromYear = (year: float): result<t, string> => {
let floor = year->Js.Math.floor_float
makeWithYearInt(Belt.Float.toInt(floor))->R2.fmap(earlyDate => {
let diff = year -. floor
earlyDate->addDuration(diff *. Duration.year)