File restructuring

This commit is contained in:
Ozzie Gooen 2020-02-09 22:34:51 +00:00
parent 309cd23d4e
commit ab9afd8697
17 changed files with 7 additions and 621 deletions

View File

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
function makeFundWithInfo(name, group, existingDonations, existingPayouts) {
return /* record */[
/* group */group,
/* name */name,
/* existingDonations */existingDonations,
/* existingPayouts */existingPayouts
var funds = /* array */[
/* record */[
/* group : Fund */[/* ANIMAL_WELFARE */0],
/* name */"Animal Welfare Fund",
/* existingDonations */4000.0,
/* existingPayouts */10.0
/* record */[
/* group : Fund */[/* GLOBAL_HEALTH */1],
/* name */"Global Health Fund",
/* existingDonations */4000.0,
/* existingPayouts */10.0
/* record */[
/* group : Fund */[/* LONG_TERM_FUTURE */2],
/* name */"Long Term Future Fund",
/* existingDonations */4000.0,
/* existingPayouts */10.0
/* record */[
/* group : Fund */[/* ANIMAL_WELFARE */0],
/* name */"Meta Fund",
/* existingDonations */4000.0,
/* existingPayouts */10.0
/* record */[
/* group : All */0,
/* name */"All",
/* existingDonations */undefined,
/* existingPayouts */undefined
exports.makeFundWithInfo = makeFundWithInfo;
exports.funds = funds;
/* No side effect */

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
/* This output is empty. Its source's type definitions, externals and/or unused code got optimized away. */

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
// let model = EAFunds_Model.Interface.model;
// let handleChange = (handleChange, event) =>
// handleChange(;
// let model = EAFunds_Model.Interface.model;
// let initialMap = Model.toMaps(model);
// [@react.component]
// let make = () => {
// let (params, changeParams) = React.useState(() => Model.toMaps(model));
// model.inputs
// |> Array.of_list
// |> Model.Input.parameter) => {
// let value =
// params.inputs->Model.MS.get(
// |> Belt.Option.flatMap(_, ((_, b)) => b);
// <>
// { |> ReasonReact.string}
// { |> ReasonReact.string}
// <Model.Input.Form parameter value onChange={r => Js.log(r)} />
// </>;
// });
/* }*/

View File

@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
var Block = require("bs-platform/lib/js/block.js");
var Curry = require("bs-platform/lib/js/curry.js");
var Math$ProbExample = require("../");
var Prop$ProbExample = require("../");
function yearDiff(year) {
return year - 2020.0;
function yearlyMeanGrowthRateIfNotClosed(group) {
return /* record */[
/* meanDiff */1.1,
/* stdDiff */1.1
function calculateDifference(currentValue, yearInQuestion, y) {
var yearDiff = yearInQuestion - 2020.0;
var meanDiff = Math.pow(y[/* meanDiff */0], yearDiff);
var stdDevDiff = Math.pow(y[/* meanDiff */0], yearDiff);
return Math$ProbExample.normal(currentValue * meanDiff, 0.2 * stdDevDiff);
function currentValue(group, output) {
if (group) {
switch (group[0]) {
case /* ANIMAL_WELFARE */0 :
if (output) {
return 2300000.0;
} else {
return 300000.0;
case /* GLOBAL_HEALTH */1 :
if (output) {
return 500000.0;
} else {
return 1000000.0;
case /* LONG_TERM_FUTURE */2 :
if (output) {
return 120000.0;
} else {
return 600000.0;
case /* META */3 :
if (output) {
return 830000.0;
} else {
return 9300000.0;
} else {
return currentValue(/* Fund */[/* ANIMAL_WELFARE */0], output) + currentValue(/* Fund */[/* GLOBAL_HEALTH */1], output) + currentValue(/* Fund */[/* LONG_TERM_FUTURE */2], output) + currentValue(/* Fund */[/* META */3], output);
var PayoutsIfAround = {
currentYear: 2020,
firstYearStdDev: 0.2,
yearDiff: yearDiff,
yearlyMeanGrowthRateIfNotClosed: yearlyMeanGrowthRateIfNotClosed,
calculateDifference: calculateDifference,
currentValue: currentValue
function go(group, year, output) {
return /* FloatCdf */Block.__(2, [calculateDifference(currentValue(group, output), year, /* record */[
/* meanDiff */1.1,
/* stdDiff */1.1
function convertChoice(s) {
switch (s) {
case "animal" :
return /* Fund */[/* ANIMAL_WELFARE */0];
case "globalHealth" :
return /* Fund */[/* GLOBAL_HEALTH */1];
case "longTerm" :
return /* Fund */[/* LONG_TERM_FUTURE */2];
case "meta" :
return /* Fund */[/* META */3];
return /* All */0;
function convertOutput(s) {
if (s === "donations") {
return /* DONATIONS */0;
} else {
return /* PAYOUTS */1;
function run(p) {
var partial_arg = p[/* inputValues */1];
var partial_arg$1 = Prop$ProbExample.ValueMap.get;
var get = function (param) {
return partial_arg$1(partial_arg, param);
var match = Curry._1(get, "Fund");
var match$1 = Curry._1(get, "Year");
var match$2 = Curry._1(get, "Output");
if (match !== undefined) {
var match$3 = match;
switch (match$3.tag | 0) {
case /* SelectSingle */0 :
if (match$1 !== undefined) {
var match$4 = match$1;
switch (match$4.tag | 0) {
case /* FloatPoint */1 :
if (match$2 !== undefined) {
var match$5 = match$2;
switch (match$5.tag | 0) {
case /* SelectSingle */0 :
return go(convertChoice(match$3[0]), match$4[0], convertOutput(match$5[0]));
case /* FloatPoint */1 :
case /* FloatCdf */2 :
return ;
} else {
return ;
case /* SelectSingle */0 :
case /* FloatCdf */2 :
return ;
} else {
return ;
case /* FloatPoint */1 :
case /* FloatCdf */2 :
return ;
var model_002 = /* inputTypes : array */[
Prop$ProbExample.TypeWithMetadata.make("Fund", /* SelectSingle */Block.__(0, [/* record */[
/* options : :: */[
/* record */[
/* id */"animal",
/* name */"Animal Welfare Fund"
/* :: */[
/* record */[
/* id */"globalHealth",
/* name */"Global Health Fund"
/* :: */[
/* record */[
/* id */"longTerm",
/* name */"Long Term Future Fund"
/* :: */[
/* record */[
/* id */"longterm",
/* name */"Meta Fund"
/* :: */[
/* record */[
/* id */"all",
/* name */"All"
/* [] */0
/* default */"total"
]]), undefined, undefined, undefined, /* () */0),
Prop$ProbExample.TypeWithMetadata.make("Year", /* Year */Block.__(2, [/* record */[
/* default */2030.0,
/* min */2020.0,
/* max */2050.0
]]), undefined, undefined, undefined, /* () */0),
Prop$ProbExample.TypeWithMetadata.make("Output", /* SelectSingle */Block.__(0, [/* record */[
/* options : :: */[
/* record */[
/* id */"donations",
/* name */"Donations"
/* :: */[
/* record */[
/* id */"funding",
/* name */"Funding"
/* [] */0
/* default */"Output"
]]), undefined, undefined, undefined, /* () */0)
var model_003 = /* outputTypes : array */[];
var model = /* record */[
/* name */"Calculate the payments and payouts of EA Funds based on existing data.",
/* author */"George Harrison",
/* run */run
var Interface = {
convertChoice: convertChoice,
convertOutput: convertOutput,
run: run,
model: model
exports.PayoutsIfAround = PayoutsIfAround;
exports.go = go;
exports.Interface = Interface;
/* model Not a pure module */

View File

@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ type otherSettings = {currentYear: int};
let sharesOutstanding = (price, marketCap) =>
switch (price, marketCap) {
| (Some(price), Some(marketCap)) => Some(Math.divide(marketCap, price))
| (Some(price), Some(marketCap)) =>
Some(FloatCdf.divide(marketCap, price))
| _ => None
@ -41,11 +42,11 @@ let rec run =
| (SHARE_PRICE, year, Some(price), _) when year > 2019 && year < 2030 =>
let diffYears = year - otherSettings.currentYear;
let diffPerYear = 0.1;
Some(Math.normal(price, float_of_int(diffYears) *. diffPerYear));
Some(FloatCdf.normal(price, float_of_int(diffYears) *. diffPerYear));
| (MARKET_CAP, year, _, Some(price)) when year > 2019 && year < 2030 =>
let diffYears = year - otherSettings.currentYear;
let diffPerYear = 0.1;
Some(Math.normal(price, float_of_int(diffYears) *. diffPerYear));
Some(FloatCdf.normal(price, float_of_int(diffYears) *. diffPerYear));
| (SHARES_OUTSTANDING, year, _, _) when year > 2019 && year < 2030 =>
let price = run(company, year, SHARE_PRICE, otherSettings);
let marketCap = run(company, year, MARKET_CAP, otherSettings);

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
var React = require("react");
var ReactDOMRe = require("reason-react/src/ReactDOMRe.js");
var Prop$ProbExample = require("./");
var EAFunds_Model$ProbExample = require("./EAFunds/");
var Prop$ProbExample = require("./lib/");
var EAFunds_Model$ProbExample = require("./Models/EAFunds/");

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
function normal(mean, std) {
var nMean = mean.toPrecision(4);
var nStd = std.toPrecision(2);
return "normal(" + (String(nMean) + (", " + (String(nStd) + ")")));
function divide(str1, str2) {
return "" + (String(str1) + ("/" + (String(str2) + "")));
exports.normal = normal;
exports.divide = divide;
/* No side effect */

View File

@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
module InputTypes = {
type t =
| Year(float)
| SingleChoice(string)
| FloatPoint(float)
| FloatCdf(string);
type withName = (string, t);
let withoutName = ((_, t): withName) => t;
type withNames = list(withName);
let getName = (r: withNames, name) =>
r->Belt.List.getBy(((n, _)) => n == name);
let to_string = (t: t) => {
switch (t) {
| SingleChoice(r) => r
| FloatCdf(r) => r
| Year(r) => r |> Js.Float.toFixed
| FloatPoint(r) => r |> Js.Float.toFixed
module IOTypes = {
type singleChoice = {
options: list((string, string)),
default: option(string),
type floatPoint = {validatations: list(float => bool)};
type withDefaultMinMax('a) = {
default: option('a),
min: option('a),
max: option('a),
module Input = {
type parameterType =
| Year(IOTypes.withDefaultMinMax(float))
| SingleChoice(IOTypes.singleChoice)
| FloatPoint;
let toInput = (p: parameterType) =>
switch (p) {
| Year(r) => r.default-> => InputTypes.Year(p))
| SingleChoice(r) =>
r.default-> => InputTypes.SingleChoice(p))
| FloatPoint => None
type parameter = {
id: string,
name: string,
let currentYear = {
id: "currentyear",
name: "Current Year",
parameterType: FloatPoint,
let make = (~name, ~parameterType, ~id=name, ()) => {
module Form = {
let handleChange = (handleChange, event) =>
let make =
(~parameter: parameter, ~value: option(InputTypes.t), ~onChange) => {
switch (parameter.parameterType, value) {
| (Year(_), Some(Year(r))) =>
value={r |> Js.Float.toString}
onChange={handleChange(r =>
switch (Js.Float.fromString(r)) {
| r => onChange(_ => Some(InputTypes.Year(r)))
| (FloatPoint, Some(FloatPoint(r))) =>
<input type_="number" value={r |> Js.Float.toString} />
| (Year(_), _)
| (FloatPoint, _) => <input type_="number" value="" />
| (SingleChoice(_), _) =>
<div> {"Single Choice" |> ReasonReact.string} </div>
module Output = {
type parameterType =
| Year
| SingleChoice(IOTypes.singleChoice)
| FloatPoint
| FloatCdf;
type parameter = {
id: string,
name: string,
type outputConfig =
| Single;
let make = (~name, ~parameterType, ~id=name, ()) => {
type model = {
name: string,
author: string,
assumptions: list(Input.parameter),
inputs: list(Input.parameter),
outputs: list(Output.parameter),
outputConfig: Output.outputConfig,
let gatherInputs = (m: model, a: list(InputTypes.withName)) => {
let getItem = (p: Input.parameter) => InputTypes.getName(a,;
m.assumptions |>,
m.inputs |>,
[InputTypes.getName(a, "output")],
|> List.flatten;
module MS = Belt.Map.String;
type modelMaps = {
assumptions: MS.t((Input.parameter, option(InputTypes.t))),
inputs: MS.t((Input.parameter, option(InputTypes.t))),
output: (Output.parameter, option(InputTypes.t)),
let toMaps = (m: model): modelMaps => {
|> Input.parameter) =>
(, (r, Input.toInput(r.parameterType)))
|> Array.of_list,
|> Input.parameter) =>
(, (r, Input.toInput(r.parameterType)))
|> Array.of_list,
output: (Output.make(~name="Payouts", ~parameterType=FloatCdf, ()), None),
type modelParams = {
assumptions: list(option(InputTypes.t)),
inputs: list(option(InputTypes.t)),
output: option(InputTypes.t),
let response = (m: model, a: list(InputTypes.withName)) => {
let getItem = (p: Input.parameter) =>
assumptions: m.assumptions |>,
inputs: m.inputs |>,
InputTypes.getName(a, "output")

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module PayoutsIfAround = {
let yearDiff = yearDiff(yearInQuestion);
let meanDiff = Js.Math.pow_float(~base=y.meanDiff, ~exp=yearDiff);
let stdDevDiff = Js.Math.pow_float(~base=y.meanDiff, ~exp=yearDiff);
Math.normal(currentValue *. meanDiff, firstYearStdDev *. stdDevDiff);
FloatCdf.normal(currentValue *. meanDiff, firstYearStdDev *. stdDevDiff);
let rec currentValue = (group: group, output) => {

View File

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
var Block = require("bs-platform/lib/js/block.js");
function foo(joint) {
return /* array */[
/* record */[
/* statements : array */[
/* record */[
/* statement : Senate */Block.__(0, [/* DEMOCRAT_VICTORY */0]),
/* outcome : Bool */Block.__(0, [true])
/* record */[
/* statement : House */Block.__(1, [/* DEMOCRAT_VICTORY */0]),
/* outcome : Bool */Block.__(0, [true])
/* probability */0.2
/* record */[
/* statements : array */[
/* record */[
/* statement : Senate */Block.__(0, [/* DEMOCRAT_VICTORY */0]),
/* outcome : Bool */Block.__(0, [true])
/* record */[
/* statement : House */Block.__(1, [/* DEMOCRAT_VICTORY */0]),
/* outcome : Bool */Block.__(0, [false])
/* probability */0.2
/* record */[
/* statements : array */[
/* record */[
/* statement : Senate */Block.__(0, [/* DEMOCRAT_VICTORY */0]),
/* outcome : Bool */Block.__(0, [false])
/* record */[
/* statement : House */Block.__(1, [/* DEMOCRAT_VICTORY */0]),
/* outcome : Bool */Block.__(0, [true])
/* probability */0.5
/* record */[
/* statements : array */[
/* record */[
/* statement : Senate */Block.__(0, [/* DEMOCRAT_VICTORY */0]),
/* outcome : Bool */Block.__(0, [false])
/* record */[
/* statement : House */Block.__(1, [/* DEMOCRAT_VICTORY */0]),
/* outcome : Bool */Block.__(0, [false])
/* probability */0.1
} = foo;
/* No side effect */

View File

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
function normal(mean, std) {
var nMean = mean.toString();
var nStd = std.toString();
return "normal(" + (String(nMean) + (", " + (String(nStd) + ")")));
function divide(str1, str2) {
return "" + (String(str1) + ("/" + (String(str2) + "")));
var $$Math = {
normal: normal,
divide: divide
function sharesOutstanding(price, marketCap) {
if (price !== undefined && marketCap !== undefined) {
return divide(marketCap, price);
function run(company, year, param, otherSettings) {
var match = company[/* currentPrice */1];
var match$1 = company[/* marketCap */2];
switch (param) {
case /* SHARE_PRICE */0 :
if (match !== undefined && year > 2019 && year < 2030) {
var diffYears = year - otherSettings[/* currentYear */0] | 0;
return normal(match, diffYears * 0.1);
} else {
return ;
if (year > 2019 && year < 2030) {
var price = run(company, year, /* SHARE_PRICE */0, otherSettings);
var marketCap = run(company, year, /* MARKET_CAP */2, otherSettings);
return sharesOutstanding(price, marketCap);
} else {
return ;
case /* MARKET_CAP */2 :
if (match$1 !== undefined && year > 2019 && year < 2030) {
var diffYears$1 = year - otherSettings[/* currentYear */0] | 0;
return normal(match$1, diffYears$1 * 0.1);
} else {
return ;
exports.$$Math = $$Math;
exports.sharesOutstanding = sharesOutstanding; = run;
/* No side effect */