Made less programmery based on feedback

Value: [5e-4 to 8e-3]
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Quinn Dougherty 2022-04-28 10:58:39 -04:00
parent b83d3a7392
commit 7c14fd55c0

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@ -8,44 +8,42 @@ import { SquiggleEditor } from "../../src/components/SquiggleEditor";
The squiggle language has a very simple syntax. The best way to get to understand
it is by simply looking at examples.
## Expressions and statements
## Expressions
A squiggle **expression** is a value like a float or a distribution or a data structure like an array or a record.
A distribution
<SquiggleEditor initialSquiggleString={`mixture(1 to 2, 3, [0.3, 0.7])`} />
The bottom line of your squiggle buffer should be an expression, which we evaluate (i.e., render). Sometimes we call the last expression of a squiggle file an _export_.
A number
A squiggle **assignment** is a statement, when you want to bind an expression to a name.
<SquiggleEditor initialSquiggleString="4.321e-3" />
initialSquiggleString={`value_of_work = 10 to 70
### Functions
Some assignments are functions
initialSquiggleString={`ozzie_estimate(t) = lognormal(1, t ^ 1.01)
nuño_estimate(t) = mixture(0.5 to 2, normal(1, t ^ 1.25))
ozzie_estimate(5) * nuño_estimate(5.5)
## Data structures
A squiggle **array** is a list of expressions, which is interpretable as an export.
initialSquiggleString={`[cauchy(1,1), 4, isNormalized(toPointSet(1 to 2))]`}
A squiggle **record** is a key-value store with dot accessors.
<SquiggleEditor initialSquiggleString="d1 = {dist: normal(0, 1), weight: 0.25}" />
## Statements
A statement assigns expressions to names. It looks like `<symbol> = <expression>`
initialSquiggleString={`d1 = {dist: normal(0, 1), weight: 0.25}
d2 = {dist: 5 to 6, weight: 0.75}
mx(d1.dist, d2.dist, [d1.weight, d2.weight])`}
initialSquiggleString={`value_of_work = 10 to 70
5 + value_of_work / 75`}
### Functions
We can define functions
initialSquiggleString={`ozzie_estimate(t) = lognormal(1, t ^ 1.01)
nuño_estimate(t, m) = mixture(0.5 to 2, normal(m, t ^ 1.25))
ozzie_estimate(5) * nuño_estimate(5.01, 1)