Lots of simple cleanup to api docs

This commit is contained in:
Ozzie Gooen 2022-06-10 17:35:48 -07:00
parent 590480d4e1
commit 6dc8b711bb
12 changed files with 273 additions and 485 deletions

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ describe("builtin", () => {
testEval("2>1", "Ok(true)")
testEval("concat('a','b')", "Ok('ab')")
"addOne(t)=t+1; toInternalSampleArray(mapSamples(fromSamples([1,2,3,4,5,6]), addOne))",
"addOne(t)=t+1; toList(mapSamples(fromSamples([1,2,3,4,5,6]), addOne))",

View File

@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ let dispatch = (call: EV.functionCall, _: DistributionOperation.env): option<
EV.EvTimeDuration(DateTime.Duration.multiply(d1, d2))->Ok->Some
| ("divide", [EvTimeDuration(d1), EvNumber(d2)]) =>
EV.EvTimeDuration(DateTime.Duration.divide(d1, d2))->Ok->Some
| ("divide", [EvTimeDuration(d1), EvTimeDuration(d2)]) =>
EV.EvNumber(d1 /. d2)->Ok->Some
| _ => None

View File

@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ let dispatchToGenericOutput = (
Helpers.toDistFn(ToSampleSet(Belt.Int.fromFloat(float)), dist, ~env)
| ("toSampleSet", [EvDistribution(dist)]) =>
Helpers.toDistFn(ToSampleSet(env.sampleCount), dist, ~env)
| ("toInternalSampleArray", [EvDistribution(SampleSet(dist))]) =>
| ("toList", [EvDistribution(SampleSet(dist))]) =>
| ("fromSamples", [EvArray(inputArray)]) => {
let _wrapInputErrors = x => SampleSetDist.NonNumericInput(x)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
sidebar_position: 1
title: Date
### makeFromYear
Date.makeFromYear: (number) => date
### toString
toString: (date) => string
### subtract
subtract: (date, date) => duration
subtract: (date, duration) => date
makeFromYear(2040) - makeFromYear(2020) // 20 years
makeFromYear(2040) - years(20) // 2020
### add
add: (date, duration) => date
makeFromYear(2022.32) + years(5);

View File

@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
sidebar_position: 1
sidebar_position: 2
title: Dictionary
### toString
### toList
toString: (dict<'a>) => string
Dict.toList: (dict<'a>) => list<list<string|a>>
### get
Dict.get: (dict<'a>, string) => a
Dict.toList({foo: 3, bar: 20}) // [["foo", 3], ["bar", 20]]
### set
### fromList
Dict.set: (dict<'a>, string, a) => a
Dict.fromList: (list<list<string|'a>>) => dict<'a>
### toPairs
Dict.fromList([["foo", 3], ["bar", 20]]) // {foo: 3, bar: 20}
Dict.toPairs: (dict<'a>) => list<list<string|a>>
### keys
Dict.keys: (dict<'a>) => list<string>
Dict.keys({foo: 3, bar: 20}) // ["foo", "bar"]
### values
Dict.values: (dict<'a>) => list<'a>
Dict.values({foo: 3, bar: 20}) // [3,20]
### merge
Dict.merge: (dict<'a>, dict<'b>) => dict<'a|b>
first = {a: 1, b: 2}
snd = {b: 3, c: 5}
Dict.merge(first, snd) // {a: 1, b: 3, c: 5}
### mergeMany
Dict.mergeMany: (list<dict<'a>>) => dict<'a>
first = {a: 1, b: 2}
snd = {b: 3, c: 5}
Dict.mergeMany([first, snd]) // {a: 1, b: 3, c: 5}

View File

@ -1,32 +1,33 @@
sidebar_position: 2
sidebar_position: 3
title: Distribution
import TOCInline from '@theme/TOCInline';
import TOCInline from "@theme/TOCInline";
<TOCInline toc={toc} />
## Creation
## Distribution Creation
### Normal Distribution
normal(frValueDistOrNumber, frValueDistOrNumber);
normal: (frValueDistOrNumber, frValueDistOrNumber);
normal(dict<{p5: frValueDistOrNumber, p95: frValueDistOrNumber}>)
normal: (dict<{p5: frValueDistOrNumber, p95: frValueDistOrNumber}>)
normal(dict<{mean: frValueDistOrNumber, stdev: frValueDistOrNumber}>)
normal: (dict<{mean: frValueDistOrNumber, stdev: frValueDistOrNumber}>)
normal(5, 1);
normal({ p5: 4, p95: 10 });
normal({ mean: 5, stdev: 2 });
@ -37,15 +38,15 @@ normal({ mean: 5, stdev: 2 });
lognormal(frValueDistOrNumber, frValueDistOrNumber);
lognormal: (frValueDistOrNumber, frValueDistOrNumber);
lognormal(dict<{p5: frValueDistOrNumber, p95: frValueDistOrNumber}>)
lognormal: (dict<{p5: frValueDistOrNumber, p95: frValueDistOrNumber}>)
lognormal(dict<{mean: frValueDistOrNumber, stdev: frValueDistOrNumber}>)
lognormal: (dict<{mean: frValueDistOrNumber, stdev: frValueDistOrNumber}>)
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ lognormal({ mean: 5, stdev: 2 });
uniform(frValueDistOrNumber, frValueDistOrNumber);
uniform: (frValueDistOrNumber, frValueDistOrNumber);
@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ uniform(10, 12);
beta(frValueDistOrNumber, frValueDistOrNumber);
beta: (frValueDistOrNumber, frValueDistOrNumber);
@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ beta(20, 25);
cauchy(frValueDistOrNumber, frValueDistOrNumber);
cauchy: (frValueDistOrNumber, frValueDistOrNumber);
@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ cauchy(5, 1);
gamma(frValueDistOrNumber, frValueDistOrNumber);
gamma: (frValueDistOrNumber, frValueDistOrNumber);
@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ gamma(5, 1);
logistic(frValueDistOrNumber, frValueDistOrNumber);
logistic: (frValueDistOrNumber, frValueDistOrNumber);
@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ gamma(5, 1);
to(frValueDistOrNumber, frValueDistOrNumber);
to: (frValueDistOrNumber, frValueDistOrNumber);
@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ to(5,10)
exponential: (frValueDistOrNumber);
@ -165,7 +166,7 @@ exponential(2);
bernoulli: (frValueDistOrNumber);
@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ Converts a set of points to a continuous distribution
toContinuousPointSet(array<dict<{x: numeric, y: numeric}>>)
toContinuousPointSet: (array<dict<{x: numeric, y: numeric}>>)
@ -202,7 +203,7 @@ Converts a set of points to a discrete distribution
toDiscretePointSet(array<dict<{x: numeric, y: numeric}>>)
toDiscretePointSet: (array<dict<{x: numeric, y: numeric}>>)
@ -216,41 +217,19 @@ toDiscretePointSet([
### Declaration (Continuous Function)
Adds metadata to a function of the input ranges. Works now for numeric and date inputs. This is useful when making predictions. It allows you to limit the domain that your prediction will be used and scored within.
declareFn(dict<{fn: lambda, inputs: array<dict<{min: number, max: number}>>}>)
fn: {|a,b| a },
inputs: [
{min: 0, max: 100},
{min: 30, max: 50}
## Functions
### mixture
(...distributionLike, weights:list<float>):distribution
mixture: (...distributionLike, weights:list<float>):distribution
mixture(normal(5, 1), normal(10, 1));
mx(normal(5, 1), normal(10, 1), [0.3, 0.7]);
### sample
@ -258,7 +237,7 @@ mixture(normal(5, 1), normal(10, 1));
Get one random sample from the distribution
@ -272,13 +251,13 @@ sample(normal(5, 2));
Get n random samples from the distribution
(distribution, number):list<number>
sampleN: (distribution, number):list<number>
sample(normal(5, 2), 100);
sample: (normal(5, 2), 100);
### mean
@ -286,73 +265,61 @@ sample(normal(5, 2), 100);
Get the distribution mean
mean: (distribution):number
mean(normal(5, 2));
mean: (normal(5, 2));
### stdev
stdev: (distribution):number
### variance
variance: (distribution):number
### mode
mode: (distribution):number
### cdf
(distribution, number):number
cdf: (distribution, number):number
cdf(normal(5, 2), 3);
cdf: (normal(5, 2), 3);
### pdf
(distribution, number):number
pdf: (distribution, number):number
pdf(normal(5, 2), 3);
### pmf
(distribution, number):number
pmf(bernoulli(0.3), 0); // 0.7
pdf: (normal(5, 2), 3);
### inv
(distribution, number):number
inv: (distribution, number):number
@ -366,7 +333,7 @@ inv(normal(5, 2), 0.5);
Converts a distribution to the pointSet format
toPointSet: (distribution):pointSetDistribution
@ -380,13 +347,13 @@ toPointSet(normal(5, 2));
Converts a distribution to the sampleSet format, with n samples
toSampleSet: (distribution,number):sampleSetDistribution
toSampleSet(normal(5, 2));
toSampleSet(normal(5, 2), 1000);
### truncateLeft
@ -394,7 +361,7 @@ toSampleSet(normal(5, 2));
Truncates the left side of a distribution. Returns either a pointSet distribution or a symbolic distribution.
(distribution, l:number, {normalize: boolean=true}):distribution
truncateLeft: (distribution, l:number):distribution
@ -408,7 +375,7 @@ truncateLeft(normal(5, 2), 3);
Truncates the right side of a distribution. Returns either a pointSet distribution or a symbolic distribution.
(distribution, r:number, {normalize: boolean=true}):distribution
truncateRight: (distribution, r:number):distribution
@ -424,7 +391,7 @@ truncateLeft(normal(5, 2), 6);
KullbackLeibler divergence between two distributions
(distribution, distribution):number
klDivergence: (distribution, distribution):number
@ -433,24 +400,12 @@ KullbackLeibler divergence between two distributions
klDivergence(normal(5, 2), normal(5, 4)); // returns 0.57
### logScore
({estimate: distribution, prior?: distribution, answer: distribution|number}):number
logScore({ estimate: normal(5, 2), prior: normal(5.5, 4), answer: 2.3 });
## Display
### toString
: (distribution):string
@ -464,7 +419,7 @@ toString(normal(5, 2));
Produce a sparkline of length n
(distribution, n=20):string
toSparkline: (distribution, n=20):string
@ -478,7 +433,7 @@ toSparkline(normal(5, 2), 10);
Prints the value of the distribution to the Javascript console, then returns the distribution.
inspect: (distribution):distribution
@ -494,7 +449,7 @@ inspect(normal(5, 2));
Normalize a distribution. This means scaling it appropriately so that it's cumulative sum is equal to 1.
normalize: (distribution):distribution
@ -508,7 +463,7 @@ normalize(normal(5, 2));
Check of a distribution is normalized. Most distributions are typically normalized, but there are some commands that could produce non-normalized distributions.
isNormalized: (distribution):bool
@ -522,7 +477,7 @@ isNormalized(normal(5, 2)); // returns true
Get the sum of the integral of a distribution. If the distribution is normalized, this will be 1.
integralSum: (distribution):number
@ -531,158 +486,162 @@ Get the sum of the integral of a distribution. If the distribution is normalized
integralSum(normal(5, 2));
## Algebra1
## Algebraic Operations
### add
(distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
add: (distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
### sum
(list<distributionLike>): distribution
sum: (list<distributionLike>): distribution
### multiply
(distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
multiply: (distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
### product
(list<distributionLike>): distribution
product: (list<distributionLike>): distribution
### subtract
(distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
subtract: (distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
### divide
(distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
divide: (distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
### pow
(distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
pow: (distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
### exp
(distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
exp: (distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
### log
(distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
log: (distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
### log10
(distributionLike, distributionLike):distribution
log10: (distributionLike, distributionLike):distribution
### unaryMinus
unaryMinus: (distribution):distribution
## Algebra2
## Pointwise Operations
### dotAdd
(distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
### dotSum
(list<distributionLike>): distribution
dotAdd: (distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
### dotMultiply
(distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
### dotProduct
(list<distributionLike>): distribution
dotMultiply: (distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
### dotSubtract
(distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
dotSubtract: (distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
### dotDivide
(distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
dotDivide: (distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
### dotPow
(distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
dotPow: (distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
### dotExp
(distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
dotExp: (distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
## Algebra3
## Scale Operations
### scaleMultiply
(distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
scaleMultiply: (distributionLike, number): distribution
### scalePow
(distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
scalePow: (distributionLike, number): distribution
### scaleExp
(distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
scaleExp: (distributionLike, number): distribution
### scaleLog
(distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
scaleLog: (distributionLike, number): distribution
### scaleLog10
(distributionLike, distributionLike): distribution
scaleLog10: (distributionLike, number): distribution
### scaleLogWithThreshold
## Special
### Declaration (Continuous Function)
Adds metadata to a function of the input ranges. Works now for numeric and date inputs. This is useful when making predictions. It allows you to limit the domain that your prediction will be used and scored within.
(distributionLike, distributionLike, number): distribution
declareFn: (dict<{fn: lambda, inputs: array<dict<{min: number, max: number}>>}>)
fn: {|a,b| a },
inputs: [
{min: 0, max: 100},
{min: 30, max: 50}

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
sidebar_position: 3
sidebar_position: 4
title: Point Set Distribution
@ -8,23 +8,12 @@ title: Point Set Distribution
PointSet.make: (distribution) => pointSetDist
### makeContinuous
PointSet.makeContinuous: (list<{x: number, y: number}>) => pointSetDist
### makeDiscrete
PointSet.makeDiscrete: (list<{x: number, y: number}>) => pointSetDist
### mapPoints
PointSet.mapPoints: (pointSetDist, ({x:number, y:number} => {x:number, y:number})) => pointSetDist

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
sidebar_position: 4
sidebar_position: 5
title: Sample Set Distribution
@ -10,58 +10,31 @@ SampleSet.make: (() => number) => sampleSet
SampleSet.make: (list<number>) => sampleSet
### kde
SampleSet.kde: (sampleSet) => pointSetDist
### toEmpiricalPdf
SampleSet.toEmpiricalPdf: (sampleSet) => pointSetDist
### map
SampleSet.map: (sampleSet, (number => number)) => sampleSet
### map2
SampleSet.map2: (sampleSet, sampleSet, ((number, number) => number)) => sampleSet
### map3
SampleSet.map3: (sampleSet, sampleSet, sampleSet, ((number, number, number) => number)) => sampleSet
### correlation
### toList
SampleSet.correlation: (sampleSet, sampleSet) => number
SampleSet.toList: (sampleSet) => list<number>
### toInternalSampleArray
SampleSet.toInternalSampleArray: (sampleSet) => list<number>
Gets the internal samples of a sampleSet distribution. This is separate from the sampleN() function, which would shuffle the samples. toInternalSampleArray() maintains order and length.Gets the internal samples of a sampleSet distribution. This is separate from the sampleN() function, which would shuffle the samples. toInternalSampleArray() maintains order and length.
Gets the internal samples of a sampleSet distribution. This is separate from the sampleN() function, which would shuffle the samples. toList() maintains order and length. Gets the internal samples of a sampleSet distribution. This is separate from the sampleN() function, which would shuffle the samples. toList() maintains order and length.

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
sidebar_position: 5
sidebar_position: 6
title: Duration
@ -8,86 +8,62 @@ title: Duration
toString: (duration) => string
### minutes
minutes: (number) => duration
### hours
hours: (number) => duration
### days
days: (number) => duration
### years
years: (number) => duration
### toHours
Duration.toHours: (duration) => number
toHours: (duration) => number
### toMinutes
Duration.toMinutes: (duration) => number
toMinutes: (duration) => number
### toDays
Duration.toDays: (duration) => number
toDays: (duration) => number
### toYears
Duration.toYears: (duration) => number
toYears: (duration) => number
### add
add: (duration, duration) => duration
### subtract
subtract: (duration, duration) => duration
### multiply
multiply: (duration, duration) => duration
multiply: (duration, number) => duration
### divide
divide: (duration, duration) => duration
divide: (duration, number) => duration

View File

@ -1,179 +1,81 @@
sidebar_position: 6
sidebar_position: 7
title: List
## make
### make
List.make: (number, 'a) => list<'a>
List.make: (number, number => a) => list<'a>
List.make: (pointSetDist) => list<number>
Returns an array of size ``n`` filled with value ``e``.
List.make(4, 1) // creates the list [1,1,1,1]
See [Rescript implementation](https://rescript-lang.org/docs/manual/latest/api/belt/array#make)
### toString
List.toString: (list<'a>) => string
toString: (list<'a>) => string
### length
List.length: (list<'a>) => number
length: (list<'a>) => number
### get
### up to
List.get: (list<'a>, number) => 'a
List.upTo: (low:number, high:number) => list<number>
List.upTo(0, 5) // creates the list [0,1,2,3,4,5]
### find
List.find: (list<'a>, 'a => bool) => 'a
### filter
List.filter: (list<'a>, 'a => bool) => 'a
### set
List.set: (list<'a>, number, 'a) => 'a
### shuffle
List.shuffle: (list<'a>) => list<'a>
### reverse
List.reverse: (list<'a>) => list<'a>
### range
List.range: (low:number, high:number, increment?:number=1.0) => list<number>
### zip
List.zip: (list<'a>, list<'b>) => list<list<'a|b>>
### unzip
List.unzip: (list<list<'a|b>>) => list<list<'a>, list<'b>>
### concat
List.concat: (list<'a>, list<'b>) => list<'a|b>
### concatMany
List.concatMany: (list<list<'a>>) => list<'a>
### slice
### map
List.map: (list<'a>, a => b) => list<'b>
### reduce
### reduceRight
### includes
List.includes: (list<'a>, 'a => bool) => boolean
### every
List.every: (list<'a>, 'a => bool) => boolean
### truncate
List.truncate: (list<'a>, number) => list<'a>
### uniq
List.uniq: (list<'a>) => list<'a>
Syntax taken from [Ruby](https://apidock.com/ruby/v2_5_5/Integer/upto).
### first
List.first: (list<'a>) => 'a
first: (list<'a>) => 'a
### last
List.last: (list<'a>) => 'a
last: (list<'a>) => 'a
### sort
### reverse
List.sort: (list<'a>) => list<'a>
reverse: (list<'a>) => list<'a>
### map
map: (list<'a>, a => b) => list<'b>
See [Rescript implementation](https://rescript-lang.org/docs/manual/latest/api/belt/array#map).
### reduce
reduce: (list<'b>, 'a, ('a, 'b) => 'a) => 'a
``reduce(arr, init, f)``
Applies ``f`` to each element of ``arr``. The function ``f`` has two paramaters, an accumulator and the next value from the array.
reduce([2, 3, 4], 1, {|acc, value| acc + value}) == 10
See [Rescript implementation](https://rescript-lang.org/docs/manual/latest/api/belt/array#reduce).
### reduce reverse
reduceReverse: (list<'b>, 'a, ('a, 'b) => 'a) => 'a
Works like ``reduce``, but the function is applied to each item from the last back to the first.
See [Rescript implementation](https://rescript-lang.org/docs/manual/latest/api/belt/array#reducereverse).

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
sidebar_position: 7
sidebar_position: 8
title: Math
@ -7,25 +7,19 @@ title: Math
Euler's number; ≈ 2.718281828459045Euler's number; ≈ 2.718281828459045
Euler's number; ≈ 2.718281828459045
### LN2
Natural logarithm of 2; ≈ 0.6931471805599453Natural logarithm of 2; ≈ 0.6931471805599453
Natural logarithm of 2; ≈ 0.6931471805599453
### LN10
Natural logarithm of 10; ≈ 2.302585092994046Natural logarithm of 10; ≈ 2.302585092994046
Natural logarithm of 10; ≈ 2.302585092994046
### LOG2E
@ -33,57 +27,38 @@ Math.LOG2E:
Base 2 logarithm of E; ≈ 1.4426950408889634Base 2 logarithm of E; ≈ 1.4426950408889634
### LOG10E
Base 10 logarithm of E; ≈ 0.4342944819032518Base 10 logarithm of E; ≈ 0.4342944819032518
Base 10 logarithm of E; ≈ 0.4342944819032518
### PI
Pi - ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle; ≈ 3.141592653589793Pi - ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle; ≈ 3.141592653589793
Pi - ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle; ≈ 3.141592653589793
### SQRT1_2
Square root of 1/2; ≈ 0.7071067811865476Square root of 1/2; ≈ 0.7071067811865476
Square root of 1/2; ≈ 0.7071067811865476
### SQRT2
Square root of 2; ≈ 1.4142135623730951Square root of 2; ≈ 1.4142135623730951
Square root of 2; ≈ 1.4142135623730951
### PHI
Phi is the golden ratio. 1.618033988749895Phi is the golden ratio. 1.618033988749895
Phi is the golden ratio. 1.618033988749895
### TAU
Tau is the ratio constant of a circle's circumference to radius, equal to 2 * pi. 6.283185307179586Tau is the ratio constant of a circle's circumference to radius, equal to 2 * pi. 6.283185307179586
### Infinity
Tau is the ratio constant of a circle's circumference to radius, equal to 2 * pi. 6.283185307179586

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@ -1,166 +1,136 @@
sidebar_position: 8
sidebar_position: 9
title: Number
### ceil
(number): number
ceil: (number) => number
### floor
(number): number
floor: (number) => number
### abs
(number): number
abs: (number) => number
### round
(number): number
round: (number) => number
### max
(list<number>): number
### maxBy
(list<number>, fn(element)):number
max: (list<number>) => number
### min
(list<number>): number
### minBy
(list<number>, fn(element)):number
### random
### randomInt
min: (list<number>) => number
### mean
(list<number>): number
mean: (list<number>) => number
### median
### stdev
(list<number>): number
### mode
(list<number>): number
### std
(list<number>): number
stdev: (list<number>) => number
### variance
(list<number>): number
variance: (list<number>) => number
### unaryMinus
(number): number
unaryMinus: (number) => number
### equal
(number, number): boolean
equal: (number, number) => boolean
### add
(number, number): number
add: (number, number) => number
### sum
(number, number): number
sum: (list<number>) => number
### cumulative sum
cumsum: (list<number>) => list<number>
### multiply
(number, number): number
multiply: (number, number) => number
### product
(number, number): number
product: (list<number>) => number
### cumulative product
cumprod: (list<number>) => list<number>
### subtract
(number, number): number
subtract: (number, number) => number
### divide
(number, number): number
divide: (number, number) => number
### pow
(number, number): number
pow: (number, number) => number
### exp
(number): number
exp: (number) => number
### log
(number, number=Math.e): number
### log10
(number): number
log: (number) => number