Minor refactoring of ValueMap and similar

This commit is contained in:
Ozzie Gooen 2020-02-09 16:10:14 +00:00
parent 1d6a28cd43
commit 573f502a06
6 changed files with 347 additions and 105 deletions

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@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
"refmt": 3,

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@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
"parcel-bundler": "^1.12.4",
"parcel-plugin-less-js-enabled": "^1.0.2",
"postcss-cli": "^7.1.0",
"rationale": "^0.2.0",
"react": "^16.8.1",
"react-dom": "^16.8.1",
"reason-react": ">=0.7.0",

src/E.re Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
open Rationale.Function.Infix;
/* Utils */
module U = {
let isEqual = (a, b) => a == b;
let toA = a => [|a|];
let id = e => e;
module O = {
let dimap = (sFn, rFn, e) =>
switch (e) {
| Some(r) => sFn(r)
| None => rFn()
let fmap = Rationale.Option.fmap;
let bind = Rationale.Option.bind;
let default = Rationale.Option.default;
let isSome = Rationale.Option.isSome;
let toExn = Rationale.Option.toExn;
let some = Rationale.Option.some;
let firstSome = Rationale.Option.firstSome;
let toExt = Rationale.Option.toExn;
let flatApply = (fn, b) =>
Rationale.Option.apply(fn, Some(b)) |> Rationale.Option.flatten;
let toBool = opt =>
switch (opt) {
| Some(_) => true
| _ => false
let ffmap = (fn, r) =>
switch (r) {
| Some(sm) => fn(sm)
| _ => None
let toString = opt =>
switch (opt) {
| Some(s) => s
| _ => ""
let toResult = (error, e) =>
switch (e) {
| Some(r) => Belt.Result.Ok(r)
| None => Error(error)
module React = {
let defaultNull = default(ReasonReact.null);
let fmapOrNull = fn => fmap(fn) ||> default(ReasonReact.null);
let flatten = default(ReasonReact.null);
/* Functions */
module F = {
let apply = (a, e) => a |> e;
let flatten2Callbacks = (fn1, fn2, fnlast) =>
fn1(response1 => fn2(response2 => fnlast(response1, response2)));
let flatten3Callbacks = (fn1, fn2, fn3, fnlast) =>
fn1(response1 =>
fn2(response2 =>
fn3(response3 => fnlast(response1, response2, response3))
let flatten4Callbacks = (fn1, fn2, fn3, fn4, fnlast) =>
fn1(response1 =>
fn2(response2 =>
fn3(response3 =>
fn4(response4 => fnlast(response1, response2, response3, response4))
module Bool = {
type t = bool;
let toString = (t: t) => t ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
let fromString = str => str == "TRUE" ? true : false;
module O = {
let toBool = opt =>
switch (opt) {
| Some(true) => true
| _ => false
module Float = {
let with2DigitsPrecision = Js.Float.toPrecisionWithPrecision(_, ~digits=2);
let with3DigitsPrecision = Js.Float.toPrecisionWithPrecision(_, ~digits=3);
let toFixed = Js.Float.toFixed;
let toString = Js.Float.toString;
module I = {
let increment = n => n + 1;
let decrement = n => n - 1;
let toString = Js.Int.toString;
/* R for Result */
module R = {
let result = Rationale.Result.result;
let id = e => e |> result(U.id, U.id);
let fmap = Rationale.Result.fmap;
let bind = Rationale.Result.bind;
let safe_fn_of_string = (fn, s: string): option('a) =>
try (Some(fn(s))) {
| _ => None
module S = {
let safe_float = float_of_string->safe_fn_of_string;
let safe_int = int_of_string->safe_fn_of_string;
let default = (defaultStr, str) => str == "" ? defaultStr : str;
module J = {
let toString = Js.Json.decodeString ||> O.default("");
let toMoment = toString ||> MomentRe.moment;
let fromString = Js.Json.string;
let fromNumber = Js.Json.number;
module O = {
let toMoment = O.fmap(toMoment);
let fromString = (str: string) =>
switch (str) {
| "" => None
| _ => Some(Js.Json.string(str))
let toString = (str: option('a)) =>
switch (str) {
| Some(str) => Some(str |> (Js.Json.decodeString ||> O.default("")))
| _ => None
module M = {
let format = MomentRe.Moment.format;
let format_standard = "MMM DD, YYYY HH:mm";
let format_simple = "L";
/* TODO: Figure out better name */
let goFormat_simple = MomentRe.Moment.format(format_simple);
let goFormat_standard = MomentRe.Moment.format(format_standard);
let toUtc = MomentRe.momentUtc;
let toJSON = MomentRe.Moment.toJSON;
let momentDefaultFormat = MomentRe.momentDefaultFormat;
module JsDate = {
let fromString = Js.Date.fromString;
let now = Js.Date.now;
let make = Js.Date.make;
let valueOf = Js.Date.valueOf;
/* List */
module L = {
let fmap = List.map;
let toArray = Array.of_list;
let fmapi = List.mapi;
let concat = List.concat;
let append = List.append;
let find = List.find;
let filter = List.filter;
let for_all = List.for_all;
let exists = List.exists;
let sort = List.sort;
let length = List.length;
let filter_opt = Rationale.RList.filter_opt;
let uniqBy = Rationale.RList.uniqBy;
let join = Rationale.RList.join;
let head = Rationale.RList.head;
let uniq = Rationale.RList.uniq;
let flatten = List.flatten;
let last = Rationale.RList.last;
let append = List.append;
let getBy = Belt.List.getBy;
let dropLast = Rationale.RList.dropLast;
let contains = Rationale.RList.contains;
let without = Rationale.RList.without;
let update = Rationale.RList.update;
let iter = List.iter;
let findIndex = Rationale.RList.findIndex;
/* A for Array */
module A = {
let fmap = Array.map;
let fmapi = Array.mapi;
let to_list = Array.to_list;
let of_list = Array.of_list;
let length = Array.length;
let append = Array.append;
let empty = [||];
let unsafe_get = Array.unsafe_get;
let get = Belt.Array.get;
let getBy = Belt.Array.getBy;
let fold_left = Array.fold_left;
let fold_right = Array.fold_right;
let concatMany = Belt.Array.concatMany;
let keepMap = Belt.Array.keepMap;
let stableSortBy = Belt.SortArray.stableSortBy;
let asList = (f: list('a) => list('a), r: array('a)) =>
r |> to_list |> f |> of_list;
/* TODO: Is there a better way of doing this? */
let uniq = r => asList(L.uniq, r);
// @todo: Is -1 still the indicator that this is false (as is true with
// @todo: js findIndex)? Wasn't sure.
let findIndex = (e, i) =>
Js.Array.findIndex(e, i)
|> (
r =>
switch (r) {
| (-1) => None
| r => Some(r)
let filter = (o, e) => Js.Array.filter(o, e);
module O = {
let concatSomes = (optionals: array(option('a))): array('a) =>
|> Js.Array.filter(Rationale.Option.isSome)
|> Js.Array.map(
Rationale.Option.toExn("Warning: This should not have happened"),
let defaultEmpty = (o: option(array('a))): array('a) =>
switch (o) {
| Some(o) => o
| None => [||]
module R = {
let firstErrorOrOpen =
(results: array(Belt.Result.t('a, 'b)))
: Belt.Result.t(array('a), 'b) => {
let bringErrorUp =
switch (results |> Belt.Array.getBy(_, Belt.Result.isError)) {
| Some(Belt.Result.Error(err)) => Belt.Result.Error(err)
| Some(Belt.Result.Ok(_)) => Belt.Result.Ok(results)
| None => Belt.Result.Ok(results)
let forceOpen = (r: array(Belt.Result.t('a, 'b))): array('a) =>
r |> Belt.Array.map(_, r => Belt.Result.getExn(r));
bringErrorUp |> Belt.Result.map(_, forceOpen);
module JsArray = {
let concatSomes = (optionals: Js.Array.t(option('a))): Js.Array.t('a) =>
|> Js.Array.filter(Rationale.Option.isSome)
|> Js.Array.map(
Rationale.Option.toExn("Warning: This should not have happened"),
let filter = Js.Array.filter;
module NonZeroInt = {
type t = int;
let make = (i: int) => i < 0 ? None : Some(i);
let fmap = (fn, a: t) => make(fn(a));
let increment = fmap(I.increment);
let decrement = fmap(I.decrement);
module BoundedInt = {
type t = int;
let make = (i: int, limit: int) => {
let lessThan0 = r => r < 0;
let greaterThanLimit = r => r > limit;
if (lessThan0(i) || greaterThanLimit(i)) {
} else {
let fmap = (fn, a: t, l) => make(fn(a), l);
let increment = fmap(I.increment);
let decrement = fmap(I.decrement);

View File

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
type model = {
name: string,
author: string,
assumptions: list(Input.parameter),
inputs: list(Input.parameter),
outputs: list(Output.parameter),
outputConfig: Output.outputConfig,
let gatherInputs = (m: model, a: list(InputTypes.withName)) => {
let getItem = (p: Input.parameter) => InputTypes.getName(a, p.id);
m.assumptions |> List.map(getItem),
m.inputs |> List.map(getItem),
[InputTypes.getName(a, "output")],
|> List.flatten;
module MS = Belt.Map.String;
type modelMaps = {
assumptions: MS.t((Input.parameter, option(InputTypes.t))),
inputs: MS.t((Input.parameter, option(InputTypes.t))),
output: (Output.parameter, option(InputTypes.t)),
let toMaps = (m: model): modelMaps => {
|> List.map((r: Input.parameter) =>
(r.id, (r, Input.toInput(r.parameterType)))
|> Array.of_list,
|> List.map((r: Input.parameter) =>
(r.id, (r, Input.toInput(r.parameterType)))
|> Array.of_list,
output: (Output.make(~name="Payouts", ~parameterType=FloatCdf, ()), None),
type modelParams = {
assumptions: list(option(InputTypes.t)),
inputs: list(option(InputTypes.t)),
output: option(InputTypes.t),
let response = (m: model, a: list(InputTypes.withName)) => {
let getItem = (p: Input.parameter) =>
InputTypes.getName(a, p.id)->Belt.Option.map(InputTypes.withoutName);
assumptions: m.assumptions |> List.map(getItem),
inputs: m.inputs |> List.map(getItem),
InputTypes.getName(a, "output")

View File

@ -48,6 +48,21 @@ module Type = {
module ValueMap = {
module MS = Belt.Map.String;
type t = MS.t(Value.t);
let get = MS.get;
let keys = MS.keysToArray;
let map = MS.map;
let fromArray = MS.fromArray;
let values = t => t |> MS.valuesToArray;
let update = MS.update;
let toArray = MS.toArray;
let fromOptionalMap = (t: MS.t(option(Value.t))): t =>
MS.keep(t, (_, d) => E.O.isSome(d))
->MS.map(d => E.O.toExn("This should not have happened", d));
module TypeWithMetadata = {
// TODO: Figure out a better name for assumptionType
type assumptionType =
@ -62,6 +77,8 @@ module TypeWithMetadata = {
type ts = list(t);
// TODO: Change default here
let currentYear = {
id: "currentyear",
@ -79,44 +96,14 @@ module TypeWithMetadata = {
module ValueMap = {
module MS = Belt.Map.String;
module Combination = {
type t = {
typeWithMetadata: TypeWithMetadata.t,
value: option(Value.t),
let make = (typeWithMetadata, value) => {typeWithMetadata, value};
let makeWithDefaults = typeWithMetadata => {
value: Type.default(typeWithMetadata.type_),
let toValueMap = (ts: ts) => {
->Belt.Array.map((b: t) => (b.name, Type.default(b.type_)))
type t = MS.t(Combination.t);
let get = MS.get;
let keys = MS.keysToArray;
let map = MS.map;
let fromArray = MS.fromArray;
let values = t =>
t |> MS.valuesToArray |> Array.map((r: Combination.t) => r.value);
let types = t =>
|> MS.valuesToArray
|> Array.map((r: Combination.t) => r.typeWithMetadata);
let fromTypesWithMetadata = (c: array(TypeWithMetadata.t)) =>
c->Belt.Array.map((b: TypeWithMetadata.t) =>
(b.name, Combination.makeWithDefaults(b))
|> fromArray;
let getValue = (t: t, key: MS.key) =>
t->MS.get(key)->Belt.Option.flatMap(r => r.value);
let getType = (t: t, key: MS.key) =>
t->MS.get(key)->Belt.Option.map(r => r.typeWithMetadata);
module Model = {
@ -132,9 +119,21 @@ module Model = {
type outputValues = ValueMap.t;
let toInputDefaults = (t: t): inputValues => {
inputs: t.inputTypes |> Array.of_list |> ValueMap.fromTypesWithMetadata,
outputSelection: "",
module InputValues = {
let defaults = (t: t): inputValues => {
inputs: t.inputTypes |> TypeWithMetadata.toValueMap,
outputSelection: "",
// TODO: This should probably come with a validation or something.
let updateInputs =
t: t,
inputValues: inputValues,
key: string,
onUpdate: option(Value.t) => option(Value.t),
) => {
ValueMap.update(inputValues.inputs, key, onUpdate);
let run = (inputs: inputValues, f) => f(inputs);
@ -142,7 +141,6 @@ module Model = {
module InputValues = {
type t = Model.inputValues;
let update = (t, str, newValue) => t |>
module OutputValues = {

View File

@ -5084,6 +5084,11 @@ range-parser@~1.2.1:
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integrity sha512-Hrgsx+orqoygnmhFbKaHE6c296J+HTAQXoxEF6gNupROmmGJRoyzfG3ccAveqCBrwr/2yxQ5BVd/GTl5agOwSg==
version "0.2.0"
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rc-align@^2.4.0, rc-align@^2.4.1:
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