Cleanup and commenting for PR
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ export type { SamplingInputs, exportEnv, exportDistribution };
export type { t as DistPlus } from "../rescript/OldInterpreter/DistPlus.gen";
import {
} from "../rescript/TSInterface.gen";
} from "../rescript/TypescriptInterface.gen";
import {
@ -59,18 +59,9 @@ export function run(
return runAll(squiggleString, si, env);
export function resultMap(
| {
tag: "Ok";
value: any;
| {
tag: "Error";
value: any;
mapFn: any
//This is clearly not fully typed. I think later we should use a functional library to
// provide a better Either type and corresponding functions.
type result =
| {
tag: "Ok";
value: any;
@ -78,7 +69,9 @@ export function resultMap(
| {
tag: "Error";
value: any;
} {
export function resultMap(r: result, mapFn: any): result {
if (r.tag === "Ok") {
return { tag: "Ok", value: mapFn(r.value) };
} else {
@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ let rec run = (~env, functionCallInfo: functionCallInfo): outputType => {
->E.R2.fmap(r => Float(r))
| ToString(ToString) => dist->GenericDist.toString->String
| ToString(ToSparkline(buckets)) =>
GenericDist.toSparkline(dist, ~sampleCount, ~buckets, ())
| ToString(ToSparkline(bucketCount)) =>
GenericDist.toSparkline(dist, ~sampleCount, ~bucketCount, ())
->E.R2.fmap(r => String(r))
| ToDist(Inspect) => {
@ -186,42 +186,43 @@ module Output = {
// See comment above GenericDist_Types.Constructors to explain the purpose of this module.
// I tried having another internal module called UsingDists, similar to how its done in
// GenericDist_Types.Constructors. However, this broke GenType for me, so beware.
module Constructors = {
module C = GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists;
open OutputLocal
let mean = (~env, dist) => C.mean(dist)->run(~env)->toFloatR
let sample = (~env, dist) => C.sample(dist)->run(~env)->toFloatR
let cdf = (~env, dist, f) => C.cdf(dist, f)->run(~env)->toFloatR
let inv = (~env, dist, f) => C.inv(dist, f)->run(~env)->toFloatR
let pdf = (~env, dist, f) => C.pdf(dist, f)->run(~env)->toFloatR
let normalize = (~env, dist) => C.normalize(dist)->run(~env)->toDistR
let toPointSet = (~env, dist) => C.toPointSet(dist)->run(~env)->toDistR
let toSampleSet = (~env, dist, n) => C.toSampleSet(dist, n)->run(~env)->toDistR
let truncate = (~env, dist, leftCutoff, rightCutoff) =>
C.truncate(dist, leftCutoff, rightCutoff)->run(~env)->toDistR
let inspect = (~env, dist) => C.inspect(dist)->run(~env)->toDistR
let toString = (~env, dist) => C.toString(dist)->run(~env)->toStringR
let toSparkline = (~env, dist, buckets) => C.toSparkline(dist, buckets)->run(~env)->toStringR
let algebraicAdd = (~env, dist1, dist2) => C.algebraicAdd(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let algebraicMultiply = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.algebraicMultiply(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let algebraicDivide = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.algebraicDivide(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let algebraicSubtract = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.algebraicSubtract(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let algebraicLogarithm = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.algebraicLogarithm(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let algebraicExponentiate = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.algebraicExponentiate(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let pointwiseAdd = (~env, dist1, dist2) => C.pointwiseAdd(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let pointwiseMultiply = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.pointwiseMultiply(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let pointwiseDivide = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.pointwiseDivide(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let pointwiseSubtract = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.pointwiseSubtract(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let pointwiseLogarithm = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.pointwiseLogarithm(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let pointwiseExponentiate = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.pointwiseExponentiate(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
module C = GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists
open OutputLocal
let mean = (~env, dist) => C.mean(dist)->run(~env)->toFloatR
let sample = (~env, dist) => C.sample(dist)->run(~env)->toFloatR
let cdf = (~env, dist, f) => C.cdf(dist, f)->run(~env)->toFloatR
let inv = (~env, dist, f) => C.inv(dist, f)->run(~env)->toFloatR
let pdf = (~env, dist, f) => C.pdf(dist, f)->run(~env)->toFloatR
let normalize = (~env, dist) => C.normalize(dist)->run(~env)->toDistR
let toPointSet = (~env, dist) => C.toPointSet(dist)->run(~env)->toDistR
let toSampleSet = (~env, dist, n) => C.toSampleSet(dist, n)->run(~env)->toDistR
let truncate = (~env, dist, leftCutoff, rightCutoff) =>
C.truncate(dist, leftCutoff, rightCutoff)->run(~env)->toDistR
let inspect = (~env, dist) => C.inspect(dist)->run(~env)->toDistR
let toString = (~env, dist) => C.toString(dist)->run(~env)->toStringR
let toSparkline = (~env, dist, bucketCount) => C.toSparkline(dist, bucketCount)->run(~env)->toStringR
let algebraicAdd = (~env, dist1, dist2) => C.algebraicAdd(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let algebraicMultiply = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.algebraicMultiply(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let algebraicDivide = (~env, dist1, dist2) => C.algebraicDivide(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let algebraicSubtract = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.algebraicSubtract(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let algebraicLogarithm = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.algebraicLogarithm(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let algebraicExponentiate = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.algebraicExponentiate(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let pointwiseAdd = (~env, dist1, dist2) => C.pointwiseAdd(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let pointwiseMultiply = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.pointwiseMultiply(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let pointwiseDivide = (~env, dist1, dist2) => C.pointwiseDivide(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let pointwiseSubtract = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.pointwiseSubtract(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let pointwiseLogarithm = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.pointwiseLogarithm(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
let pointwiseExponentiate = (~env, dist1, dist2) =>
C.pointwiseExponentiate(dist1, dist2)->run(~env)->toDistR
@ -81,11 +81,17 @@ let toPointSet = (
let toSparkline = (t: t, ~sampleCount: int, ~buckets: int=20, unit): result<string, error> =>
PointSetDist.toSparkline calls "downsampleEquallyOverX", which downsamples it to n=bucketCount.
It first needs a pointSetDist, so we convert to a pointSetDist. In this process we want the
xyPointLength to be a bit longer than the eventual toSparkline downsampling. I chose 3
fairly arbitrarily.
let toSparkline = (t: t, ~sampleCount: int, ~bucketCount: int=20, unit): result<string, error> =>
->toPointSet(~xSelection=#Linear, ~xyPointLength=buckets * 3, ~sampleCount, ())
->toPointSet(~xSelection=#Linear, ~xyPointLength=bucketCount * 3, ~sampleCount, ())
->E.R.bind(r =>
r->PointSetDist.toSparkline(buckets)->E.R2.errMap(r => Error(GenericDist_Types.Other(r)))
r->PointSetDist.toSparkline(bucketCount)->E.R2.errMap(r => Error(GenericDist_Types.Other(r)))
module Truncate = {
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ let toPointSet: (
~xSelection: GenericDist_Types.Operation.pointsetXSelection=?,
) => result<PointSetTypes.pointSetDist, error>
let toSparkline: (t, ~sampleCount: int, ~buckets: int=?, unit) => result<string, error>
let toSparkline: (t, ~sampleCount: int, ~bucketCount: int=?, unit) => result<string, error>
let truncate: (
@ -98,6 +98,14 @@ module Operation = {
It can be a pain to write out the genericFunctionCallInfo. The constructors help with this.
This code only covers some of genericFunctionCallInfo: many arguments could be called with either a
float or a distribution. The "UsingDists" module assumes that everything is a distribution.
This is a tradeoff of some generality in order to get a bit more simplicity.
I could see having a longer interface in the future, but it could be messy.
Like, algebraicAddDistFloat vs. algebraicAddDistDist
module Constructors = {
type t = Operation.genericFunctionCallInfo
@ -105,9 +113,9 @@ module Constructors = {
let mean = (dist): t => FromDist(ToFloat(#Mean), dist)
let sample = (dist): t => FromDist(ToFloat(#Sample), dist)
let cdf = (dist, f): t => FromDist(ToFloat(#Cdf(f)), dist)
let inv = (dist, f): t => FromDist(ToFloat(#Inv(f)), dist)
let pdf = (dist, f): t => FromDist(ToFloat(#Pdf(f)), dist)
let cdf = (dist, x): t => FromDist(ToFloat(#Cdf(x)), dist)
let inv = (dist, x): t => FromDist(ToFloat(#Inv(x)), dist)
let pdf = (dist, x): t => FromDist(ToFloat(#Pdf(x)), dist)
let normalize = (dist): t => FromDist(ToDist(Normalize), dist)
let toPointSet = (dist): t => FromDist(ToDist(ToPointSet), dist)
let toSampleSet = (dist, r): t => FromDist(ToDist(ToSampleSet(r)), dist)
@ -165,63 +173,3 @@ module Constructors = {
module DistVariant = {
type t =
| Mean(genericDist)
| Sample(genericDist)
| Cdf(genericDist, float)
| Inv(genericDist, float)
| Pdf(genericDist, float)
| Normalize(genericDist)
| ToPointSet(genericDist)
| ToSampleSet(genericDist, int)
| Truncate(genericDist, option<float>, option<float>)
| Inspect(genericDist)
| ToString(genericDist)
| ToSparkline(genericDist, int)
| AlgebraicAdd(genericDist, genericDist)
| AlgebraicMultiply(genericDist, genericDist)
| AlgebraicDivide(genericDist, genericDist)
| AlgebraicSubtract(genericDist, genericDist)
| AlgebraicLogarithm(genericDist, genericDist)
| AlgebraicExponentiate(genericDist, genericDist)
| PointwiseAdd(genericDist, genericDist)
| PointwiseMultiply(genericDist, genericDist)
| PointwiseDivide(genericDist, genericDist)
| PointwiseSubtract(genericDist, genericDist)
| PointwiseLogarithm(genericDist, genericDist)
| PointwiseExponentiate(genericDist, genericDist)
let toGenericFunctionCallInfo = (t: t) =>
switch t {
| Mean(d) => Operation.FromDist(ToFloat(#Mean), d)
| Sample(d) => FromDist(ToFloat(#Mean), d)
| Cdf(d, f) => FromDist(ToFloat(#Cdf(f)), d)
| Inv(d, f) => FromDist(ToFloat(#Inv(f)), d)
| Pdf(d, f) => FromDist(ToFloat(#Pdf(f)), d)
| Normalize(d) => FromDist(ToDist(Normalize), d)
| ToPointSet(d) => FromDist(ToDist(ToPointSet), d)
| ToSampleSet(d, r) => FromDist(ToDist(ToSampleSet(r)), d)
| Truncate(d, left, right) => FromDist(ToDist(Truncate(left, right)), d)
| Inspect(d) => FromDist(ToDist(Inspect), d)
| ToString(d) => FromDist(ToString(ToString), d)
| ToSparkline(d, n) => FromDist(ToString(ToSparkline(n)), d)
| AlgebraicAdd(d1, d2) => FromDist(ToDistCombination(Algebraic, #Add, #Dist(d2)), d1)
| AlgebraicMultiply(d1, d2) => FromDist(ToDistCombination(Algebraic, #Multiply, #Dist(d2)), d1)
| AlgebraicDivide(d1, d2) => FromDist(ToDistCombination(Algebraic, #Divide, #Dist(d2)), d1)
| AlgebraicSubtract(d1, d2) => FromDist(ToDistCombination(Algebraic, #Subtract, #Dist(d2)), d1)
| AlgebraicLogarithm(d1, d2) =>
FromDist(ToDistCombination(Algebraic, #Logarithm, #Dist(d2)), d1)
| AlgebraicExponentiate(d1, d2) =>
FromDist(ToDistCombination(Algebraic, #Exponentiate, #Dist(d2)), d1)
| PointwiseAdd(d1, d2) => FromDist(ToDistCombination(Pointwise, #Add, #Dist(d2)), d1)
| PointwiseMultiply(d1, d2) => FromDist(ToDistCombination(Pointwise, #Multiply, #Dist(d2)), d1)
| PointwiseDivide(d1, d2) => FromDist(ToDistCombination(Pointwise, #Divide, #Dist(d2)), d1)
| PointwiseSubtract(d1, d2) => FromDist(ToDistCombination(Pointwise, #Subtract, #Dist(d2)), d1)
| PointwiseLogarithm(d1, d2) =>
FromDist(ToDistCombination(Pointwise, #Logarithm, #Dist(d2)), d1)
| PointwiseExponentiate(d1, d2) =>
FromDist(ToDistCombination(Pointwise, #Exponentiate, #Dist(d2)), d1)
@ -203,8 +203,8 @@ let operate = (distToFloatOp: Operation.distToFloatOperation, s): float =>
| #Mean => T.mean(s)
let toSparkline = (t: t, n) =>
let toSparkline = (t: t, bucketCount) =>
->E.O2.toResult("toContinous Error: Could not convert into continuous distribution")
->E.R2.fmap(r => Continuous.getShape(r).ys->Sparklines.create())
@ -146,15 +146,24 @@ let toPointSetDist = (
//Randomly get one sample from the distribution
let sample = (t: t): float => {
let i = E.Int.random(~min=0, ~max=E.A.length(t) - 1)
E.A.unsafe_get(t, i)
If asked for a length of samples shorter or equal the length of the distribution,
return this first n samples of this distribution.
Else, return n random samples of the distribution.
The former helps in cases where multiple distributions are correlated.
However, if n > length(t), then there's no clear right answer, so we just randomly
sample everything.
let sampleN = (t: t, n) => {
if n <= E.A.length(t) {
E.A.slice(t, ~offset=0, ~len=n)
} else {
Belt.Array.makeBy(n, _ => sample(t))
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
type functionCallInfo = GenericDist_Types.Operation.genericFunctionCallInfo;
type env = DistributionOperation.env;
type genericDist = GenericDist_Types.genericDist;
type error = GenericDist_Types.error;
let runDistributionOperation =;
type resultDist = result<genericDist, error>
type resultFloat = result<float, error>
type resultString = result<string, error>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
This is meant as a file to contain @genType declarations as needed for Typescript.
I would ultimately want to have all @genType declarations here, vs. other files, but
@genType doesn't play as nicely with renaming Modules and functions as
would be preferable.
The below few seem to work fine. In the future there's definitely more work to do here.
type env = DistributionOperation.env
type genericDist = GenericDist_Types.genericDist
type error = GenericDist_Types.error
type resultDist = result<genericDist, error>
type resultFloat = result<float, error>
type resultString = result<string, error>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user