Fixes inputs

This commit is contained in:
Roman Galochkin 2020-03-03 15:49:19 +03:00
parent dcea2c70af
commit 5354d5be02
4 changed files with 120 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -34,11 +34,15 @@ module Styles = {
module DemoDist = {
let make = (~guesstimatorString: string) => {
let (ys, xs) = DistEditor.getPdfFromUserInput(guesstimatorString);
let (ys, xs, isEmpty) =
let continuous: DistTypes.xyShape = {xs, ys};
<Antd.Card title={"Distribution" |> E.ste}>
<div className=Styles.spacer />
<DistributionPlot continuous />
? "Nothing to show. Try to change the distribution description."
|> E.ste
: <DistributionPlot continuous />}

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@ -68,14 +68,18 @@ export class CdfChartD3 {
* @returns {CdfChartD3}
data(data) {
const continuousXs = _.get(data, 'continuous.xs', []);
const continuousYs = _.get(data, 'continuous.ys', []);
const discreteXs = _.get(data, 'discrete.xs', []);
const discreteYs = _.get(data, 'discrete.ys', []); = data; = data.continuous || {
xs: [],
ys: [], = {
xs: continuousXs,
ys: continuousYs,
}; = data.discrete || {
xs: [],
ys: [], = {
xs: discreteXs,
ys: discreteYs,
return this;

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@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
[@bs.module "./main.js"]
external getPdfFromUserInput: string => (array(float), array(float)) =
external getPdfFromUserInput: string => (array(float), array(float), bool) =

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@ -11,12 +11,22 @@ const bst = require("binary-search-tree");
const NUM_MC_SAMPLES = 300;
const OUTPUT_GRID_NUMEL = 300;
* @param start
* @param stop
* @param numel
* @returns {*[]}
function evenly_spaced_grid(start, stop, numel) {
return Array(numel)
.map((_, idx) => start + (idx / numel) * (stop - start));
* @param substrings
* @returns {*}
function get_distributions(substrings) {
// Takes an array of strings like "normal(0, 1)" and
// returns the corresponding distribution objects
@ -25,6 +35,19 @@ function get_distributions(substrings) {
return pdfs;
// update the binary search tree with bin points of
// deterministic_pdf transformed by tansform func
// (transfrom func can be a stocahstic func with parameters
// sampled from mc_distrs)
* @param transform_func
* @param deterministic_pdf
* @param mc_distrs
* @param track_idx
* @param num_mc_samples
* @param bst_pts_and_idxs
* @returns {(number)[]}
function update_transformed_divider_points_bst(
@ -33,10 +56,6 @@ function update_transformed_divider_points_bst(
) {
// update the binary search tree with bin points of
// deterministic_pdf transformed by tansform func
// (transfrom func can be a stocahstic func with parameters
// sampled from mc_distrs)
var transformed_pts = [];
var pdf_inner_idxs = [];
var factors = [];
@ -97,10 +116,16 @@ function update_transformed_divider_points_bst(
return [start_pt, end_pt];
// Take the binary search tree with transformed bin points,
// and an array of pdf values associated with the bins,
// and return a pdf over an evenly spaced grid
* @param pdf_vals
* @param bst_pts_and_idxs
* @param output_grid
* @returns {[]}
function get_final_pdf(pdf_vals, bst_pts_and_idxs, output_grid) {
// Take the binary search tree with transformed bin points,
// and an array of pdf values associated with the bins,
// and return a pdf over an evenly spaced grid
var offset = output_grid[1] / 2 - output_grid[0] / 2;
var active_intervals = new Map();
var active_endpoints = new bst.AVLTree();
@ -152,47 +177,65 @@ function get_final_pdf(pdf_vals, bst_pts_and_idxs, output_grid) {
return final_pdf_vals;
// Entrypoint. Pass user input strings to this function,
// get the corresponding pdf values and input points back.
// If the pdf requires monte carlo (it contains a between-distr function)
// we first determing which distr to have deterministic
// and which to sample from. This is decided based on which
// choice gives the least variance.
* @param user_input_string
* @returns {([]|*[])[]}
function get_pdf_from_user_input(user_input_string) {
// Entrypoint. Pass user input strings to this function,
// get the corresponding pdf values and input points back.
// If the pdf requires monte carlo (it contains a between-distr function)
// we first determing which distr to have deterministic
// and whih to sample from. This is decided based on which
// choice gives the least variance.
let parsed = parse.parse_initial_string(user_input_string);
let mm_args = parse.separate_mm_args(parsed.mm_args_string);
const is_mm = mm_args.distrs.length > 0;
let tree = new bst.AVLTree();
let possible_start_pts = [];
let possible_end_pts = [];
let all_vals = [];
let weights = is_mm ? math.compile(mm_args.weights).evaluate()._data : [1];
let weights_sum = weights.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
weights = => x / weights_sum);
let n_iters = is_mm ? mm_args.distrs.length : 1;
for (let i = 0; i < n_iters; ++i) {
let distr_string = is_mm ? mm_args.distrs[i] : parsed.outer_string;
var [deterministic_pdf, mc_distrs] = choose_pdf_func(distr_string);
var grid_transform = get_grid_transform(distr_string);
var [start_pt, end_pt] = update_transformed_divider_points_bst(
all_vals.push( => x * weights[i]));
let parsed = parse.parse_initial_string(user_input_string);
let mm_args = parse.separate_mm_args(parsed.mm_args_string);
const is_mm = mm_args.distrs.length > 0;
if (!parsed.outer_string) return [[], [], true];
let tree = new bst.AVLTree();
let possible_start_pts = [];
let possible_end_pts = [];
let all_vals = [];
let weights = is_mm ? math.compile(mm_args.weights).evaluate()._data : [1];
let weights_sum = weights.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
weights = => x / weights_sum);
let n_iters = is_mm ? mm_args.distrs.length : 1;
for (let i = 0; i < n_iters; ++i) {
let distr_string = is_mm ? mm_args.distrs[i] : parsed.outer_string;
var [deterministic_pdf, mc_distrs] = choose_pdf_func(distr_string);
var grid_transform = get_grid_transform(distr_string);
var [start_pt, end_pt] = update_transformed_divider_points_bst(
all_vals.push( => x * weights[i]));
start_pt = Math.min(...possible_start_pts);
end_pt = Math.max(...possible_end_pts);
let output_grid = evenly_spaced_grid(start_pt, end_pt, OUTPUT_GRID_NUMEL);
let final_pdf_vals = get_final_pdf(all_vals, tree, output_grid);
return [final_pdf_vals, output_grid, false];
} catch (e) {
return [[], [], true];
start_pt = Math.min(...possible_start_pts);
end_pt = Math.max(...possible_end_pts);
let output_grid = evenly_spaced_grid(start_pt, end_pt, OUTPUT_GRID_NUMEL);
let final_pdf_vals = get_final_pdf(all_vals, tree, output_grid);
return [final_pdf_vals, output_grid];
* @param vals
* @returns {number}
function variance(vals) {
var vari = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < vals[0].length; ++i) {
@ -209,14 +252,23 @@ function variance(vals) {
return vari;
* @param array
* @param idx
* @returns {*[]}
function pluck_from_array(array, idx) {
return [array[idx], array.slice(0, idx).concat(array.slice(idx + 1))];
// If distr_string requires MC, try all possible
// choices for the deterministic distribution,
// and pick the one with the least variance.
* @param distr_string
* @returns {(*|*[])[]|*[]}
function choose_pdf_func(distr_string) {
// If distr_string requires MC, try all possible
// choices for the deterministic distribution,
// and pick the one with the least variance.
var variances = [];
let transform_func = get_grid_transform(distr_string);
let substrings = parse.get_distr_substrings(distr_string);
@ -259,6 +311,10 @@ function choose_pdf_func(distr_string) {
return [pdfs[best_idx], mc_distrs];
* @param distr_string
* @returns {function(*): *}
function get_grid_transform(distr_string) {
let substrings = parse.get_distr_substrings(distr_string);
let arg_strings = [];