response to CR

Value: [1e-3 to 4e-3]
This commit is contained in:
Quinn Dougherty 2022-04-28 13:34:57 -04:00
parent 5b1ee7f0a6
commit 4ff14db6f3

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@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
Some functions from modules `L`, `O`, and `R` below were copied directly from
running `rescript convert -all` on Rationale
module FloatFloatMap = {
module Id = Belt.Id.MakeComparable({
type t = float
@ -335,6 +339,9 @@ module JsDate = {
/* List */
module L = {
module Util = {
let eq = (a, b) => a == b
let fmap =
let get = Belt.List.get
let toArray = Array.of_list
@ -397,11 +404,9 @@ module L = {
) |> fst
module Util = {
let eq = (a, b) => a == b
let uniqBy = (f, xs) => uniqWithBy(Util.eq, f, xs)
let join = j => List.fold_left((acc, v) => String.length(acc) == 0 ? v : acc ++ (j ++ v), "")
let head = xs =>
switch List.hd(xs) {
| exception _ => None
@ -409,17 +414,12 @@ module L = {
let uniq = xs => uniqBy(x => x, xs)
let flatten = List.flatten
let last = xs => xs |> List.rev |> head
let append = List.append
let getBy = Belt.List.getBy
let dropLast = (i, xs) => take(List.length(xs) - i, xs)
let containsWith = f => List.exists(f)
let contains = x => containsWith(Util.eq(x))
let reject = pred => List.filter(x => !pred(x))
@ -453,10 +453,9 @@ module L = {
let without = (exclude, xs) => reject(x => contains(x, exclude), xs)
let update = (x, i, xs) => adjust(F.always(x), i, xs)
let iter = List.iter
let findIndex = {
let rec loop = (pred, xs, i) =>
switch xs {