Minor MathJsParser cleanup

This commit is contained in:
Ozzie Gooen 2020-07-01 23:47:49 +01:00
parent 05097bf28a
commit 43ba49dd12

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@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
// todo: rename to SymbolicParser
module MathJsonToMathJsAdt = {
type arg =
| Symbol(string)
@ -242,27 +240,26 @@ module MathAdtToDistDst = {
let toCombination = r => Ok(`Operation(`AlgebraicCombination(r)));
let operationParser =
(name: string, args: array(result(TreeNode.treeNode, string))) =>
(name: string, args: array(result(TreeNode.treeNode, string))) => {
let toOkAlgebraic = r => Ok(`Operation(`AlgebraicCombination(r)));
let toOkTrunctate = r => Ok(`Operation(`Truncate(r)));
switch (name, args) {
| ("add", [|Ok(l), Ok(r)|]) => toCombination((`Add, l, r))
| ("add", [|Ok(l), Ok(r)|]) => toOkAlgebraic((`Add, l, r))
| ("add", _) => Error("Addition needs two operands")
| ("subtract", [|Ok(l), Ok(r)|]) => toCombination((`Subtract, l, r))
| ("subtract", [|Ok(l), Ok(r)|]) => toOkAlgebraic((`Subtract, l, r))
| ("subtract", _) => Error("Subtraction needs two operands")
| ("multiply", [|Ok(l), Ok(r)|]) => toCombination((`Multiply, l, r))
| ("multiply", [|Ok(l), Ok(r)|]) => toOkAlgebraic((`Multiply, l, r))
| ("multiply", _) => Error("Multiplication needs two operands")
| ("divide", [|Ok(_), Ok(`DistData(`Symbolic(`Float(0.0))))|]) =>
Error("Division by zero")
| ("divide", [|Ok(l), Ok(r)|]) => toCombination((`Divide, l, r))
| ("divide", [|Ok(l), Ok(r)|]) => toOkAlgebraic((`Divide, l, r))
| ("divide", _) => Error("Division needs two operands")
| ("pow", _) => Error("Exponentiation is not yet supported.")
| ("leftTruncate", [|Ok(d), Ok(`DistData(`Symbolic(`Float(lc))))|]) =>
Ok(`Operation(`Truncate((Some(lc), None, d))))
toOkTrunctate((Some(lc), None, d))
| ("leftTruncate", _) =>
Error("leftTruncate needs two arguments: the expression and the cutoff")
| ("rightTruncate", [|Ok(d), Ok(`DistData(`Symbolic(`Float(rc))))|]) =>
Ok(`Operation(`Truncate((None, Some(rc), d))))
toOkTrunctate((None, Some(rc), d))
| ("rightTruncate", _) =>
"rightTruncate needs two arguments: the expression and the cutoff",
@ -275,15 +272,15 @@ module MathAdtToDistDst = {
) =>
Ok(`Operation(`Truncate((Some(lc), Some(rc), d))))
toOkTrunctate((Some(lc), Some(rc), d))
| ("truncate", _) =>
Error("truncate needs three arguments: the expression and both cutoffs")
| _ => Error("This type not currently supported")
let rec functionParser = (r): result(TreeNode.treeNode, string) => {
let parseFunction = (name, args) => {
let parseArgs = () => args |> E.A.fmap(functionParser);
let functionParser = (nodeParser, name, args) => {
let parseArgs = () => args |> E.A.fmap(nodeParser);
switch (name) {
| "normal" => normal(args)
| "lognormal" => lognormal(args)
@ -293,27 +290,7 @@ module MathAdtToDistDst = {
| "exponential" => exponential(args)
| "cauchy" => cauchy(args)
| "triangular" => triangular(args)
| "mean" => Error("mean(...) not yet implemented.")
| "inv" => Error("inv(...) not yet implemented.")
| "sample" => Error("sample(...) not yet implemented.")
| "pdf" => Error("pdf(...) not yet implemented.")
| "add"
| "subtract"
| "multiply"
| "divide"
| "pow"
| "leftTruncate"
| "rightTruncate"
| "truncate" => operationParser(name, parseArgs())
| n => Error(n ++ " is not currently supported")
|> (
| Value(f) => Ok(`DistData(`Symbolic(`Float(f))))
| Fn({name: "mm", args}) => {
| "mm" =>
let weights =
|> E.A.last
@ -336,26 +313,39 @@ module MathAdtToDistDst = {
? Belt.Array.slice(args, ~offset=0, ~len=E.A.length(args) - 1)
: args;
let dists = possibleDists |> E.A.fmap(functionParser);
let dists = possibleDists |> E.A.fmap(nodeParser);
multiModal(dists, weights);
| Fn({name: n, args}) => parseFunction(n, args)
| _ => {
Error("This type not currently supported");
| "add"
| "subtract"
| "multiply"
| "divide"
| "pow"
| "leftTruncate"
| "rightTruncate"
| "truncate" => operationParser(name, parseArgs())
| "mean" as n
| "inv" as n
| "sample" as n
| "pdf" as n
| n => Error(n ++ "(...) is not currently supported")
let topLevel = (r): result(TreeNode.treeNode, string) =>
|> (
let rec nodeParser =
| Value(f) => Ok(`DistData(`Symbolic(`Float(f))))
| Fn({name, args}) => functionParser(nodeParser, name, args)
| _ => {
Error("This type not currently supported");
let topLevel =
| Fn(_) => functionParser(r)
| Value(r) => Ok(`DistData(`Symbolic(`Float(r))))
| Array(r) => arrayParser(r)
| Value(_) as r => nodeParser(r)
| Fn(_) as r => nodeParser(r)
| Symbol(_) => Error("Symbol not valid as top level")
| Object(_) => Error("Object not valid as top level")
| Object(_) => Error("Object not valid as top level");
let run = (r): result(TreeNode.treeNode, string) =>
r |> MathAdtCleaner.run |> topLevel;