Merge pull request from quantified-uncertainty/reducer-void

Reducer: void type
This commit is contained in:
Ozzie Gooen 2022-07-20 16:46:48 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit 4055d1e93c
No known key found for this signature in database
12 changed files with 163 additions and 91 deletions

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@ -200,6 +200,12 @@ export const SquiggleItem: React.FC<SquiggleItemProps> = ({
case "void":
return (
<VariableBox heading="Void" showTypes={showTypes}>
case "timeDuration": {
return (
<VariableBox heading="Time Duration" showTypes={showTypes}>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
open Jest
open Reducer_Peggy_TestHelpers
describe("Peggy void", () => {
testToExpression("()", "{()}", ~v="()", ())
"{(:$_let_$ :fn (:$$_lambda_$$ [_] {1}))}",
~v="@{fn: lambda(_=>internal code)}",
testToExpression("fn()=1; fn()", "{(:$_let_$ :fn (:$$_lambda_$$ [_] {1})); (:fn ())}", ~v="1", ())
"fn(a)=(); call fn(1)",
"{(:$_let_$ :fn (:$$_lambda_$$ [a] {()})); (:$_let_$ :_ {(:fn 1)})}",
~v="@{_: (),fn: lambda(a=>internal code)}",

View File

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
"format:prettier": "prettier --write .",
"format": "yarn format:rescript && yarn format:prettier",
"prepack": "yarn build && yarn test && yarn bundle",
"all:rescript": "yarn build:rescript && yarn test:rescript && yarn format:rescript",
"all": "yarn build && yarn bundle && yarn test"
"keywords": [

View File

@ -120,77 +120,86 @@ function createTsExport(
x: expressionValue,
environment: environment
): squiggleExpression {
switch (x.tag) {
case "EvArray":
// genType doesn't convert anything more than 2 layers down into {tag: x, value: x}
// format, leaving it as the raw values. This converts the raw values
// directly into typescript values.
// The casting here is because genType is about the types of the returned
// values, claiming they are fully recursive when that's not actually the
// case
return tag(
(arrayItem): squiggleExpression =>
arrayItem as unknown as rescriptExport,
switch (x) {
case "EvVoid":
return tag("void", "");
default: {
switch (x.tag) {
case "EvArray":
// genType doesn't convert anything more than 2 layers down into {tag: x, value: x}
// format, leaving it as the raw values. This converts the raw values
// directly into typescript values.
// The casting here is because genType is about the types of the returned
// values, claiming they are fully recursive when that's not actually the
// case
return tag(
(arrayItem): squiggleExpression =>
arrayItem as unknown as rescriptExport,
case "EvArrayString":
return tag("arraystring", x.value);
case "EvBool":
return tag("boolean", x.value);
case "EvCall":
return tag("call", x.value);
case "EvLambda":
return tag("lambda", x.value);
case "EvDistribution":
return tag("distribution", new Distribution(x.value, environment));
case "EvNumber":
return tag("number", x.value);
case "EvRecord":
// genType doesn't support records, so we have to do the raw conversion ourself
let result: tagged<"record", { [key: string]: squiggleExpression }> = tag(
_.mapValues(x.value, (x: unknown) =>
convertRawToTypescript(x as rescriptExport, environment)
return result;
case "EvString":
return tag("string", x.value);
case "EvSymbol":
return tag("symbol", x.value);
case "EvDate":
return tag("date", x.value);
case "EvTimeDuration":
return tag("timeDuration", x.value);
case "EvDeclaration":
return tag("lambdaDeclaration", x.value);
case "EvTypeIdentifier":
return tag("typeIdentifier", x.value);
case "EvType":
let typeResult: tagged<"type", { [key: string]: squiggleExpression }> =
_.mapValues(x.value, (x: unknown) =>
convertRawToTypescript(x as rescriptExport, environment)
return typeResult;
case "EvModule":
let moduleResult: tagged<
{ [key: string]: squiggleExpression }
> = tag(
_.mapValues(x.value, (x: unknown) =>
convertRawToTypescript(x as rescriptExport, environment)
return moduleResult;
case "EvArrayString":
return tag("arraystring", x.value);
case "EvBool":
return tag("boolean", x.value);
case "EvCall":
return tag("call", x.value);
case "EvLambda":
return tag("lambda", x.value);
case "EvDistribution":
return tag("distribution", new Distribution(x.value, environment));
case "EvNumber":
return tag("number", x.value);
case "EvRecord":
// genType doesn't support records, so we have to do the raw conversion ourself
let result: tagged<"record", { [key: string]: squiggleExpression }> =
_.mapValues(x.value, (x: unknown) =>
convertRawToTypescript(x as rescriptExport, environment)
return result;
case "EvString":
return tag("string", x.value);
case "EvSymbol":
return tag("symbol", x.value);
case "EvDate":
return tag("date", x.value);
case "EvTimeDuration":
return tag("timeDuration", x.value);
case "EvDeclaration":
return tag("lambdaDeclaration", x.value);
case "EvTypeIdentifier":
return tag("typeIdentifier", x.value);
case "EvType":
let typeResult: tagged<
{ [key: string]: squiggleExpression }
> = tag(
_.mapValues(x.value, (x: unknown) =>
convertRawToTypescript(x as rescriptExport, environment)
return typeResult;
case "EvModule":
let moduleResult: tagged<
{ [key: string]: squiggleExpression }
> = tag(
_.mapValues(x.value, (x: unknown) =>
convertRawToTypescript(x as rescriptExport, environment)
return moduleResult;

View File

@ -131,7 +131,8 @@ export type squiggleExpression =
| tagged<"record", { [key: string]: squiggleExpression }>
| tagged<"type", { [key: string]: squiggleExpression }>
| tagged<"typeIdentifier", string>
| tagged<"module", { [key: string]: squiggleExpression }>;
| tagged<"module", { [key: string]: squiggleExpression }>
| tagged<"void", string>;
export { lambdaValue };

View File

@ -82,3 +82,5 @@ let eIdentifier = (name: string): expression =>
let eTypeIdentifier = (name: string): expression =>
let eVoid: expression = BInternalExpressionValue.IEvVoid->BExpressionT.EValue

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@ -5,13 +5,12 @@
// = _nl start:typeExpression _nl finalComment? {return start}
= _nl start:outerBlock _nl finalComment? {return start}
zeroOMoreArgumentsBlockOrExpression = innerBlockOrExpression / lambda
= statements:array_statements finalExpression: (statementSeparator @expression)?
= statements:array_statements finalExpression: (statementSeparator @expression)?
{ if (finalExpression != null) { statements.push(finalExpression) }
return h.nodeBlock(statements) }
/ finalExpression: expression
@ -24,25 +23,31 @@ innerBlockOrExpression
= '{' _nl statements:array_statements finalExpression: (statementSeparator @expression) _nl '}'
{ statements.push(finalExpression)
return h.nodeBlock(statements) }
{ statements.push(finalExpression)
return h.nodeBlock(statements) }
/ '{' _nl finalExpression: expression _nl '}'
{ return h.nodeBlock([finalExpression]) }
{ return h.nodeBlock([finalExpression]) }
= head:statement tail:(statementSeparator @array_statements )
{ return [head, ...tail] }
/ head:statement
{ return [head] }
{ return [head] }
= letStatement
/ defunStatement
/ typeStatement
/ voidStatement
= "call" _nl value:zeroOMoreArgumentsBlockOrExpression
{ var variable = h.nodeIdentifier("_", location());
return h.nodeLetStatement(variable, value); }
= variable:identifier _ assignmentOp _nl value:zeroOMoreArgumentsBlockOrExpression
{ return h.nodeLetStatement(variable, value) }
{ return h.nodeLetStatement(variable, value) }
= variable:identifier '(' _nl args:array_parameters _nl ')' _ assignmentOp _nl body:innerBlockOrExpression
@ -53,13 +58,15 @@ defunStatement
= head:dollarIdentifier tail:(_ ',' _nl @dollarIdentifier)*
{ return [head, ...tail]; }
{ return [head, ...tail]; }
/ ""
{ return [h.nodeIdentifier("_", location())]; }
expression = ifthenelse / ternary / logicalAdditive
= 'if' __nl condition:logicalAdditive
__nl 'then' __nl trueExpression:innerBlockOrExpression
__nl 'then' __nl trueExpression:innerBlockOrExpression
__nl 'else' __nl falseExpression:(ifthenelse/innerBlockOrExpression)
{ return h.nodeTernary(condition, trueExpression, falseExpression) }
@ -88,8 +95,8 @@ equality
= left:relational _ operator:equalityOp _nl right:relational
{ return h.makeFunctionCall(h.toFunction[operator], [left, right])}
/ relational
equalityOp "operator" = '=='/'!='
equalityOp "operator" = '=='/'!='
= left:additive _ operator:relationalOp _nl right:additive
@ -172,19 +179,25 @@ collectionElement
= head:expression tail:(_ ',' _nl @expression)*
{ return [head, ...tail]; }
/ ""
{return [h.nodeVoid()];}
= '(' _nl expression:expression _nl ')' {return expression}
/ basicValue
basicValue = valueConstructor / basicLiteral
= string
/ number
/ boolean
/ dollarIdentifierWithModule
/ dollarIdentifier
/ voidLiteral
voidLiteral 'void'
= "()" {return h.nodeVoid();}
dollarIdentifierWithModule 'identifier'
= head:$moduleIdentifier
@ -195,7 +208,7 @@ dollarIdentifierWithModule 'identifier'
let modifiedIdentifier = modifiers.join('.')
return h.nodeIdentifier(modifiedIdentifier)
return h.nodeIdentifier(modifiedIdentifier, location())
identifier 'identifier'
@ -232,8 +245,8 @@ float 'float'
= $(((d+ "\." d*) / ("\." d+)) floatExponent? / d+ floatExponent)
{ return h.nodeFloat(parseFloat(text()))}
floatExponent = [e]i '-'? d+
d = [0-9]
floatExponent = [e]i '-'? d+
d = [0-9]
boolean 'boolean'
= ('true'/'false')
@ -247,10 +260,10 @@ valueConstructor
= '{' _nl '|' _nl args:array_parameters _nl '|' _nl statements:array_statements finalExpression: (statementSeparator @expression) _nl '}'
{ statements.push(finalExpression)
return h.nodeLambda(args, h.nodeBlock(statements)) }
{ statements.push(finalExpression)
return h.nodeLambda(args, h.nodeBlock(statements)) }
/ '{' _nl '|' _nl args:array_parameters _nl '|' _nl finalExpression: expression _nl '}'
{ return h.nodeLambda(args, h.nodeBlock([finalExpression])) }
{ return h.nodeLambda(args, h.nodeBlock([finalExpression])) }
arrayConstructor 'array'
= '[' _nl ']'
@ -289,7 +302,7 @@ __nl 'whitespace or newline'
= (whiteSpaceCharactersOrComment / commentOrNewLine )+
statementSeparator 'statement separator'
= _ (';'/ commentOrNewLine)+ _nl
= _ (';'/ commentOrNewLine)+ _nl
commentOrNewLine = finalComment? newLine

View File

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ type nodeModuleIdentifier = {...node, "value": string}
type nodeString = {...node, "value": string}
type nodeTernary = {...node, "condition": node, "trueExpression": node, "falseExpression": node}
type nodeTypeIdentifier = {...node, "value": string}
type nodeVoid = node
type peggyNode =
| PgNodeBlock(nodeBlock)
@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ type peggyNode =
| PgNodeString(nodeString)
| PgNodeTernary(nodeTernary)
| PgNodeTypeIdentifier(nodeTypeIdentifier)
| PgNodeVoid(nodeVoid)
external castNodeBlock: node => nodeBlock = "%identity"
external castNodeBoolean: node => nodeBoolean = "%identity"
@ -65,6 +67,7 @@ external castNodeModuleIdentifier: node => nodeModuleIdentifier = "%identity"
external castNodeString: node => nodeString = "%identity"
external castNodeTernary: node => nodeTernary = "%identity"
external castNodeTypeIdentifier: node => nodeTypeIdentifier = "%identity"
external castNodeVoid: node => nodeVoid = "%identity"
exception UnsupportedPeggyNodeType(string) // This should never happen; programming error
let castNodeType = (node: node) =>
@ -83,6 +86,7 @@ let castNodeType = (node: node) =>
| "String" => node->castNodeString->PgNodeString
| "Ternary" => node->castNodeTernary->PgNodeTernary
| "TypeIdentifier" => node->castNodeTypeIdentifier->PgNodeTypeIdentifier
| "Void" => node->castNodeVoid->PgNodeVoid
| _ => raise(UnsupportedPeggyNodeType(node["type"]))
@ -116,6 +120,7 @@ let rec pgToString = (peggyNode: peggyNode): string => {
" " ++
toString(node["falseExpression"]) ++ ")"
| PgNodeTypeIdentifier(node) => `#${node["value"]}`
| PgNodeVoid(_node) => "()"
and toString = (node: node): string => node->castNodeType->pgToString

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@ -48,5 +48,6 @@ let rec fromNode = (node: Parse.node): expression => {
| PgNodeTypeIdentifier(nodeTypeIdentifier) =>
| PgNodeVoid(_) => ExpressionBuilder.eVoid

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@ -213,3 +213,7 @@ export function nodeTernary(
export function nodeTypeIdentifier(typeValue: string) {
return { type: "TypeIdentifier", value: typeValue };
export function nodeVoid() {
return { type: "Void" };

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@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ type rec externalExpressionValue =
| EvTypeIdentifier(string)
| EvModule(record)
| EvType(record)
| EvVoid
and record = Js.Dict.t<externalExpressionValue>
and externalBindings = record
and lambdaValue = {
@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ let rec toString = aValue =>
| EvTimeDuration(t) => DateTime.Duration.toString(t)
| EvType(t) => `type${t->toStringRecord}`
| EvTypeIdentifier(id) => `#${id}`
| EvVoid => `()`
and toStringRecord = aRecord => {
let pairs =

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@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ type rec t =
| IEvTimeDuration(float)
| IEvType(map)
| IEvTypeIdentifier(string)
| IEvVoid
and map = Belt.Map.String.t<t>
and nameSpace = NameSpace(Belt.Map.String.t<t>)
and lambdaValue = {
@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ let rec toString = aValue =>
| IEvType(aMap) => aMap->toStringMap
| IEvTimeDuration(t) => DateTime.Duration.toString(t)
| IEvTypeIdentifier(id) => `#${id}`
| IEvVoid => `()`
and toStringMap = aMap => {
let pairs =
@ -92,6 +94,7 @@ let toStringWithType = aValue =>
| IEvTimeDuration(_) => `Date::${toString(aValue)}`
| IEvType(_) => `Type::${toString(aValue)}`
| IEvTypeIdentifier(_) => `TypeIdentifier::${toString(aValue)}`
| IEvVoid => `Void`
let argsToString = (args: array<t>): string => {
@ -135,6 +138,7 @@ type internalExpressionValueType =
| EvtTimeDuration
| EvtType
| EvtTypeIdentifier
| EvtVoid
type functionCallSignature = CallSignature(string, array<internalExpressionValueType>)
type functionDefinitionSignature =
@ -158,6 +162,7 @@ let valueToValueType = value =>
| IEvTimeDuration(_) => EvtTimeDuration
| IEvType(_) => EvtType
| IEvTypeIdentifier(_) => EvtTypeIdentifier
| IEvVoid => EvtVoid
let externalValueToValueType = (value: ExternalExpressionValue.t) =>
@ -203,6 +208,7 @@ let valueTypeToString = (valueType: internalExpressionValueType): string =>
| EvtTimeDuration => `Duration`
| EvtType => `Type`
| EvtTypeIdentifier => `TypeIdentifier`
| EvtVoid => `Void`
let functionCallSignatureToString = (functionCallSignature: functionCallSignature): string => {
@ -232,6 +238,7 @@ let rec toExternal = (iev: t): ExternalExpressionValue.t => {
| IEvType(v) => v->mapToExternal->EvType
| IEvTypeIdentifier(v) => EvTypeIdentifier(v)
| IEvBindings(v) => v->nameSpaceToTypeScriptBindings->EvModule
| IEvVoid => EvVoid
and mapToExternal = v =>
@ -271,6 +278,7 @@ let rec toInternal = (ev: ExternalExpressionValue.t): t => {
| EvTimeDuration(v) => IEvTimeDuration(v)
| EvType(v) => v->recordToInternal->IEvType
| EvTypeIdentifier(v) => IEvTypeIdentifier(v)
| EvVoid => IEvVoid
and recordToInternal = v =>