feat: get 'convolutions' working for sum of distributions

This commit is contained in:
NunoSempere 2022-04-20 11:32:50 -04:00
parent 8b042db2b8
commit 36b318dede

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@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
let emptyXYShape: PointSetTypes.xyShape = {xs: [], ys: []}
exception LogicallyInconsistent(string)
let getApproximatePdfOfContinuousDistributionAtPoint = (
dist: PointSetTypes.xyShape,
point: float,
): float => {
let closestFromBelowIndex = E.A.reducei(dist.xs, None, (accumulator, item, index) =>
item < point ? Some(index) : accumulator
let closestFromAboveIndexOption = Belt.Array.getIndexBy(dist.xs, item => item > point)
let weightedMean = (
point: float,
closestFromBelow: float,
closestFromAbove: float,
): float => {
let distance = closestFromAbove -. closestFromBelow
let w1 = (point -. closestFromBelow) /. distance
let w2 = (closestFromAbove -. point) /. distance
let result = w1 *. valueclosestFromAbove +. w2 *. valueclosestFromBelow
let result = switch (closestFromBelowIndex, closestFromAboveIndexOption) {
| (None, None) =>
"Logically inconsistent option in NumericShapeCombination2.res. Possibly caused by empty distribution",
) // all are smaller, and all are larger
| (None, Some(i)) => 0.0 // none are smaller, all are larger
| (Some(i), None) => 0.0 // all are smaller, none are larger
| (Some(i), Some(j)) => weightedMean(point, dist.xs[i], dist.xs[j], dist.ys[i], dist.ys[j]) // there is a lowerBound and an upperBound.
let addContinuousContinuous = (
s1: PointSetTypes.xyShape,
s2: PointSetTypes.xyShape,
): PointSetTypes.xyShape => {
// Assumption: xyShapes are ordered on the x coordinate.
// Get some needed variables
let len1 = XYShape.T.length(s1)
let mins1xs = s1.xs[0] // Belt.Array.reduce(s1.xs, s1.xs[0], (a, b) => a < b ? a : b)
let maxs1xs = s1.xs[len1 - 1] // Belt.Array.reduce(s1.xs, s1.xs[0], (a, b) => a > b ? a : b)
let len2 = XYShape.T.length(s2)
let mins2xs = s2.xs[0] // Belt.Array.reduce(s1.xs, s1.xs[0], (a, b) => a < b ? a : b)
let maxs2xs = s2.xs[len1 - 1] // Belt.Array.reduce(s1.xs, s1.xs[0], (a, b) => a > b ? a : b)
let lowerBound = mins1xs +. mins2xs
let upperBound = maxs1xs +. maxs2xs
let numIntervals = 2 * Js.Math.max_int(len1, len2)
let epsilon = (upperBound -. lowerBound) /. Belt.Int.toFloat(numIntervals) // Js.Math.pow_float(~base=2.0, ~exp=-16.0)
let newXs: array<float> = Belt.Array.makeUninitializedUnsafe(numIntervals)
let newYs: array<float> = Belt.Array.makeUninitializedUnsafe(numIntervals)
let getApproximatePdfOfS1AtPoint = x => getApproximatePdfOfContinuousDistributionAtPoint(s1, x)
let getApproximatePdfOfS2AtPoint = x => getApproximatePdfOfContinuousDistributionAtPoint(s2, x)
let float = x => Belt.Int.toFloat(x)
// Compute the integral numerically.
for i in 0 to numIntervals - 1 {
newXs[i] = lowerBound +. float(i) *. epsilon
newYs[i] = 0.0
for j in 0 to numIntervals - 1 {
let deltaYi =
getApproximatePdfOfS1AtPoint(lowerBound +. float(j) *. epsilon) *.
getApproximatePdfOfS2AtPoint(float(i) *. epsilon -. float(j) *. epsilon)
// lowerBound +. float(i) *. epsilon - (lowerBound +. float(j) *. epsilon)
newYs[i] = newYs[i] +. deltaYi
// This could be improved by, for instance, choosing the location of the xs strategically
// for example, such that each of them is "equidistant" in a cdf, that is, such that the
// cdf increases by constant amounts from one point to another.
{xs: newXs, ys: newYs}
let combineShapesContinuousContinuous = (
op: Operation.algebraicOperation,
s1: PointSetTypes.xyShape,
s2: PointSetTypes.xyShape,
): PointSetTypes.xyShape => {
let result = switch op {
| #Add => addContinuousContinuous(s1, s2)
| #Subtract => emptyXYShape
| #Multiply => emptyXYShape
| #Power => emptyXYShape
| #Logarithm => emptyXYShape
| #Divide => emptyXYShape
// Not sure I understand how to combine continuous and discrete distribution
let combineShapesContinuousDiscrete = (
op: Operation.algebraicOperation,
continuousShape: PointSetTypes.xyShape,
discreteShape: PointSetTypes.xyShape,
): PointSetTypes.xyShape => emptyXYShape
let combineShapesDiscreteContinuous = (
op: Operation.algebraicOperation,
discreteShape: PointSetTypes.xyShape,
continuousShape: PointSetTypes.xyShape,
): PointSetTypes.xyShape => emptyXYShape