Converting most files to rescript

This commit is contained in:
Ozzie Gooen 2022-02-06 18:10:39 -05:00
parent 748896fce1
commit 3019a58962
36 changed files with 1700 additions and 1890 deletions

View File

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@

View File

@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
"reason-react": ">=0.7.0",
"reschema": "^2.2.0",
"rescript": "^9.1.4",
"squiggle-experimental": "^0.1.8",
"tailwindcss": "1.2.0",
"vega": "*",
"vega-embed": "6.6.0",

View File

@ -9094,6 +9094,19 @@ sprintf-js@~1.0.2:
resolved ""
integrity sha1-BOaSb2YolTVPPdAVIDYzuFcpfiw=
version "0.1.8"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-k+r6AD3n1mvUk6vFQ7qOYd36nl5/w341IF1RNyA2SOI24iuePLiz145C46kLeWRCAYEOmeAPsBV7PbpP0V912w==
"@glennsl/bs-json" "^5.0.2"
"@rescriptbr/reform" "^11.0.1"
babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs "^6.26.2"
lodash "4.17.15"
mathjs "5.10.3"
pdfast "^0.2.0"
rationale "0.2.0"
version "1.16.1"
resolved ""

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ let makeTest = (~only=false, str, item1, item2) =>
describe("Lodash", () => {
describe("Lodash", () => {
makeTest(~only=true, "Foo", Jstat.Normal.mean(5.0,2.0), 5.0);
makeTest("min", Lodash.min([|1, 3, 4|]), 1);
makeTest("max", Lodash.max([|1, 3, 4|]), 4);
makeTest("uniq", Lodash.uniq([|1, 3, 4, 4|]), [|1, 3, 4|]);

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"start": "rescript build -w",
"clean": "rescript clean",
"test": "jest",
"test:ci": "yarn jest",
"test:ci": "yarn jest ./__tests__/",
"watch:test": "jest --watchAll",
"watch:s": "yarn jest -- Converter_test --watch"

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
open ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree;
let toString = ExpressionTreeBasic.toString;
let envs = (samplingInputs, environment) => {
{samplingInputs, environment, evaluateNode: ExpressionTreeEvaluator.toLeaf};
let toLeaf = (samplingInputs, environment, node: node) =>
ExpressionTreeEvaluator.toLeaf(envs(samplingInputs, environment), node);
let toShape = (samplingInputs, environment, node: node) => {
switch (toLeaf(samplingInputs, environment, node)) {
| Ok(`RenderedDist(shape)) => Ok(shape)
| Ok(_) => Error("Rendering failed.")
| Error(e) => Error(e)
let runFunction = (samplingInputs, environment, inputs, fn: PTypes.Function.t) => {
let params = envs(samplingInputs, environment);, inputs, fn);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
open ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree
let toString = ExpressionTreeBasic.toString
let envs = (samplingInputs, environment) => {
samplingInputs: samplingInputs,
environment: environment,
evaluateNode: ExpressionTreeEvaluator.toLeaf,
let toLeaf = (samplingInputs, environment, node: node) =>
ExpressionTreeEvaluator.toLeaf(envs(samplingInputs, environment), node)
let toShape = (samplingInputs, environment, node: node) =>
switch toLeaf(samplingInputs, environment, node) {
| Ok(#RenderedDist(shape)) => Ok(shape)
| Ok(_) => Error("Rendering failed.")
| Error(e) => Error(e)
let runFunction = (samplingInputs, environment, inputs, fn: PTypes.Function.t) => {
let params = envs(samplingInputs, environment), inputs, fn)

View File

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
open ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree;
let rec toString: node => string =
| `SymbolicDist(d) => SymbolicDist.T.toString(d)
| `RenderedDist(_) => "[renderedShape]"
| `AlgebraicCombination(op, t1, t2) =>
Operation.Algebraic.format(op, toString(t1), toString(t2))
| `PointwiseCombination(op, t1, t2) =>
Operation.Pointwise.format(op, toString(t1), toString(t2))
| `Normalize(t) => "normalize(k" ++ toString(t) ++ ")"
| `Truncate(lc, rc, t) =>
Operation.T.truncateToString(lc, rc, toString(t))
| `Render(t) => toString(t)
| `Symbol(t) => "Symbol: " ++ t
| `FunctionCall(name, args) =>
"[Function call: ("
++ name
++ (args |> E.A.fmap(toString) |> Js.String.concatMany(_, ","))
++ ")]"
| `Function(args, internal) =>
"[Function: ("
++ (args |> Js.String.concatMany(_, ","))
++ toString(internal)
++ ")]"
| `Array(a) =>
"[" ++ (a |> E.A.fmap(toString) |> Js.String.concatMany(_, ",")) ++ "]"
| `Hash(h) =>
++ (
|> E.A.fmap(((name, value)) => name ++ ":" ++ toString(value))
|> Js.String.concatMany(_, ",")
++ "}";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
open ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree
let rec toString: node => string = x =>
switch x {
| #SymbolicDist(d) => SymbolicDist.T.toString(d)
| #RenderedDist(_) => "[renderedShape]"
| #AlgebraicCombination(op, t1, t2) => Operation.Algebraic.format(op, toString(t1), toString(t2))
| #PointwiseCombination(op, t1, t2) => Operation.Pointwise.format(op, toString(t1), toString(t2))
| #Normalize(t) => "normalize(k" ++ (toString(t) ++ ")")
| #Truncate(lc, rc, t) => Operation.T.truncateToString(lc, rc, toString(t))
| #Render(t) => toString(t)
| #Symbol(t) => "Symbol: " ++ t
| #FunctionCall(name, args) =>
"[Function call: (" ++
(name ++
((args |> E.A.fmap(toString) |> Js.String.concatMany(_, ",")) ++ ")]"))
| #Function(args, internal) =>
"[Function: (" ++ ((args |> Js.String.concatMany(_, ",")) ++ (toString(internal) ++ ")]"))
| #Array(a) => "[" ++ ((a |> E.A.fmap(toString) |> Js.String.concatMany(_, ",")) ++ "]")
| #Hash(h) =>
"{" ++
|> E.A.fmap(((name, value)) => name ++ (":" ++ toString(value)))
|> Js.String.concatMany(_, ",")) ++

View File

@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
open ExpressionTypes;
open ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree;
type t = node;
type tResult = node => result(node, string);
/* Given two random variables A and B, this returns the distribution
of a new variable that is the result of the operation on A and B.
For instance, normal(0, 1) + normal(1, 1) -> normal(1, 2).
In general, this is implemented via convolution. */
module AlgebraicCombination = {
let tryAnalyticalSimplification = (operation, t1: t, t2: t) =>
switch (operation, t1, t2) {
| (operation, `SymbolicDist(d1), `SymbolicDist(d2)) =>
switch (SymbolicDist.T.tryAnalyticalSimplification(d1, d2, operation)) {
| `AnalyticalSolution(symbolicDist) => Ok(`SymbolicDist(symbolicDist))
| `Error(er) => Error(er)
| `NoSolution => Ok(`AlgebraicCombination((operation, t1, t2)))
| _ => Ok(`AlgebraicCombination((operation, t1, t2)))
let combinationByRendering =
(evaluationParams, algebraicOp, t1: node, t2: node)
: result(node, string) => {
Render.ensureIsRenderedAndGetShape(evaluationParams, t1),
Render.ensureIsRenderedAndGetShape(evaluationParams, t2),
|> E.R.fmap(((a, b)) =>
`RenderedDist(Shape.combineAlgebraically(algebraicOp, a, b))
let nodeScore: node => int =
| `SymbolicDist(`Float(_)) => 1
| `SymbolicDist(_) => 1000
| `RenderedDist(Discrete(m)) => m.xyShape |> XYShape.T.length
| `RenderedDist(Mixed(_)) => 1000
| `RenderedDist(Continuous(_)) => 1000
| _ => 1000;
let choose = (t1: node, t2: node) => {
nodeScore(t1) * nodeScore(t2) > 10000 ? `Sampling : `Analytical;
let combine =
(evaluationParams, algebraicOp, t1: node, t2: node)
: result(node, string) => {
|> E.R.bind(_, ((a, b)) =>
switch (choose(a, b)) {
| `Sampling =>
| `Analytical =>
combinationByRendering(evaluationParams, algebraicOp, a, b)
let operationToLeaf =
evaluationParams: evaluationParams,
algebraicOp: ExpressionTypes.algebraicOperation,
t1: t,
t2: t,
: result(node, string) =>
|> tryAnalyticalSimplification(_, t1, t2)
|> E.R.bind(
| `SymbolicDist(_) as t => Ok(t)
| _ => combine(evaluationParams, algebraicOp, t1, t2),
module PointwiseCombination = {
let pointwiseAdd = (evaluationParams: evaluationParams, t1: t, t2: t) => {
switch (
Render.render(evaluationParams, t1),
Render.render(evaluationParams, t2),
) {
| (Ok(`RenderedDist(rs1)), Ok(`RenderedDist(rs2))) =>
~integralSumCachesFn=(a, b) => Some(a +. b),
(a, b) =>
| (Error(e1), _) => Error(e1)
| (_, Error(e2)) => Error(e2)
| _ => Error("Pointwise combination: rendering failed.")
let pointwiseCombine =
(fn, evaluationParams: evaluationParams, t1: t, t2: t) => {
// TODO: construct a function that we can easily sample from, to construct
// a RenderedDist. Use the xMin and xMax of the rendered shapes to tell the sampling function where to look.
// TODO: This should work for symbolic distributions too!
switch (
Render.render(evaluationParams, t1),
Render.render(evaluationParams, t2),
) {
| (Ok(`RenderedDist(rs1)), Ok(`RenderedDist(rs2))) =>
Ok(`RenderedDist(Shape.combinePointwise(fn, rs1, rs2)))
| (Error(e1), _) => Error(e1)
| (_, Error(e2)) => Error(e2)
| _ => Error("Pointwise combination: rendering failed.")
let operationToLeaf =
evaluationParams: evaluationParams,
pointwiseOp: pointwiseOperation,
t1: t,
t2: t,
) => {
switch (pointwiseOp) {
| `Add => pointwiseAdd(evaluationParams, t1, t2)
| `Multiply => pointwiseCombine(( *. ), evaluationParams, t1, t2)
| `Exponentiate => pointwiseCombine(( ** ), evaluationParams, t1, t2)
module Truncate = {
let trySimplification = (leftCutoff, rightCutoff, t): simplificationResult => {
switch (leftCutoff, rightCutoff, t) {
| (None, None, t) => `Solution(t)
| (Some(lc), Some(rc), _) when lc > rc =>
"Left truncation bound must be smaller than right truncation bound.",
| (lc, rc, `SymbolicDist(`Uniform(u))) =>
`SymbolicDist(`Uniform(SymbolicDist.Uniform.truncate(lc, rc, u))),
| _ => `NoSolution
let truncateAsShape =
(evaluationParams: evaluationParams, leftCutoff, rightCutoff, t) => {
// TODO: use named args for xMin/xMax in renderToShape; if we're lucky we can at least get the tail
// of a distribution we otherwise wouldn't get at all
switch (Render.ensureIsRendered(evaluationParams, t)) {
| Ok(`RenderedDist(rs)) =>
Ok(`RenderedDist(Shape.T.truncate(leftCutoff, rightCutoff, rs)))
| Error(e) => Error(e)
| _ => Error("Could not truncate distribution.")
let operationToLeaf =
leftCutoff: option(float),
rightCutoff: option(float),
t: node,
: result(node, string) => {
|> trySimplification(leftCutoff, rightCutoff)
|> (
| `Solution(t) => Ok(t)
| `Error(e) => Error(e)
| `NoSolution =>
truncateAsShape(evaluationParams, leftCutoff, rightCutoff, t)
module Normalize = {
let rec operationToLeaf = (evaluationParams, t: node): result(node, string) => {
switch (t) {
| `RenderedDist(s) => Ok(`RenderedDist(Shape.T.normalize(s)))
| `SymbolicDist(_) => Ok(t)
| _ => evaluateAndRetry(evaluationParams, operationToLeaf, t)
module FunctionCall = {
let _runHardcodedFunction = (name, evaluationParams, args) =>
let _runLocalFunction = (name, evaluationParams: evaluationParams, args) => {
Environment.getFunction(evaluationParams.environment, name)
|> E.R.bind(_, ((argNames, fn)) =>, args, (argNames, fn))
let _runWithEvaluatedInputs =
evaluationParams: ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.evaluationParams,
args: array(ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.node),
) => {
_runHardcodedFunction(name, evaluationParams, args)
|> E.O.default(_runLocalFunction(name, evaluationParams, args));
// TODO: This forces things to be floats
let run = (evaluationParams, name, args) => {
|> E.A.fmap(a => evaluationParams.evaluateNode(evaluationParams, a))
|> E.A.R.firstErrorOrOpen
|> E.R.bind(_, _runWithEvaluatedInputs(evaluationParams, name));
module Render = {
let rec operationToLeaf =
(evaluationParams: evaluationParams, t: node): result(t, string) => {
switch (t) {
| `Function(_) => Error("Cannot render a function")
| `SymbolicDist(d) =>
| `RenderedDist(_) as t => Ok(t) // already a rendered shape, we're done here
| _ => evaluateAndRetry(evaluationParams, operationToLeaf, t)
/* This function recursively goes through the nodes of the parse tree,
replacing each Operation node and its subtree with a Data node.
Whenever possible, the replacement produces a new Symbolic Data node,
but most often it will produce a RenderedDist.
This function is used mainly to turn a parse tree into a single RenderedDist
that can then be displayed to the user. */
let rec toLeaf =
evaluationParams: ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.evaluationParams,
node: t,
: result(t, string) => {
switch (node) {
// Leaf nodes just stay leaf nodes
| `SymbolicDist(_)
| `Function(_)
| `RenderedDist(_) => Ok(node)
| `Array(args) =>
|> E.A.fmap(toLeaf(evaluationParams))
|> E.A.R.firstErrorOrOpen
|> E.R.fmap(r => `Array(r))
// Operations nevaluationParamsd to be turned into leaves
| `AlgebraicCombination(algebraicOp, t1, t2) =>
| `PointwiseCombination(pointwiseOp, t1, t2) =>
| `Truncate(leftCutoff, rightCutoff, t) =>
Truncate.operationToLeaf(evaluationParams, leftCutoff, rightCutoff, t)
| `Normalize(t) => Normalize.operationToLeaf(evaluationParams, t)
| `Render(t) => Render.operationToLeaf(evaluationParams, t)
| `Hash(t) =>
|> E.A.fmap(((name: string, node: node)) =>
toLeaf(evaluationParams, node) |> E.R.fmap(r => (name, r))
|> E.A.R.firstErrorOrOpen
|> E.R.fmap(r => `Hash(r))
| `Symbol(r) =>
|> E.O.toResult("Undeclared variable " ++ r)
|> E.R.bind(_, toLeaf(evaluationParams))
| `FunctionCall(name, args) =>, name, args)
|> E.R.bind(_, toLeaf(evaluationParams))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
open ExpressionTypes
open ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree
type t = node
type tResult = node => result<node, string>
/* Given two random variables A and B, this returns the distribution
of a new variable that is the result of the operation on A and B.
For instance, normal(0, 1) + normal(1, 1) -> normal(1, 2).
In general, this is implemented via convolution. */
module AlgebraicCombination = {
let tryAnalyticalSimplification = (operation, t1: t, t2: t) =>
switch (operation, t1, t2) {
| (operation, #SymbolicDist(d1), #SymbolicDist(d2)) =>
switch SymbolicDist.T.tryAnalyticalSimplification(d1, d2, operation) {
| #AnalyticalSolution(symbolicDist) => Ok(#SymbolicDist(symbolicDist))
| #Error(er) => Error(er)
| #NoSolution => Ok(#AlgebraicCombination(operation, t1, t2))
| _ => Ok(#AlgebraicCombination(operation, t1, t2))
let combinationByRendering = (evaluationParams, algebraicOp, t1: node, t2: node): result<
> =>
Render.ensureIsRenderedAndGetShape(evaluationParams, t1),
Render.ensureIsRenderedAndGetShape(evaluationParams, t2),
) |> E.R.fmap(((a, b)) => #RenderedDist(Shape.combineAlgebraically(algebraicOp, a, b)))
let nodeScore: node => int = x =>
switch x {
| #SymbolicDist(#Float(_)) => 1
| #SymbolicDist(_) => 1000
| #RenderedDist(Discrete(m)) => m.xyShape |> XYShape.T.length
| #RenderedDist(Mixed(_)) => 1000
| #RenderedDist(Continuous(_)) => 1000
| _ => 1000
let choose = (t1: node, t2: node) =>
nodeScore(t1) * nodeScore(t2) > 10000 ? #Sampling : #Analytical
let combine = (evaluationParams, algebraicOp, t1: node, t2: node): result<node, string> =>
PTypes.SamplingDistribution.renderIfIsNotSamplingDistribution(evaluationParams, t1),
PTypes.SamplingDistribution.renderIfIsNotSamplingDistribution(evaluationParams, t2),
) |> E.R.bind(_, ((a, b)) =>
switch choose(a, b) {
| #Sampling =>
PTypes.SamplingDistribution.combineShapesUsingSampling(evaluationParams, algebraicOp, a, b)
| #Analytical => combinationByRendering(evaluationParams, algebraicOp, a, b)
let operationToLeaf = (
evaluationParams: evaluationParams,
algebraicOp: ExpressionTypes.algebraicOperation,
t1: t,
t2: t,
): result<node, string> =>
|> tryAnalyticalSimplification(_, t1, t2)
|> E.R.bind(_, x =>
switch x {
| #SymbolicDist(_) as t => Ok(t)
| _ => combine(evaluationParams, algebraicOp, t1, t2)
module PointwiseCombination = {
let pointwiseAdd = (evaluationParams: evaluationParams, t1: t, t2: t) =>
switch (Render.render(evaluationParams, t1), Render.render(evaluationParams, t2)) {
| (Ok(#RenderedDist(rs1)), Ok(#RenderedDist(rs2))) =>
~integralSumCachesFn=(a, b) => Some(a +. b),
~integralCachesFn=(a, b) => Some(
Continuous.combinePointwise(~distributionType=#CDF, \"+.", a, b),
| (Error(e1), _) => Error(e1)
| (_, Error(e2)) => Error(e2)
| _ => Error("Pointwise combination: rendering failed.")
let pointwiseCombine = (fn, evaluationParams: evaluationParams, t1: t, t2: t) =>
switch // TODO: construct a function that we can easily sample from, to construct
// a RenderedDist. Use the xMin and xMax of the rendered shapes to tell the sampling function where to look.
// TODO: This should work for symbolic distributions too!
(Render.render(evaluationParams, t1), Render.render(evaluationParams, t2)) {
| (Ok(#RenderedDist(rs1)), Ok(#RenderedDist(rs2))) =>
Ok(#RenderedDist(Shape.combinePointwise(fn, rs1, rs2)))
| (Error(e1), _) => Error(e1)
| (_, Error(e2)) => Error(e2)
| _ => Error("Pointwise combination: rendering failed.")
let operationToLeaf = (
evaluationParams: evaluationParams,
pointwiseOp: pointwiseOperation,
t1: t,
t2: t,
) =>
switch pointwiseOp {
| #Add => pointwiseAdd(evaluationParams, t1, t2)
| #Multiply => pointwiseCombine(\"*.", evaluationParams, t1, t2)
| #Exponentiate => pointwiseCombine(\"**", evaluationParams, t1, t2)
module Truncate = {
let trySimplification = (leftCutoff, rightCutoff, t): simplificationResult =>
switch (leftCutoff, rightCutoff, t) {
| (None, None, t) => #Solution(t)
| (Some(lc), Some(rc), _) if lc > rc =>
#Error("Left truncation bound must be smaller than right truncation bound.")
| (lc, rc, #SymbolicDist(#Uniform(u))) =>
#Solution(#SymbolicDist(#Uniform(SymbolicDist.Uniform.truncate(lc, rc, u))))
| _ => #NoSolution
let truncateAsShape = (evaluationParams: evaluationParams, leftCutoff, rightCutoff, t) =>
switch // TODO: use named args for xMin/xMax in renderToShape; if we're lucky we can at least get the tail
// of a distribution we otherwise wouldn't get at all
Render.ensureIsRendered(evaluationParams, t) {
| Ok(#RenderedDist(rs)) => Ok(#RenderedDist(Shape.T.truncate(leftCutoff, rightCutoff, rs)))
| Error(e) => Error(e)
| _ => Error("Could not truncate distribution.")
let operationToLeaf = (
leftCutoff: option<float>,
rightCutoff: option<float>,
t: node,
): result<node, string> =>
|> trySimplification(leftCutoff, rightCutoff)
|> (
x =>
switch x {
| #Solution(t) => Ok(t)
| #Error(e) => Error(e)
| #NoSolution => truncateAsShape(evaluationParams, leftCutoff, rightCutoff, t)
module Normalize = {
let rec operationToLeaf = (evaluationParams, t: node): result<node, string> =>
switch t {
| #RenderedDist(s) => Ok(#RenderedDist(Shape.T.normalize(s)))
| #SymbolicDist(_) => Ok(t)
| _ => evaluateAndRetry(evaluationParams, operationToLeaf, t)
module FunctionCall = {
let _runHardcodedFunction = (name, evaluationParams, args) =>
TypeSystem.Function.Ts.findByNameAndRun(HardcodedFunctions.all, name, evaluationParams, args)
let _runLocalFunction = (name, evaluationParams: evaluationParams, args) =>
Environment.getFunction(evaluationParams.environment, name) |> E.R.bind(_, ((argNames, fn)) =>, args, (argNames, fn))
let _runWithEvaluatedInputs = (
evaluationParams: ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.evaluationParams,
args: array<ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.node>,
) =>
_runHardcodedFunction(name, evaluationParams, args) |> E.O.default(
_runLocalFunction(name, evaluationParams, args),
// TODO: This forces things to be floats
let run = (evaluationParams, name, args) =>
|> E.A.fmap(a => evaluationParams.evaluateNode(evaluationParams, a))
|> E.A.R.firstErrorOrOpen
|> E.R.bind(_, _runWithEvaluatedInputs(evaluationParams, name))
module Render = {
let rec operationToLeaf = (evaluationParams: evaluationParams, t: node): result<t, string> =>
switch t {
| #Function(_) => Error("Cannot render a function")
| #SymbolicDist(d) =>
Ok(#RenderedDist(SymbolicDist.T.toShape(evaluationParams.samplingInputs.shapeLength, d)))
| #RenderedDist(_) as t => Ok(t) // already a rendered shape, we're done here
| _ => evaluateAndRetry(evaluationParams, operationToLeaf, t)
/* This function recursively goes through the nodes of the parse tree,
replacing each Operation node and its subtree with a Data node.
Whenever possible, the replacement produces a new Symbolic Data node,
but most often it will produce a RenderedDist.
This function is used mainly to turn a parse tree into a single RenderedDist
that can then be displayed to the user. */
let rec toLeaf = (
evaluationParams: ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.evaluationParams,
node: t,
): result<t, string> =>
switch node {
// Leaf nodes just stay leaf nodes
| #SymbolicDist(_)
| #Function(_)
| #RenderedDist(_) =>
| #Array(args) =>
args |> E.A.fmap(toLeaf(evaluationParams)) |> E.A.R.firstErrorOrOpen |> E.R.fmap(r => #Array(r))
// Operations nevaluationParamsd to be turned into leaves
| #AlgebraicCombination(algebraicOp, t1, t2) =>
AlgebraicCombination.operationToLeaf(evaluationParams, algebraicOp, t1, t2)
| #PointwiseCombination(pointwiseOp, t1, t2) =>
PointwiseCombination.operationToLeaf(evaluationParams, pointwiseOp, t1, t2)
| #Truncate(leftCutoff, rightCutoff, t) =>
Truncate.operationToLeaf(evaluationParams, leftCutoff, rightCutoff, t)
| #Normalize(t) => Normalize.operationToLeaf(evaluationParams, t)
| #Render(t) => Render.operationToLeaf(evaluationParams, t)
| #Hash(t) =>
|> E.A.fmap(((name: string, node: node)) =>
toLeaf(evaluationParams, node) |> E.R.fmap(r => (name, r))
|> E.A.R.firstErrorOrOpen
|> E.R.fmap(r => #Hash(r))
| #Symbol(r) =>
ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.Environment.get(evaluationParams.environment, r)
|> E.O.toResult("Undeclared variable " ++ r)
|> E.R.bind(_, toLeaf(evaluationParams))
| #FunctionCall(name, args) =>, name, args) |> E.R.bind(_, toLeaf(evaluationParams))

View File

@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
type algebraicOperation = [
| `Add
| `Multiply
| `Subtract
| `Divide
| `Exponentiate
type pointwiseOperation = [ | `Add | `Multiply | `Exponentiate];
type scaleOperation = [ | `Multiply | `Exponentiate | `Log];
type distToFloatOperation = [
| `Pdf(float)
| `Cdf(float)
| `Inv(float)
| `Mean
| `Sample
module ExpressionTree = {
type hash = array((string, node))
and node = [
| `SymbolicDist(SymbolicTypes.symbolicDist)
| `RenderedDist(DistTypes.shape)
| `Symbol(string)
| `Hash(hash)
| `Array(array(node))
| `Function(array(string), node)
| `AlgebraicCombination(algebraicOperation, node, node)
| `PointwiseCombination(pointwiseOperation, node, node)
| `Normalize(node)
| `Render(node)
| `Truncate(option(float), option(float), node)
| `FunctionCall(string, array(node))
module Hash = {
type t('a) = array((string, 'a));
let getByName = (t: t('a), name) =>
E.A.getBy(t, ((n, _)) => n == name) |> E.O.fmap(((_, r)) => r);
let getByNameResult = (t: t('a), name) =>
getByName(t, name) |> E.O.toResult(name ++ " expected and not found");
let getByNames = (hash: t('a), names: array(string)) =>
names |> E.A.fmap(name => (name, getByName(hash, name)));
// Have nil as option
let getFloat = (node: node) =>
|> (
| `RenderedDist(Discrete({xyShape: {xs: [|x|], ys: [|1.0|]}})) =>
| `SymbolicDist(`Float(x)) => Some(x)
| _ => None
let toFloatIfNeeded = (node: node) =>
switch (node |> getFloat) {
| Some(float) => `SymbolicDist(`Float(float))
| None => node
type samplingInputs = {
sampleCount: int,
outputXYPoints: int,
kernelWidth: option(float),
shapeLength: int,
module SamplingInputs = {
type t = {
sampleCount: option(int),
outputXYPoints: option(int),
kernelWidth: option(float),
shapeLength: option(int),
let withDefaults = (t: t): samplingInputs => {
sampleCount: t.sampleCount |> E.O.default(10000),
outputXYPoints: t.outputXYPoints |> E.O.default(10000),
kernelWidth: t.kernelWidth,
shapeLength: t.shapeLength |> E.O.default(10000),
type environment = Belt.Map.String.t(node);
module Environment = {
type t = environment;
module MS = Belt.Map.String;
let fromArray = MS.fromArray;
let empty: t = [||]->fromArray;
let mergeKeepSecond = (a: t, b: t) =>
MS.merge(a, b, (_, a, b) =>
switch (a, b) {
| (_, Some(b)) => Some(b)
| (Some(a), _) => Some(a)
| _ => None
let update = (t, str, fn) => MS.update(t, str, fn);
let get = (t: t, str) => MS.get(t, str);
let getFunction = (t: t, str) =>
switch (get(t, str)) {
| Some(`Function(argNames, fn)) => Ok((argNames, fn))
| _ => Error("Function " ++ str ++ " not found")
type evaluationParams = {
evaluateNode: (evaluationParams, node) => Belt.Result.t(node, string),
let evaluateNode = (evaluationParams: evaluationParams) =>
let evaluateAndRetry = (evaluationParams, fn, node) =>
|> evaluationParams.evaluateNode(evaluationParams)
|> E.R.bind(_, fn(evaluationParams));
module Render = {
type t = node;
let render = (evaluationParams: evaluationParams, r) =>
`Render(r) |> evaluateNode(evaluationParams);
let ensureIsRendered = (params, t) =>
switch (t) {
| `RenderedDist(_) => Ok(t)
| _ =>
switch (render(params, t)) {
| Ok(`RenderedDist(r)) => Ok(`RenderedDist(r))
| Ok(_) => Error("Did not render as requested")
| Error(e) => Error(e)
let ensureIsRenderedAndGetShape = (params, t) =>
switch (ensureIsRendered(params, t)) {
| Ok(`RenderedDist(r)) => Ok(r)
| Ok(_) => Error("Did not render as requested")
| Error(e) => Error(e)
let getShape = (item: node) =>
switch (item) {
| `RenderedDist(r) => Some(r)
| _ => None
let _toFloat = (t: DistTypes.shape) =>
switch (t) {
| Discrete({xyShape: {xs: [|x|], ys: [|1.0|]}}) =>
| _ => None
let toFloat = (item: node): result(node, string) =>
|> getShape
|> E.O.bind(_, _toFloat)
|> E.O.toResult("Not valid shape");
type simplificationResult = [
| `Solution(ExpressionTree.node)
| `Error(string)
| `NoSolution
module Program = {
type statement = [
| `Assignment(string, ExpressionTree.node)
| `Expression(ExpressionTree.node)
type program = array(statement);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
type algebraicOperation = [
| #Add
| #Multiply
| #Subtract
| #Divide
| #Exponentiate
type pointwiseOperation = [#Add | #Multiply | #Exponentiate]
type scaleOperation = [#Multiply | #Exponentiate | #Log]
type distToFloatOperation = [
| #Pdf(float)
| #Cdf(float)
| #Inv(float)
| #Mean
| #Sample
module ExpressionTree = {
type rec hash = array<(string, node)>
and node = [
| #SymbolicDist(SymbolicTypes.symbolicDist)
| #RenderedDist(DistTypes.shape)
| #Symbol(string)
| #Hash(hash)
| #Array(array<node>)
| #Function(array<string>, node)
| #AlgebraicCombination(algebraicOperation, node, node)
| #PointwiseCombination(pointwiseOperation, node, node)
| #Normalize(node)
| #Render(node)
| #Truncate(option<float>, option<float>, node)
| #FunctionCall(string, array<node>)
module Hash = {
type t<'a> = array<(string, 'a)>
let getByName = (t: t<'a>, name) =>
E.A.getBy(t, ((n, _)) => n == name) |> E.O.fmap(((_, r)) => r)
let getByNameResult = (t: t<'a>, name) =>
getByName(t, name) |> E.O.toResult(name ++ " expected and not found")
let getByNames = (hash: t<'a>, names: array<string>) =>
names |> E.A.fmap(name => (name, getByName(hash, name)))
// Have nil as option
let getFloat = (node: node) =>
node |> (
x =>
switch x {
| #RenderedDist(Discrete({xyShape: {xs: [x], ys: [1.0]}})) => Some(x)
| #SymbolicDist(#Float(x)) => Some(x)
| _ => None
let toFloatIfNeeded = (node: node) =>
switch node |> getFloat {
| Some(float) => #SymbolicDist(#Float(float))
| None => node
type samplingInputs = {
sampleCount: int,
outputXYPoints: int,
kernelWidth: option<float>,
shapeLength: int,
module SamplingInputs = {
type t = {
sampleCount: option<int>,
outputXYPoints: option<int>,
kernelWidth: option<float>,
shapeLength: option<int>,
let withDefaults = (t: t): samplingInputs => {
sampleCount: t.sampleCount |> E.O.default(10000),
outputXYPoints: t.outputXYPoints |> E.O.default(10000),
kernelWidth: t.kernelWidth,
shapeLength: t.shapeLength |> E.O.default(10000),
type environment = Belt.Map.String.t<node>
module Environment = {
type t = environment
module MS = Belt.Map.String
let fromArray = MS.fromArray
let empty: t = []->fromArray
let mergeKeepSecond = (a: t, b: t) =>
MS.merge(a, b, (_, a, b) =>
switch (a, b) {
| (_, Some(b)) => Some(b)
| (Some(a), _) => Some(a)
| _ => None
let update = (t, str, fn) => MS.update(t, str, fn)
let get = (t: t, str) => MS.get(t, str)
let getFunction = (t: t, str) =>
switch get(t, str) {
| Some(#Function(argNames, fn)) => Ok((argNames, fn))
| _ => Error("Function " ++ (str ++ " not found"))
type rec evaluationParams = {
samplingInputs: samplingInputs,
environment: environment,
evaluateNode: (evaluationParams, node) => Belt.Result.t<node, string>,
let evaluateNode = (evaluationParams: evaluationParams) =>
let evaluateAndRetry = (evaluationParams, fn, node) =>
node |> evaluationParams.evaluateNode(evaluationParams) |> E.R.bind(_, fn(evaluationParams))
module Render = {
type t = node
let render = (evaluationParams: evaluationParams, r) =>
#Render(r) |> evaluateNode(evaluationParams)
let ensureIsRendered = (params, t) =>
switch t {
| #RenderedDist(_) => Ok(t)
| _ =>
switch render(params, t) {
| Ok(#RenderedDist(r)) => Ok(#RenderedDist(r))
| Ok(_) => Error("Did not render as requested")
| Error(e) => Error(e)
let ensureIsRenderedAndGetShape = (params, t) =>
switch ensureIsRendered(params, t) {
| Ok(#RenderedDist(r)) => Ok(r)
| Ok(_) => Error("Did not render as requested")
| Error(e) => Error(e)
let getShape = (item: node) =>
switch item {
| #RenderedDist(r) => Some(r)
| _ => None
let _toFloat = (t: DistTypes.shape) =>
switch t {
| Discrete({xyShape: {xs: [x], ys: [1.0]}}) => Some(#SymbolicDist(#Float(x)))
| _ => None
let toFloat = (item: node): result<node, string> =>
item |> getShape |> E.O.bind(_, _toFloat) |> E.O.toResult("Not valid shape")
type simplificationResult = [
| #Solution(ExpressionTree.node)
| #Error(string)
| #NoSolution
module Program = {
type statement = [
| #Assignment(string, ExpressionTree.node)
| #Expression(ExpressionTree.node)
type program = array<statement>

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@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
module MathJsonToMathJsAdt = {
type arg =
| Symbol(string)
| Value(float)
| Fn(fn)
| Array(array(arg))
| Blocks(array(arg))
| Object(Js.Dict.t(arg))
| Assignment(arg, arg)
| FunctionAssignment(fnAssignment)
and fn = {
name: string,
args: array(arg),
and fnAssignment = {
name: string,
args: array(string),
expression: arg,
let rec run = (j: Js.Json.t) =>
switch (field("mathjs", string, j)) {
| "FunctionNode" =>
let args = j |> field("args", array(run));
let name = j |> optional(field("fn", field("name", string)));
name |> E.O.fmap(name => Fn({name, args: args |> E.A.O.concatSomes}));
| "OperatorNode" =>
let args = j |> field("args", array(run));
name: j |> field("fn", string),
args: args |> E.A.O.concatSomes,
| "ConstantNode" =>
optional(field("value", Json.Decode.float), j)
|> E.O.fmap(r => Value(r))
| "ParenthesisNode" => j |> field("content", run)
| "ObjectNode" =>
let properties = j |> field("properties", dict(run));
|> E.A.fmap(((key, value)) => value |> E.O.fmap(v => (key, v)))
|> E.A.O.concatSomes
|> Js.Dict.fromArray
|> (r => Some(Object(r)));
| "ArrayNode" =>
let items = field("items", array(run), j);
Some(Array(items |> E.A.O.concatSomes));
| "SymbolNode" => Some(Symbol(field("name", string, j)))
| "AssignmentNode" =>
let object_ = j |> field("object", run);
let value_ = j |> field("value", run);
switch (object_, value_) {
| (Some(o), Some(v)) => Some(Assignment(o, v))
| _ => None
| "BlockNode" =>
let block = r => r |> field("node", run);
let args = j |> field("blocks", array(block)) |> E.A.O.concatSomes;
| "FunctionAssignmentNode" =>
let name = j |> field("name", string);
let args = j |> field("params", array(field("name", string)));
let expression = j |> field("expr", run);
|> E.O.fmap(expression =>
FunctionAssignment({name, args, expression})
| n =>
Js.log3("Couldn't parse mathjs node", j, n);
module MathAdtToDistDst = {
open MathJsonToMathJsAdt;
let handleSymbol = sym => {
// TODO: This only works on the top level, which needs to be refactored. Also, I think functions don't need to be done like this anymore.
module MathAdtCleaner = {
let transformWithSymbol = (f: float, s: string) =>
switch (s) {
| "K" => Some(f *. 1000.)
| "M" => Some(f *. 1000000.)
| "B" => Some(f *. 1000000000.)
| "T" => Some(f *. 1000000000000.)
| _ => None
let rec run =
| Fn({name: "multiply", args: [|Value(f), Symbol(s)|]}) as doNothing =>
transformWithSymbol(f, s)
|> E.O.fmap(r => Value(r))
|> E.O.default(doNothing)
| Fn({name: "unaryMinus", args: [|Value(f)|]}) => Value((-1.0) *. f)
| Fn({name, args}) => Fn({name, args: args |> E.A.fmap(run)})
| Array(args) => Array(args |> E.A.fmap(run))
| Symbol(s) => Symbol(s)
| Value(v) => Value(v)
| Blocks(args) => Blocks(args |> E.A.fmap(run))
| Assignment(a, b) => Assignment(a, run(b))
| FunctionAssignment(a) => FunctionAssignment(a)
| Object(v) =>
|> Js.Dict.entries
|> E.A.fmap(((key, value)) => (key, run(value)))
|> Js.Dict.fromArray,
let lognormal = (args, parseArgs, nodeParser) =>
switch (args) {
| [|Object(o)|] =>
let g = s =>
Js.Dict.get(o, s)
|> E.O.toResult("Variable was empty")
|> E.R.bind(_, nodeParser);
switch (g("mean"), g("stdev"), g("mu"), g("sigma")) {
| (Ok(mean), Ok(stdev), _, _) =>
Ok(`FunctionCall(("lognormalFromMeanAndStdDev", [|mean, stdev|])))
| (_, _, Ok(mu), Ok(sigma)) =>
Ok(`FunctionCall(("lognormal", [|mu, sigma|])))
| _ =>
"Lognormal distribution needs either mean and stdev or mu and sigma",
| _ =>
|> E.R.fmap((args: array(ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.node)) =>
`FunctionCall(("lognormal", args))
// Error("Dotwise exponentiation needs two operands")
let operationParser =
name: string,
args: result(array(ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.node), string),
: result(ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.node, string) => {
let toOkAlgebraic = r => Ok(`AlgebraicCombination(r));
let toOkPointwise = r => Ok(`PointwiseCombination(r));
let toOkTruncate = r => Ok(`Truncate(r));
|> E.R.bind(_, args => {
switch (name, args) {
| ("add", [|l, r|]) => toOkAlgebraic((`Add, l, r))
| ("add", _) => Error("Addition needs two operands")
| ("unaryMinus", [|l|]) =>
toOkAlgebraic((`Multiply, `SymbolicDist(`Float(-1.0)), l))
| ("subtract", [|l, r|]) => toOkAlgebraic((`Subtract, l, r))
| ("subtract", _) => Error("Subtraction needs two operands")
| ("multiply", [|l, r|]) => toOkAlgebraic((`Multiply, l, r))
| ("multiply", _) => Error("Multiplication needs two operands")
| ("pow", [|l, r|]) => toOkAlgebraic((`Exponentiate, l, r))
| ("pow", _) => Error("Exponentiation needs two operands")
| ("dotMultiply", [|l, r|]) => toOkPointwise((`Multiply, l, r))
| ("dotMultiply", _) =>
Error("Dotwise multiplication needs two operands")
| ("dotPow", [|l, r|]) => toOkPointwise((`Exponentiate, l, r))
| ("dotPow", _) =>
Error("Dotwise exponentiation needs two operands")
| ("rightLogShift", [|l, r|]) => toOkPointwise((`Add, l, r))
| ("rightLogShift", _) =>
Error("Dotwise addition needs two operands")
| ("divide", [|l, r|]) => toOkAlgebraic((`Divide, l, r))
| ("divide", _) => Error("Division needs two operands")
| ("leftTruncate", [|d, `SymbolicDist(`Float(lc))|]) =>
toOkTruncate((Some(lc), None, d))
| ("leftTruncate", _) =>
"leftTruncate needs two arguments: the expression and the cutoff",
| ("rightTruncate", [|d, `SymbolicDist(`Float(rc))|]) =>
toOkTruncate((None, Some(rc), d))
| ("rightTruncate", _) =>
"rightTruncate needs two arguments: the expression and the cutoff",
| (
[|d, `SymbolicDist(`Float(lc)), `SymbolicDist(`Float(rc))|],
) =>
toOkTruncate((Some(lc), Some(rc), d))
| ("truncate", _) =>
"truncate needs three arguments: the expression and both cutoffs",
| _ => Error("This type not currently supported")
let functionParser =
MathJsonToMathJsAdt.arg =>
name: string,
args: array(MathJsonToMathJsAdt.arg),
: result(ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.node, string) => {
let parseArray = ags =>
ags |> E.A.fmap(nodeParser) |> E.A.R.firstErrorOrOpen;
let parseArgs = () => parseArray(args);
switch (name) {
| "lognormal" => lognormal(args, parseArgs, nodeParser)
| "multimodal"
| "add"
| "subtract"
| "multiply"
| "unaryMinus"
| "dotMultiply"
| "dotPow"
| "rightLogShift"
| "divide"
| "pow"
| "leftTruncate"
| "rightTruncate"
| "truncate" => operationParser(name, parseArgs())
| "mm" =>
let weights =
|> E.A.last
|> E.O.bind(
| Array(values) => Some(parseArray(values))
| _ => None,
let possibleDists =
? Belt.Array.slice(args, ~offset=0, ~len=E.A.length(args) - 1)
: args;
let dists = parseArray(possibleDists);
switch (weights, dists) {
| (Some(Error(r)), _) => Error(r)
| (_, Error(r)) => Error(r)
| (None, Ok(dists)) =>
let hash: ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.node =
`FunctionCall(("multimodal", [|`Hash(
("dists", `Array(dists)),
("weights", `Array([||]))
| (Some(Ok(weights)), Ok(dists)) =>
let hash: ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.node =
`FunctionCall(("multimodal", [|`Hash(
("dists", `Array(dists)),
("weights", `Array(weights))
| name =>
|> E.R.fmap((args: array(ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.node)) =>
`FunctionCall((name, args))
let rec nodeParser:
MathJsonToMathJsAdt.arg =>
result(ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.node, string) =
| Value(f) => Ok(`SymbolicDist(`Float(f)))
| Symbol(sym) => Ok(`Symbol(sym))
| Fn({name, args}) => functionParser(nodeParser, name, args)
| _ => {
Error("This type not currently supported");
// | FunctionAssignment({name, args, expression}) => {
// let evaluatedExpression = run(expression);
// `Function(_ => Ok(evaluatedExpression));
// }
let rec topLevel = (r): result(ExpressionTypes.Program.program, string) =>
switch (r) {
| FunctionAssignment({name, args, expression}) =>
switch (nodeParser(expression)) {
| Ok(r) => Ok([|`Assignment((name, `Function((args, r))))|])
| Error(r) => Error(r)
| Value(_) as r => nodeParser(r) |> E.R.fmap(r => [|`Expression(r)|])
| Fn(_) as r => nodeParser(r) |> E.R.fmap(r => [|`Expression(r)|])
| Array(_) => Error("Array not valid as top level")
| Symbol(s) => handleSymbol(s) |> E.R.fmap(r => [|`Expression(r)|])
| Object(_) => Error("Object not valid as top level")
| Assignment(name, value) =>
switch (name) {
| Symbol(symbol) =>
nodeParser(value) |> E.R.fmap(r => [|`Assignment((symbol, r))|])
| _ => Error("Symbol not a string")
| Blocks(blocks) =>
|> E.A.fmap(b => topLevel(b))
|> E.A.R.firstErrorOrOpen
|> E.R.fmap(E.A.concatMany)
let run = (r): result(ExpressionTypes.Program.program, string) =>
r |> |> topLevel;
/* The MathJs parser doesn't support '.+' syntax, but we want it because it
would make sense with '.*'. Our workaround is to change this to >>>, which is
logShift in mathJS. We don't expect to use logShift anytime soon, so this tradeoff
seems fine.
let pointwiseToRightLogShift = Js.String.replaceByRe([%re "/\.\+/g"], ">>>");
let fromString2 = str => {
/* We feed the user-typed string into Mathjs.parseMath,
which returns a JSON with (hopefully) a single-element array.
This array element is the top-level node of a nested-object tree
representing the functions/arguments/values/etc. in the string.
The function MathJsonToMathJsAdt then recursively unpacks this JSON into a typed data structure we can use.
Inside of this function, MathAdtToDistDst is called whenever a distribution function is encountered.
let mathJsToJson = str |> pointwiseToRightLogShift |> Mathjs.parseMath;
let mathJsParse =
E.R.bind(mathJsToJson, r => {
switch ( {
| Some(r) => Ok(r)
| None => Error("MathJsParse Error")
let value = E.R.bind(mathJsParse,;
Js.log2(mathJsParse, value);
let fromString = str => {

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@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
module MathJsonToMathJsAdt = {
type rec arg =
| Symbol(string)
| Value(float)
| Fn(fn)
| Array(array<arg>)
| Blocks(array<arg>)
| Object(Js.Dict.t<arg>)
| Assignment(arg, arg)
| FunctionAssignment(fnAssignment)
and fn = {
name: string,
args: array<arg>,
and fnAssignment = {
name: string,
args: array<string>,
expression: arg,
let rec run = (j: Js.Json.t) => {
open Json.Decode
switch field("mathjs", string, j) {
| "FunctionNode" =>
let args = j |> field("args", array(run))
let name = j |> optional(field("fn", field("name", string)))
name |> E.O.fmap(name => Fn({name: name, args: args |> E.A.O.concatSomes}))
| "OperatorNode" =>
let args = j |> field("args", array(run))
name: j |> field("fn", string),
args: args |> E.A.O.concatSomes,
| "ConstantNode" => optional(field("value", Json.Decode.float), j) |> E.O.fmap(r => Value(r))
| "ParenthesisNode" => j |> field("content", run)
| "ObjectNode" =>
let properties = j |> field("properties", dict(run))
|> E.A.fmap(((key, value)) => value |> E.O.fmap(v => (key, v)))
|> E.A.O.concatSomes
|> Js.Dict.fromArray
|> (r => Some(Object(r)))
| "ArrayNode" =>
let items = field("items", array(run), j)
Some(Array(items |> E.A.O.concatSomes))
| "SymbolNode" => Some(Symbol(field("name", string, j)))
| "AssignmentNode" =>
let object_ = j |> field("object", run)
let value_ = j |> field("value", run)
switch (object_, value_) {
| (Some(o), Some(v)) => Some(Assignment(o, v))
| _ => None
| "BlockNode" =>
let block = r => r |> field("node", run)
let args = j |> field("blocks", array(block)) |> E.A.O.concatSomes
| "FunctionAssignmentNode" =>
let name = j |> field("name", string)
let args = j |> field("params", array(field("name", string)))
let expression = j |> field("expr", run)
expression |> E.O.fmap(expression => FunctionAssignment({
name: name,
args: args,
expression: expression,
| n =>
Js.log3("Couldn't parse mathjs node", j, n)
module MathAdtToDistDst = {
open MathJsonToMathJsAdt
let handleSymbol = sym => Ok(#Symbol(sym))
// TODO: This only works on the top level, which needs to be refactored. Also, I think functions don't need to be done like this anymore.
module MathAdtCleaner = {
let transformWithSymbol = (f: float, s: string) =>
switch s {
| "K" => Some(f *. 1000.)
| "M" => Some(f *. 1000000.)
| "B" => Some(f *. 1000000000.)
| "T" => Some(f *. 1000000000000.)
| _ => None
let rec run = x =>
switch x {
| Fn({name: "multiply", args: [Value(f), Symbol(s)]}) as doNothing =>
transformWithSymbol(f, s) |> E.O.fmap(r => Value(r)) |> E.O.default(doNothing)
| Fn({name: "unaryMinus", args: [Value(f)]}) => Value(-1.0 *. f)
| Fn({name, args}) => Fn({name: name, args: args |> E.A.fmap(run)})
| Array(args) => Array(args |> E.A.fmap(run))
| Symbol(s) => Symbol(s)
| Value(v) => Value(v)
| Blocks(args) => Blocks(args |> E.A.fmap(run))
| Assignment(a, b) => Assignment(a, run(b))
| FunctionAssignment(a) => FunctionAssignment(a)
| Object(v) =>
|> Js.Dict.entries
|> E.A.fmap(((key, value)) => (key, run(value)))
|> Js.Dict.fromArray,
let lognormal = (args, parseArgs, nodeParser) =>
switch args {
| [Object(o)] =>
let g = s =>
Js.Dict.get(o, s) |> E.O.toResult("Variable was empty") |> E.R.bind(_, nodeParser)
switch (g("mean"), g("stdev"), g("mu"), g("sigma")) {
| (Ok(mean), Ok(stdev), _, _) =>
Ok(#FunctionCall("lognormalFromMeanAndStdDev", [mean, stdev]))
| (_, _, Ok(mu), Ok(sigma)) => Ok(#FunctionCall("lognormal", [mu, sigma]))
| _ => Error("Lognormal distribution needs either mean and stdev or mu and sigma")
| _ =>
parseArgs() |> E.R.fmap((args: array<ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.node>) =>
#FunctionCall("lognormal", args)
// Error("Dotwise exponentiation needs two operands")
let operationParser = (
name: string,
args: result<array<ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.node>, string>,
): result<ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.node, string> => {
let toOkAlgebraic = r => Ok(#AlgebraicCombination(r))
let toOkPointwise = r => Ok(#PointwiseCombination(r))
let toOkTruncate = r => Ok(#Truncate(r))
args |> E.R.bind(_, args =>
switch (name, args) {
| ("add", [l, r]) => toOkAlgebraic((#Add, l, r))
| ("add", _) => Error("Addition needs two operands")
| ("unaryMinus", [l]) => toOkAlgebraic((#Multiply, #SymbolicDist(#Float(-1.0)), l))
| ("subtract", [l, r]) => toOkAlgebraic((#Subtract, l, r))
| ("subtract", _) => Error("Subtraction needs two operands")
| ("multiply", [l, r]) => toOkAlgebraic((#Multiply, l, r))
| ("multiply", _) => Error("Multiplication needs two operands")
| ("pow", [l, r]) => toOkAlgebraic((#Exponentiate, l, r))
| ("pow", _) => Error("Exponentiation needs two operands")
| ("dotMultiply", [l, r]) => toOkPointwise((#Multiply, l, r))
| ("dotMultiply", _) => Error("Dotwise multiplication needs two operands")
| ("dotPow", [l, r]) => toOkPointwise((#Exponentiate, l, r))
| ("dotPow", _) => Error("Dotwise exponentiation needs two operands")
| ("rightLogShift", [l, r]) => toOkPointwise((#Add, l, r))
| ("rightLogShift", _) => Error("Dotwise addition needs two operands")
| ("divide", [l, r]) => toOkAlgebraic((#Divide, l, r))
| ("divide", _) => Error("Division needs two operands")
| ("leftTruncate", [d, #SymbolicDist(#Float(lc))]) => toOkTruncate((Some(lc), None, d))
| ("leftTruncate", _) =>
Error("leftTruncate needs two arguments: the expression and the cutoff")
| ("rightTruncate", [d, #SymbolicDist(#Float(rc))]) => toOkTruncate((None, Some(rc), d))
| ("rightTruncate", _) =>
Error("rightTruncate needs two arguments: the expression and the cutoff")
| ("truncate", [d, #SymbolicDist(#Float(lc)), #SymbolicDist(#Float(rc))]) =>
toOkTruncate((Some(lc), Some(rc), d))
| ("truncate", _) => Error("truncate needs three arguments: the expression and both cutoffs")
| _ => Error("This type not currently supported")
let functionParser = (
nodeParser: MathJsonToMathJsAdt.arg => Belt.Result.t<
name: string,
args: array<MathJsonToMathJsAdt.arg>,
): result<ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.node, string> => {
let parseArray = ags => ags |> E.A.fmap(nodeParser) |> E.A.R.firstErrorOrOpen
let parseArgs = () => parseArray(args)
switch name {
| "lognormal" => lognormal(args, parseArgs, nodeParser)
| "multimodal"
| "add"
| "subtract"
| "multiply"
| "unaryMinus"
| "dotMultiply"
| "dotPow"
| "rightLogShift"
| "divide"
| "pow"
| "leftTruncate"
| "rightTruncate"
| "truncate" =>
operationParser(name, parseArgs())
| "mm" =>
let weights =
|> E.A.last
|> E.O.bind(_, x =>
switch x {
| Array(values) => Some(parseArray(values))
| _ => None
let possibleDists = E.O.isSome(weights)
? Belt.Array.slice(args, ~offset=0, ~len=E.A.length(args) - 1)
: args
let dists = parseArray(possibleDists)
switch (weights, dists) {
| (Some(Error(r)), _) => Error(r)
| (_, Error(r)) => Error(r)
| (None, Ok(dists)) =>
let hash: ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.node = #FunctionCall(
[#Hash([("dists", #Array(dists)), ("weights", #Array([]))])],
| (Some(Ok(weights)), Ok(dists)) =>
let hash: ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.node = #FunctionCall(
[#Hash([("dists", #Array(dists)), ("weights", #Array(weights))])],
| name =>
parseArgs() |> E.R.fmap((args: array<ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.node>) =>
#FunctionCall(name, args)
let rec nodeParser: MathJsonToMathJsAdt.arg => result<
> = x =>
switch x {
| Value(f) => Ok(#SymbolicDist(#Float(f)))
| Symbol(sym) => Ok(#Symbol(sym))
| Fn({name, args}) => functionParser(nodeParser, name, args)
| _ => Error("This type not currently supported")
// | FunctionAssignment({name, args, expression}) => {
// let evaluatedExpression = run(expression);
// `Function(_ => Ok(evaluatedExpression));
// }
let rec topLevel = (r): result<ExpressionTypes.Program.program, string> =>
switch r {
| FunctionAssignment({name, args, expression}) =>
switch nodeParser(expression) {
| Ok(r) => Ok([#Assignment(name, #Function(args, r))])
| Error(r) => Error(r)
| Value(_) as r => nodeParser(r) |> E.R.fmap(r => [#Expression(r)])
| Fn(_) as r => nodeParser(r) |> E.R.fmap(r => [#Expression(r)])
| Array(_) => Error("Array not valid as top level")
| Symbol(s) => handleSymbol(s) |> E.R.fmap(r => [#Expression(r)])
| Object(_) => Error("Object not valid as top level")
| Assignment(name, value) =>
switch name {
| Symbol(symbol) => nodeParser(value) |> E.R.fmap(r => [#Assignment(symbol, r)])
| _ => Error("Symbol not a string")
| Blocks(blocks) =>
blocks |> E.A.fmap(b => topLevel(b)) |> E.A.R.firstErrorOrOpen |> E.R.fmap(E.A.concatMany)
let run = (r): result<ExpressionTypes.Program.program, string> =>
r |> |> topLevel
/* The MathJs parser doesn't support '.+' syntax, but we want it because it
would make sense with '.*'. Our workaround is to change this to >>>, which is
logShift in mathJS. We don't expect to use logShift anytime soon, so this tradeoff
seems fine.
let pointwiseToRightLogShift = Js.String.replaceByRe(%re("/\.\+/g"), ">>>")
let fromString2 = str => {
/* We feed the user-typed string into Mathjs.parseMath,
which returns a JSON with (hopefully) a single-element array.
This array element is the top-level node of a nested-object tree
representing the functions/arguments/values/etc. in the string.
The function MathJsonToMathJsAdt then recursively unpacks this JSON into a typed data structure we can use.
Inside of this function, MathAdtToDistDst is called whenever a distribution function is encountered.
let mathJsToJson = str |> pointwiseToRightLogShift |> Mathjs.parseMath
let mathJsParse = E.R.bind(mathJsToJson, r =>
switch {
| Some(r) => Ok(r)
| None => Error("MathJsParse Error")
let value = E.R.bind(mathJsParse,
Js.log2(mathJsParse, value)
let fromString = str => fromString2(str)

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
[@bs.module "./MathjsWrapper.js"]
external parseMathExt: string => Js.Json.t = "parseMath";
let parseMath = (str: string): result(Js.Json.t, string) =>
switch (parseMathExt(str)) {
| exception (Js.Exn.Error(err)) =>
Error(Js.Exn.message(err) |> E.O.default("MathJS Parse Error"))
| exception _ => Error("MathJS Parse Error")
| j => Ok(j)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
external parseMathExt: string => Js.Json.t = "parseMath"
let parseMath = (str: string): result<Js.Json.t, string> =>
switch parseMathExt(str) {
| exception Js.Exn.Error(err) => Error(Js.Exn.message(err) |> E.O.default("MathJS Parse Error"))
| exception _ => Error("MathJS Parse Error")
| j => Ok(j)

View File

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
open ExpressionTypes;
module Algebraic = {
type t = algebraicOperation;
let toFn: (t, float, float) => float =
| `Add => (+.)
| `Subtract => (-.)
| `Multiply => ( *. )
| `Exponentiate => ( ** )
| `Divide => (/.);
let applyFn = (t, f1, f2) => {
switch (t, f1, f2) {
| (`Divide, _, 0.) => Error("Cannot divide $v1 by zero.")
| _ => Ok(toFn(t, f1, f2))
let toString =
| `Add => "+"
| `Subtract => "-"
| `Multiply => "*"
| `Exponentiate => ( "**" )
| `Divide => "/";
let format = (a, b, c) => b ++ " " ++ toString(a) ++ " " ++ c;
module Pointwise = {
type t = pointwiseOperation;
let toString =
| `Add => "+"
| `Exponentiate => "^"
| `Multiply => "*";
let format = (a, b, c) => b ++ " " ++ toString(a) ++ " " ++ c;
module DistToFloat = {
type t = distToFloatOperation;
let format = (operation, value) =>
switch (operation) {
| `Cdf(f) => {j|cdf(x=$f,$value)|j}
| `Pdf(f) => {j|pdf(x=$f,$value)|j}
| `Inv(f) => {j|inv(x=$f,$value)|j}
| `Sample => "sample($value)"
| `Mean => "mean($value)"
// Note that different logarithms don't really do anything.
module Scale = {
type t = scaleOperation;
let toFn =
| `Multiply => ( *. )
| `Exponentiate => ( ** )
| `Log => ((a, b) => log(a) /. log(b));
let format = (operation: t, value, scaleBy) =>
switch (operation) {
| `Multiply => {j|verticalMultiply($value, $scaleBy) |j}
| `Exponentiate => {j|verticalExponentiate($value, $scaleBy) |j}
| `Log => {j|verticalLog($value, $scaleBy) |j}
let toIntegralSumCacheFn =
| `Multiply => ((a, b) => Some(a *. b))
| `Exponentiate => ((_, _) => None)
| `Log => ((_, _) => None);
let toIntegralCacheFn =
| `Multiply => ((a, b) => None) // TODO: this could probably just be multiplied out (using Continuous.scaleBy)
| `Exponentiate => ((_, _) => None)
| `Log => ((_, _) => None);
module T = {
let truncateToString =
(left: option(float), right: option(float), nodeToString) => {
let left = left |> E.O.dimap(Js.Float.toString, () => "-inf");
let right = right |> E.O.dimap(Js.Float.toString, () => "inf");
{j|truncate($nodeToString, $left, $right)|j};
let toString = nodeToString =>
| `AlgebraicCombination(op, t1, t2) =>
Algebraic.format(op, nodeToString(t1), nodeToString(t2))
| `PointwiseCombination(op, t1, t2) =>
Pointwise.format(op, nodeToString(t1), nodeToString(t2))
| `VerticalScaling(scaleOp, t, scaleBy) =>
Scale.format(scaleOp, nodeToString(t), nodeToString(scaleBy))
| `Normalize(t) => "normalize(k" ++ nodeToString(t) ++ ")"
| `FloatFromDist(floatFromDistOp, t) =>
DistToFloat.format(floatFromDistOp, nodeToString(t))
| `Truncate(lc, rc, t) => truncateToString(lc, rc, nodeToString(t))
| `Render(t) => nodeToString(t)
| _ => ""; // SymbolicDist and RenderedDist are handled in ExpressionTree.toString.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
open ExpressionTypes
module Algebraic = {
type t = algebraicOperation
let toFn: (t, float, float) => float = x =>
switch x {
| #Add => \"+."
| #Subtract => \"-."
| #Multiply => \"*."
| #Exponentiate => \"**"
| #Divide => \"/."
let applyFn = (t, f1, f2) =>
switch (t, f1, f2) {
| (#Divide, _, 0.) => Error("Cannot divide $v1 by zero.")
| _ => Ok(toFn(t, f1, f2))
let toString = x =>
switch x {
| #Add => "+"
| #Subtract => "-"
| #Multiply => "*"
| #Exponentiate => "**"
| #Divide => "/"
let format = (a, b, c) => b ++ (" " ++ (toString(a) ++ (" " ++ c)))
module Pointwise = {
type t = pointwiseOperation
let toString = x =>
switch x {
| #Add => "+"
| #Exponentiate => "^"
| #Multiply => "*"
let format = (a, b, c) => b ++ (" " ++ (toString(a) ++ (" " ++ c)))
module DistToFloat = {
type t = distToFloatOperation
let format = (operation, value) =>
switch operation {
| #Cdf(f) => j`cdf(x=$f,$value)`
| #Pdf(f) => j`pdf(x=$f,$value)`
| #Inv(f) => j`inv(x=$f,$value)`
| #Sample => "sample($value)"
| #Mean => "mean($value)"
// Note that different logarithms don't really do anything.
module Scale = {
type t = scaleOperation
let toFn = x =>
switch x {
| #Multiply => \"*."
| #Exponentiate => \"**"
| #Log => (a, b) => log(a) /. log(b)
let format = (operation: t, value, scaleBy) =>
switch operation {
| #Multiply => j`verticalMultiply($value, $scaleBy) `
| #Exponentiate => j`verticalExponentiate($value, $scaleBy) `
| #Log => j`verticalLog($value, $scaleBy) `
let toIntegralSumCacheFn = x =>
switch x {
| #Multiply => (a, b) => Some(a *. b)
| #Exponentiate => (_, _) => None
| #Log => (_, _) => None
let toIntegralCacheFn = x =>
switch x {
| #Multiply => (a, b) => None // TODO: this could probably just be multiplied out (using Continuous.scaleBy)
| #Exponentiate => (_, _) => None
| #Log => (_, _) => None
module T = {
let truncateToString = (left: option<float>, right: option<float>, nodeToString) => {
let left = left |> E.O.dimap(Js.Float.toString, () => "-inf")
let right = right |> E.O.dimap(Js.Float.toString, () => "inf")
j`truncate($nodeToString, $left, $right)`
let toString = (nodeToString, x) =>
switch x {
| #AlgebraicCombination(op, t1, t2) => Algebraic.format(op, nodeToString(t1), nodeToString(t2))
| #PointwiseCombination(op, t1, t2) => Pointwise.format(op, nodeToString(t1), nodeToString(t2))
| #VerticalScaling(scaleOp, t, scaleBy) =>
Scale.format(scaleOp, nodeToString(t), nodeToString(scaleBy))
| #Normalize(t) => "normalize(k" ++ (nodeToString(t) ++ ")")
| #FloatFromDist(floatFromDistOp, t) => DistToFloat.format(floatFromDistOp, nodeToString(t))
| #Truncate(lc, rc, t) => truncateToString(lc, rc, nodeToString(t))
| #Render(t) => nodeToString(t)
| _ => ""
} // SymbolicDist and RenderedDist are handled in ExpressionTree.toString.

View File

@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
open ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree;
module Function = {
type t = (array(string), node);
let fromNode: node => option(t) =
node =>
switch (node) {
| `Function(r) => Some(r)
| _ => None
let argumentNames = ((a, _): t) => a;
let internals = ((_, b): t) => b;
let run =
evaluationParams: ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.evaluationParams,
args: array(node),
t: t,
) =>
if (E.A.length(args) == E.A.length(argumentNames(t))) {
let newEnvironment =, args)
|> ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.Environment.fromArray;
let newEvaluationParams: ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.evaluationParams = {
samplingInputs: evaluationParams.samplingInputs,
evaluateNode: evaluationParams.evaluateNode,
evaluationParams.evaluateNode(newEvaluationParams, internals(t));
} else {
Error("Wrong number of variables");
module Primative = {
type t = [
| `SymbolicDist(SymbolicTypes.symbolicDist)
| `RenderedDist(DistTypes.shape)
| `Function(array(string), node)
let isPrimative: node => bool =
| `SymbolicDist(_)
| `RenderedDist(_)
| `Function(_) => true
| _ => false;
let fromNode: node => option(t) =
| `SymbolicDist(_) as n
| `RenderedDist(_) as n
| `Function(_) as n => Some(n)
| _ => None;
module SamplingDistribution = {
type t = [
| `SymbolicDist(SymbolicTypes.symbolicDist)
| `RenderedDist(DistTypes.shape)
let isSamplingDistribution: node => bool =
| `SymbolicDist(_) => true
| `RenderedDist(_) => true
| _ => false;
let fromNode: node => result(t, string) =
| `SymbolicDist(n) => Ok(`SymbolicDist(n))
| `RenderedDist(n) => Ok(`RenderedDist(n))
| _ => Error("Not valid type");
let renderIfIsNotSamplingDistribution = (params, t): result(node, string) =>
? switch (Render.render(params, t)) {
| Ok(r) => Ok(r)
| Error(e) => Error(e)
: Ok(t);
let map = (~renderedDistFn, ~symbolicDistFn, node: node) =>
|> (
| `RenderedDist(r) => Some(renderedDistFn(r))
| `SymbolicDist(s) => Some(symbolicDistFn(s))
| _ => None
let sampleN = n =>
let getCombinationSamples = (n, algebraicOp, t1: node, t2: node) => {
switch (sampleN(n, t1), sampleN(n, t2)) {
| (Some(a), Some(b)) =>
Some(, b)
|> E.A.fmap(((a, b)) => Operation.Algebraic.toFn(algebraicOp, a, b)),
| _ => None
let combineShapesUsingSampling =
(evaluationParams: evaluationParams, algebraicOp, t1: node, t2: node) => {
let i1 = renderIfIsNotSamplingDistribution(evaluationParams, t1);
let i2 = renderIfIsNotSamplingDistribution(evaluationParams, t2);
E.R.merge(i1, i2)
|> E.R.bind(
((a, b)) => {
let samples =
// todo: This bottom part should probably be somewhere else.
let shape =
|> E.O.fmap(
|> E.O.bind(_, r => r.shape)
|> E.O.toResult("No response");
shape |> E.R.fmap(r => `Normalize(`RenderedDist(r)));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
open ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree
module Function = {
type t = (array<string>, node)
let fromNode: node => option<t> = node =>
switch node {
| #Function(r) => Some(r)
| _ => None
let argumentNames = ((a, _): t) => a
let internals = ((_, b): t) => b
let run = (
evaluationParams: ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.evaluationParams,
args: array<node>,
t: t,
) =>
if E.A.length(args) == E.A.length(argumentNames(t)) {
let newEnvironment =
) |> ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.Environment.fromArray
let newEvaluationParams: ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.evaluationParams = {
samplingInputs: evaluationParams.samplingInputs,
environment: ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.Environment.mergeKeepSecond(
evaluateNode: evaluationParams.evaluateNode,
evaluationParams.evaluateNode(newEvaluationParams, internals(t))
} else {
Error("Wrong number of variables")
module Primative = {
type t = [
| #SymbolicDist(SymbolicTypes.symbolicDist)
| #RenderedDist(DistTypes.shape)
| #Function(array<string>, node)
let isPrimative: node => bool = x =>
switch x {
| #SymbolicDist(_)
| #RenderedDist(_)
| #Function(_) => true
| _ => false
let fromNode: node => option<t> = x =>
switch x {
| #SymbolicDist(_) as n
| #RenderedDist(_) as n
| #Function(_) as n =>
| _ => None
module SamplingDistribution = {
type t = [
| #SymbolicDist(SymbolicTypes.symbolicDist)
| #RenderedDist(DistTypes.shape)
let isSamplingDistribution: node => bool = x =>
switch x {
| #SymbolicDist(_) => true
| #RenderedDist(_) => true
| _ => false
let fromNode: node => result<t, string> = x =>
switch x {
| #SymbolicDist(n) => Ok(#SymbolicDist(n))
| #RenderedDist(n) => Ok(#RenderedDist(n))
| _ => Error("Not valid type")
let renderIfIsNotSamplingDistribution = (params, t): result<node, string> =>
? switch Render.render(params, t) {
| Ok(r) => Ok(r)
| Error(e) => Error(e)
: Ok(t)
let map = (~renderedDistFn, ~symbolicDistFn, node: node) =>
node |> (
x =>
switch x {
| #RenderedDist(r) => Some(renderedDistFn(r))
| #SymbolicDist(s) => Some(symbolicDistFn(s))
| _ => None
let sampleN = n =>
map(~renderedDistFn=Shape.sampleNRendered(n), ~symbolicDistFn=SymbolicDist.T.sampleN(n))
let getCombinationSamples = (n, algebraicOp, t1: node, t2: node) =>
switch (sampleN(n, t1), sampleN(n, t2)) {
| (Some(a), Some(b)) =>
Some(, b) |> E.A.fmap(((a, b)) => Operation.Algebraic.toFn(algebraicOp, a, b)),
| _ => None
let combineShapesUsingSampling = (
evaluationParams: evaluationParams,
t1: node,
t2: node,
) => {
let i1 = renderIfIsNotSamplingDistribution(evaluationParams, t1)
let i2 = renderIfIsNotSamplingDistribution(evaluationParams, t2)
E.R.merge(i1, i2) |> E.R.bind(_, ((a, b)) => {
let samples = getCombinationSamples(
// todo: This bottom part should probably be somewhere else.
let shape =
|> E.O.fmap(SamplesToShape.fromSamples(~samplingInputs=evaluationParams.samplingInputs))
|> E.O.bind(_, r => r.shape)
|> E.O.toResult("No response")
shape |> E.R.fmap(r => #Normalize(#RenderedDist(r)))

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
type t = ExpressionTypes.Program.program;
let last = (r:t) => E.A.last(r) |> E.O.toResult("No rendered lines");
// let run = (p:program) => p |> E.A.last |> E.O.fmap(r =>
// )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
type t = ExpressionTypes.Program.program
let last = (r: t) => E.A.last(r) |> E.O.toResult("No rendered lines")
// let run = (p:program) => p |> E.A.last |> E.O.fmap(r =>
// )

View File

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
//The math here was taken from
let len = x => E.A.length(x) |> float_of_int;
let iqr = x => {
Jstat.percentile(x, 0.75, true) -. Jstat.percentile(x, 0.25, true);
// Silverman, B. W. (1986) Density Estimation. London: Chapman and Hall.
let nrd0 = x => {
let hi = Js_math.sqrt(Jstat.variance(x));
let lo = Js_math.minMany_float([|hi, iqr(x) /. 1.34|]);
let e = Js_math.abs_float(x[1]);
let lo' =
switch (lo, hi, e) {
| (lo, _, _) when !Js.Float.isNaN(lo) => lo
| (_, hi, _) when !Js.Float.isNaN(hi) => hi
| (_, _, e) when !Js.Float.isNaN(e) => e
| _ => 1.0
0.9 *. lo' *. Js.Math.pow_float(~base=len(x), ~exp=-0.2);
// Scott, D. W. (1992) Multivariate Density Estimation: Theory, Practice, and Visualization. Wiley.
let nrd = x => {
let h = iqr(x) /. 1.34;
*. Js.Math.min_float(Js.Math.sqrt(Jstat.variance(x)), h)
*. Js.Math.pow_float(~base=len(x), ~exp=(-1.0) /. 5.0);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
//The math here was taken from
let len = x => E.A.length(x) |> float_of_int
let iqr = x => Jstat.percentile(x, 0.75, true) -. Jstat.percentile(x, 0.25, true)
// Silverman, B. W. (1986) Density Estimation. London: Chapman and Hall.
let nrd0 = x => {
let hi = Js_math.sqrt(Jstat.variance(x))
let lo = Js_math.minMany_float([hi, iqr(x) /. 1.34])
let e = Js_math.abs_float(x[1])
let lo' = switch (lo, hi, e) {
| (lo, _, _) if !Js.Float.isNaN(lo) => lo
| (_, hi, _) if !Js.Float.isNaN(hi) => hi
| (_, _, e) if !Js.Float.isNaN(e) => e
| _ => 1.0
0.9 *. lo' *. Js.Math.pow_float(~base=len(x), ~exp=-0.2)
// Scott, D. W. (1992) Multivariate Density Estimation: Theory, Practice, and Visualization. Wiley.
let nrd = x => {
let h = iqr(x) /. 1.34
1.06 *.
Js.Math.min_float(Js.Math.sqrt(Jstat.variance(x)), h) *.
Js.Math.pow_float(~base=len(x), ~exp=-1.0 /. 5.0)

View File

@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
module Internals = {
module Types = {
type samplingStats = {
sampleCount: int,
outputXYPoints: int,
bandwidthXSuggested: float,
bandwidthUnitSuggested: float,
bandwidthXImplemented: float,
bandwidthUnitImplemented: float,
type outputs = {
continuousParseParams: option(samplingStats),
shape: option(DistTypes.shape),
module JS = {
[@bs.deriving abstract]
type distJs = {
xs: array(float),
ys: array(float),
let jsToDist = (d: distJs): DistTypes.xyShape => {
xs: xsGet(d),
ys: ysGet(d),
[@bs.module "./KdeLibrary.js"]
external samplesToContinuousPdf: (array(float), int, int) => distJs =
module KDE = {
let normalSampling = (samples, outputXYPoints, kernelWidth) => {
|> JS.samplesToContinuousPdf(_, outputXYPoints, kernelWidth)
|> JS.jsToDist;
module T = {
type t = array(float);
let splitContinuousAndDiscrete = (sortedArray: t) => {
let continuous = [||];
let discrete = E.FloatFloatMap.empty();
(index, element) => {
let maxIndex = (sortedArray |> Array.length) - 1;
let possiblySimilarElements =
switch (index) {
| 0 => [|index + 1|]
| n when n == maxIndex => [|index - 1|]
| _ => [|index - 1, index + 1|]
|>, r => sortedArray[r]);
let hasSimilarElement =
Belt.Array.some(possiblySimilarElements, r => r == element);
? E.FloatFloatMap.increment(element, discrete)
: {
let _ = Js.Array.push(element, continuous);
(continuous, discrete);
let xWidthToUnitWidth = (samples, outputXYPoints, xWidth) => {
let xyPointRange = E.A.Sorted.range(samples) |> E.O.default(0.0);
let xyPointWidth = xyPointRange /. float_of_int(outputXYPoints);
xWidth /. xyPointWidth;
let formatUnitWidth = w => Jstat.max([|w, 1.0|]) |> int_of_float;
let suggestedUnitWidth = (samples, outputXYPoints) => {
let suggestedXWidth = Bandwidth.nrd0(samples);
xWidthToUnitWidth(samples, outputXYPoints, suggestedXWidth);
let kde = (~samples, ~outputXYPoints, width) => {
KDE.normalSampling(samples, outputXYPoints, width);
let toShape =
~samples: Internals.T.t,
~samplingInputs: ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.samplingInputs,
) => {
Array.fast_sort(compare, samples);
let (continuousPart, discretePart) = E.A.Sorted.Floats.split(samples);
let length = samples |> E.A.length |> float_of_int;
let discrete: DistTypes.discreteShape =
|> E.FloatFloatMap.fmap(r => r /. length)
|> E.FloatFloatMap.toArray
|> XYShape.T.fromZippedArray
|> Discrete.make;
let pdf =
continuousPart |> E.A.length > 5
? {
let _suggestedXWidth = Bandwidth.nrd0(continuousPart);
// todo: This does some recalculating from the last step.
let _suggestedUnitWidth =
let usedWidth =
samplingInputs.kernelWidth |> E.O.default(_suggestedXWidth);
let usedUnitWidth =
let samplingStats: Internals.Types.samplingStats = {
sampleCount: samplingInputs.sampleCount,
outputXYPoints: samplingInputs.outputXYPoints,
bandwidthXSuggested: _suggestedXWidth,
bandwidthUnitSuggested: _suggestedUnitWidth,
bandwidthXImplemented: usedWidth,
bandwidthUnitImplemented: usedUnitWidth,
|> Internals.T.kde(
|> Continuous.make
|> (r => Some((r, samplingStats)));
: None;
let shape =
~continuous=pdf |> E.O.fmap(fst),
let samplesParse: Internals.Types.outputs = {
continuousParseParams: pdf |> E.O.fmap(snd),
let fromSamples = (~samplingInputs, samples) => {
toShape(~samples, ~samplingInputs, ());

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@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
module Internals = {
module Types = {
type samplingStats = {
sampleCount: int,
outputXYPoints: int,
bandwidthXSuggested: float,
bandwidthUnitSuggested: float,
bandwidthXImplemented: float,
bandwidthUnitImplemented: float,
type outputs = {
continuousParseParams: option<samplingStats>,
shape: option<DistTypes.shape>,
module JS = {
type distJs = {
xs: array<float>,
ys: array<float>,
let jsToDist = (d: distJs): DistTypes.xyShape => {
xs: xsGet(d),
ys: ysGet(d),
external samplesToContinuousPdf: (array<float>, int, int) => distJs = "samplesToContinuousPdf"
module KDE = {
let normalSampling = (samples, outputXYPoints, kernelWidth) =>
samples |> JS.samplesToContinuousPdf(_, outputXYPoints, kernelWidth) |> JS.jsToDist
module T = {
type t = array<float>
let splitContinuousAndDiscrete = (sortedArray: t) => {
let continuous = []
let discrete = E.FloatFloatMap.empty()
Belt.Array.forEachWithIndex(sortedArray, (index, element) => {
let maxIndex = (sortedArray |> Array.length) - 1
let possiblySimilarElements = switch index {
| 0 => [index + 1]
| n if n == maxIndex => [index - 1]
| _ => [index - 1, index + 1]
} |>, r => sortedArray[r])
let hasSimilarElement = Belt.Array.some(possiblySimilarElements, r => r == element)
? E.FloatFloatMap.increment(element, discrete)
: {
let _ = Js.Array.push(element, continuous)
(continuous, discrete)
let xWidthToUnitWidth = (samples, outputXYPoints, xWidth) => {
let xyPointRange = E.A.Sorted.range(samples) |> E.O.default(0.0)
let xyPointWidth = xyPointRange /. float_of_int(outputXYPoints)
xWidth /. xyPointWidth
let formatUnitWidth = w => Jstat.max([w, 1.0]) |> int_of_float
let suggestedUnitWidth = (samples, outputXYPoints) => {
let suggestedXWidth = Bandwidth.nrd0(samples)
xWidthToUnitWidth(samples, outputXYPoints, suggestedXWidth)
let kde = (~samples, ~outputXYPoints, width) =>
KDE.normalSampling(samples, outputXYPoints, width)
let toShape = (
~samples: Internals.T.t,
~samplingInputs: ExpressionTypes.ExpressionTree.samplingInputs,
) => {
Array.fast_sort(compare, samples)
let (continuousPart, discretePart) = E.A.Sorted.Floats.split(samples)
let length = samples |> E.A.length |> float_of_int
let discrete: DistTypes.discreteShape =
|> E.FloatFloatMap.fmap(r => r /. length)
|> E.FloatFloatMap.toArray
|> XYShape.T.fromZippedArray
|> Discrete.make
let pdf =
continuousPart |> E.A.length > 5
? {
let _suggestedXWidth = Bandwidth.nrd0(continuousPart)
// todo: This does some recalculating from the last step.
let _suggestedUnitWidth = Internals.T.suggestedUnitWidth(
let usedWidth = samplingInputs.kernelWidth |> E.O.default(_suggestedXWidth)
let usedUnitWidth = Internals.T.xWidthToUnitWidth(
let samplingStats: Internals.Types.samplingStats = {
sampleCount: samplingInputs.sampleCount,
outputXYPoints: samplingInputs.outputXYPoints,
bandwidthXSuggested: _suggestedXWidth,
bandwidthUnitSuggested: _suggestedUnitWidth,
bandwidthXImplemented: usedWidth,
bandwidthUnitImplemented: usedUnitWidth,
|> Internals.T.kde(
|> Continuous.make
|> (r => Some((r, samplingStats)))
: None
let shape = MixedShapeBuilder.buildSimple(
~continuous=pdf |> E.O.fmap(fst),
let samplesParse: Internals.Types.outputs = {
continuousParseParams: pdf |> E.O.fmap(snd),
shape: shape,
let fromSamples = (~samplingInputs, samples) => toShape(~samples, ~samplingInputs, ())

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@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
open SymbolicTypes;
module Exponential = {
type t = exponential;
let make = (rate:float): symbolicDist =>
let pdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.exponential##pdf(x, t.rate);
let cdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.exponential##cdf(x, t.rate);
let inv = (p, t: t) => Jstat.exponential##inv(p, t.rate);
let sample = (t: t) => Jstat.exponential##sample(t.rate);
let mean = (t: t) => Ok(Jstat.exponential##mean(t.rate));
let toString = ({rate}: t) => {j|Exponential($rate)|j};
module Cauchy = {
type t = cauchy;
let make = (local, scale): symbolicDist => `Cauchy({local, scale});
let pdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.cauchy##pdf(x, t.local, t.scale);
let cdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.cauchy##cdf(x, t.local, t.scale);
let inv = (p, t: t) => Jstat.cauchy##inv(p, t.local, t.scale);
let sample = (t: t) => Jstat.cauchy##sample(t.local, t.scale);
let mean = (_: t) => Error("Cauchy distributions have no mean value.");
let toString = ({local, scale}: t) => {j|Cauchy($local, $scale)|j};
module Triangular = {
type t = triangular;
let make = (low, medium, high): result(symbolicDist, string) =>
low < medium && medium < high
? Ok(`Triangular({low, medium, high}))
: Error("Triangular values must be increasing order");
let pdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.triangular##pdf(x, t.low, t.high, t.medium);
let cdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.triangular##cdf(x, t.low, t.high, t.medium);
let inv = (p, t: t) => Jstat.triangular##inv(p, t.low, t.high, t.medium);
let sample = (t: t) => Jstat.triangular##sample(t.low, t.high, t.medium);
let mean = (t: t) => Ok(Jstat.triangular##mean(t.low, t.high, t.medium));
let toString = ({low, medium, high}: t) => {j|Triangular($low, $medium, $high)|j};
module Normal = {
type t = normal;
let make = (mean, stdev): symbolicDist => `Normal({mean, stdev});
let pdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.normal##pdf(x, t.mean, t.stdev);
let cdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.normal##cdf(x, t.mean, t.stdev);
let from90PercentCI = (low, high) => {
let mean = E.A.Floats.mean([|low, high|]);
let stdev = (high -. low) /. (2. *. 1.644854);
`Normal({mean, stdev});
let inv = (p, t: t) => Jstat.normal##inv(p, t.mean, t.stdev);
let sample = (t: t) => Jstat.normal##sample(t.mean, t.stdev);
let mean = (t: t) => Ok(Jstat.normal##mean(t.mean, t.stdev));
let toString = ({mean, stdev}: t) => {j|Normal($mean,$stdev)|j};
let add = (n1: t, n2: t) => {
let mean = n1.mean +. n2.mean;
let stdev = sqrt(n1.stdev ** 2. +. n2.stdev ** 2.);
`Normal({mean, stdev});
let subtract = (n1: t, n2: t) => {
let mean = n1.mean -. n2.mean;
let stdev = sqrt(n1.stdev ** 2. +. n2.stdev ** 2.);
`Normal({mean, stdev});
// TODO: is this useful here at all? would need the integral as well ...
let pointwiseProduct = (n1: t, n2: t) => {
let mean =
(n1.mean *. n2.stdev ** 2. +. n2.mean *. n1.stdev ** 2.)
/. (n1.stdev ** 2. +. n2.stdev ** 2.);
let stdev = 1. /. (1. /. n1.stdev ** 2. +. 1. /. n2.stdev ** 2.);
`Normal({mean, stdev});
let operate = (operation: Operation.Algebraic.t, n1: t, n2: t) =>
switch (operation) {
| `Add => Some(add(n1, n2))
| `Subtract => Some(subtract(n1, n2))
| _ => None
module Beta = {
type t = beta;
let make = (alpha, beta) => `Beta({alpha, beta});
let pdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.beta##pdf(x, t.alpha, t.beta);
let cdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.beta##cdf(x, t.alpha, t.beta);
let inv = (p, t: t) => Jstat.beta##inv(p, t.alpha, t.beta);
let sample = (t: t) => Jstat.beta##sample(t.alpha, t.beta);
let mean = (t: t) => Ok(Jstat.beta##mean(t.alpha, t.beta));
let toString = ({alpha, beta}: t) => {j|Beta($alpha,$beta)|j};
module Lognormal = {
type t = lognormal;
let make = (mu, sigma) => `Lognormal({mu, sigma});
let pdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.lognormal##pdf(x,, t.sigma);
let cdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.lognormal##cdf(x,, t.sigma);
let inv = (p, t: t) => Jstat.lognormal##inv(p,, t.sigma);
let mean = (t: t) => Ok(Jstat.lognormal##mean(, t.sigma));
let sample = (t: t) => Jstat.lognormal##sample(, t.sigma);
let toString = ({mu, sigma}: t) => {j|Lognormal($mu,$sigma)|j};
let from90PercentCI = (low, high) => {
let logLow = Js.Math.log(low);
let logHigh = Js.Math.log(high);
let mu = E.A.Floats.mean([|logLow, logHigh|]);
let sigma = (logHigh -. logLow) /. (2.0 *. 1.645);
`Lognormal({mu, sigma});
let fromMeanAndStdev = (mean, stdev) => {
let variance = Js.Math.pow_float(~base=stdev, ~exp=2.0);
let meanSquared = Js.Math.pow_float(~base=mean, ~exp=2.0);
let mu =
Js.Math.log(mean) -. 0.5 *. Js.Math.log(variance /. meanSquared +. 1.0);
let sigma =
~base=Js.Math.log(variance /. meanSquared +. 1.0),
`Lognormal({mu, sigma});
let multiply = (l1, l2) => {
let mu = +.;
let sigma = l1.sigma +. l2.sigma;
`Lognormal({mu, sigma});
let divide = (l1, l2) => {
let mu = -.;
let sigma = l1.sigma +. l2.sigma;
`Lognormal({mu, sigma});
let operate = (operation: Operation.Algebraic.t, n1: t, n2: t) =>
switch (operation) {
| `Multiply => Some(multiply(n1, n2))
| `Divide => Some(divide(n1, n2))
| _ => None
module Uniform = {
type t = uniform;
let make = (low, high) => `Uniform({low, high});
let pdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.uniform##pdf(x, t.low, t.high);
let cdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.uniform##cdf(x, t.low, t.high);
let inv = (p, t: t) => Jstat.uniform##inv(p, t.low, t.high);
let sample = (t: t) => Jstat.uniform##sample(t.low, t.high);
let mean = (t: t) => Ok(Jstat.uniform##mean(t.low, t.high));
let toString = ({low, high}: t) => {j|Uniform($low,$high)|j};
let truncate = (low, high, t: t): t => {
let newLow = max(E.O.default(neg_infinity, low), t.low);
let newHigh = min(E.O.default(infinity, high), t.high);
{low: newLow, high: newHigh};
module Float = {
type t = float;
let make = t => `Float(t);
let pdf = (x, t: t) => x == t ? 1.0 : 0.0;
let cdf = (x, t: t) => x >= t ? 1.0 : 0.0;
let inv = (p, t: t) => p < t ? 0.0 : 1.0;
let mean = (t: t) => Ok(t);
let sample = (t: t) => t;
let toString = Js.Float.toString;
module T = {
let minCdfValue = 0.0001;
let maxCdfValue = 0.9999;
let pdf = (x, dist) =>
switch (dist) {
| `Normal(n) => Normal.pdf(x, n)
| `Triangular(n) => Triangular.pdf(x, n)
| `Exponential(n) => Exponential.pdf(x, n)
| `Cauchy(n) => Cauchy.pdf(x, n)
| `Lognormal(n) => Lognormal.pdf(x, n)
| `Uniform(n) => Uniform.pdf(x, n)
| `Beta(n) => Beta.pdf(x, n)
| `Float(n) => Float.pdf(x, n)
let cdf = (x, dist) =>
switch (dist) {
| `Normal(n) => Normal.cdf(x, n)
| `Triangular(n) => Triangular.cdf(x, n)
| `Exponential(n) => Exponential.cdf(x, n)
| `Cauchy(n) => Cauchy.cdf(x, n)
| `Lognormal(n) => Lognormal.cdf(x, n)
| `Uniform(n) => Uniform.cdf(x, n)
| `Beta(n) => Beta.cdf(x, n)
| `Float(n) => Float.cdf(x, n)
let inv = (x, dist) =>
switch (dist) {
| `Normal(n) => Normal.inv(x, n)
| `Triangular(n) => Triangular.inv(x, n)
| `Exponential(n) => Exponential.inv(x, n)
| `Cauchy(n) => Cauchy.inv(x, n)
| `Lognormal(n) => Lognormal.inv(x, n)
| `Uniform(n) => Uniform.inv(x, n)
| `Beta(n) => Beta.inv(x, n)
| `Float(n) => Float.inv(x, n)
let sample: symbolicDist => float =
| `Normal(n) => Normal.sample(n)
| `Triangular(n) => Triangular.sample(n)
| `Exponential(n) => Exponential.sample(n)
| `Cauchy(n) => Cauchy.sample(n)
| `Lognormal(n) => Lognormal.sample(n)
| `Uniform(n) => Uniform.sample(n)
| `Beta(n) => Beta.sample(n)
| `Float(n) => Float.sample(n);
let doN = (n, fn) => {
let items = Belt.Array.make(n, 0.0);
for (x in 0 to n - 1) {
let _ = Belt.Array.set(items, x, fn());
let sampleN = (n, dist) => {
doN(n, () => sample(dist));
let toString: symbolicDist => string =
| `Triangular(n) => Triangular.toString(n)
| `Exponential(n) => Exponential.toString(n)
| `Cauchy(n) => Cauchy.toString(n)
| `Normal(n) => Normal.toString(n)
| `Lognormal(n) => Lognormal.toString(n)
| `Uniform(n) => Uniform.toString(n)
| `Beta(n) => Beta.toString(n)
| `Float(n) => Float.toString(n);
let min: symbolicDist => float =
| `Triangular({low}) => low
| `Exponential(n) => Exponential.inv(minCdfValue, n)
| `Cauchy(n) => Cauchy.inv(minCdfValue, n)
| `Normal(n) => Normal.inv(minCdfValue, n)
| `Lognormal(n) => Lognormal.inv(minCdfValue, n)
| `Uniform({low}) => low
| `Beta(n) => Beta.inv(minCdfValue, n)
| `Float(n) => n;
let max: symbolicDist => float =
| `Triangular(n) => n.high
| `Exponential(n) => Exponential.inv(maxCdfValue, n)
| `Cauchy(n) => Cauchy.inv(maxCdfValue, n)
| `Normal(n) => Normal.inv(maxCdfValue, n)
| `Lognormal(n) => Lognormal.inv(maxCdfValue, n)
| `Beta(n) => Beta.inv(maxCdfValue, n)
| `Uniform({high}) => high
| `Float(n) => n;
let mean: symbolicDist => result(float, string) =
| `Triangular(n) => Triangular.mean(n)
| `Exponential(n) => Exponential.mean(n)
| `Cauchy(n) => Cauchy.mean(n)
| `Normal(n) => Normal.mean(n)
| `Lognormal(n) => Lognormal.mean(n)
| `Beta(n) => Beta.mean(n)
| `Uniform(n) => Uniform.mean(n)
| `Float(n) => Float.mean(n);
let operate = (distToFloatOp: ExpressionTypes.distToFloatOperation, s) =>
switch (distToFloatOp) {
| `Cdf(f) => Ok(cdf(f, s))
| `Pdf(f) => Ok(pdf(f, s))
| `Inv(f) => Ok(inv(f, s))
| `Sample => Ok(sample(s))
| `Mean => mean(s)
let interpolateXs =
(~xSelection: [ | `Linear | `ByWeight]=`Linear, dist: symbolicDist, n) => {
switch (xSelection, dist) {
| (`Linear, _) => E.A.Floats.range(min(dist), max(dist), n)
| (`ByWeight, `Uniform(n)) =>
// In `ByWeight mode, uniform distributions get special treatment because we need two x's
// on either side for proper rendering (just left and right of the discontinuities).
let dx = 0.00001 *. (n.high -. n.low);
[|n.low -. dx, n.low +. dx, n.high -. dx, n.high +. dx|];
| (`ByWeight, _) =>
let ys = E.A.Floats.range(minCdfValue, maxCdfValue, n);
ys |> E.A.fmap(y => inv(y, dist));
/* Calling e.g. "Normal.operate" returns an optional that wraps a result.
If the optional is None, there is no valid analytic solution. If it Some, it
can still return an error if there is a serious problem,
like in the case of a divide by 0.
let tryAnalyticalSimplification =
d1: symbolicDist,
d2: symbolicDist,
op: ExpressionTypes.algebraicOperation,
: analyticalSimplificationResult =>
switch (d1, d2) {
| (`Float(v1), `Float(v2)) =>
switch (Operation.Algebraic.applyFn(op, v1, v2)) {
| Ok(r) => `AnalyticalSolution(`Float(r))
| Error(n) => `Error(n)
| (`Normal(v1), `Normal(v2)) =>
Normal.operate(op, v1, v2)
|> E.O.dimap(r => `AnalyticalSolution(r), () => `NoSolution)
| (`Lognormal(v1), `Lognormal(v2)) =>
Lognormal.operate(op, v1, v2)
|> E.O.dimap(r => `AnalyticalSolution(r), () => `NoSolution)
| _ => `NoSolution
let toShape = (sampleCount, d: symbolicDist): DistTypes.shape =>
switch (d) {
| `Float(v) =>
{xs: [|v|], ys: [|1.0|]},
| _ =>
let xs = interpolateXs(~xSelection=`ByWeight, d, sampleCount);
let ys = xs |> E.A.fmap(x => pdf(x, d));
Continuous(Continuous.make(~integralSumCache=Some(1.0), {xs, ys}));

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@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
open SymbolicTypes
module Normal = {
type t = normal
let make = (mean, stdev): symbolicDist => #Normal({mean: mean, stdev: stdev})
let pdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.Normal.pdf(x, t.mean, t.stdev)
let cdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.Normal.cdf(x, t.mean, t.stdev)
let from90PercentCI = (low, high) => {
let mean = E.A.Floats.mean([low, high])
let stdev = (high -. low) /. (2. *. 1.644854)
#Normal({mean: mean, stdev: stdev})
let inv = (p, t: t) => Jstat.Normal.inv(p, t.mean, t.stdev)
let sample = (t: t) => Jstat.Normal.sample(t.mean, t.stdev)
let mean = (t: t) => Ok(Jstat.Normal.mean(t.mean, t.stdev))
let toString = ({mean, stdev}: t) => j`Normal($mean,$stdev)`
let add = (n1: t, n2: t) => {
let mean = n1.mean +. n2.mean
let stdev = sqrt(n1.stdev ** 2. +. n2.stdev ** 2.)
#Normal({mean: mean, stdev: stdev})
let subtract = (n1: t, n2: t) => {
let mean = n1.mean -. n2.mean
let stdev = sqrt(n1.stdev ** 2. +. n2.stdev ** 2.)
#Normal({mean: mean, stdev: stdev})
// TODO: is this useful here at all? would need the integral as well ...
let pointwiseProduct = (n1: t, n2: t) => {
let mean =
(n1.mean *. n2.stdev ** 2. +. n2.mean *. n1.stdev ** 2.) /. (n1.stdev ** 2. +. n2.stdev ** 2.)
let stdev = 1. /. (1. /. n1.stdev ** 2. +. 1. /. n2.stdev ** 2.)
#Normal({mean: mean, stdev: stdev})
let operate = (operation: Operation.Algebraic.t, n1: t, n2: t) =>
switch operation {
| #Add => Some(add(n1, n2))
| #Subtract => Some(subtract(n1, n2))
| _ => None
module Exponential = {
type t = exponential
let make = (rate: float): symbolicDist =>
rate: rate,
let pdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.Exponential.pdf(x, t.rate)
let cdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.Exponential.cdf(x, t.rate)
let inv = (p, t: t) => Jstat.Exponential.inv(p, t.rate)
let sample = (t: t) => Jstat.Exponential.sample(t.rate)
let mean = (t: t) => Ok(Jstat.Exponential.mean(t.rate))
let toString = ({rate}: t) => j`Exponential($rate)`
module Cauchy = {
type t = cauchy
let make = (local, scale): symbolicDist => #Cauchy({local: local, scale: scale})
let pdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.Cauchy.pdf(x, t.local, t.scale)
let cdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.Cauchy.cdf(x, t.local, t.scale)
let inv = (p, t: t) => Jstat.Cauchy.inv(p, t.local, t.scale)
let sample = (t: t) => Jstat.Cauchy.sample(t.local, t.scale)
let mean = (_: t) => Error("Cauchy distributions have no mean value.")
let toString = ({local, scale}: t) => j`Cauchy($local, $scale)`
module Triangular = {
type t = triangular
let make = (low, medium, high): result<symbolicDist, string> =>
low < medium && medium < high
? Ok(#Triangular({low: low, medium: medium, high: high}))
: Error("Triangular values must be increasing order")
let pdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.Triangular.pdf(x, t.low, t.high, t.medium)
let cdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.Triangular.cdf(x, t.low, t.high, t.medium)
let inv = (p, t: t) => Jstat.Triangular.inv(p, t.low, t.high, t.medium)
let sample = (t: t) => Jstat.Triangular.sample(t.low, t.high, t.medium)
let mean = (t: t) => Ok(Jstat.Triangular.mean(t.low, t.high, t.medium))
let toString = ({low, medium, high}: t) => j`Triangular($low, $medium, $high)`
module Beta = {
type t = beta
let make = (alpha, beta) => #Beta({alpha: alpha, beta: beta})
let pdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.Beta.pdf(x, t.alpha, t.beta)
let cdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.Beta.cdf(x, t.alpha, t.beta)
let inv = (p, t: t) => Jstat.Beta.inv(p, t.alpha, t.beta)
let sample = (t: t) => Jstat.Beta.sample(t.alpha, t.beta)
let mean = (t: t) => Ok(Jstat.Beta.mean(t.alpha, t.beta))
let toString = ({alpha, beta}: t) => j`Beta($alpha,$beta)`
module Lognormal = {
type t = lognormal
let make = (mu, sigma) => #Lognormal({mu: mu, sigma: sigma})
let pdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.Lognormal.pdf(x,, t.sigma)
let cdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.Lognormal.cdf(x,, t.sigma)
let inv = (p, t: t) => Jstat.Lognormal.inv(p,, t.sigma)
let mean = (t: t) => Ok(Jstat.Lognormal.mean(, t.sigma))
let sample = (t: t) => Jstat.Lognormal.sample(, t.sigma)
let toString = ({mu, sigma}: t) => j`Lognormal($mu,$sigma)`
let from90PercentCI = (low, high) => {
let logLow = Js.Math.log(low)
let logHigh = Js.Math.log(high)
let mu = E.A.Floats.mean([logLow, logHigh])
let sigma = (logHigh -. logLow) /. (2.0 *. 1.645)
#Lognormal({mu: mu, sigma: sigma})
let fromMeanAndStdev = (mean, stdev) => {
let variance = Js.Math.pow_float(~base=stdev, ~exp=2.0)
let meanSquared = Js.Math.pow_float(~base=mean, ~exp=2.0)
let mu = Js.Math.log(mean) -. 0.5 *. Js.Math.log(variance /. meanSquared +. 1.0)
let sigma = Js.Math.pow_float(~base=Js.Math.log(variance /. meanSquared +. 1.0), ~exp=0.5)
#Lognormal({mu: mu, sigma: sigma})
let multiply = (l1, l2) => {
let mu = +.
let sigma = l1.sigma +. l2.sigma
#Lognormal({mu: mu, sigma: sigma})
let divide = (l1, l2) => {
let mu = -.
let sigma = l1.sigma +. l2.sigma
#Lognormal({mu: mu, sigma: sigma})
let operate = (operation: Operation.Algebraic.t, n1: t, n2: t) =>
switch operation {
| #Multiply => Some(multiply(n1, n2))
| #Divide => Some(divide(n1, n2))
| _ => None
module Uniform = {
type t = uniform
let make = (low, high) => #Uniform({low: low, high: high})
let pdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.Uniform.pdf(x, t.low, t.high)
let cdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.Uniform.cdf(x, t.low, t.high)
let inv = (p, t: t) => Jstat.Uniform.inv(p, t.low, t.high)
let sample = (t: t) => Jstat.Uniform.sample(t.low, t.high)
let mean = (t: t) => Ok(Jstat.Uniform.mean(t.low, t.high))
let toString = ({low, high}: t) => j`Uniform($low,$high)`
let truncate = (low, high, t: t): t => {
let newLow = max(E.O.default(neg_infinity, low), t.low)
let newHigh = min(E.O.default(infinity, high), t.high)
{low: newLow, high: newHigh}
module Float = {
type t = float
let make = t => #Float(t)
let pdf = (x, t: t) => x == t ? 1.0 : 0.0
let cdf = (x, t: t) => x >= t ? 1.0 : 0.0
let inv = (p, t: t) => p < t ? 0.0 : 1.0
let mean = (t: t) => Ok(t)
let sample = (t: t) => t
let toString = Js.Float.toString
module T = {
let minCdfValue = 0.0001
let maxCdfValue = 0.9999
let pdf = (x, dist) =>
switch dist {
| #Normal(n) => Normal.pdf(x, n)
| #Triangular(n) => Triangular.pdf(x, n)
| #Exponential(n) => Exponential.pdf(x, n)
| #Cauchy(n) => Cauchy.pdf(x, n)
| #Lognormal(n) => Lognormal.pdf(x, n)
| #Uniform(n) => Uniform.pdf(x, n)
| #Beta(n) => Beta.pdf(x, n)
| #Float(n) => Float.pdf(x, n)
let cdf = (x, dist) =>
switch dist {
| #Normal(n) => Normal.cdf(x, n)
| #Triangular(n) => Triangular.cdf(x, n)
| #Exponential(n) => Exponential.cdf(x, n)
| #Cauchy(n) => Cauchy.cdf(x, n)
| #Lognormal(n) => Lognormal.cdf(x, n)
| #Uniform(n) => Uniform.cdf(x, n)
| #Beta(n) => Beta.cdf(x, n)
| #Float(n) => Float.cdf(x, n)
let inv = (x, dist) =>
switch dist {
| #Normal(n) => Normal.inv(x, n)
| #Triangular(n) => Triangular.inv(x, n)
| #Exponential(n) => Exponential.inv(x, n)
| #Cauchy(n) => Cauchy.inv(x, n)
| #Lognormal(n) => Lognormal.inv(x, n)
| #Uniform(n) => Uniform.inv(x, n)
| #Beta(n) => Beta.inv(x, n)
| #Float(n) => Float.inv(x, n)
let sample: symbolicDist => float = x =>
switch x {
| #Normal(n) => Normal.sample(n)
| #Triangular(n) => Triangular.sample(n)
| #Exponential(n) => Exponential.sample(n)
| #Cauchy(n) => Cauchy.sample(n)
| #Lognormal(n) => Lognormal.sample(n)
| #Uniform(n) => Uniform.sample(n)
| #Beta(n) => Beta.sample(n)
| #Float(n) => Float.sample(n)
let doN = (n, fn) => {
let items = Belt.Array.make(n, 0.0)
for x in 0 to n - 1 {
let _ = Belt.Array.set(items, x, fn())
let sampleN = (n, dist) => doN(n, () => sample(dist))
let toString: symbolicDist => string = x =>
switch x {
| #Triangular(n) => Triangular.toString(n)
| #Exponential(n) => Exponential.toString(n)
| #Cauchy(n) => Cauchy.toString(n)
| #Normal(n) => Normal.toString(n)
| #Lognormal(n) => Lognormal.toString(n)
| #Uniform(n) => Uniform.toString(n)
| #Beta(n) => Beta.toString(n)
| #Float(n) => Float.toString(n)
let min: symbolicDist => float = x =>
switch x {
| #Triangular({low}) => low
| #Exponential(n) => Exponential.inv(minCdfValue, n)
| #Cauchy(n) => Cauchy.inv(minCdfValue, n)
| #Normal(n) => Normal.inv(minCdfValue, n)
| #Lognormal(n) => Lognormal.inv(minCdfValue, n)
| #Uniform({low}) => low
| #Beta(n) => Beta.inv(minCdfValue, n)
| #Float(n) => n
let max: symbolicDist => float = x =>
switch x {
| #Triangular(n) => n.high
| #Exponential(n) => Exponential.inv(maxCdfValue, n)
| #Cauchy(n) => Cauchy.inv(maxCdfValue, n)
| #Normal(n) => Normal.inv(maxCdfValue, n)
| #Lognormal(n) => Lognormal.inv(maxCdfValue, n)
| #Beta(n) => Beta.inv(maxCdfValue, n)
| #Uniform({high}) => high
| #Float(n) => n
let mean: symbolicDist => result<float, string> = x =>
switch x {
| #Triangular(n) => Triangular.mean(n)
| #Exponential(n) => Exponential.mean(n)
| #Cauchy(n) => Cauchy.mean(n)
| #Normal(n) => Normal.mean(n)
| #Lognormal(n) => Lognormal.mean(n)
| #Beta(n) => Beta.mean(n)
| #Uniform(n) => Uniform.mean(n)
| #Float(n) => Float.mean(n)
let operate = (distToFloatOp: ExpressionTypes.distToFloatOperation, s) =>
switch distToFloatOp {
| #Cdf(f) => Ok(cdf(f, s))
| #Pdf(f) => Ok(pdf(f, s))
| #Inv(f) => Ok(inv(f, s))
| #Sample => Ok(sample(s))
| #Mean => mean(s)
let interpolateXs = (~xSelection: [#Linear | #ByWeight]=#Linear, dist: symbolicDist, n) =>
switch (xSelection, dist) {
| (#Linear, _) => E.A.Floats.range(min(dist), max(dist), n)
| (#ByWeight, #Uniform(n)) =>
// In `ByWeight mode, uniform distributions get special treatment because we need two x's
// on either side for proper rendering (just left and right of the discontinuities).
let dx = 0.00001 *. (n.high -. n.low)
[n.low -. dx, n.low +. dx, n.high -. dx, n.high +. dx]
| (#ByWeight, _) =>
let ys = E.A.Floats.range(minCdfValue, maxCdfValue, n)
ys |> E.A.fmap(y => inv(y, dist))
/* Calling e.g. "Normal.operate" returns an optional that wraps a result.
If the optional is None, there is no valid analytic solution. If it Some, it
can still return an error if there is a serious problem,
like in the case of a divide by 0.
let tryAnalyticalSimplification = (
d1: symbolicDist,
d2: symbolicDist,
op: ExpressionTypes.algebraicOperation,
): analyticalSimplificationResult =>
switch (d1, d2) {
| (#Float(v1), #Float(v2)) =>
switch Operation.Algebraic.applyFn(op, v1, v2) {
| Ok(r) => #AnalyticalSolution(#Float(r))
| Error(n) => #Error(n)
| (#Normal(v1), #Normal(v2)) =>
Normal.operate(op, v1, v2) |> E.O.dimap(r => #AnalyticalSolution(r), () => #NoSolution)
| (#Lognormal(v1), #Lognormal(v2)) =>
Lognormal.operate(op, v1, v2) |> E.O.dimap(r => #AnalyticalSolution(r), () => #NoSolution)
| _ => #NoSolution
let toShape = (sampleCount, d: symbolicDist): DistTypes.shape =>
switch d {
| #Float(v) => Discrete(Discrete.make(~integralSumCache=Some(1.0), {xs: [v], ys: [1.0]}))
| _ =>
let xs = interpolateXs(~xSelection=#ByWeight, d, sampleCount)
let ys = xs |> E.A.fmap(x => pdf(x, d))
Continuous(Continuous.make(~integralSumCache=Some(1.0), {xs: xs, ys: ys}))

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@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
type normal = {
mean: float,
stdev: float,
type lognormal = {
mu: float,
sigma: float,
type uniform = {
low: float,
high: float,
type beta = {
alpha: float,
beta: float,
type exponential = {rate: float};
type cauchy = {
local: float,
scale: float,
type triangular = {
low: float,
medium: float,
high: float,
type symbolicDist = [
| `Normal(normal)
| `Beta(beta)
| `Lognormal(lognormal)
| `Uniform(uniform)
| `Exponential(exponential)
| `Cauchy(cauchy)
| `Triangular(triangular)
| `Float(float) // Dirac delta at x. Practically useful only in the context of multimodals.
type analyticalSimplificationResult = [
| `AnalyticalSolution(symbolicDist)
| `Error(string)
| `NoSolution

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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
type normal = {
mean: float,
stdev: float,
type lognormal = {
mu: float,
sigma: float,
type uniform = {
low: float,
high: float,
type beta = {
alpha: float,
beta: float,
type exponential = {rate: float}
type cauchy = {
local: float,
scale: float,
type triangular = {
low: float,
medium: float,
high: float,
type symbolicDist = [
| #Normal(normal)
| #Beta(beta)
| #Lognormal(lognormal)
| #Uniform(uniform)
| #Exponential(exponential)
| #Cauchy(cauchy)
| #Triangular(triangular)
| #Float(float)
type analyticalSimplificationResult = [
| #AnalyticalSolution(symbolicDist)
| #Error(string)
| #NoSolution

View File

@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
// Todo: Another way of doing this is with [@bs.scope "normal"], which may be more elegant
type normal = {
[@bs.meth] "pdf": (float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "cdf": (float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "inv": (float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "sample": (float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "mean": (float, float) => float,
type lognormal = {
[@bs.meth] "pdf": (float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "cdf": (float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "inv": (float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "sample": (float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "mean": (float, float) => float,
type uniform = {
[@bs.meth] "pdf": (float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "cdf": (float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "inv": (float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "sample": (float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "mean": (float, float) => float,
type beta = {
[@bs.meth] "pdf": (float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "cdf": (float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "inv": (float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "sample": (float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "mean": (float, float) => float,
type exponential = {
[@bs.meth] "pdf": (float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "cdf": (float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "inv": (float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "sample": float => float,
[@bs.meth] "mean": float => float,
type cauchy = {
[@bs.meth] "pdf": (float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "cdf": (float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "inv": (float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "sample": (float, float) => float,
type triangular = {
[@bs.meth] "pdf": (float, float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "cdf": (float, float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "inv": (float, float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "sample": (float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "mean": (float, float, float) => float,
// Pareto doesn't have sample for some reason
type pareto = {
[@bs.meth] "pdf": (float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "cdf": (float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "inv": (float, float, float) => float,
type poisson = {
[@bs.meth] "pdf": (float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "cdf": (float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "sample": float => float,
[@bs.meth] "mean": float => float,
type weibull = {
[@bs.meth] "pdf": (float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "cdf": (float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "inv": (float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "sample": (float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "mean": (float, float) => float,
type binomial = {
[@bs.meth] "pdf": (float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.meth] "cdf": (float, float, float) => float,
[@bs.module "jstat"] external normal: normal = "normal";
[@bs.module "jstat"] external lognormal: lognormal = "lognormal";
[@bs.module "jstat"] external uniform: uniform = "uniform";
[@bs.module "jstat"] external beta: beta = "beta";
[@bs.module "jstat"] external exponential: exponential = "exponential";
[@bs.module "jstat"] external cauchy: cauchy = "cauchy";
[@bs.module "jstat"] external triangular: triangular = "triangular";
[@bs.module "jstat"] external poisson: poisson = "poisson";
[@bs.module "jstat"] external pareto: pareto = "pareto";
[@bs.module "jstat"] external weibull: weibull = "weibull";
[@bs.module "jstat"] external binomial: binomial = "binomial";
[@bs.module "jstat"] external sum: array(float) => float = "sum";
[@bs.module "jstat"] external product: array(float) => float = "product";
[@bs.module "jstat"] external min: array(float) => float = "min";
[@bs.module "jstat"] external max: array(float) => float = "max";
[@bs.module "jstat"] external mean: array(float) => float = "mean";
[@bs.module "jstat"] external geomean: array(float) => float = "geomean";
[@bs.module "jstat"] external mode: array(float) => float = "mode";
[@bs.module "jstat"] external variance: array(float) => float = "variance";
[@bs.module "jstat"] external deviation: array(float) => float = "deviation";
[@bs.module "jstat"] external stdev: array(float) => float = "stdev";
[@bs.module "jstat"]
external quartiles: (array(float)) => array(float) = "quartiles";
[@bs.module "jstat"]
external quantiles: (array(float), array(float)) => array(float) = "quantiles";
[@bs.module "jstat"]
external percentile: (array(float), float, bool) => float = "percentile";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
// Todo: Another way of doing this is with [@bs.scope "normal"], which may be more elegant
module Normal = {
@module("jStat") @scope("normal") external pdf: (float, float, float) => float = "pdf"
@module("jStat") @scope("normal") external cdf: (float, float, float) => float = "cdf"
@module("jStat") @scope("normal") external inv: (float, float, float) => float = "inv"
@module("jStat") @scope("normal") external sample: (float, float) => float = "sample"
@module("jStat") @scope("normal") external mean: (float, float) => float = "mean"
module Lognormal = {
@module("jStat") @scope("lognormal") external pdf: (float, float, float) => float = "pdf"
@module("jStat") @scope("lognormal") external cdf: (float, float, float) => float = "cdf"
@module("jStat") @scope("lognormal") external inv: (float, float, float) => float = "inv"
@module("jStat") @scope("lognormal") external sample: (float, float) => float = "sample"
@module("jStat") @scope("lognormal") external mean: (float, float) => float = "mean"
module Uniform = {
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external pdf: (float, float, float) => float = "pdf"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external cdf: (float, float, float) => float = "cdf"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external inv: (float, float, float) => float = "inv"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external sample: (float, float) => float = "sample"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external mean: (float, float) => float = "mean"
type beta
module Beta = {
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external pdf: (float, float, float) => float = "pdf"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external cdf: (float, float, float) => float = "cdf"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external inv: (float, float, float) => float = "inv"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external sample: (float, float) => float = "sample"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external mean: (float, float) => float = "mean"
module Exponential = {
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external pdf: (float, float) => float = "pdf"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external cdf: (float, float) => float = "cdf"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external inv: (float, float) => float = "inv"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external sample: (float) => float = "sample"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external mean: (float) => float = "mean"
module Cauchy = {
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external pdf: (float, float, float) => float = "pdf"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external cdf: (float, float, float) => float = "cdf"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external inv: (float, float, float) => float = "inv"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external sample: (float, float) => float = "sample"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external mean: (float, float) => float = "mean"
module Triangular = {
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external pdf: (float, float, float, float) => float = "pdf"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external cdf: (float, float, float, float) => float = "cdf"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external inv: (float, float, float, float) => float = "inv"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external sample: (float, float, float) => float = "sample"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external mean: (float, float, float) => float = "mean"
module Pareto = {
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external pdf: (float, float, float) => float = "pdf"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external cdf: (float, float, float) => float = "cdf"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external inv: (float, float, float) => float = "inv"
module Poisson = {
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external pdf: (float, float) => float = "pdf"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external cdf: (float, float) => float = "cdf"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external sample: (float) => float = "sample"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external mean: (float) => float = "mean"
module Weibull = {
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external pdf: (float, float, float) => float = "pdf"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external cdf: (float, float,float ) => float = "cdf"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external sample: (float,float) => float = "sample"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external mean: (float,float) => float = "mean"
module Binomial = {
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external pdf: (float, float, float) => float = "pdf"
@module("jStat") @scope("uniform") external cdf: (float, float,float ) => float = "cdf"
@module("jstat") external sum: array<float> => float = "sum"
@module("jstat") external product: array<float> => float = "product"
@module("jstat") external min: array<float> => float = "min"
@module("jstat") external max: array<float> => float = "max"
@module("jstat") external mean: array<float> => float = "mean"
@module("jstat") external geomean: array<float> => float = "geomean"
@module("jstat") external mode: array<float> => float = "mode"
@module("jstat") external variance: array<float> => float = "variance"
@module("jstat") external deviation: array<float> => float = "deviation"
@module("jstat") external stdev: array<float> => float = "stdev"
external quartiles: array<float> => array<float> = "quartiles"
external quantiles: (array<float>, array<float>) => array<float> = "quantiles"
external percentile: (array<float>, float, bool) => float = "percentile"

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
@module("jStat") @scope("normal") external mean: (float, float) => float = "mean"
let foo = mean;

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@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
[@bs.module "lodash"] external min: array('a) => 'a = "min";
[@bs.module "lodash"] external max: array('a) => 'a = "max";
[@bs.module "lodash"] external uniq: array('a) => array('a) = "uniq";
[@bs.module "lodash"]
external countBy: (array('a), 'a => 'b) => Js.Dict.t(int) = "countBy";

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
@module("lodash") external min: array<'a> => 'a = "min"
@module("lodash") external max: array<'a> => 'a = "max"
@module("lodash") external uniq: array<'a> => array<'a> = "uniq"
external countBy: (array<'a>, 'a => 'b) => Js.Dict.t<int> = "countBy"