tutorial injecting user values

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Umur Ozkul 2022-08-23 13:39:19 +02:00
parent 5bc4395ff6
commit 22e45d0e7b

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
module InternalExpressionValue = ReducerInterface_InternalExpressionValue
module Project = ForTS_ReducerProject
module Bindings = Reducer_Bindings
open Jest
open Expect
open Expect.Operators
describe("ReducerProject Tutorial", () => {
/* Let's build a project that depends on values from the UI */
let project = Project.createProject()
Project.setSource(project, "main", "x+y+z")
/* x, y and z is not defined in the project but they has to come from the user */
test("Injecting user values", () => {
/* User has input the values */
let x = 1
let y = 2
let z = 3
/* Then we construct a source code to define those values */
let userCode = `
x = ${x->Js.Int.toString}
y = ${y->Js.Int.toString}
z = ${z->Js.Int.toString}
/* We inject the user code into the project */
Project.setSource(project, "userCode", userCode)
/* "main" is depending on the user code */
Project.setContinues(project, "main", ["userCode"])
/* We can now run the project */
let result = Project.getResult(project, "main")
result->InternalExpressionValue.toStringOptionResult->expect == "Ok(6)"
/* Note that this is not final version of the project */
/* In the future, for safety, we will provide a way to inject values instead of a source code */
/* But time is limited for now... */