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2022-01-28 10:55:03 +00:00
open EntryTypes
module HS = Belt.HashMap.String
let entriesByPath: HS.t<navEntry> = HS.make(~hintSize=100)
/* Creates unique id's per scope based on title */
let buildIds = entries => {
let genId = (title, path) => {
let noSpaces = Js.String.replaceByRe(%re("/\\s+/g"), "-", title)
if !HS.has(entriesByPath, path ++ ("/" ++ noSpaces)) {
} else {
let rec loop = num => {
let testId = noSpaces ++ ("-" ++ string_of_int(num))
if !HS.has(entriesByPath, path ++ ("/" ++ testId)) {
} else {
loop(num + 1)
let rec processFolder = (f: folderEntry, curPath) => {
f.id = curPath ++ ("/" ++ genId(f.title, curPath))
HS.set(entriesByPath, f.id, FolderEntry(f))
f.children |> E.L.iter(x =>
switch x {
| CompEntry(c) => processEntry(c, f.id)
| FolderEntry(f) => processFolder(f, f.id)
and processEntry = (c: compEntry, curPath) => {
c.id = curPath ++ ("/" ++ genId(c.title, curPath))
HS.set(entriesByPath, c.id, CompEntry(c))
entries |> E.L.iter(x =>
switch x {
| CompEntry(c) => processEntry(c, "")
| FolderEntry(f) => processFolder(f, "")
let entries = Entries.entries
module Styles = {
open CssJs
let pageContainer = style(. [ display(#flex), height(#vh(100.)) ])
let leftNav = style(. [ padding(#em(2.)),
boxShadows([ Shadow.box(~x=px(-1), ~blur=px(1), ~inset=true, rgba(0, 0, 0, #percent(0.1))) ]),
let folderNav = style(. [ selector(.
[ cursor(#pointer), margin2(~v=#em(0.3), ~h=#zero), hover([ color(#hex("7089ad")) ]) ],
let folderChildren = style(. [ paddingLeft(#px(7)) ])
let compNav = style(. [ cursor(#pointer),
hover([ color(#hex("7089ad")) ]),
let compContainer = style(. [ padding(#em(2.)), flexGrow(1.) ])
// Approximate sidebar container for entry
let sidebarContainer = style(. [ maxWidth(#px(430)) ])
let folderChildContainer = style(. [ marginBottom(#em(2.)) ])
let baseUrl = "/showcase/index.html"
module Index = {
type state = {route: RescriptReactRouter.url}
type action =
| ItemClick(string)
| ChangeRoute(RescriptReactRouter.url)
let changeId = (id: string) => {
let _ = RescriptReactRouter.push(baseUrl ++ ("#" ++ id))
let buildNav = _ => {
let rec buildFolder = (f: folderEntry) =>
<div key=f.id style=Styles.folderNav>
<h4 onClick={_e => changeId(f.id)}> {f.title->React.string} </h4>
<div style=Styles.folderChildren>
|> E.L.fmap(e =>
switch e {
| FolderEntry(folder) => buildFolder(folder)
| CompEntry(entry) => buildEntry(entry)
|> E.L.toArray)->React.array}
and buildEntry = (e: compEntry) =>
<div key=e.id style=Styles.compNav onClick={_e => changeId(e.id)}>
|> E.L.fmap(e =>
switch e {
| FolderEntry(folder) => buildFolder(folder)
| CompEntry(entry) => buildEntry(entry)
|> E.L.toArray)->React.array
let renderEntry = e =>
switch e.container {
| FullWidth => e.render()
| Sidebar => <div style=Styles.sidebarContainer> {e.render()} </div>
let make = () => {
let (route, setRoute) = React.useState(() => {
let url: RescriptReactRouter.url = {path: list{}, hash: "", search: ""}
React.useState(() => {
let _ = RescriptReactRouter.watchUrl(url => setRoute(_ => url))
}) |> ignore
<div style=Styles.pageContainer>
<div style=Styles.leftNav> {buildNav(setRoute)} </div>
<div style=Styles.compContainer>
{if route.hash == "" {
} else {
switch HS.get(entriesByPath, route.hash) {
| Some(navEntry) =>
switch navEntry {
| CompEntry(c) => renderEntry(c)
| FolderEntry(f) =>
/* Rendering immediate children */
|> E.L.fmap(child =>
switch child {
| CompEntry(c) =>
<div style=Styles.folderChildContainer key=c.id> {renderEntry(c)} </div>
| _ => React.null
|> E.L.toArray)->React.array
| None => <div> {"Component not found"->React.string} </div>